Jia Yan and others not far ahead had no idea that there was actually a half-star strong man. Without their attention, they also crashed into the twisted hole.

Jia Yan followed several strong men from the Second Pass and the strong Elephant and Half-Star leader who led the way.

He controlled the body of the metal concept ship and observed the left and right.

"What a strange place."

Jia Yan felt a force of space in this twisted place, but at the same time it was not completely similar to the subspace he entered, because there were still traces of gravitational waves fluctuating between the distortions.

"You all should be careful. There are dangers everywhere here. Previously, a strong person from our group entered, but he died in less than three minutes."

The elephant and half-star strong man in front said to the strong men in the back.

"Death in less than three minutes? This is too scary." The expressions of several strong men following the second level changed drastically.

Jia Yan nodded without any doubt, because as a space talent, and he had traveled under gravitational wave fluctuations several times, he certainly understood the danger of this place.

But he didn't say a word, because the road had been smoothed by the powerful elephant in front of him. It seemed that the other party was also a space genius.

Jia Yan didn't say anything because he didn't want to challenge the other party's talent, otherwise the other party would become angry and might even stumble upon him.

Not long after, the group of people walked further and further away.

"You feel that there are fewer and fewer traces of explosions around you. This is already a stable place, but you must be careful. Although the danger here has weakened, there are still more terrifying crises. See that there are no , don’t go in, the space-time there is just like the inside of a black hole, it is infinitely static, if you enter, you will only be able to spend the rest of your life frozen inside.”

"I have equipment here. Each of you needs to wear it, otherwise it is easy to make errors in direction recognition."

The strong elephant threw a set of small equipment at Jia Yan and other creatures behind.

After Jia Yan received one of his items, he discovered that it was a small device with an intelligent brain system inside and a magical power.

Under the stimulation of this power, he felt a somewhat dead feeling around his body after entering a peaceful place, and it suddenly became much relieved.

It seems that this place is not that safe at all. Of course, it doesn't matter whether Jia Yan needs this equipment or not. If others don't have it, they might not be able to survive for ten minutes.

The remaining monsters obviously felt this, and hurriedly hid their equipment, which was what saved their lives.

"When you get here, just pay attention to the place of light. Now hurry up and find the items. After the explosion, there are a lot of good materials here. Remember, that is the anti-star condensed material our forces need. If you dare If you collect it without permission, don’t blame me for being unkind.”

Jia Yan and others were sent to Guan Tiancai and dispersed here.

The path he chose was bolder, and he flew forward directly with his high-end talent secondary clone.

It can be observed that the surrounding twisted space has been reduced a lot. Jia Yan looked at Sakon while flying.

He had a general understanding of this space.

He judged that this place was a place on the path of gravitational waves. After the explosion for unknown reasons, the space in front of the explosion was distorted. In fact, the place they were in was not a real peaceful place at all. It was just the relationship between the power of the explosion and the gravitational waves. balance point between.

If you dare to go forward, you will definitely enter the real gravitational wave space. If you don't have the body of the evolved beast, it will be swallowed up to nothing.

"Huh? A gravity stone!"

Suddenly, Jia Yan saw a shiny stone, and he quickly flew over.

"Mo Ke, it's not good for one person to eat a monolith. How about sharing it with others who meet you?"

Suddenly, a voice reached Jia Yan's ears.

Jia Yan paused, then turned his head.

Turning his head together with him was the second-level clone now known as 'Biarafu'.

Jia Yan's expression didn't fluctuate much, but the dangerous glint in his eyes was still a bit penetrating.

He had noticed before that someone seemed to be following him from behind, and now he actually appeared.

The other party's appearance slowly appeared under the misty gravitational wave light, but the other party's appearance made Jia Yan's heart tremble slightly!

It turns out that he is the powerful elephant who issued the mission, a half-star being with moderate talent.

"Your Excellency, why do you want to follow me?"

Jia Yan turned his head with a cold expression, then looked into the other person's eyes and spoke lightly.

Although he can't deal with this half-star existence now, this place is close to gravitational waves. He doesn't believe that this half-star strong man will be stupid enough to fight him here. What's more, Jia Yan still has the last one. Space stone explosive bombs, in a place with such a unique terrain, might pose a greater threat to the strong.

So he is not afraid!

"Don't be so excited, Lord Mo Ke." The strong elephant smiled slightly: "I just saw that I liked the gravity stone and wanted to ask for it."

