Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter Six: Daifuni’s Current Situation

In the vast starry sky, spaceships and battleships that did not look too advanced were flying slowly in the starry sky.

This is a group of starships.

It consists of a large wave of ships of various types. Although there are some warships among them, actually calling it a fleet is a bit too much. This force can only be called a fleet at most.

However, although this ship force composed of large and small ships does not have very good spaceships or very good equipment, it still flies tenaciously in space.

In this vast universe, they seemed to have been flying for a long, long time.

Some ships are linked together by metal, and some warships seem to have lost power a long time ago, or may have even broken down long ago. Now they are just used as a living space, being pulled away by other warships.

Among this group of ships, there is an extremely large two-kilometer ship, and now there are tens of thousands of creatures living in this ship.

Large swaths of creatures were gathered together. There were many creatures living in the entire huge ship, but every creature was skinny and skinny, and some even starved to death. After being given a simple funeral, they were thrown directly into the starry sky. among.

This group of creatures lived on simple synthetic food every day, but due to insufficient energy, the ship could not turn on a large temperature control system and it was extremely cold.

This is another reason why many creatures freeze to death.

A group of creatures gathered together today. They gather together at this time every day, waiting for something.

"Hello everyone, food is here."

A pretty and cute girl walked out from the side of the ship.

She appeared out of thin air in mid-air of the ship, walking and jumping at the same time.

At the same time the little girl began to sing.

"The people from far away..."

"Do you know the fragrance of the grass? Do you know the warmth of the earth?"

"Don't lose hope, don't lose motivation."


As soon as the little girl sang, she was followed by a boy who seemed to be about the same age. However, this boy had a wary look on his face. He put his fingers on the handle of the knife at his waist and looked calmly at the person below. name creature.

While the little girl was singing, rows of people pushing cars behind them also walked out quickly.

The creatures on the ground seemed to have seen some gold and diamonds, and they crowded forward like crazy, trying to snatch the things in these cars.

"Don't grab it, everyone." The little girl above shouted softly.

At this sound, the noisy creatures paused for a while, but they were still squeezing like crazy.

It turns out that the food in the car is synthetic food similar to porridge. The color of this food is not good-looking, and even the taste is mediocre. If people on earth were here, they might not be able to persist for a few days before they would lose their appetite due to this food.

But the creatures here look at these foods as if they are some peerless delicacies.

There are also some creatures who are admiring the singing voice of the little beauty above. They do not grab or fight because everyone knows that this food is absolutely fair.

I have listened to the little girl's voice above for a long time. Although I am tired of hearing it, her voice is really nice. Some monsters feel uncomfortable if they don't listen to it every day.

"Lulu! Come on!" These beings looked at the little girl dancing and singing above and shouted like they were idols.

Finally, after a long period of food distribution, things on this level are over.

The little girl sang songs again and went to the battleship level on the other side.

This is how the creatures living in this battleship spend every day.

And just in another place on this huge ship, there is another scene.

Here, elites exist, walking between various positions with stern expressions. They are all relatively rare strong men or beings with certain strengths in the fleet.

Even in this small fleet, there is a complete operating system, just like a small world. And this place is the center of the entire small world and the command post of the entire fleet.

"If you calculate it again, how far away is the earth?"

A pleasant voice came from the command post.

The speaker was a woman with fiery red hair and a delicate and beautiful appearance. A beauty that can attract anyone.

Of course, this beauty does not have much effect on creatures of other races.

"Sir, I told you three days ago that we are close to the edge of the solar system. If our calculations are not wrong, we may be able to reach the earth in three months."

"Are there three months left? Alas." The red-haired beauty shook her head helplessly.

"Sir, is it true that our earth forces came to this earth after a long journey? It is said that the assassins are no longer on earth. The last communication was two or three years ago. I don't know if the earth is now occupied by Ru Lan. The empire’s semi-combat aircraft carrier was destroyed.”

A monster stood beside the beauty and said with some dissatisfaction.

A frog monster on the other side also said with some dissatisfaction.

"That's right, if the earth has been destroyed, we, a force that has traveled across the stars for a long time, may be waiting for us when we get here. We may be attacked head-on by the other party, or we may fall into a trap."

