Boom boom boom!

A series of sharp rays of light shot through the sky and the earth. Under the shooting of these rays of light, the fleet in front was smashed to pieces. "Apex Novel"⒉②

"It's no longer possible. Report to Taiya Star Headquarters quickly. We can't stand it any longer."

In the fleet that was attacked, an officer-like being could not help but say something helplessly.

"It was not my idea to fight against this giant mosquito fleet in the first place. Now that our strength is really no match for theirs, let's forget it. Declare it and surrender."

Not long after, the entire fleet of about 500 warships surrendered.

War in the starry sky is not that simple, and in the habitable area, the fleets of both sides cannot use some special fighting methods, so the winner will be determined very quickly.

If the war takes place in an open area, it will not be so simple.

The two fleets fighting in the starry sky are the Giant Mosquito Fleet and the current fleet of the Pacific Kingdom.

In the Giant Mosquito Fleet, Jia Yan was watching Kama's operation.

"It seems that commanding space battles is really not my specialty. After watching it for so long, I still can't get used to commanding. However, with my current strength, ordinary fleets can't do anything to me. I'd better follow my own path of being strong. "

Jia Yan shook his head. In the past, he thought that his mind would be much easier to use after rebirth, and he wanted to become able to command battleships through learning, but now it seems that this is just his own good wish.

Even if Karma's command doesn't use Piguo Wei tactics, it still has an extremely perfect feeling. Even in a head-to-head confrontation, she was no worse than Findili, the former Marshal of the Pacific Kingdom. The only difference she has is in the details. If she had a head-to-head confrontation, she really wouldn't necessarily lose to Findili.

Soon, the results of this large-scale group battle were presented to Jia Yan.

As a fleet coming from afar, the Giant Mosquito Fleet inevitably suffered casualties in this battle. Facing the opponent's 500 warships, the total number of Giant Mosquito Fleet reached nearly a thousand. At this moment, about 20 warships actually appeared. Loss.

Kama's command skills have been demonstrated very well in this battle, but the war at this moment is already between forces. Jia Yan has not dispatched, and Kama has not used Wei's tactics. It is not easy to win a battle.

Fortunately, most of the more than 20 warships were not directly exploded, but most were damaged to a certain extent and could still be repaired. The most fortunate thing was that the number of combatants among them was not reduced.

"Sir, the other party obviously did not expect that we would be the first to attack here. This is the last defense on the entire research planet, and some of them surrendered. We have gained some troops." Kama To the general Jia Yandao.

Today, Jia Yan personally observed her command, which put some pressure on Kama. Fortunately, nothing went wrong during the battle.

Of course, Jia Yan didn't really want to learn Karma's tactics, let alone supervise her, but he was extremely looking forward to the outcome of today's battle.

Fortunately, there were no choices in the battle.

"Okay! Kama, can we go to this planet now?" Jia Yan stood up, seemingly impatient.

Seeing Jia Yan's appearance, Kama knew that his leader today was not really interested in war, and he felt helpless.

"No, sir, the defense on this planet is really very strong. Generally speaking, we still need a certain amount of time to carry out a tough battle. Our ground forces are not mature enough today. I just wanted to put down the drone." Madao.

"Battle? No need, I'll go."

After hearing that there were so many things, Jia Yan suddenly shook his head impatiently.

Then he stood up directly regardless of what Kama said.

Regarding his current strength, Jia Yan himself is somewhat unsure of the extent of it. A second-class planet with weak defenses, Jia Yan believes that his strength is enough to deal with it alone.

Not long after, a huge body flew down.

In the starry sky, the creatures in the entire star are looking at the bursts of flames above their heads in horror. For the creatures on this planet, they have seen a similar scene once, and only three short years have passed. A similar scene happened again.

This is a scientific research star. At its peak, it was even responsible for more than half of the scientific research projects of Taiya Star. However, during the war three years ago, the scientific research structure on this planet suffered a fatal blow. Although the two warring parties had already Try your best to avoid damage to scientific researchers and equipment, but this cannot stop the loss and escape of scientific researchers.

Even after three years of recovery, the originally very advanced scientific research institutions are still far from reaching their peak scientific research capabilities.

Of course, this entire planet cannot be devoted to scientific research. In addition to 10% of the population working in scientific research-related jobs, the other 90% are in normal industries. Moreover, although this planet is named a sub-planetary planet, Such a star, but because its ocean area is not large, its actual land area is even larger than the earth's land area!

