Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 22 Visiting the Mercenary Organization

?What Jia Yan didn't know was that there were actually strong men searching for him behind him.

Just the space jump of Jia Yan's warship jumped hundreds of millions of kilometers in one breath. Even a half-star level existence could not directly use the power of brain waves to find his location. At this moment, he accidentally found the wrong place and missed Jia Yan. of.

Jia Yan, a being, faced off with a semi-star-level strongman, and then even escaped from the opponent's hands for the first time. This incident was quickly posted on the Internet and by the people and strongmen who witnessed it. in the media.

Some smart people had already started recording images at that time. A series of events have been shared countless times by countless combat enthusiasts online.

The 'Giant Mosquito Clan Jia Yan', who has become more and more famous recently, has become even more terrifying at this moment!

"He was able to escape from the hands of a half-star strong man. Could it be that this man is not just an invincible venerable, but the number one person under half a star?"

"It's too exaggerated. Half of the media do not believe it. Some people say that this is Jia Yan mobilizing the power of the media to build momentum for himself. So is it a fake battle? We Youxin interviewed the seniors of the White Bird War Hall .”

Every media outlet was frightened by the 'invincible venerable' Jia Yan at this moment. Because this existence is unprecedented. Not only has it occupied countless pages in the media recently, but it has also caused countless impacts on various industries in the entire Northern Star Territory. It is not only the media and powerful people who have impacted, but also the financial industry. There was turmoil.

For example, if one of the forces that Jia Yan visited was not dealt with properly, their stocks would fall sharply. It would not only hurt the company, but also the foundation of some forces, and even ordinary people would be deeply hurt.

And because of the interference of various forces, the evaluation of Jia Yan in today's Northern Star Territory has all kinds of opinions, some say he is great, some say he is fake, some look down upon him, and some are just plain stupid. No matter what he did, it was all about slander.

Therefore, even though Jia Yan, a strong man, came to the Northern Star Territory by himself and traveled all the way alone, the turmoil he caused was far-reaching. He himself did not expect such fluctuations.

But for Jia Yan, it was destined that he came to the center of the Northern Star Territory. If a strong man wants to become stronger, it is his natural instinct to go to higher places. If there are strong men in the central area, Jia Yan will He is just here. He is a being from the distant starry sky. He is not his home anywhere in this star field. He is running around everywhere without the slightest thought for the creatures in this starry sky.

If a person does not act for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth. In the eyes of strong people, this is also an extremely normal theory.

"Hey, Taiya Country actually sent me a message saying that Taiya Country's economic and political situation has been unprecedentedly good recently? Yes, and some of the projects under development have made great progress thanks to the recent good situation. "

While Jia Yan was thinking about how to fight against semi-stellar beings, he also paid attention to the situation in Taiya.

Kama told him that the Taiya Kingdom has been rapidly stabilized recently, and even some scattered battles have completely disappeared, and there are no diplomatic obstacles. It is almost the most prosperous scene of the Taiya Kingdom that year.

"Kama's talent in government affairs must not be inferior to her military talent. It seems that I was wrong to underestimate her before. But all this is gone for me. My path will only be to become stronger. …”

After reading the message, Jia Yan closed the message.

While he had time, he also focused on his clone.

The clone is still traveling in the universe, because the energy of the space capsule is somewhat insufficient. In order to save energy, he slowed down and switched to using renewable energy for navigation. Therefore, it took longer than expected to reach the capital star from the western region of the Rulan Empire. It takes a little longer.

It just so happens that Jia Yan's real body has been a little busy recently. After all, his strength needs to be supported by his real body, so it doesn't matter if he wastes a little time at this moment. Jia Yan's customized policy is to focus on his real body recently.

"My strength has an advantage over the semi-star level, and that is my shuttle ability and my way of avoiding battles. As for these two fighting methods, I have not even conducted further research and development when I was promoted to the Venerable. , if I can further improve these two abilities in the coming days, then for me, maybe I can take a step closer and get a stronger combat effectiveness with the existing energy. "

Jia Yan was thinking.

He knew his strength. After fighting with more than a hundred venerables some time ago, he had already reached the benefit period of being promoted to an evolved beast. That is to say, it is already the strongest state of this mutation.

But in this state, it seems that he is not qualified to directly fight with a half-star level being.

