Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 446 The Shocked Danzo! (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

After Sandai said these words, he stared at Qingyu coldly, now he didn't know what kind of purpose this person was, so he didn't dare to relax.

Danzo is really important to him!

Of course, he hopes that Danzo can be cured, so that it can provide him with great help in the next third Ninja World War.


The premise is that it can be cured.

If Danzo is not cured...

That's another story.

Now the third generation is not sure what kind of plan the ninja of the Uzumaki clan in front of him is playing. He is a little bit uncertain for a while, and he dare not let the other party contact Danzo rashly, even though the other party is the one who cured Danzo.


Qingyu nodded, and he didn't bother with Sandai, but he was in a good mood today. If Sandai talked to him like this at any other time, Danzo's injuries would not be cured.

"let's go."

Qingyu continued to walk towards the door of Hokage's office. He had treated Danzo's injuries before, and he knew that the opposite of the office was the place where Danzo recuperated.

Judging from Danzo's current injuries.

I am still there.

Will not move easily.

After all, that would be very risky.

As for the three generations to watch this kind of thing...

Qingyu didn't care at all, he just went to watch if he wanted to. Anyway, he was really going to treat Danzo's injury, and he didn't want to do anything. After all, he had already finished the previous sealing work, so there was nothing to worry about. worried.

The third generation stared at Qingyu with both eyes, he watched Qingyu just walk over without saying a word.

After a while.

Sandai shifted his gaze to Shikahisa Nara.

"Lu Jiu, you have nothing to do here, you go back first, I'll take care of the rest." Sandai said in a deep voice.


Nara Shikahisa nodded in response, then left Hokage's office and walked towards the corridor.

Nara Shikahisa didn't say a single unnecessary word.

But his heart has become extremely complicated.

Everything is what Qingyu said just now.

Doesn't seem to have much of an impact.

But it was like a small pebble thrown into a calm river, causing ripples, making his mood turbulent.

"Did I really trust my own judgment too much?"

Nara Shikajiu didn't know why, but when he thought of Qingyu's matter, he believed in his own judgment very much at that time, and decided that Qingyu was cheating, but through subsequent investigations, he found that the truth of the matter was very different from what he knew. access.

Now let's go through these words spoken by this existence who easily deciphered his shadow resemblance technique.

This made his mind even more confused

This moment.

Nara Shikahisa was walking towards the outside of Hokage's office, what Aoba said just now was in his mind.

"If I hadn't appeared just now..."

"Did the third generation take action?"


"Aren't the Uzumaki clan the friendliest partners of our Konoha Village?"


"I obviously feel strong vigilance and hostility from the third generation."

"Is there something going on here?"

Nara Shikahisa kept thinking in his heart, he also wanted to stop thinking so much, but he couldn't control his head at all.

There is simply no way.

Just can't help but think about things like this.


Qingyu's words subverted his cognition to some extent.

Not only his own cognition, but also the cognition of the three generations, which is completely different from his previous understanding.

"Should I think about it..."

Nara Shikahisa took a deep breath. Now he is only sixteen years old, in the same class as Aoba. Although he is very smart, the youthful and energetic period made him less thinking and restrained, so that In the judgment of many things, too subjective answers are given.

After what happened this time.

It was like alarm bells were ringing in his head.

Shikahisa Nara is not such a stubborn person who can't reflect on himself, but he didn't realize this before, and what happened now made him aware of these problems.


Nara Shikahisa's departure did not have any impact on Aoba and Sandai, and the two came to the door of the room where Danzo was located one after another.

Qingyu raised her hand and wanted to push the door directly, but at this moment her ears moved slightly, and she heard the voice inside, and immediately transformed her palm into a fist, from pushing the door to knocking on the door.

Boom boom boom...

The sound of knocking on the door immediately attracted the attention of the people inside.


A steady voice sounded from inside the door. The owner of the voice was Zhuan Xiaochun, the advisor of Muye Village. Qing Yu had heard her voice several times, and she was quite familiar with it.


Qingyu took a step back.

Then lowered his voice.

Gather chakra in the throat.

Use a very deep tone to simulate the voice of the third generation.

"It's me, Sun Zhan."

The words Qingyu said, from the tone to the voice, are almost exactly the same as those of the three generations, and they are already indistinguishable.

This kind of sudden thing.

Immediately, Sandai's eyes widened.

Can't believe my ears.


Three generations ago, he had never encountered such an existence that could pretend to be someone else's voice. What he saw most was that he could disguise his own voice so that people could not hear the original voice, but directly imitated the way another person spoke. This was really beyond his comprehension.

"It's just a little ability."

Qingyu deliberately leaked this ability to the third generation, not to show off, nor to expose anything on purpose, but to pave the way for his future plans.

To know……

He can now be said to have planted a seed in the heads of three generations.

There is no need for him to perform operations such as watering.

Just at the right time.

This seed can take root and germinate naturally, and even produce unexpected effects.


The third generation didn't say anything, but his face had become ugly, and he felt a sense of fear of unknown things in his heart.

Now the abilities that the ninjas of the Uzumaki clan should have had instinctive fear in his heart.

This is no small matter.

If you can stand here and imitate his voice in front of him today, will you pretend to be him and imitate his voice in other places tomorrow?

Then things get complicated.

the most important is……

Except for his voice.

Who else would this person imitate?

Such question marks immediately appeared on Sandai's body, making him extremely confused and puzzled, and raised the danger level of this ninja named Uzumaki Nagato to another level in his heart.


Just when the third generation was thinking.

The door of Danzo's house opened.

The one who opened the door was Zhuan Xiaochun, the consultant of Konoha Village.


