Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Vol 2 Chapter 559: absolute strength

Yuan Tianfan was a little confused when he left Bao Zixuan's office. When should things in the financial field be solved by industry. This is what makes the science and engineering boss different, but not to mention the effect is really effective. Even someone who has been in the financial field for many years never thought of it, and neither did the management of Morgan Bank.

Bao Zixuan's words still echoed in his mind. Americans seemed to support Israel very much, but no one dared to move industrial enterprises there. Although Jews are very rich in the United States, they are a minority after all, and they are basically engaged in finance, entertainment and other industries. Americans will not build important factories in Israel, and the people and other people in power will not agree.

A country that wants to develop, especially a country like Israel without industry, is courting death. As a national weapon and equipment that requires all people to be soldiers, it will be very passive if it cannot be produced by itself; coupled with its small land area, it can only develop high-tech industries. At this time, the Black Cloud Group agreed to go to Israel to establish a chip production base. Israel, which has already tasted the sweetness in the CNC machine tool factory, will of course warmly welcome it.

Regarding the additional conditions proposed by the Black Cloud Group to stabilize the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate in the London financial market, the Rothschild family agreed without thinking. It can be said that in order to make Israel stronger, the Rothschild family will definitely spare no effort, and would rather lose some family interests, as long as it is beneficial to Israel, they will never back down. Only they know the suffering that the Jews have endured, and they will not be afraid even if they sacrifice their lives in order to prevent this from happening.

As for the people in the Middle East, they are a model of people who are stupid and have a lot of money. The establishment of a steel plant and a ground-effect aircraft factory by the Black Cloud Group in Saudi Arabia can enhance the overall national strength of the entire country. If you spend a little more money, you can bring the factory back to Saudi Arabia, which is better than spending a lot of money to buy weapons and equipment from European and American countries.

Bao Zixuan put forward this condition to seize the needs of the two countries for industry. The international hot money led by Morgan Bank faced not only the people of Hong Kong, but also wealthy Jews and Arabs.

Although the Morgan family is also Jewish, they do not recognize Israel as much as other Jewish families, and the reason is unknown.

HSBC is very efficient, and it started to deal with the borrowing of funds the next day. The premise is that Morgan Bank will take out at least 30% of the shares of Ocean Milan Bank as a sincerity, and only in this way can the transaction be reached.

Morgan Bank is also surprisingly efficient this time. It directly purchased a 31.2% stake in Ocean Milan Bank from a financial institution at a high price, and then sold it to HSBC for $1.9 billion. The transaction time is only 7 days. In the United States, only the Morgan family has such skills. Generally, corporate acquisitions and approvals by the Ministry of Commerce do not take so long.

During this week, HSBC is also mobilizing funds. Now too much funds have flowed to Heiyun Bank. Although their capital reserves are lush, they will definitely be stretched after 100 billion is taken out.

Shen Bi's approach is to increase the interest rate of bank deposits, not to mention that this trick is really effective. As the quasi-central bank of Hong Kong, HSBC has attracted a large number of people to save money at this time in order to stabilize the exchange rate and increase the deposit interest. No matter how fast the development of Heiyun Bank is, how rich Bao Zixuan is. Some people in Hong Kong will still believe in HSBC. The brand precipitation and reputation of so many years cannot be caught up overnight.

HSBC's move to raise interest rates has made small and medium-sized banks in Hong Kong even more miserable. This is often the case. When the industry leader and the second child fight, the third child must be unlucky.

Mo Keyuan informed Yuan Tianfan of the funds mobilized by HSBC every day, and saw that tens of billions of funds were deposited into HSBC every day. Bao Zixuan knew that the trading day was coming soon.

Shen Bi was very excited after seeing Morgan Bank come up with the equity transfer agreement, and they had secretly acquired the shares of Ocean Milan Bank; however, this bank has already been controlled by HSBC, at least it has a foothold in the United States.

At the same time, Morgan Bank sent a carload of US dollars to HSBC, and when it came out, it was exchanged for a carload of Hong Kong dollars. This kind of scene is not only in Hong Kong, but also in New York, London, and all over the world.

A total of 58 HSBC branches around the world participated in the operation, and the total debtor was Mo Keyuan, who was willing to act as a scapegoat and needed to sign.

After Bao Zixuan got the list of all branches, he began to arrange forensic investigation and took a lot of video data; these are all evidence of HSBC's financial enemy.

At the same time, Bao Zixuan also knew that even so, HSBC could not be closed down, but there should be no problem in letting the Hong Kong government take back some of its privileges.

