Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 9 Nosebleed tastes really good

Um? !

When the mouthpart was pierced, Jia Yan was stunned!

The mouthparts are straight from the middle, bent?

what happened!

The upper and lower jaws have not yet started to work together, so they cannot even take the first step.

But it’s impossible!

No matter how bad it is, it's impossible for it to bend like this.

Jia Yan was puzzled.

As a relatively powerful male mosquito, let’s not talk about how strong his current body is. Just talk about ordinary male mosquitoes. Although they are said to be unable to break human skin, in fact, their mouthparts are also very terrifying. No matter how bad it is, It won’t bend just by pushing it casually!

Why is my stick so useless?

It's too weak and can't be inserted at the critical moment. It bends as soon as it is pushed in. 5555...

Jia Yan wanted to cry.

Ahem... It seems that saying 'stick' is a bit ambiguous, right? Well, it’s the mouthparts!

No matter how bad my mouthparts are, they can't bend so easily. They can't even compare to those of ordinary males? !

What the hell is this? You’ve been training in vain for so many days!

Jia Yan listlessly left the man's neck and flew towards the sky.

"Wait a minute, I know why!" Flying more than two meters in the air, Jia Yan was suddenly startled and thought of a possibility.

He was so annoyed that he wanted to pat his stupid head!

"It's only been less than an hour since I emerged from pupa and turned into a mosquito! My mouthparts are completely in the tender state of just growing up. How can it pierce human skin, and how can it not bend?!"

When I saw the little boy just now, he seemed to still remember him. How could he forget about it now?

It’s so stressful to be so nervous! It’s really crazy!

"No way, it seems that at least tonight, I'm going to risk finding some plants and sucking their juices to spend the night."

Wait until the mouthparts are completely hard tomorrow and try to suck blood again.

It's just a pity that such a good blood-sucking opportunity was missed like this...

"Tell me, have I lived in vain! I have lived in vain!"

At this time, the drunk man at his feet suddenly roared for some reason!

Jia Yan was so frightened that he shrank.

Why don't you make such a loud voice and scare the mosquitoes to death?

This bald guy is so drunk, he's like crazy.

He rolled his eyes at the bald middle-aged man, spread his wings, and was about to leave.

It's impossible to suck blood anyway, so there's no need to waste time here.

"You've lived in vain, haven't you! I think your life has been in vain! If you have the ability to say this, don't cry! Let's see if you still dare to say it! Let's see if you still dare to say it!"

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

Jia Yan stared at the two people below in stunned silence.

It was going well just now, but after just a few words, the fight suddenly broke out!

"My life has been in vain! Lao Li, you kid, beat me again! I, I will jump into the river!" The bald man's nose was bleeding after being punched by 'Old Li'. The blood fell to the ground drop by drop, and he covered his nose and peeed wildly.

Such a big Northeastern man was bursting with tears.

"Brother!" 'Old Li', who was beating people, suddenly hugged the bald drunk man in a bear hug! "Brother! I also know that you are suffering! Don't be afraid, no matter what the hardship, we brothers will go through it together! Don't you dare say that you jump into the river, brother! I'm going to beat you, aren't I afraid that you will do something stupid! My good brother !”

"Ah! Lao Li, I knew you were really good to me!"

Now it’s better, the two drunk Northeastern men who had just finished fighting hugged each other and cried together...


That makes the listener sad and makes the listener cry!


Jia Yan stared blankly at the two drunkards and expressed that he really couldn't understand what part of the drama was being performed...

However, when he saw the bald drunk man's blood slipping out of his nose and falling to the ground drop by drop, he immediately screamed in his head!


This kid was like seeing the most valuable treasure in the world, rushing towards the nearest blood stain!

Buzz buzz...

No matter what drama you put on, this blood is what I need most!

No matter what you do, it doesn't matter to me even if you do Beibeishan and my little brother!

Just have this blood!

Jia Yan's eyes were bright, and he used his fastest speed to stop at the largest blood stain.

He stuck out his mouthpart and inserted it into the blood!

Hurry before it is absorbed by the cement floor!

Although, the bald man’s nosebleed looks a little disgusting...

But now that things have turned into mosquitoes, is it interesting to still pay attention to trivial matters?

The smell of blood is simply the best delicacy in the world to Jia Yan!

He can't control that much, he simply can't wait!


Suck it hard!

The next moment, the strong male mosquito was completely stunned.

This, what does this feel like?


So cool!

So cool!

I have never experienced this taste!

It's like the refreshing sweet spring water, or like the fragrant and simple century-old cellar, which makes people fascinated and has endless aftertaste!

The blood slips into the mouth and flows into the organs. There are only two words to explain that feeling!

Jia Yan almost shouted: "Okay!! Drink!!————"

However, he does not have the vocal ability to roar.

Hurry, suck it all up!

His internal organs, which he had worked hard to train since the time when he was using larvae, were sucking hard with strong suction!

A ball of blood was suddenly sucked up in less than ten seconds!

