(New volume, please collect it!)

"About the mysterious giant creature in the Northeast and a giant mosquito that saves mankind"!

The female college student typed out the title of this line, and then felt dissatisfied, so she deleted the words one by one.

"Tong Yu, are you still struggling with the summary of this adventure?"

The roommate walked into the dormitory from the outside and saw the female college student sitting in front of her laptop, frowning and deleting text.

"You don't believe it anyway!" Ye Tongyu glared at his roommate angrily, then continued typing angrily.

But she also knew that this adventure she and others had on the northeastern border was really as exciting as the plot of a movie. If it was too exciting, it would be normal for others not to believe it.

After returning to the peaceful Shanghai and his college life, Ye Tongyu couldn't recover for a long time.

The only thing that surprised her was that after the two instructors reported the matter and contacted the relevant media, nothing happened!

Moreover, the two teachers also called me separately and asked me not to try to contact the media on my own.

But Ye Tongyu is a student at the Communication University, and his future ambition is to be a reporter. This kind of excellent news would feel blasphemous if it were not revealed!

And for some reason, every time she took a break, she would always think of the 'big mosquito' that was said to have saved their group several times!

Teacher Lin once said that a very big mosquito flew in front of the strong man who captured her when she was in danger, as if it deliberately disturbed the strong man's concentration.

Although she was arrested later, she was still very grateful to this giant mosquito that saved her once, intentionally or unintentionally.

And the student of the School of Life, the big boy 'Zhang Shiming' who behaved like a hero this time, also said that he was helped by the mosquito more than once. When he was entangled with two strong men, the mosquito seemed to A wise comrade helps him resolve crises every time, otherwise he would definitely end up being captured!

As for Ye Tongyu himself, he was also saved once by the big mosquito when he was being chased by the man with evil eyes!

It can be said to be a coincidence, but everyone was saved once by this mosquito. This doesn't seem like a coincidence. Could it be that the big mosquito really meant to help them? !

This idea has been born for a long time, so Ye Tongyu wanted to describe them.

If it doesn’t work in traditional media, then it can always be put online, right? Anyway, there are so many fake news on the Internet every day, so it doesn’t hurt to have one more, right?

This is what Ye Tongyu thinks.

Bang! Just when Ye Tongyu was organizing his words and preparing to continue his coding time, the dormitory door suddenly opened!

Tingting's slightly sharp voice reached Ye Tongyu's ears.

"Great talent, great beauty! Why didn't you tell me when you came back?"

Ye Tongyu's expression changed, but there was no fear at this time.

She just calmly focused her gaze on the girl who walked in from the door of her dormitory.

After experiencing life and death in the Northeast, she was no longer afraid of Tingting, who was blackmailing her. Compared with those big men in the Northeast who were armed with guns, this girl was not scary at all!

Maybe next, I can ask Tingting to compensate me for some mental damages?

Even if she really calls someone...

Can I ask that classmate Zhang Shiming, who seems to be very powerful, to help me?

Thinking of the big boy, Ye Tongyu smiled slightly.

The next day, an article signed "The mysterious giant creature from the Northeast and the legendary adventure story of our group" began to appear on some forums.

No one knows whether this bizarre article will be regarded as a joke and forgotten by people after reading it, or whether it will be regarded as some interesting anecdotes and spark some discussion.

Certain things always have a fermentation time, and when the time is up, they will slowly reveal their true colors!

The characters in the story in the Northeast region were unaware of the scene that took place in Shanghai.

What they faced was an even more violent scene!

The protagonists from Shanghai have returned, but for everyone in the factory, their danger has just begun.


A bullet hit the factory wall, causing a cloud of dust!

The Siberian Wild Tiger sitting in the office in the factory immediately stood up in fright from his restless state.

He quietly stood behind the curtains and looked outside quietly.


And while he was watching, a bullet shot directly towards his face!


When the Siberian Wild Tiger saw the bulletproof glass in front of him, it instantly showed signs of shattering!

There was a rifle bullet stuck on the bulletproof glass. From the point where the bullet was stuck, the glass showed a spider web-like crack!

He was startled and fell backward!

"Young man, you were shocked! That's why I told you not to appear next to the window. Don't do this again next time! That window can't block the second sniper attack!" came the indifferent voice of the addict on the intercom. sound.

The Siberian wild tiger swallowed his saliva and quickly rolled and crawled away from the window.

Bang bang!

Violent gunshots were heard from outside.

Then the junkie's voice came over the intercom again.

"Okay, this wave of five people has been killed again. Send someone to bring some food! I haven't done anything for a long time, and I'm a little tired. I'm really young..."

So cool!

The Siberian wild tigers are about to jump up.

Back and forth, this senior drug addict he invited defeated four waves of five-man teams.

