Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 84 Disguised version of the secret of mind reading! (please collect)

Thank you [Kowloon Supreme Emperor] for your support!


"Qingyu, what's wrong with you? Why did you run to another group?" Yamanaka Izumi complained angrily.

"My eyes are dazzled..." Qingyu said with a helpless smile.

"Look more clearly next time, it's such a joke!" Izumi Yamanaka felt a little unhappy. He had just attracted the attention of the people around him, but before he could show off, he was overshadowed by Qingyu's silly look. .

"Absolutely." Qingyu nodded repeatedly, acting very timid.


When Yamanaka Izumi saw Qingyu's appearance, he had nothing to say for a moment.

I couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

The newcomers encountered by other groups are all physically strong and can use as many mind-reading secrets as possible.

But his group.

Spread out a Qingyu.

No one has this shabby physical fitness!

It’s so bad!

It took less than ten minutes, but he was still so exhausted that he couldn't even recognize his teammates. It was a joke.

Qingyu didn't care at all about Yamanaka Izumi's contempt.

On the contrary, he prefers this feeling of being looked down upon, and wishes everyone would treat him as a weakling.


Aoyu retreated behind Yamanaka Izumi and Yamanaka Kazuma, sat on the ground again, hugged his knees with his hands, buried his head between his arms, and hid the expression on his face.

All of a sudden.

Qingyu begins to read Yu Ren's memory.

Scene after scene, scenes appeared in his mind, and many details could be clearly seen.

Find quickly.

Almost instantly.

Qingyu found the scene that the team next to him was looking for.

Konoha Village, a certain street.

In front of the candied haws stall.

Yu Ren pretended to buy candied haws, staring at the candied haws, but his attention was on Awu in front of him.

"Awu, Lord Xiongta has been missing for a day, is there any accident?" Yu Ren asked.

"No." Awu said firmly.

"How are you sure?" Yu Ren asked puzzledly.

"I went to Mr. Xiong's house last night and found traces of Mr. Xiong's activities. I also found the torture department through Mr. Xiong's scent. If I am right, he should have returned to the torture department." Awu said.

"I see." Yu Ren nodded, and then muttered: "Then why doesn't Mr. Xiongda come out?"

"If I guessed correctly, he is carrying out a special plan, because I smelled a familiar smell in Mr. Xiongta's house." Awu said.

"Familiar smell?" Yu Ren's face suddenly changed. He knew that the nose of Awu in front of him was much sharper than that of ordinary people. Awu was from the Inuzuka clan.

"I think I guessed the identity of that person." Awu smiled meaningfully.

"Who?" Yu Ren asked curiously.

"It's better that you don't know some things." Awu shook his head and didn't tell Yu Ren, but he still said to himself, "I'm going to find him. If I find him, I can find Mr. Xiongda."

Qingyu slowly opened his eyes.

This scene.

This is the clue that Yu Ren knows.

It's not that the three sentient ninjas from the mountain clan couldn't find his name, even Yu Ren didn't know his name.


A look of thought flashed through Qingyu's solemn eyes. He knew that Takeru was a member of the Inuzuka clan, and he got it from Takeshi's memory.

I just didn't expect Awu to remember his scent.

Then just after Yamanaka Yuta disappeared, I went to Yamanaka Yuta's house and smelled his scent.

This will allow Awu to guess his identity.


I found myself by following the smell.

Qingyu understands everything now. It seems that Yamanaka Yuta did not tell these people the plan, but Wu guessed it through the smell.

If he hadn't gone to Awu.

Perhaps Awu would not so easily determine that the person who went to Yuta's house in the mountains was him.

There is no need to worry about this now.

Yamanaka Yuta's residence had been burned down by the remnants of the fighting last night.

After all, there is a lot of information to be destroyed!


Now it is simply impossible to find Qingyu through scent.

"A false alarm."

Qingyu slowly breathed a sigh of relief, now he knew that Yu Ren didn't know anything.


Qingyu did not take it lightly.

A new plan formed in his mind.

So many people are searching for memories right now.

And the exploration is repeated.


It is inevitable that everyone will know that "that person" exists in Yu Ren.

There is no way to hide this.

According to Danzo's suspicious character, he must find the identity of "that person".

If you want to solve this matter.

Then you need to give an identity!

"What identity would Danzo immediately believe?"

Qingyu was thinking quickly in his mind.

"I don't see Nara Tetsu's body now. I left that body there intentionally. There is no reason for Danzo to finally explore Nara Tetsu's memory."

"Since he did not appear in the first batch, it can be inferred that Danzo should have sent someone to search for Nara Tetsu's memory. It is likely that he is a relatively important person in the Yamanaka clan, or someone from within the root."

"If there are no accidents, the last thing I said about Uchiha Fugaku should be heard by Danzo. Danzo himself has a prejudice against the Uchiha clan. Although Uchiha's water escape is very strange, the more strange it is, the more Danzo becomes. I will doubt it.”

"What I have to do now is to go with the flow and get myself out..."

After thinking about it, Qingyu immediately came to a conclusion.


Qingyu slowly raised his head.

Got up and stood up.

Walked towards Koushiro's body.

"Let me explore further."

Qingyu took the initiative to invite Ying and said that it was just after Yamanaka Izumi used the mind-reading secret technique, and Yamanaka Kazuma had not yet started to use the mind-reading secret technique. The two of them were discussing the location of the memory point in order to achieve the purpose of cooperation.


Yamanaka Kazuma was stunned for a moment, staring at Qingyu with a strange expression.

"Didn't you just finish?"

"A second time now?"

"Can your body handle it?"

"How about you wait until I'm done and come back?"

Yamanaka Kazuma's words contained both ridicule for Aoyu and concern for Aoyu. This is a very complicated emotion.

"I took a rest for a while. I think I can do it. Let me try. I also want to do my best." Qingyu nodded and said.

"You go ahead." Yamanaka Kazuma nodded, and then continued to discuss with Yamanaka Izumi. He didn't take Qingyu seriously at all. He didn't think Qingyu could find any memories at all.


Qingyu nodded and immediately walked towards Guangzilang's body and stood above Guangzilang's head.

He raised his hands and pressed them on Mitsuko's temples.


Casting a disguised version of the secret art of mind reading...

Thanks to the [Shimura Group Funeral] boss for the reward and support!

Thanks to [Shi Tianfeng himself] for the reward and support! (PS: That’s right, it’s me. I collected a reward and lottery and won the Baize elastic doll. Lucky~)

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