Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 38 A divine assist from the hand! (please collect)

"You seem tired?"

Minato sat next to Aoyu, his blue pupils staring closely at Aoyu's pale cheeks, his eyes flashing with concern.

Just after Minato sat down, Kushina also sat down.

"What a coincidence!"

A smile appeared on Kushina's face and she said to Qingyu: "On the way here just now, we were still wondering if we would meet you!"

"Is it such a coincidence?"

Qingyu grinned, his smile full of exhaustion. Just from the appearance, it gave people a feeling of vicissitudes of life.


These are all expressed with superb acting skills condensed after reading countless memories.

As the saying goes, art comes from life.

When many old artists are honing their acting skills, they need to get closer to life and feel life so that they can perform true feelings.

Qingyu is well-informed and has accumulated a wealth of experience through these memories.

What a coincidence!

What a coincidence!

If you haven’t arrived at Watergate on the last day of this holiday...

Qingyu is about to implement plan B!

"What happened?"

Minato frowned slightly. Just by seeing Qingyu's appearance, he felt that something seemed to have happened to Qingyu.


Qingyu waved his hands, forced a forced smile, and said, "Nothing happened to me."

"Cough cough... cough cough cough..."

Just when Qingyu finished speaking, he accidentally choked on his own saliva when he heard Qingyu speaking, and he coughed twice.

Immediately afterwards.

Hand beating begins immediately below.

Pretend you didn't hear anything.

at the same time.

Minato and Kushina looked at each other, and they could see confusion in each other's eyes.

"Qingyu, are you hiding something from me?" Minato asked.

"Qingyu, you can trust us. Minato has been thinking about you these days and has wanted to go to ANBU to see you several times." Kushina followed.

"I'm really fine..." Qingyu waved his hands again, his eyes panicked, looking left and right, not daring to look directly into Minato's eyes, showing a feeling of hiding something.

"Qingyu, don't you treat me as a friend?" Minato's face suddenly became serious. He was very enthusiastic. Qingyu was his friend when he was in the ninja school. Regarding friends, he Still very concerned about it.

"Yes! Yes! Don't you think of us as friends?" Kushina put her hands on her waist and started to stir up the atmosphere.


Aoyu pursed his lips, showing an embarrassed look. He slowly raised his eyelids and focused his gaze on Minato's blue eyes.

Their eyes only collided for a moment.

Qingyu immediately looked away.

And lowered his head slightly.


Qingyu breathed a heavy sigh of relief, as if he was having some ideological struggle.

Minato and Kushina saw Aoba's appearance and looked at each other again, both of them could see each other's thoughts in each other's eyes.

Absolutely right!

Qingyu is in trouble!


Qingyu didn't say anything!

The eyes of the two separated. Minato stared at Qingyu solemnly. He did not continue to ask questions and decided to give Qingyu some time, but he became more determined in his heart and must help his friend solve the problem!


Qingyu breathed a last sigh of relief and looked down at the dark yellow wooden table.

"Nothing happened."

"It's just that I don't live up to my expectations!"


"You know."

"I'm not in good health."


"very tired."

Qingyu said intermittently, his tone full of fatigue. When he finished the last sentence, he looked up at Minato, his eyes flashed with relief, as if he had been relieved after saying these words.

"This won't work!"

Minato's face was serious. He knew very well that Aoyu was not in good health. After all, the latter dropped out of school for this reason.

"It's okay, I'll just adjust it. Thank you for your concern!" Qingyu forced a smile.

"No! This is not a solution to the problem! How about I find a way to get you out of the ANBU!" Minato said in a deep voice, worry flashing in his eyes. He smelled danger in Aoyu's tired posture. Breath, if this continues, he may die suddenly due to overexertion.

"No, never, I like ANBU's work very much. I found the value of my existence there. I don't want to leave ANBU." Qingyu shook his head repeatedly and became serious instantly. Through such changes in his expression, he told Minato that he was not here. Joking, he continued: "I'm really fine. You don't have to worry too much and don't bother me so much. I'm... very good now!"

"Then...this..." Minato was stunned, not knowing what to say, and the situation suddenly froze.

"The noodles are ready!"

Just when Minato was thinking about what to say, Tezuna faced them with a dinner plate on which were three bowls of noodles.


Shou Da placed three bowls of noodles in front of the three of them.


"let me tell you……"

"I have seen with my own eyes how tired this kid is!"

"I can't even eat the noodles without taking a breath."

"You have to help your friend!"

Shou Da said with a smile. After finishing speaking, he glanced at Qing Yu and winked at Qing Yu without any trace.

"I want to help, but I don't know how. You heard it too. He doesn't want to leave ANBU..." Minato said with a bitter smile.

"Isn't this simple?" Shou Da said with a smile: "His tired look is just like when I was closing the door after cooking noodles for a day. If you asked me to close the noodle shop, I wouldn't be happy, but if you do it for me I might be able to recover in one day, what he needs is not to leave ANBU, but to have more time to rest!"

"That's it!" Minato's eyes suddenly lit up, he slapped his forehead suddenly, and said, "Why didn't I think of that!"

At this moment.

Qingyu's eyes widened.

Can't believe my ears.


He has almost laid the groundwork and is about to find the right opportunity to say this.

Never expected that!

The hand strike actually gave him a divine assist!

This is simply too great!

The surprise in Qingyu's eyes disappeared in an instant, and then turned to thinking, as if he was thinking about what he just said about taking a rest.

"Qingyu, I think Brother Ichiraku is right. You are too tired and need to rest for a while. Why don't you ask for leave to rest?" Minato said to Qingyu seriously. He really cared about Qingyu. , I don’t want Qingyu to have any accidents because he is too tired.

"But... my vacation is used up!" Qingyu said in embarrassment.

"Anbu's holidays are indeed quite strict..."

Minato nodded. He was very familiar with the operation of the village. After thinking for a moment, he made a decision and patted his chest as a gesture of assurance.

"Qingyu, leave this matter to me. I will apply for a holiday for you, but you must promise me to have a good rest. Work is important, but good health is more important!"

Thanks to [Lin Taiyin] for the reward and support!

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