Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 12 Operation to Capture Jia Yan

A person with a name raised his head in surprise when he heard the name 'Jia Yan'.

Jia Yan's name has been very popular in the entire Northern Star Territory recently. Some good people even assigned him the most powerful talent in the history of the Northern Star Territory on the Internet.

Not only his promotion speed, but also his terrifying ability to kill enemies across levels.

You must know that this existence came from the outside world and in the first battle in the Northern Star Territory, he surpassed the level to kill the enemy and killed a powerful person of the Venerable level!

And then it became even more incredible. In the battle some time ago, he even killed a group of strong men, including two second-level masters!

How could the powerful people in the Northern Star Region not recognize such a being?

"Jia Yan? Could it be that creature from the so-called giant mosquito clan that has been in the limelight recently?"

"No, he can kill even two strong men from the Second Pass. We have so many strong men, maybe we can't kill him."

"No, the strong men of the Ai Tang force have the ability to join forces to control the environment. Maybe they can use the power of environmental control to greatly weaken his strength and still have a chance of victory."

After hearing the words of the orangutan strongman, each of the strong men seemed to be surprised by the name he said.

And Jia Yan was even more shocked!

"You actually want to arrest me? My matter has spread to the ears and eyes of the big forces so quickly!" Jia Yan was very surprised by Qi Ruitang's actions.

Logically speaking, he had never met Qi Ruitang, so there could not be much entanglement of interests. He did not remember that his actions in Taiya Kingdom had offended Qi Ruitang.

So why did Qiruitang want to arrest him?

"It seems that things are really interesting. I just came here to see such a group of beings. What they want to do here actually has something to do with me..."

Jia Yan looked around in surprise, and then lowered his figure even more invisibly.

Jia Yan didn't really look down on the strength of that group of venerables, especially the existence of the previous ten Ai Tang forces. When using the joint brainwave power, Jia Yan also felt a huge pressure.

If he really takes action, Jia Yan really has no other good way besides using his space shuttle ability to kill these love-traveling forces.

"Now that I've been touched by myself, I really have to see what Qiruitang wants to do." He thought with some confusion on his body hidden under the armor.

When he came to the Central Star Territory this time, Jia Yan originally wanted to find the powerful forces that he had killed to make some symbolic compensation, and then see if there was any energy possessed by the mercenary organization in the mercenary organization. .

But at this time, he discovered that the big forces in the Northern Star Territory were already targeting him without him appearing.

"Okay! Now that everyone has agreed, let's get on the spaceship. According to Qi Ruitang, Jia Yan should be close to here. As for the specific benefits for you, we will confirm them one by one when we get on the battleship later. Everyone has a share!”

The orangutan expert seemed to pay great attention to time. After explaining everything to all the experts, he gave orders.

A wave of strong men flew up, and under the arrangement of the love force, they were monitored by a group of strong men and returned to their battleship.

Jia Yan discovered that there was a bomb inside his battleship at some point.

"Don't worry, everyone, the amount of this bomb will not hurt you. It can only damage your warship from the inside. If you fight hard, we will not explode the bomb. The purpose of installing this bomb is just to prevent you from directly driving the warship. Just running away.”

The words of the powerful orangutan were transmitted directly through the battleship's public channel.

"Haha, it seems that they have figured it out. But after thinking so much, they didn't expect that my battleship is faster. At this moment, it has already arrived in the starry sky, and it has even blended into the team they forcibly led. This means that if a wise man thinks a lot, he will make a mistake..."

Jia Yan shook his head speechlessly. These beings had put in a lot of effort, but they never expected that Jia Yan would come here under a new disguise.

He also secretly felt gratified that his battleship deliberately chose an ordinary shape. If it hadn't been like this, maybe the other party would have recognized it.

"The news from Qiruitang should be extremely urgent. With such a long distance, if you want to send messages so quickly, you can't send more messages. Even my battleship is not described clearly. But it is only a matter of time before it is exposed... …”

"Then how should I greet these 'temporary comrades' later?"

Jia Yan's cold compound eyes flashed with a playful light.

A large wave of warships of all kinds, some good and some bad, took off from the outer port of the star.

Perhaps this love force has never had such a huge lineup of powerful people. At this moment, the people below, as well as the media on the planet, are extremely excited.

Even the person in charge of the port was stunned at this moment. It was probably a native of Aitangxing who was not as powerful as the Venerable. He seemed to be unaware of the gathering of powerful people at this moment.

Ordinary residents and powerful people watched this large wave of beings quickly enter the universe, and everyone began to speculate.

