Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 30 Earth, I’m back! 【happy New Year】

The fear of the Biochemical Empire made Jia Yan not dare to directly enter the occupied capital of the Osto Empire for some time before.

But through two years of observation, Jia Yan finally figured out the details of this biochemical emperor's team. And finally come to a conclusion!

That is the action of this army. It is just an action made by a certain power in the biochemical empire, or by a single strong person.

The scene where Jia Yan kills the capital star of the Osto Empire also proves this point.

"Sure enough, there is no aura of being strong."

After killing the giant goose monster, Jia Yan looked left and right vigilantly, and his body was halfway into the sub-space, but he didn't find anything.

"It seems that the attack on the Osto Empire was done by this strong man himself. He is an existence equivalent to the pinnacle of the outer starry sky. If I had not appeared, he would indeed be invincible within the arms of Orion. of."

Jia Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and then his body gently shot into the sky.

The capital star of the Osto Empire has long been a barren territory, and there is nothing interesting to see.

Not long after, a certain royal fleet that was constantly resisting the Biochemical Emperor's forces in the Osto Empire announced in a high profile that they had killed the top leader of the Biochemical Empire.

After that, the royal orphan known as Princess Xiaoya was quickly promoted to the throne!

The other so-called royal forces did not refute anything at this moment, but one royal force jumped out to protest. However, the royal fleet quickly changed its words a day later and expressed its submission to the management of Queen Xiaoya. .

Behind all this, of course, Jia Yan is causing trouble!

As the envoy of the Earthlings, although he can subdue the entire Osto Empire by force, it is impossible for the Earthlings to occupy this huge empire. After all, the Earthlings themselves are not strong enough.

"Sir Messenger, it seems that the fleet forces from all directions are aware of your existence through intelligence. Just as we thought, they do not dare to resist at all."

In a fleet of nearly 3,000 people, which were quickly hoisted with the Austrian Emperor's flag within a few days, an old man came to a luxurious room and said respectfully outside the door.

"Well, then the next step is the agreement between your Osto Empire and my Earth. You should have read the contents, right? I hope you understand what should be done."

There was a clear male voice in the room. The voice was magnetic and rhythmic. It seemed that the person who spoke was a gentle and elegant man.

However, no one who knew his identity would regard this being who had killed countless creatures as a gentle and gentle being.

He is Jia Yan!

After the old man outside the door heard Jia Yan's words, he quickly agreed: "The civilization on earth that your Excellency belongs to is an ally with our Osto Empire, and you don't want to think about the harm that our Osto Empire has done to your country before, regardless of it. The lost money will help my Austrian emperor to recover the country. The earth war compensation is naturally too small. I am the one who makes the decision. The first batch of resources will be increased ten times with this amount, and the personnel will be increased five times. In the next hundred years, Over time, our Osto Empire will continue to provide resources and educational talents to our friends on Earth until Earth’s civilization reaches the same civilization level as ours.”

"Very good, I hope you can implement it as soon as possible."

Jia Yan in the room smiled slightly.

After the old man outside the door seemed to be wet with cold sweat and retreated, Jia Yan looked around the room and felt that nothing was missing. He was about to step into the subspace with his toes.

"Lord Moke."

Another female voice sounded outside the door.

This voice is soft and pleasant, and seems to be full of vicissitudes of life. In short, it has a special charm.

Jia Yan frowned. Although he had just noticed the woman following the old man outside the door, he did not expect her to speak.

"Say it." He retracted his foot and said.

"Lord Mo Ke, don't you just keep the door closed and don't want to see me?" The woman outside the door made a touching and innocent voice.

"Haha, His Excellency Ao Huang and I are just casual acquaintances. We don't see each other in private situations just to avoid being gossiped about." Jia Yan said with a slight frown.

"You" the female voice was a little anxious: "You know what I was like before. I'm not afraid of gossip or anything like that. Even if it's this kind of Austrian emperor, I don't want to be. Don't you understand my thoughts, Mo Ke?"

Jia Yan was startled, then shook his head: "Okay, Your Majesty the Emperor, it's getting late. I'm going to rest. If there's anything else, we'll talk about it in a formal diplomatic setting. Good night."

After Jia Yan said this, he no longer cared about what the woman wanted to say, but directly crossed the space and went to the space capsule docked outside the fleet.

He has stayed in the Osto Empire for long enough, and everything is almost finished. Jia Yan wants to return to Earth as soon as possible.

"Calculating the time, the first batch of materials and personnel from the Rulan Empire should have arrived on Earth, right?"

