Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 688 Is there really such a possibility? ([Monthly ticket] Supplement)

Qing Yu directly proposed a terrifying idea.

After he said this sentence.

Immediately attracted the attention of Namikaze Minato.

"What's the meaning?"

Namikaze Minato was stunned for a moment, he faintly felt that Qingyu seemed to have found something special, which might be a very important thing.

All of a sudden, his mind began to think quickly.

But the thing is like this, when two people are discussing, everyone can only follow the other person's thinking in their own thinking, but they can't think from the perspective of the other person.

The ideas of the two are completely different.

So even if Namikaze Minato felt something, the only thing he could do was to listen to Qingyu's words with full concentration, and try to keep up with Qingyu's thinking as much as possible.

Only in this way can we fully understand what Qingyu wants to say.


It can be said that there is no other way.

Now Minakame's thoughts are completely concentrated, his breathing has become much slower, he is silently looking at Qingyu, wanting to know what this person is trying to express.

"Qing Yu."

"Did you realize something?"

"Speak out!"

Namikaze Minato immediately said to Qingyu, he is very clear about people's thoughts, sometimes it just flashes by.

When you have any thoughts, you must speak them out immediately.

Otherwise, there is a high possibility of something going wrong.

It may even be forgotten.

So when he has any situation, he will solve it quickly at the first time, and say everything clearly, so as not to forget anything later.

Now this time.

Namikaze Minato's thoughts have already said almost the same.

He said that everything that can be expressed has been expressed, and there is no problem of forgetting, but now he pays more attention to what Qingyu said.

He was afraid that Qingyu's flash of inspiration would be forgotten.

People's inspirations are like this when they are truthful and they are not spoken out. If they are interrupted or delayed for a while, they may be forgotten.

Once a thought that can pass by in a flash is suddenly forgotten, it is difficult to recall it again, because sometimes people need to reorganize their thoughts, but they may not have such a chance.

Namikaze Minato stared at Qingyu intently, he stopped talking, just because he was afraid that it might disturb Qingyu's train of thought.

"I just thought of this because you mentioned it."

Qing Yu took a deep breath, his face was extremely serious, as if he had thought of something.

In fact, he was right.

No deceit is said at this point.

After all, before Namikaze Minato said these things, he didn't think about it at all.

But now based on these words of Namikaze Minato, he already has a lot of ideas.

It is precisely along these lines of thought that I came up here.

"Just now we talked about two possibilities for this matter."

"One is what Orochimaru and Danzo said, and the words about the third generation are true."

"The other is fake."

"The premise of this has just been discussed by us."

"If what Orochimaru and Danzo said is true, then it is very likely that they are standing in the opposition of the third generation, and they want to drag the third generation into the water through exposure."

"But we feel that Sandai and Danzo are still on the same side."

"That is to say, the purpose of their exposure is not to bring down the third generation."

"It's okay for me to say that?"

Please look at Namikaze Minato, he explained these words, the meaning expressed is very clear, it is exactly what the latter said before, but he just reorganized it formally.

"no problem."

Namikaze Minato nodded, he still didn't know what Qingyu was thinking of, and he was spinning along with Qingyu's thoughts.

This is indeed the original appearance of this matter as he knows it. The third generation cooperated with Orochimaru and Danzo, and first deliberately used these topics that seemed to point to him, and then aroused the heat and finally studied resignation.

But until the moment of resignation, the third generation did not say any words of acknowledgment.

In other words, in fact, the third generation still retains the possibility of retracting the confession, no, in fact, he did not confess at all.

These black materials that seem to be intentionally or unintentionally linked to past events are likely to be deliberately pointed to the black pot of the third generation, and then introduced him into the pit through this method.

Until the moment he actually succeeds Hokage, he will be criticized by the third generation. In the end, he can't argue with a hundred words and enters the abyss of eternal doom.

In this way, the three generations have been successfully whitewashed, after all, he did not do those things, and then he paid another crime to blame the three generations, then it will become black, and there will be no successful heirs at that time, and It is also impossible for him to continue to serve as Hokage after inheriting the position of Hokage for the last three generations.

At least Namikaze Minato thinks so.

There is a conspiracy in it, a big conspiracy.

Namikaze Minato felt that Sandai was going through such things, building everything on this threat, and then suppressing himself, and finally pouring all the dirty water on himself.

That's exactly what he's thinking now.

It's just that this idea has not been fully confirmed.

In fact, he was still very puzzled.

