Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 14 I am the protagonist!

Didi didi! !

Listening to the highest-level wartime siren in the camp-level spacecraft, Jia Yan looked at the scenery in front of him indifferently.

Although this was the first time he had seen such a battle, as a coach, he had to show his magnanimity as the master of an army. Otherwise, how could he make his subordinates feel at ease?

But deep down in his heart, he was shocked by the firepower of the two fleets bombarding each other for the first time.

The attack firepower of the two fleets was extremely shocking. What shocked Jia Yan the most was that the warships of both sides actually crashed into each other's range. It seemed that group battles in the interstellar also relied on momentum.

The giant mosquito fleet rushed away and soon encountered the opponent's first wave of light attacks.

But at this moment, Kama yelled out a few nouns on the Angliba.

Then the army here seemed to flash as a whole, and almost the entire Giant Mosquito Fleet appeared in an extremely horrified scene. Everything in front of them entered a distorted scene, and the bodies of everyone in the entire fleet also appeared. It seems to be getting blurry.

The attacks that came in were all missed.

"This is the power of Biguo Wei's tactics! The entire fleet has entered the sub-space!" Jia Yan looked at his body that was a little twisted. Although there was no pain, it still made him a little shocked.

The so-called subspace is when the entire space is distorted, as if it is about to jump in space, but no energy enters, it becomes a space that is inferior to the normal space. In this space, the shape of everything is the same as the original space. It's different, as if it has entered another dimension, and the enemy's attacks cannot hit it.

However, the danger involved is also extremely high. A single wrong judgment by the commander can destroy the entire fleet in subspace.

"Leave!" Kama shouted loudly in the Anglibai ship. Her eyes were filled with extreme nervousness, because she knew that her failure three years ago was at this moment!

However, when there was a slight disturbance in the space, the giant mosquito fleet, under her command, actually broke away from the space.

In space, the giant mosquito fleet escaped a loss because it entered subspace, but the opponent's fleet could not escape its life so easily.

At this moment, the vanguard of the Hongta Alliance's 10th Fleet was attacked head-on by dozens of warships launched from extremely close range by the Giant Mosquito Fleet.

A battleship's engine first emitted smoke, and then the entire hull burst into flames. Then it burst into two pieces.

Several other warships around him also exploded.

This was the first encounter between the fleets of the two sides, and it turned out that the Giant Mosquito Fleet was not damaged at all, and the forward force of the Hongta Alliance's Tenth Fleet suffered more than twenty warships destroyed or severely damaged!

Because this war is an extremely important propaganda war, the Red Tower Alliance specially dispatched a live broadcast ship to conduct live broadcasts behind the Tenth Fleet.

The people in the nearby starry sky are also very interested in this kind of war against outsiders. After all, the people in the northern star region are tired of watching wars every day. Now there is a new type of battle, which is naturally more attractive. them.

"In the first round of the battle, the Giant Mosquito Fleet actually had the upper hand. What is their tactic for entering subspace?"

"The anchor has given the answer. This is a well-known tactic from thousands of years ago. What is it called the Pi Guo Wei tactic? However, this method of movement also has great shortcomings. No one has successfully copied it in the past thousand years, not even the founder of that year. , and finally died due to this technology.”

"What? It turned out to be a suicide tactic. Now that it's beautiful, the entire fleet might die in one fell swoop."

The Star Alliance near the Haota Alliance are observing this battle. I don’t know how many people have seen this scene at this moment. Some are surprised by the way the Giant Mosquito Fleet is moving, while others still think that the Giant Mosquito Fleet is about to attack. Defeat.

In any case, the giant mosquito fleet successfully attracted a lot of attention in this large star field.

And while the public opinion of these alliances is still commenting on this anti-foreign battle, the war in the starry sky has not ended, or it has become more intense!

"Don't be nervous. The way the Giant Mosquito Fleet moves is a way to get killed. If they are not careful, the entire fleet will fall into the sub-space and be torn into countless pieces. Maybe only Jia Yan can barely escape. .”

"As long as we continue to saturate them with attacks, we will win!"

The warships of the Red Tower Alliance were constantly able to fire, and under the advice of the tactical analysis officer, the remaining fleets gathered together, and their defensive shields were directly connected. After that, the relatively weak artillery fire of the Giant Mosquito Fleet was actually very powerful. It's hard to make a difference.

"The commander of this giant mosquito fleet is indeed powerful, but their hardware conditions are too poor. The overall equipment and gunfire level of our warships exceed theirs. Now we only need to persist until the opponent's command system fails. This commander's energy is absolutely limited."

When the Tenth Army set the battle policy, all their warships stopped moving and instead gathered together.


