Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 18 Sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight!

(please collect)

The smell of gunpowder filled the air, a flash of light flashed out, and the muzzle of a large-caliber pistol spurted out!

"Can't be hit!"

Jia Yan felt extremely calm at this moment!

As early as the moment he saw the other party, his body was already moving!

Although it cannot be said that the metal exoskeleton and clot defense cannot block the power of the Desert Eagle, this thing called a hand cannon is still too dangerous in the end!

This old middle-aged foreigner seemed not as strong as the other young man. If it were the former Jia Yan, he must have easily evaded his aim.

But it's different now!

He wears a metal exoskeleton, which has a certain impact on the instantaneous acceleration. Even if the impact is not great, it is enough to make bullets that can be avoided become full of suspense.


With the inertia of forward movement, Jia Yanfei shot towards the corner of three buildings!

A round metal bullet, like a life-threatening projectile, shot towards Jia Yan's body at a speed that was too fast to be seen clearly!

"Don't worry, I can avoid it!"

At this moment of 0.00 seconds, Jia Yan seemed to still have a little time to think. He didn't know if his thoughts were running faster after the mutation, or if it was just an illusion.

His belly twisted.

And just under the lightning produced by the twisting, the round bullet quickly passed through the side of the abdomen!

Without this subtle twisting movement, it is really possible for a bullet to directly hit the abdomen!

Jia Yan himself didn't know what he did in that moment. It was done subconsciously, or maybe he had some sense of it.

Time goes so fast!

Even he himself didn't notice the small movement of twisting his abdomen to avoid bullets!

Maybe it's the sense of crisis, or maybe it's caused by something else. In short, this twist caused the bullet to miss him!

However, the wind pressure generated by this bullet still caused the exoskeleton of his abdomen to look like sparks shooting out.

It wasn't really a hit, it was just wind pressure at close range. This shows how powerful the so-called ‘hand cannon’ is!

The moment the sound resounded, Jia Yan's body had already rushed into the corner of a building, out of sight of the two foreigners!

The foreign young man who had raised his pistol also frowned.

Just as he was about to take aim, the opponent ran away!

"It seems that the operator of this machine has good skills. Let's go after him and have a look." The old middle-aged foreign man's blue eyes glowed with unwillingness.

"We don't have enough time. The three obstructive guys have already caught up with us! Get in quickly!"

The young foreigner looked at the direction where the so-called 'machine' disappeared and felt a little confused.

Is this a machine? Although there is the sound of flapping wings, there is no sound of a motor or other power source!

There is no such silent power mode nowadays.

And the instant reaction speed is too exaggerated.

This kind of technology involves absolutely all aspects of technology!

He guessed in his heart that even their motherland, the Star-Spangled Banner, which is known as the world's largest technological power, would not be able to do it!

Is it possible for China to make such a metal monster?

So he was wondering what the true identity of this monster that looked like a metal machine was.

But this is not the time to think so much!

Three Chinese warrior kings wearing high-tech equipment appeared outside the jungle not far from the gate!

"Let's go!" The two of them glanced behind them and rushed toward several buildings!

The three soldier kings looked gloomy, and soon after, they entered the factory area through the factory gate.

As top experts, the three of them naturally looked around the area before entering the factory, but they did not see the two foreigners or the flying machine that landed before.

"What the hell is that? It can't be some kind of Star-Spangled Banner thing!"

Captain Bingwang's face was a little gloomy. Although drones have long been popularized around the world, the one that really has the top level is the Star-Spangled Banner Country. I was wondering if it was something from China, but after talking to the superiors on the way here, I realized that the superiors had not dispatched any drones to come here!

Besides, if you think about it carefully, the appearance of the flying machine is not the same as that of a drone!

what exactly is it.

Jia Yan, a being that both parties were concerned about, flew from a blind spot that no one could notice to the top floor of the central workshop building!

Climbing on the top of the attic, a pair of compound eyes looked down at the place!

"Below are the two opposing parties. I saw them a week ago!"

Jia Yan quickly recognized the characters on both sides. It was the battle between these two groups a week ago that made the people panic. Even the old foreigner wanted to use the desert eagle against a person. Innocent little girl takes action.

Only then did Jia Yan have to emerge from hiding and save the little girl!

The shocking glimpse was captured on video and became a hot topic on the Internet.

These two parties are the main reasons for Jia Yan's exposure.

But Jia Yan doesn't care. Even if it is exposed, he doesn't feel like he can't survive now.

"They must still be fighting, and it's obvious that the two foreigners are going to this factory, and several Chinese soldiers are following them."