In the narrow space cabin, Jia Yan smiled slightly. When he thought of the earth, he thought of his family. After doing so much, to put it bluntly, it was mostly for his family. Even if he said it was for the people on earth, Jia Yan was actually more selfish. .

"I have worked hard enough to create a better life for my family in the future." Jia Yan smiled, then drove the space capsule and quickly flew into the starry sky.

He didn't care about the Osto officials who wanted to discuss specific assistance to Earth the next day and were dumbfounded when they couldn't find him. He didn't care about what was going on with the Biochemical Empire.

The Biochemical Empire seemed not to care about the strong man's actions in this battle. Even if he was killed, he did not come forward to say anything. Jia Yan didn't know what was going on. In short, the other party didn't respond, which was what he wanted to see most.

As long as time drags on, if his real strength breaks through and reaches the star level, then he will not be so afraid. Didn't the senior light and shadow monster say that his master can escape from a galaxy when he is at the star level? The pursuit of super strong men?

Jia Yan believes that when he reaches the star level, he will have similar abilities!

In the starry sky, Jia Yan's space capsule is extremely fast, but it still takes a certain amount of time to reach the earth.

While Jia Yan was sailing, certain things were still fermenting.

Especially in a country not far from the Rulan Empire and the Osto Empire, things about him, the earth messenger, are far less unattractive than Jia Yan himself imagined!

"Haha, that Tuzi is dead! The trial task given to him is so simple, just destroying an empire in a desolate star field. Even he will die. It makes me laugh to death."

In this country, a huge monster that looked like a high-level star in the sky immediately became happy after receiving a certain message.

He was laughing so hard that he seemed happy with the news.

On the other side of him, another strong man was not so happy.

"Okay, how embarrassing, have you laughed enough? Tuzi's mission is to change the earth messenger. No one would have thought that in this desolate star field, a strong man suspected to be the level of an outsider would appear. , I think we should ask someone from the empire to go over and investigate, maybe some other forces have gotten their hands on our trial star field."

"Don't think too much. The appearance of this strong man is just an accident. You should be happy. Now there is one less person competing with you to enter the genius battle field. You should work hard for me. As long as you can enter the genius battle field, Territory, it’s a bit of a shame for my branch.”

"As for that earth messenger, we will observe it in the future. If he appears again, give him a warning depending on the situation. I hope he understands the rules of the universe."

A sudden voice caused the two starry sky-level beings who were conversing to stand up respectfully and listen humbly.

Jia Yan didn't know that during the conversation in this strange place, he actually revealed the huge headache he had before, which was why the biochemical empire would not take action for the dead goose. And he didn’t know that in the eyes of the other party, the star field he thought was his hometown was just a desolate star field, or even just a training ground for the other party to hone the starry sky-level juniors!

Fortunately, in the end, the biochemical empire did not want to take action against him, and Jia Yan was able to escape the disaster this time.

Of course, if there was a real fight, he wouldn't necessarily lose to one division.

These are things that have not been announced. I don’t know if this so-called branch of the Biochemical Empire will regret this in the future.

Jia Yan didn't understand that his actions almost attracted the attention of the giant. Looking for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. com is still flying at this time.

The space capsule is extremely fast. Because it uses the most cutting-edge technology in the Northern Star Territory, its ability to travel through space is almost unprecedented in this Star Territory.

After flying for about half a month, Jia Yan passed through each starry sky area, and finally saw the familiar star field scene around him.

In front of the space capsule, there was a small dot that slowly appeared. This small dot of light grew larger and larger, and finally turned into a glowing star.

This is the solar system!

After Jia Yan saw this galaxy, he felt a feeling of not seeing his hometown for a long time again.

As a strong man, his strength can surpass all existences in the entire star field, surpass his family, surpass all life in his hometown, and even the people on earth can kill the entire planet at will just by his strength. exist. But hometown is hometown, and this feeling is extremely important in the heart of every living thing.

Jia Yan looked at the earth that was getting closer and closer, and as he jumped through space again and again, the earth slowly appeared, and the smile on his lips became more and more obvious.

He hadn't smiled so naturally for a long time.

The earth changed from a small black spot to a huge spherical shape, and the space capsule Jia Yan was riding in also gradually slowed down.

And that little black spot is now a huge blue planet. Under the brilliance of the sun, it looks like pearl agate, beautiful and moving.

He is just an extremely ordinary star in the starry sky, but to the wanderer who has been traveling for a long time, he is like a mother, giving people a sense of security.

"Earth, I'm back!" Jia Yan jumped out of the space capsule, looked at the beautiful star, and murmured softly.

2017, here I come! ! Happy New Year's Day, and I wish all the genuine readers of this book a happy new year. To be continued.

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