Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 24 I'm not going anywhere!

"Well, this is really good stuff... шщш.㈦㈨ⅹS.сом The update is so fast. I feel that my venerable strength has gradually improved, but the dispersion of this power takes too long, and it will probably take many days to digest it. Finished. The effect is not as powerful as the substances I swallowed before."

There was still a sweet taste in Jia Yan's mouth needle, and he had endless aftertaste. This was the first time he had drunk something that made him feel delicious. To be honest, Jia Yan still wanted it. .

Maybe something that can be used by the Genius Battlefield as a reward for the Star District Venerable Champion must not be that simple. If Jia Yan wants it, he doesn't know what price he has to pay.

Just when Jia Yan finished drinking the substance and didn't know what the final effect would be, Bi Huangfu's voice sounded outside the door of his room.

"Jia Yan, come to the meeting hall."

The other party's words have become colder, and he seems to be using a commanding tone.

Jia Yan smiled and walked out of the room without paying much attention.

Coming to the meeting hall, this is the largest hall in the entire battleship, but it can only accommodate a few powerful people above the level.

Jia Yan saw several powerful men and Bi Huangfu were there.

"Jia Yan, we just discussed it. In fact, what you did was not wrong. As long as we work hard to make you stronger, the effect will not be worse than getting astral technology. After all, strong people are the foundation of a force."

As soon as he met Jia Yan, Bihuangfu seemed to understand what Jia Yan said.

"Well, as long as you understand, I will help Wu Ci's forces in the future." Jia Yan nodded, not knowing how true his words were.

"Jia Yan, this matter you got this time, I can think of it as a star core body. This kind of thing has some effect on the strong people in the second level. I don't think you can use that much by yourself, so why not give it to them, everyone? The overall strength has increased, which will maximize the effect on our Wu Ci power, right?" Bi Huangfu said with a smile.

"Uh." Jia Yan immediately understood that this was what the other party had in mind.

But at the same time, he was also a little funny.

Fortunately, he acted quickly, otherwise, the star core body would have been divided to an unknown extent.

So he shook his head very bachelorly: "Master Bihuangfu, I also want to share the star core body, but if you didn't tell me earlier, I had already eaten the star core body in the room just now. "

"Impossible!" As soon as Jia Yan finished speaking, a certain powerful monster at the next level said this.

There was some fierceness in his eyes as he looked at Jia Yan: "Jia Yan, how can you, a venerable person, digest so many star cores? You will explode now after eating them. Let me tell you, I feel like I am about to have something." Breakthrough, if you give me one-third... no, half of the star core body, I might be able to break through to half a star level. In that way, our Wuci force will be able to gain one and a half star level. Can you? Don't harm the interests of the entire force because of your 'private' interests."

"That's right, Jia Yan, each of us is almost able to advance due to long-term training. If you can separate part of the star core body, then our strength will be improved, and it will be beneficial to the entire Wu in the future. These forces are all good things, so what? Don’t say that you really have the ability to eat that star core body!”

Another strong man from Ciguan also came forward and said coldly to Jia Yan.

After knowing that Jia Yan had a falling out with Bi Huangfu, the strongest person in Wu Ci's power, these powerful people from the second level who had ordinary feelings towards Jia Yan all wanted to get involved in the star core body.

They also thought that since Jia Yan's face was so big this time, there might be forces coming to poach him soon. Instead of being taken advantage of by the poaching forces, it would be better to use their righteousness to let Jia Yan give up part of the star core body. .

But their plans will all come to nothing.

Because Jia Yan really swallowed the star core body. No matter how powerful a strong man is, he cannot spit out what he has eaten and then feed it to others, right?

Even if you can really vomit, it's not certain whether others will be willing to eat it.

"Everyone, I really ate it. If you don't believe me, you can try using energy sensing." Jia Yan shook his head helplessly.

"Huh? You are still insisting on this point. I said it is impossible for the Venerable to take so much... Eh!"

The strong man from the secondary level who spoke earlier used his brain wave power impatiently, and then he was stunned.

"How could you really swallow so many star cores..."

Another Ciguan strongman also discovered that Jia Yan's body was different. After using his brain wave power to explore, he immediately made a sound of shock.

Even Bihuangfu was shocked after investigating.

You must know that swallowing so many star cores in one breath is impossible for an average Venerable level person to do. Even for a sub-level expert, using a large amount of star cores in one breath requires an extremely painful process.

And Jia Yan looked like he had swallowed so many star cores and still didn't react at all. This shocked Re.

"I told you a long time ago, I have already swallowed it, you still don't believe it." Jia Yan shook his head, and then he looked at the stunned Wu Ci high-level officials, and asked calmly: "Since there is nothing we can do about it, Once you save it, I will go back. Sorry, if there is a reward next time, I will remember to leave some for you."