In particular, he really wanted to know what exactly Qingyu wanted to express.

"Since there is a whitewashing step in this process, then..."

Qingyu intentionally made his voice very long, his eyes narrowed slightly, and they landed on Namikaze Minato, a faint smile appeared between the corners of his eyes.

It can already be seen from the way he expresses now.

In fact, his mind is already planning.

"If I belonged to the third generation, instead of making up these stories, it would be better to tell the real story directly. Anyway, it will be washed out in the end, and everything will be blamed on you."

"The end result is..."

"No matter what Orochimaru and Danzo said about the black material, it will be washed away. Everything they said has nothing to do with him at all."

"Then why not say something real?"

"Only the truth can attract people's attention. When everyone recalls these things, they will feel that the three generations are indisputable."

"But as time goes by, when everyone finds that the third generation has not responded, they will feel that there is something strange about it, and in the end the third generation will be whitewashed, then everything that was said before will naturally not be what the third generation did. .”

"The reason for this period, maybe everyone's attention was no longer here at that time, no one went to deliberate in detail, but just poured their anger on the matter you instructed Orochimaru and Danzo."

"In that case, why not say something more real?"

The corners of Qingyu's mouth turned up slightly, showing a smile. When he said these words, he had already thought about what to say next. Originally, he didn't know how to round down, because when he came, he thought Bo Feng Shuimen found him because of the problem of love, but he found that Namikaze Minato did see a little bit, but the angle he saw through was completely different from the angle he thought about.

That is to say, Namikaze Minato didn't completely see through the essence of this matter, but instead imagined the most likely answer based on what he imagined.

Of course, this can't be completely blamed on Namikaze Minato, because he has already ruled out a correct answer first. After all, the correct answer is too outrageous, and no one would believe it.

Now that the correct answer has been ruled out, Qing Yu is actually very satisfied in her heart.

The original hanging heart was also let go, there was no longer any excessive worry, and it entered into its own rhythm.


Namikaze Minato suddenly widened his eyes, his pupils contracted fiercely, and he showed a very shocked look. He never thought that there was such a possibility, but after he listened to Qingyu's words, he I suddenly felt that this possibility was the most likely thing again.

"If these things are true..."


"Three generations don't need to fabricate it at all!"

"These things happened in the real world, and only when they happened in the real world can people be brought into it, so that there won't be too much doubt at this stage."

"If they were to make it up now, they wouldn't be able to think of so many things, especially in such a short period of time."

"The only explanation is that these things are true!"

"Since the three generations have dared to act in such a play, they will naturally dare to tell the truth!"

"That is to say..."

"These things could absolutely be real."

"It was indeed made by three generations."

"After all, the third generation is very courageous."

"Then that's most likely the cause of everything."

"He can not only keep the position of Hokage in this way, but also solve the historical problems that have been left over."

"So standing directly under the sun will not suffer any further damage."

Namikaze Minato silently analyzed, he discovered the problem of this matter, and also discovered the insidiousness and cunning of the third generation.

It's really not a normal problem.

Not so easy to fix.

He has tried his best to think of the third generation on the sinister side, but now he finds that he is still wrong.

In fact.

The third generation is far more sinister than he imagined.

It's not that simple at all.

The matter itself was more complicated than he imagined.

It has exceeded the scope of his expectations.

It's not that easy to solve at all.


Minato Namikaze couldn't help but take a deep breath when he thought of this, he has already realized the most critical part of this problem, that is, the third generation not only got him involved, but also used this method to whitewash the things he had done, and also You can keep the Hokage position.

Just thinking about it in this way makes it extremely difficult.

"I really don't know how I came up with it now."

Namikaze Minato said with a sigh.

Now he has completely regarded the results of the analysis as the truth.

After all, from the moment he began to doubt the third generation, he had already identified the third generation in his heart.

"Is there really such a possibility?"

Qingyu looked towards Minato with long eyes, and he continued to induce Minato little by little, leading the whole topic in this direction.

In fact, he did not expect that these things would evolve into the current state at the beginning. This was not something he could do alone, but the result of discussions between Namikaze Minato and him. analysis, and finally draw conclusions.

To know……

Now this result, even if he wanted to fabricate it, he didn't have such a rich brain cell.

But after Namikaze Minato gave him such a framework.

He found everything a lot easier.

There is also an outline to guide gradually.

Step by step, he walked in the direction he wanted to express.


Qingyu has already grasped the situation.

The next thing will be under his control, and he clearly understands how to deal with it next.

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