The girl who was asked what she said was silent for a while, and then she laughed strangely: "How is that possible! The Jia family is the largest family in the world, and I am an ordinary person like your family. If I had such a good family background, I would still Are you borrowing money to buy lunch? There are so many people named Jia, are they all from the Jia family? Don’t say weird things, it’s annoying!”

The girl seemed to be explaining in a panic, but the girls who asked the question didn't really want to ask this at all, and they all laughed at this moment.

"Jia Qi, why are you panicking? Don't be nervous. We are just joking."

"Hey, if you dare to make fun of me, I won't hit you!" Jia Qi rubbed her fists and then ran quickly after several children.

What these children didn't know, except for the word "Jia Qi", was that there was a secret tracking group of almost a dozen people around them, following them closely.

"Our little princess is playing with these common people again. It's really boring. I said she is such a powerful brain wave talent and the first person on earth to cultivate brain wave power. Why? Do you like hanging out with ordinary civilians so much?"

A man in his twenties, smoking a cigarette, calmly stood above a building, watching the children playing below, and then said helplessly.

Another middle-aged man next to him secretly said something bad after hearing what the young man said!

He quickly took a step back under the shock of the young man. Before the young man who spoke had a chance to ask him anything, he saw that his body seemed to have been hit by an invisible fist!

With a snap, the young man lowered his body in pain, almost rolling on the ground in pain.

"Hehe." The middle-aged man smiled and slowly walked forward: "You have just come here. I haven't told you the true strength of little Princess Qiqi yet. She has been practicing since she was a baby. It is said that she is now She is already at the mid-prefecture level, and if we say bad things about her within a few dozen meters, she will most likely be heard through her brainwave power."

"Let me go, I can hear it from dozens of meters away. Although my strength is at the earth level, I haven't reached the earth level yet. I'm really not as good as a genius." The young man stood up while coughing dryly.

The middle-aged man deliberately walked to the edge of the building, looked at the girl below, and said jokingly: "Little genius princess, please stop beating him. If he is beaten away by you, I don't think anyone will dare." I’m here to be your escort.”

"Hmph." Several guards around seemed to hear a faint snort from a little girl.

And just above the heads of these protective beings, what they didn't notice was that there was an entity that had just arrived from the sky at this moment. It was actually standing there in the sky, and no entity noticed his appearance!

" is indeed Qiqi. It is already ten years later. She has grown up. My uncle should not have watched her grow up. It's really inappropriate."

The man stood proudly in the sky. He looked at the girl below who was playing with her friends, feeling a mixture of relief and regret. I am so happy that this little baby girl has grown up into such a lovely girl in the blink of an eye. It is a pity that his uncle did not play a big role in the growth of his descendants.

Don't be surprised by the identity of this being, he is naturally Jia Yan!

At this moment, he had a slight control over the entire city. Not only did he know through instant induction that there was a familiar presence here, but he also arrived here in an instant, and then determined the identity of the little girl below. It was Jia Qi, the child of his sister Jia Lin when he left ten years ago!

The little baby girl back then was suddenly transformed into a beautiful girl again. At this moment, Jia Yan couldn't help but sigh. In his mind, he still regarded this niece as a little baby girl crawling on the ground. .

As long as you find a family member, you can easily find others. Jia Yan walked slowly on the street, holding little Jia Qi jumping with his friends in front of him from a distance, while admiring the surrounding scenery.

He remembered that this city was built before he left, and it was also built around the small village back then. But now the entire scenery is no longer the same as it was back then. In just a dozen years, this place has already become a huge city. City.

Jia Yan looked at the surrounding scenery. On the ground, there were not only the scenery of former civilizations, but also some robots cleaning the roads. Although most of these robots were symbolic, they could indeed help human beings in some aspects of their work.

As Jia Yan walked, he looked at the surrounding scenery. Some places were strange, while others made him feel nostalgic.

However, not long after walking, I saw the girls not far ahead starting to break up. After Jia Qi walked to a road alone, she walked somewhere on the main road. Then she jumped on a very She Hua extended version of the cart.

You can tell that this car is bulletproof just by looking at it. It is very attractive when walking on the street.

"It turns out that this is what she was doing." Jia Yan looked at Jia Qi's pride in exchanging toys with the girls on the car body, and it was a little funny. Sure enough, she is a sister who is a child, and she is a child with a very serious heart. .