Of course, if you can make it in time.

Jia Yan added in his heart, and then left the meeting hall.

The next few strong men in the second pass, including Bihuangfu, were all speechless for a long time.

"Everyone, you see, I have tried my best. The only thing to blame is that Jia Yan is too evil." Bihuangfu looked at the unwilling masters of the second level, and then said helplessly.

"Yes, who would have thought that a venerable person like him could swallow so many star core bodies as if nothing happened. This kid is really unbelievable. I'm afraid I'll leave him with a lot of trouble this time. Good impression. In the future, he will be alienated from our Wu Ci forces. He is not a strong person from our traditional sphere of influence." A strong person from the next level said with some worry.

"Don't be afraid. He behaved so unnaturally this time. There must be other forces coming to invite him. Otherwise, why do you think I had such an attitude towards him before? It's a pity that Kong offended someone but gained nothing. "Bi Huangfu took over the words and also explained the reason why his attitude towards Jia Yan changed.

It turned out that the senior officials of Wu Ci's forces who were here thought that Jia Yan would not stay in Wu Ci's forces for a long time.

as expected.

Just when Jia Yan returned to his room and slowly neutralized the power of the star core body, in just one day, he felt that his power exploded by one percent...

"Jia Yan, someone is looking for you on the communication channel."

Jia Yan heard an unnatural sound in the room.

This is the voice of a strong person in the second level.

Jia Yan was stunned, and followed the other party's instructions to connect to the communication channel.

"Hello, Jia Yan, we met once, do you still remember me?"

A tiger-like monster was opposite the holographic image of the communicator. He showed a kind smile and looked very peaceful to Jia Yan.

"Yes, remember. I wonder who you are looking for me?" Jia Yan responded, and then asked with some confusion.

He saw that the other party was a powerful semi-star level man, so he showed some respect. As for where he had seen him, God knows.

The other party obviously didn't care whether Jia Yan really remembered him. At this time, he nodded kindly, looking at Jia Yan as if he was seeing a junior.

"Sure enough, he is a powerful and talented junior. Even I, who only met him once, remember, Jia Yan, you performed very well in the previous star battle. After I watched your battle in the audience, I felt that you are in Wu Ci's power. I'm a little overachieved, I wonder if you would like to come to my 211th district, I am the third leader of the Longkan force in the 211th district, if you join us, you will definitely develop more than the Wuci force, I don't know what?"

The other party talked to Jia Yan for a long time.

Jia Yan was startled after hearing this.

Isn't this Chi Guoguo's attempt to pull someone in? Do people from Wu Ci’s forces allow it?

Jia Yan thought about it, it wasn't that they didn't allow it, but it was probably because he didn't have the strength to allow it.

If you dare to let go of the channel, people may have a bad impression of Wu Ci's force. Direct attack may not be possible, but as long as Wu Ci's force is restricted or framed in some aspects, it will be enough for a small force like Wu Ci's force. .

After thinking about this, Jia Yan felt sorry for the weakness of Wu Ci's power, but this made him more sure of his choice...

He wants to stay in Wuci's force!

Because it is difficult to find such a weak force in the Genius Battlefield!

If you go to other forces, they might be wiped out by the powerful semi-star class one day. If it comes to this Wu Ci force, Jia Yan is sure to at least escape!

So after listening to the tiger monster's words, the mosquito's head straightened up.

Then he said righteously: "I'm sorry, senior. When I first joined the Genius Battlefield, Wu Ci's forces did not dislike me as a newcomer and accepted me. The ancients in my hometown said that the grace of a drop of water is like a spring of spring. I haven’t done anything for Wu Ci’s forces yet, and I won’t go anywhere until I repay my kindness, please understand!”

When Jia Yan said this, a group of senior Wu Ci forces were watching the conversation between Jia Yan and the tiger monster in the battleship hall.

They feel that Jia Yan is really going to be taken away. Find Shuyuan Even if he is not taken away by the power of this tiger monster, he must be looking down on the strength of this force and will be taken away by the next force. In short, there is no possibility of staying in Wu Ci's power.

But when he heard Jia Yan's moral and righteous words, Bihuangfu's eyes widened. A powerful person with a high rank was also full of energy!

"Me, me, what did I hear? Jia Yan said he wasn't going anywhere?!" Bihuangfu looked around in confusion.

"No, that's right, that's what he said." A strong man from the Second Level replied in an equally stunned tone.

"He, he is actually willing to stay in our Wuci force!" Another strong person from the Second Pass was also shocked.

A promising venerable, who has just joined the Genius Battlefield and is able to obtain the superior status of a star lord. An intermediate genius with unknown future potential is willing to stay in their small Wuci force? !

"We wrongly blamed Jia Yan! This young man is a very loyal person."

After a while, Bihuangfu, who was half a star, let out a long sigh.

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