Of course, what no one can guess is that at this moment, these powerful people on their planet have united with outside powerhouses to capture the recently famous 'Giant Mosquito Clan Jia Yan' in the entire northern star region.

Of course, among that group of strong men, Jia Yan had already been 'captured' by them, but no one knew about the existence of Aitangxing.

"Okay, let's come and take a look at the benefits we can choose. As long as we capture Jia Yan alive, we can get these things."

The strong battleship group flew a distance of two to three hundred million kilometers. It seemed that all the strong men had no resistance to the arrangements at this moment. The orangutan strongman directly announced that this group of strong men could start to choose the benefits.

This is also a necessary means to stimulate morale, and it seems to be quite effective.

"Eh? Is this the battleship D245 engine I want? This thing actually exists. I want this."

"Qirui Tang's unique body-building medicine? I want this. Maybe it can make my promotion to the star level smoother."

"Haha, you are all so stupid. Those are all fake. Money is more important. I want the 10 million Northern Alliance coins exclusive to Qiruitang. This is a good currency that can be used to buy things from all the powerful forces."

It didn't take long for each of the strong men to burst out with great enthusiasm. Naturally, they were extremely satisfied with the items they selected. Even if some strong men were not satisfied with the items listed at the moment, they could also choose currency.

Jia Yan was in his own battleship, looking at the list of items sent by the other party, his eyes flashing.

"I didn't expect that there is star-condensed essence, and it's an extremely large amount. If it were on the earth, maybe the entire earth wouldn't be able to dig out enough of such a huge amount of essence. And it's just a simple one. It's just a reward. It seems that the wealth in the center of the Northern Star Territory is beyond my imagination."

Jia Yan saw many familiar things, such as the star-condensed purple essence he had swallowed before, special battleships, super engines, chaos stones, and even his current battleship's unique space jump capability spaceship.

"Hey, what I thought was a good thing in the past is now a waste here?" Jia Yan was a little surprised.

But he didn't think too much about it. This meant that he had entered a new world. After all, the stronger the strong, the more things he would see. Things that were originally thought to be rare would become common. This is because the strong are powerful themselves. Up standard quality.

Of course, what Jia Yan thought was a bad street was not that exaggerated. Just looking at the performance of this group of strong men at this moment, it became clear that some things were very rare and good even for them. Otherwise, it would not have been taken out by Na Qiruitang as a reward for the strong.

Jia Yan randomly picked an item without looking at it carefully. It was probably some kind of liquid.

After all, it is impossible for him to catch himself. This entire team is destined to be impossible to catch Jia Yan later. It doesn't matter what he chooses.

"Okay, everyone has chosen something they like. After we see Jia Yan later, everyone will work harder. As long as we catch him, we can get what we want."

The orangutan warrior said this to a group of warriors with a smile on his face.

After that, the strong man shut down his broadcast communication.

"How's it going? Hasn't Qirui Hall sent any detailed information about Jia Yan?"

After he closed the communication, he asked the several subordinates of the early Starry Sky who were responsible for communication.

"Sir, we have already sent a message to inquire. I think they will send a message soon. After all, we are still too far away from Qiruitang. Find Shuyuan and there is no ultra-long distance communication quantum station. Otherwise, , the news will not be so delayed.”

Those early starry sky beings were as busy as anything.

"Well, you guys work hard. As long as you finish this, you can go to the Qirui Hall headquarters with me and enjoy better training resources." The orangutan expert said with a cheerful smile at this moment.

This strong orangutan is the most powerful person in the Ai Tang force at this time. The task of arresting Jia Yan this time was also handled by him vigorously.

He thought that he had specially 'invited' more than fifty venerables this time. Even if a strong person from Ciguan saw this kind of strength, he would have to leave. Although Jia Yan was rumored to be powerful, he had encountered so many Your Majesty, the possibility of being captured is still very high.

"Hey, as long as I catch him, I can go... there, maybe!"

What this orangutan warrior didn't know was that when he was smiling and thinking about a better life, an indifferent brain wave force quietly came close to the battleship.

Because there were too many powerful people at the moment, the entire starry sky was filled with the power of their brainwaves. This brainwave power could have been detected by the powerful people, but the chaos at this time made him lurk quietly...

"Sir, the picture was sent, uh... this battleship, why, it seems familiar!"

puff! ! !

When those few communication stars received certain messages in the early stages of communication, the latent brainwave power suddenly activated like an explosion!

(To be continued.)

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