The name of this planet is 'Fire Star', because when it was discovered, this planet was just a planet full of volcanoes. After many years of reconstruction, it slowly turned into a livable planet. .

The people on the Fire Star looked at the scene of war that could be seen with the naked eye in space. Some people shook their heads helplessly and painfully. The war that this planet experienced three years ago made the people here miserable. They can still remember what happened three years ago. The soldiers of our clan rushed into the planet and carried out acts of burning, killing and looting. Princess Nakama came back today. Is she going to do something similar again?

To be honest, people on the entire planet, although the Bela clan accounts for more than 90% of the population, they have no attachment to the old royal family. They will support the royal family that can make people live a good life. Originally, This place is far away from the city star and Taiya star, and the loyalty to the royal family is not high. At this moment, I just want to stop the war from spreading.

But what they didn't expect was that the attacking giant mosquito fleet did not use conventional tactics. Instead, it was a lone monster that rushed directly into the star under the spotlight.

The media on the Fire Star have already reported around the clock. You must know that there is no confidentiality in the actions of the Giant Mosquito Fleet. For interstellar wars, discovering the enemy fleet a few days in advance will not help the war situation at all. , you must know that fleet mobilization is not that simple.

The media that had been reporting a few days ago had some monitoring systems observing the actions of the Giant Mosquito Fleet. At this moment, they saw that the Giant Mosquito Fleet won the war above the airspace, but did not directly use ground troops. Instead, they flew from the fleet. A monster appears...

"That's... Jia Yan!? Oh my god, Jia Yan, the highest commander of the Giant Mosquito Fleet and their strongest man, is actually alone and coming directly to the bottom of the planet. Does he want to attack our planet alone?"

All the hosts in the media were extremely shocked. You must know that the strong creatures are not extremely terrifying, and technological weapons will have a certain impact on them. Some strong people will even be killed by technological weapons, not to mention this. Although Huo Liao Star has gone through the flames of war, it is still a scientific research planet after all. After three years of deployment, it has regained its terrifying defensive weapons. Isn't it extremely dangerous for Jia Yan to come down?

It’s not that the media on this planet think that Jia Yan is easy to deal with. They even think that Jia Yan can defeat most of the defenses on this planet by himself, but this is still too risky for the top of the fleet. !

What they don't know is that the senior management of the Giant Mosquito Fleet have no choice. Jia Yan is a being who goes his own way. For this Giant Mosquito Fleet, they can only persuade Jia Yan to do whatever he wants. The slightest possible obstruction.

"Humph, starry sky defense?"

And when Jia Yan flew down, he saw terrifying fire lights appearing on some of the ground on the Fire Star, and then a glint of light flashed directly in his compound eyes. Find Shuyuan www.

Huo Liao Star is a star with an area larger than that of the Earth. At this moment, light appears in all directions on the entire planet, and it looks extremely beautiful from high in the sky.


Jia Yan was not that stupid to resist the planet's defense. At this moment, he directly used the space shuttle technique.

In the past, Jia Yan's shuttle moves were difficult to use in the stars, even though he was taught by the light and shadow monster. For example, when he escaped from the smoke monster before, although he used it, it was actually extremely dangerous and expensive. of.

But now when I use it again, I feel like it is running smoothly.


Jia Yan, who was approaching fifty kilometers above the star, disappeared directly.

Then his body appeared at forty kilometers.

Don't underestimate this ten-kilometer dash. You must know that he is rushing into the star. This is just a ten-kilometer dash. It requires an extremely difficult control. His whole body dashed for ten kilometers, not only dodging that The light of the saturation attack was so simple, but it also caused an earth-shaking change in Jia Yan's ability to control space at this moment.

If it were in the past, he would never be able to carry out such a delicate space shuttle.

"How can it be?"

It’s not that the defense agencies below don’t know that Jia Yan has similar abilities, but they all know about the spatial abilities of strong people. Some creatures from scientific research institutions understand better that the understanding of space by beings like Jia Yan is based on Really capable of understanding. And if you want to go further, you have to further your understanding of true energy. But Jia Yan's true energy, which seemed a little immature before, is now able to perform such terrifying and precise space operations?

A well-known defense expert felt a sense of panic. They had a hunch that they couldn't stop Jia Yan today! (To be continued.)

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