Qin Xue filled two jars of each of the three kinds of wine and marked them with a pen, moved them out to separate spaces and put them away, then went into the space to seal the rest of the wine and put them under the peach blossom tree.

Next time, just open the bottle of wine. After making the wine, fill it back with soil and pick some vegetables with the basket.

Tiger-skinned green peppers made from chili peppers, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, vegetarian stir-fried cabbage, hot and sour cabbage, hot and sour shredded potatoes, braised eggplant, and shredded sweet potatoes. Just thinking about these dishes makes me drool.

It was too much for one person to finish, so I invited them to dinner when the time came.

If you can't finish it, pick it out first and give it to the two of them. When you catch a few fish, make fish head tofu soup and chop the fish head with pepper. Well, give one fish to each of Fang Hong and Yu Xiu and say you bought it.

Just do it like this, eat it first and then divide it up. I am really smart.

Qin Xue picked a basket full of vegetables and went out, found a big basin, caught a few fish and kept them in the water, and she was done.

Qin Xue made the noodles and steamed the buns to eat in the afternoon. After making the noodles, Qin Xue washed her face and lay down in bed to take a nap. She was so tired that Qin Xue soon fell asleep.

It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon when Qin Xue woke up. Qin Xue chopped the meat, seasoned it, marinated it, washed and cut the vegetables, and then started kneading the dough to make the steamed buns.

I am also familiar with Xie Jun and Xu Fangzhou. This time, in order to satisfy my appetite, I am going to invite Fang Hong and Yu Xiu's family to have a casual meal.

There were two grown men in their family who could certainly eat them, so they made more. In the end, they made forty buns and twenty steamed buns. Of course, they were all very big, only about the size of a fist.

Qin Xue thought that they wouldn't get home until seven o'clock, and Section Chief Xie and the others didn't get off work until seven-thirty, so they had to steam the buns first.

Looking at the fish, I thought there was no sauerkraut, otherwise the sauerkraut fish would taste so sour and spicy. Next time I will buy a big jar and bring back the sauerkraut.

And Chu Molin's mouth twitched when he heard the impatient closing sound after leaving the house. How much did he dislike seeing him?

Didn't she like him the most before, and she just wanted to attract his attention?

But now she is being disliked by her like the plague. Whether she really doesn't know him or is playing hard to get, you will know when the time comes. Now let's finish the work first.

I saw Li Dabao and the others downstairs and took them to the section chief's office:

"Section Chief, we are back after completing our mission." Chu Molin and the others reported after seeing Xie Jun.

"Okay, okay, just come back. How was the mission accomplished? Are you injured?" Xie Jun looked at the young men in front of him.

Originally Xie Jun was going to lead the team this time, but later the bureau and department had a meeting, so Chu Molin was asked to lead the team.

It was only because Chu Molin had the ability that Xie Jun dared to let him lead the team. After all, the goal this time was not simple.

"Fortunately, we were not injured, but we didn't catch anyone." Chu Molin said in a low voice.

"Has that thing been taken away?" Xie Jun also looked serious after hearing this.

"No, we just came back. All the things were on us, and the others were destroyed by us." Chu Molin was slightly injured himself, but he just ignored it and went back to the hospital without going to the hospital.

"Okay, you guys go back and have a good rest first. We'll talk about the rest after you've rested." Xie Jun looked at a man with a tired face and black eyes under his eyes.

"Yes, thank you section chief." Several people saluted and expressed their thanks.

"By the way, Chu Molin is staying, and everyone else should go back and rest." Xie Jun thought that Qin Xue was injured and had to tell Chu Molin.

"Section Chief, what's the matter?" Chu Molin originally wanted to go back to his office.

"Well, I just wanted to tell you to come to me after get off work. I have something to tell you. Now you can go and rest." Xie Jun waved his hand and asked Chu Molin to go out.

After Chu Molin left, he rubbed his eyebrows and thought about how to better clarify the ingredients of things.

Chu Molin did not go back to rest, but returned to his office.

This mission also made Chu Molin see many shortcomings. It seemed that he needed to draw up a training plan to strengthen training.

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