Morgan Bank, which received 110 billion Hong Kong dollars, was full of confidence, and Ocean Milan Bank's transactions were also converted into Hong Kong dollars for payment, which they strongly demanded, and HSBC did not object.

With this amount of money, Morgan Bank knew it was time to launch a general attack. Began to sell Hong Kong dollars in large quantities in financial markets around the world, and at the same time, shorted Hong Kong dollars on a large scale in the futures market. On the first day alone, the exchange rate of the US dollar to Hong Kong dollar was hit from 1:4.5 to 1.5.0. Compared with the lowest value, it is not much worse, which makes the financial hot money led by Morgan Bank very excited. It seems that the fortress is still the easiest to break through internally.

Knowing that it is so simple and HSBC has no principles, it should have started early. At this time, the management of Morgan Bank has this idea.

In fact, no one would have thought that HSBC, as a financial institution of the quasi-central bank of Hong Kong, would actually do this at a critical moment, even if it is a novel, I would not dare to write it like this.

The market just opened the next day, and Morgan Bank sold another 20 billion Hong Kong dollars in the financial market, and at the same time shorted 20 billion Hong Kong dollars in the futures market. The direct consequence is that the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Hong Kong dollar has been hit to 1:5.4, which is a low point that has never been seen before; if this continues, the Hong Kong dollar credit system will cease to exist.

Governor Youde even held a financial meeting overnight, and Shen Bi knew that things were getting bigger. He also didn't expect the Morgan family to play so big this time. This is the rhythm that will bring Xiangjiang to death.

At the financial conference, Youde looked at the head of the Hong Kong financial enterprise sitting below and said: "The Hong Kong economy has reached the point of life and death. Once the Hong Kong dollar credit system collapses, our people here will not feel better. Now is the enemy, I hope You can unite as one and fight against the powerful enemy together."

Next, Shen Bi said a bunch of unnutritious words, and Governor Youde looked at Bao Zixuan. At the same time, he said: "As our richest man in Hong Kong, Bao Sheng is also the boss of a company with the most foreign exchange reserves in Hong Kong. What can you do?"

Bao Zixuan said decisively: "There is no way."

Governor Youde did not give up and continued: "Isn't there any way!"

Bao Zixuan: "Our people here provide funds to our opponents, even if the people of Hong Kong try hard, it is useless. As long as there are banks printing money for opponents, how can the Hong Kong dollar credit system be maintained?"

Hearing someone provide funds to opponents, and now they say printing money, isn't this clearly pointing the finger at HSBC!

At this time, everyone looked at Shen Bi. Although he was a little guilty, Shen Bi was someone who had seen big storms after all. He said in an air: "Bao Zixuan, you have to be responsible for what you say. What is providing funds to your opponents and what is printing money for them. Today, if you don't explain your words clearly, I will never finish with you, and the honor of HSBC cannot be tarnished by you. ."

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "The Governor is here today, let's make it clear. If I have evidence that HSBC provides funds to the opponent, what will the Hong Kong government punish?"

Governor Youde saw that Bao Zixuan was so confident, UU read www. Does HSBC really have an enemy behavior? The Central Bank of Hong Kong can do such a thing, it is digging its own grave.

Youde: "Everyone in Hong Kong who provides funds to their opponents is an act of financing the enemy, and it is not an exaggeration to shoot them during the war. If HSBC really has an act of financing the enemy, the Hong Kong government will never sit idly by. If Heiyun framed it. HSBC should do the same."

Bao Zixuan: "If Heiyun has framed HSBC, I can provide 10 billion US dollars to unconditionally support any actions of the Hong Kong government, and at the same time, I will apologize to HSBC in the newspaper; but if HSBC is really hostile, I hope the Hong Kong government can take action against HSBC's coinage. dismembered."

"Now there are three issuers of Hong Kong dollars, HSBC owns 70%, Standard Chartered Bank accounts for 20%, and Hua Xia Bank accounts for 10%. HSBC has so many privileges in Hong Kong, but when there is an economic crisis in Hong Kong, people in Hong Kong will not eat inside and out. Let such a bank issue Hong Kong dollars."

"So I hope that after the evidence is presented, the Hong Kong government can adjust the share of the minting rights of the Hong Kong dollar to 25% of each of the four major banks of Heiyun, HSBC, Standard Chartered and Hua Xia."

"If Your Excellency the Governor does not agree, just pretend that I didn't say it today, and the Heiyun Group will not participate in the Hong Kong dollar thing in the future; after all, how can there be an inner ghost in the family who can fight against an enemy armed to the teeth."

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