"Brother, look at it! Such a little mosquito is trying hard to live! A big man like you has to work hard to live, you know?"

Suddenly, the voice of 'Old Li' came from above Jia Yan's head.

Jia Yan's whole body suddenly stiffened!

His stomach became round as it sucked blood, and his head was raised stiffly...

I saw two men who were crying and hugging each other just now, looking at his body lying on the ground with drunken eyes.

Um, you guys are playing with your Meng Jiangnu crying at the Great Wall, what do you want me to do? !

Facing the cold eyes of the two super giants, Jia Yan broke into a cold sweat.

Unable to bear the huge fear, he was so frightened that he flapped his wings and flew into the night sky!

"Look, I scared people away! Go home, go home!"

"Lao Li! You still haven't paid back the hundred yuan you owed me for the last time we played cards."

"Fuck you! You were about to jump into the river just now. If I hadn't held you back, you would have jumped!"

"What? What are you talking about? I'm going to jump into the river!"

Jia Yan left quickly without looking back!

These two drunken uncles are so scary!

Rough, heroic, and even drunk with such personality, he is worthy of being from the Northeast.

But Jia Yan also had a feast of blood, even though it was the unsightly one...well, uncle's nosebleed...

But I still have to thank them.

Brother’s nosebleed tastes really good, thank you brother!

Goodbye brother!

Buzz buzz. The male Anopheles sinensis, whose stomach was full of blood, quickly left the scene of the crime.

After seeing two living treasures and sucking a full meal of blood, he now wanted to find a safe place to rest.

Then wait for dawn and find a way to go to Shanghai!

Yu Yuan, wait!

Although I still have many unresolved situations.

There may be many unforeseen difficulties ahead!

However, I believe that if I walk step by step with my own strength, I will definitely be able to find you soon!

Wash my neck and wait!

At night, on the balcony of an ordinary home, a large male Anopheles sinensis mosquito stayed in a dark and windless safe corner, snoring quietly there.

What's surprising is that this is clearly a male Anopheles mosquito, but its belly is round. Through the slightly transparent new exoskeleton, you can see obvious red blood flowing inside!

When did male mosquitoes start sucking blood? !

Of course, what many people don’t know is that it’s not that male mosquitoes don’t drink blood, it’s just that they don’t have the conditions to do so.

If you put a male mosquito in front of a plasma that can suck blood without piercing the skin, they will still happily suck it!

For example, the male Anopheles mosquito that Jia Yan reborn picked up a delicious meal yesterday and nearly choked him to death!

Fortunately, no one saw the round belly of this male mosquito.

When the sky was getting slightly brighter, the belly of Jia Yan, a huge male mosquito, was already quite deflated.

On the contrary, the exoskeleton of his body became brighter, and even the slender and delicate mouthparts became stronger!

It’s no longer the ‘not strong’ state before… Ahem! Well, 'not hard'? Um, it seems like nothing is right no matter what I say...

Anyway, it’s quite stiff and hard, and you can try ‘inserting’ it!

It's just too detailed. Jia Yan felt very sad. It would be better if it were thicker...

Wait until the first ray of sunlight hits this balcony.

The male mosquito spreads its wings slightly, and its skeleton seems to have been reshaped, becoming completely more majestic from the inside out!

He spread his wings and flew out from this person's balcony!

"It's safe to hide in a human's home. I had a good and peaceful sleep this night!"

Jia Yan's body was bathed in the sun, while he was vigilantly observing the sparrows that were hunting in the morning, while flying close to the wall.

Blood is really fun!

Jia Yan was extremely satisfied with his body that had finally taken shape after a night of nourishment! All thanks to the help of those blood last night!

For mosquitoes, the best nutrient is blood.

This is also a coincidence.

After it emerges from the pupa and becomes a mosquito, it needs a lot of nutrients to support the formation of its young bones.

If you really suck plant juices or flower dew, the nutrients in those things won't be enough to maximize your body's improvement.

As a result, someone gave him a pillow when he was sleepy. Last night, the bald brother gave him the gift he needed most at the time!

Jia Yan couldn't help but sincerely praise him.

That punch from Lao Li was so good!

The bald brother’s nosebleeds also squirt beautifully!

Thank you very much.

Jia Yan was flying slowly on the road.

"Those who want to go to the county seat, hurry up and get on the bus! We will drive in ten minutes! Those who want to go to the county seat, hurry up! We will drive soon!"

To be continued.

Everyone is so enthusiastic!

Last night and this morning, several book friends gave me rewards! The brothers "Tiger Who Eats Pigs" and "Dugu Xing" were both rewarded with 100 starting coins. Real rich people don't want to explain, haha. The book friends of "One Season/Another Silence", like the brothers "Dadaide Ermao", came to reward and slaughter the edition! With your support, Buyue feels that my thoughts are so smooth that I can't stop writing, hahaha!

Now I still ask for collections, recommendations, and rewards. Just do what you can. It’s not easy for everyone to make money, right?

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