The car drove quickly and then arrived at a private estate not far from the outskirts of the city.

When he arrived here, Jia Yan no longer needed Jia Qi to lead him. He had already found the target he was looking for.

"Dad, Mom..."

Seeing through his own brainwave power, Jia Yan saw his father watering the flowers in the manor, and his mother knitting sweaters in the big house.

There is also my younger sister, who is actually holding another little baby girl who is about one year old at the moment, and is talking stories to her.

"Uh...what's going on? There are such powerful brain wave fluctuations!" Just as Jia Yan was exploring the manor with a smile, and explaining his identity to his parents and others in an unknown manner, his expression suddenly changed. Shocked!

It turns out that at this moment in this manor, there is an extremely powerful brainwave power transmitting out, directly blocking the entire square area.

At this moment, because Jia Yan's brain wave power was not aware of the existence of this power, he accidentally touched it!


Jia Yan heard a voice that seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember.

This power is strong, but of course it is nothing to Jia Yan's clone at this moment. It's just that he is still a little unfamiliar with the power of controlling clones. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the other party to notice it. Of course, Jia Yan never imagined that there would be heaven-level existences on this earth. .

The other party blocked the energy in that area. Because the energy was not released, it was extremely concealed. Moreover, Jia Yan was using a clone that he was not used to. It would not be particularly strange for him to be discovered without noticing.


A body quickly rose into the sky from the place where the sound came out, and could even fly into the sky for a short time, which meant that it had at least the strength of a heaven-level peak.

But for Jia Yan, the opponent's strength is not that powerful. Even if it is a starry sky level, as long as it is not a venerable or a powerful person, his clone can easily deal with it at this moment. In this entire Yingxian Jia Yan had to consider whether there was a similar existence in the Land of Arms. It would be impossible to meet a stronger existence than his clone on Earth.

The opponent's figure quickly rose into the sky. At this moment, Jia Yan was a little surprised that this figure turned out to be a strong female!


Jia Yan was surprised and concealed his own energy fluctuations. Even if he was not familiar with the energy control of clones, he was an existence that almost reached the level of the Venerable. It was still very simple to prevent a heaven-level peak from discovering him. of.

"Uh..." Jia Yan was a little shocked when he took a closer look!

He felt a little ashamed. It was indeed the first time he saw the other party's appearance, but Jia Yan was too familiar with her energy fluctuations!

The long-lasting memories were brought back, and Jia Yan seemed to have returned to what he experienced on the 'Gray-Yellow Star' more than ten years ago...

At that time, it was 'she' who had a huge influence on me.

For Jia Yan, this existence is a person of the opposite sex who has some unknown feelings.

But the 'she' back then was a terrifying monster called the 'Diplomat'. Find the book Although she was all white and considered a beautiful animal, it was impossible for Jia Yan to turn her into a monster. Treat it as the real opposite sex.

She even told the terrifying story of wanting to 'give birth to a child' to Jia Yan at that time.

Jia Yan had a hard time hiding from her back then, and it seemed that it made her very sad for a while...

But now, apart from the familiar energy, her appearance has completely changed!

Jia Yan looked at the flying being and was extremely shocked!

"Uh uh uh..." Jia Yan, a great being who traveled across the sea of ​​stars for countless light years, seemed to be unable to recover at this moment.

Because this being, at this moment, has a body that is exactly the same as that of a Chinese woman from Earth. She also has an exquisite figure and a face that can be described as a peerless beauty.

"I fainted, who told me what happened?"

Jia Yan was so shocked that his head could hardly function.

He had thought that this being who followed Daphne's fleet back then might come to Earth with the fleet, but Daphni hadn't arrived at this moment either. Why did she come first?

What’s even more confusing is the other person’s body!

Isn't it a gigantic horse monster? How could she suddenly turn into a woman who looks like an Earthling?

And she's a beauty.

Jia Yan was so stunned that he couldn't describe his shock at this moment. In other words, this dignified being who had half stepped into the level of a venerable was confused.

But something even more confusing was yet to come!

When this strong female person rushed out, a little boy of three or four years old staggered out of the place that was directly covered by energy.

"Mom, Rongrong wants to fly too!" He smiled happily.

"I'll choke him, ah ah ah..." Jia Yan almost yelled when he saw the child.

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