Alone! It is said that the opponents are all top related teams in the country, and some of them are for this mission. Some big shots deliberately selected soldiers from the army and asked them to pretend to be retired and come to participate in the mission!

I didn’t expect that kind of strong man, the addict senior, would be destroyed at the drop of a hat!

The Siberian Wild Tiger was sincerely happy that he had worked hard to win over this senior to become his partner.

"Boss, come drink some water and deliver food to the addicted senior. I have already made arrangements."

The man in glasses brought a glass of boiling water to the Siberian wild tiger.

"Thank you..." The Siberian Wild Tiger took the water glass and was about to drink it to calm down his shock.


An exclamation from the second workshop made him throw the water glass directly to the ground!

Without thinking much, the Siberian Wild Tiger was already running out of the office.

"What's going on!" The man with glasses looked at his boss's back strangely.

The first floor hall of the second workshop.

This is where the connecting pipes are connected, and an exhaust fan is arranged here. If the workshop is functioning properly, the exhaust fan here will continuously extract the air from the underground world, and then send it to the boiler on the second floor.

The boiler then undergoes special firing to separate the air in the underground world at high pressure, and finally obtain a black liquid.

Those black raw liquids cannot be used directly by humans. They have to go through chemical processing in the first workshop and add certain drugs before they can be transformed into 'antimicrobial peptides' that are beneficial to most human diseases, that is, purple-red liquid!

Some outsiders have already called this liquid medicine 'water of life'. However, it is too precious. A bottle of such potion can only be obtained easily by the rich. The lower class of wealthy people can only get it through certain means and pay a huge price!

One bottle is priced at a million dollars, but it’s still affordable and has no market!

Otherwise, how could a top killer like a drug addict be bribed by a Siberian wild tiger and risk his life for a few bottles of this stuff?

The boiler in the workshop exploded, which caused the factory to stop production for at least a period of time. Not only is money lost every day when production is stopped, but also the medicine that many big people are anxious about is gone!

There are maintenance workers now, urgently repairing the pipes and boilers damaged by the explosion amidst the constant sound of gunfire, but they can't do it fast!

The previous screams came from the mouths of these maintenance workers in the workshop on the first floor.

"Is it those things?!"

While running, the Siberian wild tiger's heart trembled.

When he first found the factory, he remembered the events very clearly. At that time, he and five or six brothers entered the ruins of the factory.

But among the ruins, there were three or four extremely huge slender-waisted wasp-like things hovering!

Especially one of the guys with a purple appearance killed a brother of the Siberian wild tiger as soon as they appeared!

The Siberian wild tiger took out a pistol and shot, but the purple slender-waisted wasp was only shot back by the bullets, but nothing happened!

In the end, it was because the wings were hit and a hole was punched through that the purple slender-waisted wasp had to escape into the cracked and rusty pipe and enter the space under the pipe.

In fact, the Siberian Wild Tiger pistols are out of bullets. If the opponent continues to attack them, the Siberian Wild Tigers will definitely be wiped out!

Could it be that thing again this time? !

The Northeast Wild Tiger doesn't know that the so-called slender-waisted wasp is actually a purple beetle from the underground world. This kind of purple beetle cannot stay on the surface world for a long time. Perhaps at that time, they appeared on the surface just to check their own health. Territory', find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com Or if you want a change, come to the surface world to catch some food and will be back soon.

And this time, are they actually those giant beetles? !

The answer is naturally no!

In the second workshop, a huge giant mosquito is causing chaos in the workshop!


Four or five maintenance workers were holding tools, iron rods and other things, and looked at the monster flying in the air, which looked like an enlarged version of a mosquito. They wanted to attack, but they didn't dare!

This is a huge monster that looks like a mosquito magnified hundreds or thousands of times.

Just now, a pipe repairman stuck his head into the pipe and turned one of the screws.

The plumber looked at the dark space below and couldn't figure out where this bottomless pipe led.

He was even worried that if he accidentally fell in, he would just disappear!

Just when the plumber was feeling uneasy.

A monster that seemed to crawl out of the abyss of hell, with a pair of faint compound eyes, made a flapping noise from below the pipe, and flew towards it with a buzzing sound!

The plumber first heard a sound, and when he looked around, the huge mosquito had already appeared in front of him!

It was only thirty or forty centimeters away, so close that he could clearly see the cold compound eyes on the opposite side!

To be continued.

Thanks to book friend ‘Arrakis’ for the 588 tip! Thanks to 'Anjing丨', 'Have you registered', 'Tota King Li Jing', 'ss3rv', 'Funeral Committee', 'Smiling Face Like Pancake', 'mengying Luoluo' and other book friends for their rewards, and also thank the book friends who voted for recommendations. ,Thanks! !

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