Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

Vol 2 Chapter 491: Middle East trip four

Under the leadership of Little Hector, Bao Zixuan and others began to patrol the construction site. As expected by Little Hector, there are indeed many Chinese-faced workers working here.

Hussain and Said felt very uncomfortable when they saw that the workers in China were working conscientiously and responsibly, and the workers in the Middle East were a little lazy. This group of people is really unsatisfactory. Now, the boss of the Black Cloud Group and two members of the royal family have come to inspect. They all work like this, and you can imagine their usual work attitude.

Bao Zixuan walked over to a Huaxia worker and chatted a few words with him. People of this era are very simple. The purpose of their work in the Middle East is to help the country earn foreign exchange, and at the same time to improve the lives of their families. It doesn't matter how hard they are.

Bao Zixuan said to the little Hector next to him: "The food and lodging of the workers should be better as much as possible, and don't save money for this store. You can decide what large machinery and equipment you need to purchase. Although our factory in the deep sea will be able to buy it soon. We produce our own products, but we can’t quench our thirst from far away, and we can’t afford to waste time. I see that the electricity here doesn’t seem to be very sufficient. When the factory is built, will the electricity meet the requirements.”

Little Hector: "Boss, the industrial base here is really poor, and electricity cannot meet the production needs of large-scale industries. We are now considering where to build power plants, but coal transportation is also a very troublesome thing. There is no port here, and it needs to be transshipped from other countries."

Bao Zixuan said with a smile, "Whoever said that power generation must use coal."

Little Hector: "Water is a scarce resource here. In order to save water, we can only take a bath here once a week."

Bao Zixuan thought of gas-fired power generation. Although Germany's Siemens is one of the best power generation companies in the world, coal-based power generation is still the main source of power generation in Germany. After all, the Ruhr area in Germany is one of the largest coal mines in the world, and natural gas and oil are basically not found in Germany. Therefore, although other power generation technologies are leading, they cannot compare with French companies in the research and development of gas power generation.

The first hydropower project in China was built by Siemens in Germany. Therefore, in the minds of Germans, thermal power is basically burning coal, or it is hydropower. As for other domestic use in Germany, it is still too little, it can be said that it is basically invisible. This makes their first impression not to think of using natural gas to generate electricity.

Bao Zixuan: "This is the Middle East. You may not find anything else. But there is no shortage of oil and natural gas."

Upon hearing this, little Hector said: "The boss means to use gas to generate electricity, but this technology is mainly in the hands of the French, and they are not so good at talking."

Germany and France can be said to be a feud, and they despise each other internationally. The thought of using French technology now makes little Hector, who has always thought that German technology is the best in the world, very uncomfortable.

Bao Zixuan: "Don't worry about this, Heiyun's own gas turbine technology is very mature. We can even produce jet engines, let alone a small gas turbine."

"You first inspect the place where the power plant can be built, and I will deal with it when I go back. After the power plant is completed, the gas turbine will be able to enter the site as soon as possible."

After that, he had a simple lunch at the construction site. Bao Zixuan mainly wanted to see how the living standards of the workers were. In addition, he wants to let the two princes come to experience life, at least if they can have snacks here, he will not stay in Amman all the time.

After returning to the residence, Bao Zixuan dressed up, after all, he was going to see the king soon. Although Jordan is a small country, no matter how you say it, it is once the head of state, the supreme leader, and it is necessary to have the respect that should be given.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Said took Bao Zixuan and others to the palace for a banquet. It can be said that no matter in his past or present life, it was the first time for him to participate in the banquet of the royal family, and he was still a little uncomfortable all of a sudden. However, Bao Zixuan knew that as his wealth increased, there would be a lot of occasions like this in the future, and it would be good to use a royal banquet in a small country as a training hand.

Although the Jordanian royal family is a saint, they are the poorest in the Middle East. Therefore, the construction of the palace can only be regarded as ordinary, mainly because the national finances are not very rich, and the current king is a relatively frugal person.