The two lieutenants are a little dissatisfied with this beauty, but they are a little afraid of her personal strength. In addition, there are also a group of her die-hard fans in the fleet, so now, the power of the fleet has still arrived. solar system.

"Ha..." The beautiful woman just looked at the two deputies coldly, making them feel chilled all over.

You must know that over the years, this beauty's methods against the entire fleet have made them more knowledgeable. No one knows what kind of punishment they will receive if they offend her.

"Okay, I have my own opinion on everything." The beauty waved her hand helplessly and asked several subordinates to exit the command room.

It is said to be a command room, but it is also the residence of this beautiful woman.

The space in the fleet was really tight, so in order to lead the way, she took the lead in saving space.

Looking at the entire fleet, the name here seems to be coming out!

That's right!

This was the force that Jia Yan established back then, and he was also the witness who witnessed Jia Yan, the big mosquito, slaying out of the gray-yellow star.

The creatures from the gray-yellow star, the creatures who either took refuge or were forced to join the forces of the earth, are still barely living in this fleet at this time!

Although some died, there were also some born. A large wave of little monsters started reading in the small campus established by the fleet.

The entire fleet, which was supposed to fall apart without Jia Yan, was actually still controlled by this beautiful woman at this moment.

It can be seen that her methods are extremely clever.

And the name of this great beauty is the biochemical beauty who impressed Jia Yan deeply - 'Daifuni'!

After many years, Daifuni seems to have not changed at all. She is still so beautiful and her figure is still so beautiful.

As the first person to have a conversation with Jia Yan, especially the person who had plotted against Jia Yan and also brought a series of opportunities to Jia Yan, Daifuni had always left a clear impression on Jia Yan.

And now this beautiful woman has been loyal to Jia Yan's orders for more than ten years, and finally controls the fleet of the earth's forces, sailing far away from the land of the gray and yellow star to the solar system.

The purpose is to rush to the aid of the people on earth and help them repel the Rulan Empire's "semi-combat aircraft carrier".

But what they don't know is, where is the threat from semi-combat aircraft carriers on the earth now?

The current semi-combat aircraft carrier has long been the subject of research by a number of earth scientists. If anything, it has become a boost for the people on earth.

The fleet of the Earth's forces did not know this at all. To conduct ultra-long-distance communication with the Earth at a time, the gravity wave system of the year was needed. Each time it required astronomical amounts of energy, and even food was almost exhausted. It is impossible for the fleet to communicate anymore.

"It is said that it takes three months to reach the Earth, but it only takes half a month to get to the edge of the solar system, right? Once there, we can use radio communication to ask about the current situation of the Earth."

Daifuni looked at the distant starry sky with some worry. In front of her beautiful pupils, the sun, the main star of the solar system, was brighter than other stars. It could be seen that the fleet was getting closer and closer to it. .

Daphne was a little tired. Even though she controlled the entire fleet, the intrigue just now was unfolding every day. After so many years, there were several powerful factions in the entire fleet, and each of her subordinates had one. It's not a weak force, but it's very difficult for her to deal with it.

Now Daifuni just wants to prevent this group of subordinates from suddenly betraying them when they are about to help the earth.

While Daphne continued to be in the fleet, she was thinking about these things secretly.

An ultra-small aircraft that surpassed the fleet by an unknown amount of speed, like a ray of light, quickly approached the shabby fleet from the rear of the fleet.

In this ultra-small aircraft, there was a young man who also looked like an Earthling. At this time, the man looked at the shabby fleet that appeared in the distance. The familiar sight made him recall it for a while.

"This fleet is really similar to what it was more than ten years ago. I didn't expect that Daphne actually kept her promise to me and came to the solar system..."

The man driving the ultra-fast aircraft is naturally Jia Yan.

At this time, Jia Yan looked at the advancing fleet. It seemed that there were a few missing ships, but the remaining ones looked very familiar, but they were more shabby than they were more than ten years ago.

The distance between the two sides was more than a hundred kilometers apart, but the fleet was unable to detect the existence of Jia Yan's aircraft.

After Jia Yan looked at the fleet ahead, he directly controlled the aircraft and headed forward!

The speed of the aircraft was much higher than that of the opponent, and it arrived at the rear of the fleet in an instant.

But here, the entire fleet's detection system has not yet discovered Jia Yan's space capsule. (To be continued.)

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