In the giant mosquito fleet, Kama, who was almost distorted in the sub-space, let out such a sweet voice.

Following her voice, the entire fleet suddenly appeared from behind the Red Tower Alliance Army.

A series of rays of light shot up.

Although the defense of the Red Tower Alliance Army has been launched, under a group attack, they always have blind spots to be attacked. This time when the sub-space was separated, three Tenth Army warships were damaged again, and more than ten were slightly injured. ship.

"Don't worry, aim and fire!"

In the Tenth Army, the adjutant gave instructions to his subordinate warships.

This time the giant mosquito fleet did not escape into the subspace quickly because Kama was a little tired.

However, before the opponent's remaining two hundred warships opened fire again, the look of perseverance emerged in her eyes again.

"Ship 352, Ship 211, Ship 142..." Her slogan spread throughout the fleet.

It's almost a man's war against his enemy.

The Giant Mosquito Fleet entered the subspace again before the salvo of the Tenth Army.

"This is the real tactic of overcoming Wei. I feel like I am united with the entire fleet. I succeeded. I am no longer the same person I was three years ago!" After taking control of the fleet, Kama said about his Success makes me want to cry.

Her thoughts almost returned to three years ago, when she personally destroyed the last resistance force of her country. At that time, she also wanted to use the tactics she studied in the academy, but she was ruthlessly hit by reality. The entire fleet The scene where he was almost defeated in her hands.

Just three years later, she who had almost no life left and felt that it didn't matter where she died was now in control of a fleet again, and this time, she succeeded!

"I can't let the last accident happen again. Even if our fleet still has the biggest trump card, Boss Jia Yan, I have to show my responsibility as a marshal." Kama struggled to cheer himself up after being almost overwhelmed by countless data.

The giant mosquito fleet appeared again in the sky, and then disappeared.

Once or twice, it can be said to be luck, twice or three times, the enemy and observers no longer regard it as luck, and when this tactic was used ten times and destroyed nearly half of the battleships of the Red Tower Alliance's forward force, the entire enemy The fleet and the audience in front of the media were almost stunned!

"The giant mosquito fleet has truly mastered the tactics of surpassing Wei! It is simply a replica of General Wei. A thousand years ago, it was the era of surpassing General Wei alone. He even had the ability to control a fleet of troops. A fleet of thousands of battleships used the tactic of surpassing Wei to repel a half-star strong man, and now, does this commander actually want to fulfill the glory of this tactic?"

In front of a certain media, a starry sky-level powerful creature who was explaining the situation looked at the giant mosquito fleet on the screen and shouted in shock.

"No, this commander is at the end of his tether. The news we just got is that this commander's strength should not have reached the starry sky level. Her mental strength is completely impossible to use so many tactics to defeat Wei. Just look at it, Giant Mosquito The fleet will soon be defeated."

Sure enough, when the giant mosquito fleet fell into space again and again, the fleet suddenly reappeared.

Kama felt like she had a splitting headache. She shook her head vigorously with a dazed look in her eyes, looking for Shuyuan Her eyes seemed to flash back to three years ago, when she was alone in this state and escaped from the battleship. The system was activated and she barely escaped from the fighting area, but what she saw in a trance was the light of the destroyed fleet of her motherland's fleet, which was completely destroyed.

Although she succeeded ten times this time, if she fell into this dizziness, she was afraid that the scene three years ago would happen again...

"Kama, you Marshal, do you underestimate your boss? Don't forget, I am the protagonist!"

Just when she gritted her teeth and wanted to continue operating the fleet, a gentle voice appeared in Kama's mind.

At the same time, on the camp-class spacecraft of the Giant Mosquito Fleet, a huge black body rose into the sky like lightning and thunder!

This figure seemed like that big mountain, and like the true soul of the entire fleet, giving Kama an extremely calm and secure feeling.

She suddenly came out of her trance.

yes! Now it is completely different from three years ago. Three years ago, she was the last life-saving straw for the country. She was also the last person in charge of the entire fleet. The life and death of the entire fleet was in her hands.

But now the situation is completely different. The real protagonist of this fleet is not her!

It's not her from beginning to end.

The real protagonist of the Giant Mosquito Fleet is naturally the Giant Mosquito clan and her boss, the unparalleled Lord Jia Yan!

"Haha, yes, I was too impatient. Boss... I'll leave it to you!"

A fleet of giant mosquitoes emerged from subspace.

This time there was no direct entry into subspace!

"Haha, the opponent's commander is in trouble. It's time for us to counterattack. Fight! Defeat this giant mosquito fleet directly!"

"No! What is that?!"

"A monster rushed out of the giant mosquito fleet?"

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