"The gravity stone is right there, please collect it yourself."

Jia Yan's eyes flashed with strange light, and then he moved his legs and feet lightly, and retreated into the space behind him together with the sub-guan clone who had been silent from beginning to end.

The strong elephant did not pursue at all, but smiled slightly at the place of gravity stone. Soon, his shadow entered the gravitational wave mist and disappeared.

Jia Yan was flying ahead, and then his expression became a little solemn.

"It's just a gravity stone, it's nothing important. I guess he wouldn't like to see this kind of thing too much, but why would the other party do this?"

Jia Yan looked cold, but what he didn't know was that the strong elephant who had just 'robbed' a gravity stone from him actually appeared in several places at the same time!

"Your Excellency Bing Keran, I like the star core stone in your hand. How about giving it to me?"

"Your Excellency Xicheng, I think that sulfur stone suits me very well. If you are interested, give it to me."

That elephant is worthy of being a space-type semi-stellar powerhouse. Now that he is using his space talent, even Jia Yan will be defeated if he sees it.

But his behavior at this moment was that he was not afraid of the terms of the mercenary union, and directly threatened the mercenaries several times.

As Jia Yan flew forward, he walked through the past of the strong elephant in his mind.

"That shouldn't be right. He acted like a normal employee before. How could he suddenly become like this?"

Jia Yan looked back, but with his eyes, it seemed that he could see a tall elephant monster looking at him with a smile from dozens of kilometers away.

Jia Yan's heart was shaken, and then he wanted to continue flying forward to escape.

But at this moment, he felt that there was no reaction in the body of the clone-like monster.

"No! It's really wrong! I felt the pressure from the other party from such a distance, but this clone didn't feel it at all. How could it be like this?"

Jia Yan kept analyzing in his heart, but his footsteps were still flying forward unknowingly.

Because there was a clone behind him, Jia Yan could clearly feel that the two bodies felt differently.

The strong elephant is a half-star being, and a half-star being with moderate talent. If he faces him head-on, even if he uses the last space blasting stone, Jia Yan cannot guarantee that he will be able to threaten him.

So at this time, he could only try to keep a distance from the other party.

"What's wrong? I always feel like there's something wrong."

Jia Yan racked his brains and thought while flying with the Ciguan clone beside him.

His speed didn't change much and he kept flying forward.

At the same time, less than a hundred kilometers behind Jia Yan, a semi-stellar being who had just broken into the equilibrium point of gravitational waves looked a little confused at this time.

"As expected, that detention was right in front of me, haha, kill!"

This half-star powerhouse didn't know when he got off the battleship and moved forward.

His eyes were not looking at Jia Yan a hundred kilometers away, but seemed to be looking at a place one or two kilometers away. At this time, he used the power of control, and the entire space in front of him was controlled by him.

Then the strong man swung out with one blow, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com and the whole space exploded.

"Haha, I will destroy the entire space, and it will be impossible for you to enter the sub-space here. Are you still alive?"

"Huh? How is it possible! He is not dead yet. It seems that he is not an ordinary strong man in the second level. How can he escape! I will definitely kill you!"

From the perspective of the person with the talent to control half of the stars, there was a metal body of 'Jia Yan' in front of him. At this time, he pursued this unusual shadow, but was unable to pursue it directly.

The two sides chased and fled, moving forward in a straight line.

In other directions, those sub-level experts were also moving quickly towards a certain direction. Behind them, a shadow similar to an elephant expert was constantly chasing after them.

"This employer actually wants to go back on his word. Although the mercenary organization is only a small organization, it will definitely uphold justice for me."

"No, I can't even escape here."

A rank-level genius had no choice but to flee forward against the powerful elephant chasing after him.

Compared to their shock and desperate escape, Jia Yan was much calmer.

Because unlike other monsters, he was not too afraid of the strong elephant behind him.


"Why does he keep chasing me like this?"

In addition to not being afraid of the strong elephants behind him, Jia Yan also continued to pick up supplies along the way.

"Anti-star condensation!? Is this what the strong elephant wants?"

"Mo Ke, this anti-star condensation is what my forces need, and it was agreed to be given to us in the contract. Now, please give it to me."

The moment Jia Yan picked up the anti-star condensation, Jia Yan's scalp felt numb, and the strong elephant who should have been several kilometers away actually appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye. Mobile phone users please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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