The only way Jia Yan can think of is to re-develop his existing combat skills. This is not impossible, because after his promotion this time, his combat skills are still at the high-level star level. It's just about having great control over energy. But in fact, the beginning of the battle taught by the light and shadow monster is far from being that simple.

With the plan in mind, Jia Yan began research.

After today, although he was still in the central area of ​​the Northern Star Region, he neither docked at the port nor came into contact with other warships and spaceships.

News about Jia Yan quickly disappeared.

There were only a few reports of encounters and sightings, and apart from these, news about him became increasingly scarce.

Two full months have passed. No matter how powerful Jia Yan is, the media and the Internet keep saying that it is just that little thing every day. So slowly, the public's attention is attracted to other places, and his existence has become Some are hidden.

Of course, everyone already knows him. As long as there is news, they will definitely remember this existence immediately.

Jia Yan did not keep people waiting for too long...

Two months later, powerful beings in the Northern Star Territory were still thinking about Jia Yan's whereabouts.

But one day, this existence actually came directly to the bright side!

The central area of ​​the Northern Star Territory, and it is the most central place in the central area.

There is an extremely huge door here, which seems to cut the entire starry sky directly, with neither the beginning nor the end visible.

The existence of this door gives viewers an indescribable psychological pressure, and they feel a sense of awe for the beings who come here.

In fact, the creatures who come here, whether they are ordinary ordinary creatures or truly powerful, will definitely be in awe of the power of this door.

Because the force behind this door is one of the largest forces in the entire Northern Star Territory, and it is said that the powerful ones are also the most powerful in the entire Northern Star Territory.

Mercenary organization!

One has been proven, spanning several nearby areas, and has its presence everywhere except the Northern Star Territory.

Such an interstellar force completely surpasses other forces in the Northern Star Territory. In order to respect him, all forces have no intention of competing with the mercenary organization and have left the central golden area in the center of the Northern Star Territory to It was given to the mercenary organization as its headquarters.

And just outside this organization, a battleship arrived today.

"Who is coming? The mercenary organization does not allow foreign warships to pass through the main entrance. If you have a pass, please go through the side entrance."

Just when the battleship arrived outside the door of the mercenary organization, a two-hundred-meter-tall black shadow appeared near the battleship almost instantly, speaking without any emotion.

"Pass? I don't have a pass."

But what surprised the black monster was that the being in the battleship answered calmly in a calm tone.

"Don't have a pass? Get lost. If you want to be a mercenary, just go to the ordinary mercenary hall. Our headquarters is not accessible to ordinary people. Even a mere venerable person wants to enter without a reservation, huh."

The powerful black shadow man was a venerable-level being. He seemed to be used to being domineering. When he heard that the warship was about to enter the mercenary organization's headquarters without an appointment, he suddenly became angry and used his brainwave power.

This force is a thrust, but it has no intention of harming the battleship. Find Shuyuan

As the Venerable of the mercenary organization, even though this being is guarding the gate, his strength is still unfathomable, and there is no way that the Venerable from the outside can be his opponent. Even the opponent did not dare to resist.

But the brainwave power released by this strong man was suddenly blocked by the venerable presence in the battleship, who suddenly released an understatement of brainwave power.

"Huh? He actually blocked it!" This black shadow existence seemed to be very surprised and let out a light sigh.

But soon his anger burst out!

"You actually want to break through the gate of the mercenary organization by force? It seems that I won't give you any trouble..." This strong man's power is about to explode.

"I'm sorry, please tell me. My name is Jia Yan. I have long admired the name of the mercenary organization, and I came here to visit your organization today."

Unexpectedly, before this strong man broke out, the existence in the battleship directly made a sound.

"I don't care whether you are a real rock or a fake rock...uh, Jia Yan?!"

The black shadow existed, and he wanted to mock and continue to use force against the battleship in front of him, but just as he used a little bit of his power, he suddenly froze!

Jia Yan? This name seems familiar!

Could it be that the ‘Invincible Venerable’ who caused an uproar in the entire Northern Star Territory some time ago? !

And the 'Jia Yan' who also escaped with his life from a half-star strong man?

"Uh, are you Jia Yan?" The venerable-level monster stopped and looked at the style of the battleship. At a glance, he could directly see the clues about the shadow of the battleship that had appeared countless times in the media. . At this moment he was no longer calm.

Thanks to the book friend ‘The Miserable Aquarius’ for another reward of 1,000 starting coins, and also to the brother ‘The Tiger Who Eats Pigs’ for another reward!

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