Under the guidance of his attendants, Bao Zixuan finally met the King of Jordan, Hussein Ibn Talal.

Hussein ibn Talal, the third-generation king of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the supreme commander of the army, navy and air force.

In the complex and turbulent international environment in the Middle East, he flickered like a cat with nine lives, dismissed the British-backed minister Gleb Pasha, drove out the PLO who refused to accept the management, and faced difficulties in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Survived, and by the end of his 45-year rule, although he had lost the most fertile West Bank lands, he had greatly improved the living standards of his subjects in a desert.

Hussain's ability to survive and develop in the struggle between great powers and various forces in his life is largely due to his adaptability. When the domestic situation was tense, he announced the implementation of emergency laws, dissolved political parties, and took control of the political situation as his primary task; once the situation eased, he expanded democracy and implemented reforms, putting economic development and improving people's lives first. In the 1970s, he pursued a free economic policy, relaxed restrictions, encouraged private investment, worked hard to introduce foreign capital and foreign advanced technology, focused on industrial and agricultural infrastructure, promoted the development of education and tourism, and expanded labor exports. Jordan once won the "Middle East Economic Miracle". "The reputation. In terms of foreign affairs and international relations, Jordan's relations with Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Israel and some countries in the Gulf region were once tense.

It can be said that Hussein ibn Talal was still a relatively successful king. Maybe he was born at an untimely time and met Jews who wanted to live in the Middle East.

Hussain ibn Talal said with a smile: "Welcome, friends from Xiangjiang from afar. Your presence has filled Jordan with vitality, and the speed of factory construction is beyond people's imagination."

Bao Zixuan: "Thank you for your invitation. It's not my fault alone. Without Jordan's full cooperation, we wouldn't be able to achieve this result."

Hussein ibn Talal: "I will visit Huaxia in a while, and I want to see the effect of their reforms. It is said that Huaxia is developing very fast now, which is worth learning from Jordan."

"I have been to the construction site of the auto factory and saw the working attitude of the Chinese workers; I will understand that it will be a matter of time before this country can rise again. In comparison, the Jordanian people are still not working hard enough."

Bao Zixuan did not expect the king to be so concerned about the situation of the auto It seems that one should not underestimate any historical celebrity. It's no accident that people can succeed; it's just a dream without a subtle observation, a keen sense of smell, and a determined and resolute character to be able to draw out among many competitors.

Bao Zixuan: "Thanks to His Majesty the King for his attention to the project, which makes me more confident in investing in Jordan."

The funds for this investment were mainly provided by Hussein, Said, and Michael Kadoorie, while Heiyun Group only provided equipment and technology. The rest is the old weapons and equipment collected in the Soviet warehouse at the price of scrap iron. It can be said that the funds used are not very large.

This is the advantage of having technology and having a private brand. Many projects only need to be listed, and a large number of investors will come to the door to offer money. Now that Bao Zixuan intends to increase investment in Jordan, both Saeed and Hussein are very excited.

They do not worry about being frozen when investing in the Middle East. They went overseas to invest because there are no good investment projects and channels in the Middle East. This time they used the car factory project to raise a lot of money from the royal family members of other countries. They were worried that there was nowhere to spend the money. Of course, they were very interested in Bao Zixuan's high-quality projects.

Most of the royal family members in the Middle East are related and trust each other. Although Jordan is not very wealthy, members of the royal families of other countries are very rich. In addition, Saeed and Hussein have already joined the line of Heiyun Baozixuan, which has made other royal family members more interested in investing in the two countries. People's companies and projects are very interested.

Heiyun Group is definitely a golden sign now, Bao Zixuan is not short of money; no bank loan, no listing. If you have the opportunity to cooperate with such a company, what are you waiting for? If you don't start early or late, you may not even be able to drink soup. This is the real idea of ​​the local tyrants in the Middle East.

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