"I also searched online. The place where these two foreigners first appeared was still near Gyeonggi Province, and then they came almost in a straight line here! So, can I guess that the original target of these two people was the Northeastern wild tiger? Where is the factory..."

"In other words, does the closure of the Northeast Wild Tiger Factory have anything to do with these people?"

Jia Yan continues to analyze, but the information he currently has is too little, and he can't even imagine that the factory was shut down, and that it also involved some big figures and powerful forces. Even before, the addicts had defeated several top domestic teams!

But these things are not the focus for Jia Yan!

"Since these two foreigners came here, it's not necessarily a bad thing for me! I'm here now, sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight!"

Jia Yan made a decision and lay down on the roof, not planning to go down to participate in the battle between several top masters.

After all, if he goes down to take part, not to mention the danger, he will not get any benefits.

"There isn't much information here. Let's search this so-called office building first!"

In front of an office building in three buildings, two foreigners aimed at the door lock and destroyed it with a casual shot!

The two of them rushed toward the building while dealing with the three soldiers who were constantly shooting from behind and pressing forward step by step!

The two of them obviously had some general information about the factory.

This information may have something to do with the first batch of workers released from the factory. Although the Siberian Wild Tiger is a ruthless person and not a good person, he still rarely does things like murder and silence!

As a result, the information was leaked.

"The conditions are too simple. Any private research institute in our Star-Spangled Banner country is ten times better than this one! Do the things we want to investigate really exist in a place like this?" The old-faced foreigner looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

Although he had expected it for a long time, the appearance of this so-called office building still puzzled him. Such a place actually has something that even the government of the Star-Spangled Banner country is interested in?

"Don't think so much. The more such a thing is in such a place, the more likely it is to appear. Otherwise, it would have been taken away by the Chinese government! Quick, let's find out if there is any relevant information."

Bang bang bang!

As soon as the two of them turned the corner, three soldiers from behind also appeared in an impact. They aimed at the two hiding figures and fired a burst of fire!

"Is this the factory office building mentioned in the information?" Captain Bingwang frowned and looked at the building in front of him.

This so-called office building, just like its appearance, has only undergone simple repairs on the inside, and some walls still have cracks.

Thanks to Siberian Wild Tigers and others, we have been able to operate here for more than a year!

But it's no wonder. If there is a large-scale renovation, the risk of exposure here will also increase.

"Let's chase!" The three Chinese soldier kings did not pay much attention to the environment. After taking a look, they continued to chase the two foreigners!

If there really is any secret here, it is not something that these foreigners can get involved in. After all, this place still belongs to China!

Putting aside the grievances left by the previous battle, they also need to drive the two foreigners out of the motherland, and then return to their own country to kill them if they want to fight or kill them!

Bang bang bang!


Jia Yan lay on the top floor of another building that was used as a factory workshop, feeling the noise of gunfire in the office building.

"What a fierce battle!"

His compound eyes were faint, and these human wars had nothing to do with him.

He is just waiting for the opportunity!

Five top experts are still fighting fiercely in the office building!

As both sides began to run out of ammunition, the battle went from being loud at first to only occasionally ringing out once or twice!

"You two, you don't have much ammunition! If you withdraw here and leave the country under our escort, your country will not hold you responsible. Please consider it. Find Shuyuan "

Captain Bingwang hid behind a wall and roared.

"Hey, are you Chinese people all idiots? Don't talk so much, just come and kill them if you have the ability!"

The old foreign man was also hiding in a house, while the young foreigner was constantly turning things around in the house.

This was a place that looked like it was a dormitory. Perhaps it had been the room of one of the Siberian Wild Tigers’ men before. The young man rummaged through the room very professionally for two minutes, searching the room almost quickly. But nothing was gained!


The two looked at each other, and the young man suddenly rushed out of the room door. With a gunshot, he knocked open the door of an office diagonally opposite and jumped in!

His speed was so fast that several of the aiming soldiers had no time to take action and allowed him to escape.


However, when this young foreigner came to the office, he frowned slightly.

In this office, there was a tall Chinese man with a bullet hole in his chest, lying in a pool of blood...

The man was motionless and looked like he had died not long ago.

To be continued.

Thanks to brother ‘Anjing丨’ for the 588 reward! Thanks to the book friend ‘Cangliu 133’ for the 588 tip! Thanks to the book friends ‘H Yang Yu H’, ‘Depressed Fool’, ‘Hepatitis B Jiuyang’, ‘mengying Luo Luo’ and ‘Frost Love’ for their rewards! ! You all are the motivation for Buyue to keep updating, thank you very much! ! !

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