The moment Zhuanzhu Xiaochun opened the door, she immediately saw Qingyu standing in the doorway wearing a mask, and immediately let out a light humming sound, showing her doubts.

"Who are you?"

"How will you be here?"

"What are you doing here?"

Turning to bed Xiaochun directly asked Qingyu three consecutive questions. When she was asking these questions, she saw the third generation next to her, and knew that this person might be related to the third generation, but it still aroused her dissatisfaction.

She doesn't like people wearing masks!

Especially wearing a mask in front of her!

This made her feel uncomfortable that she didn't know who the other party was!

Apart from the above points...

What she doesn't like even more is the person wearing a mask in Danzo's room, which reminds her of the unreasonable kid who treated Danzo's injuries.

"Master Xiaochun, have you forgotten me so quickly? At that time, you wanted to keep me here and not let me leave."

Qingyu said meaningfully.

Say it.

Qingyu walked directly into Danzo's room.

She didn't ask for the consent of Zhuanshu Xiaochun at all.

"What do you mean?" Turning to bed Xiaochun frowned tightly. After all, she is a consultant of the dignified Muye Village. When encountering such a thing, she felt very upset, and then she glared at Qingyu and said, "Take your mask pick up!"

"My mask will not be taken off. As for what I mean, let the third Hokage-sama answer you."

When Qingyu spoke, every step seemed to be like traveling through space, crossing a huge distance.

In just a few steps.

Already under the watchful eyes of Sandai and Zhuanju Xiaochun, I came to Danzang's spread.

This feeling brings about a profoundly unreal feeling in them.

The steps are still the same.

However, the distance of each step has changed from the original distance to a large space, showing a feeling of shrinking.

"You..." Zhuanzhu Xiaochun was going to intercept Qingyu just now, but before she could make a move, this person had already arrived at Danzo's side.

"Xiaochun, let me explain..." The third generation reluctantly walked to the side of Xiaochun who turned to sleep, and said in a low voice. After these things, he found that the ninja of the Uzumaki clan in front of him was very difficult, and the oppression brought to him was already gone. It is not weaker than the Uzumaki Mito back then.

"What's going on?" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun had a lot of question marks in his head.

"He is the one who treated Danzo last time." Sandai said in a deep voice.

"Are you sure?" Turning to sleep Xiaochun stared at Qingyu carefully for a few times, and then said: "This breath is not right!"

"I think he has used a certain amount of camouflage. This camouflage is so advanced that it can even imitate my voice. It wasn't me who was talking to you outside the door just now, but him." Just thinking about it, the third generation felt that Somewhat scary.

"There is such a thing!" Turning to sleep, Xiaochun's eyes widened. She recalled the person talking to her outside, and she didn't notice any abnormalities at all. If the third generation didn't say anything, she would still feel that the person who spoke , that is, three generations.

"the most important is……"

The third generation suddenly took a deep breath, he drew his voice very long, and finally took a deep look at Zhuanzhu Xiaochun, and said: "He is a member of the Uzumaki clan!"

"Are you sure?" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun's complexion changed again and again. As a consultant of Muye Village, she knew very well what the concept of the Uzumaki ninja was, and then asked: "This is not a trivial matter."

"I can be sure that he is definitely a ninja from the Uzumaki Clan, and he himself admitted it. The only thing that confuses me is his purpose of coming here." The third generation whispered.

"What is he going to do now?" Turning Sleeping Xiaochun frowned, and after hearing the third generation's retelling, she didn't dare to act rashly.

"He said he was going to heal Danzo!" Sandai's voice became even deeper.


Now for this thing.

Qingyu stood beside Danzo's bed.

He looked down at Danzo.

Danzo seemed to sense that someone was coming, and opened the exposed eye. After seeing Qingyu wearing a mask, he closed his eyes again.

This feeling is like not taking Qingyu seriously.

"Don't you know me?"

The corners of the mouth behind Qingyu's mask were slightly raised. When he was speaking, he tapped Danzo's body lightly with his fingers, and suddenly a seal force surged out from Danzo's heart, directly It spread to Danzo's whole body and directly took over Danzo's body control.


Danzo widened his eyes.

He immediately understood the identity of the visitor.

not someone else.

It was the person who arranged these seals on him.

All of a sudden.

Danzo's eyes flickered with horror.

Not to mention that his current body made him unable to speak at all, even if his body returned to normal, he would still be unable to speak because of the bondage of the seal of the root of evil on his tongue.

"You understand what I mean by coming here!"

Qingyu said lightly, his fingers left Danzo's body, and then lightly hooked, Danzo's body seemed to be pulled by a force, and he sat up directly from the bed.

Crack, bang, bang, bang...

Danzo's body joints made crisp sounds because he hadn't moved for a long time. Along with these sounds, Danzo sat up in a daze.

Such an accident fell into the eyes of Sandai and Zhuanzhu Xiaochun, as if Danzo sat up by himself, and it seemed incredible like a medical miracle.

"Now I'm going to treat you!"

After Qingyu finished speaking, she pushed her finger again, and the chakras that contained the sealing power directly returned along the original path, and quickly returned to Danzo's heart.


The sense of control is gone.

This made Danzo feel like he was alive after a catastrophe, as if at that moment just now, his life didn't belong to him anymore.




A variety of negative emotions filled Danzo's heart.

These emotions told him to stay away from the person in front of him, even if he could not get treatment, he could not get close to this person.

This person is very dangerous!


There was nothing he could do.

Just when Danzo was in a mess, Qingyu had already come to his side, grabbed his shoulders with both hands, and directly lifted him up.

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