Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 6 What price is good?

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Menbo stared at his tiger-headed monster in a funny and angry way. Would this guy believe the rumors spread in the deserted galaxy? Is a great existence such a simple thing? Can you see it casually?

In the entire Northern Star Territory and the history of the Luoc Empire, there is no precedent for a great being coming here, let alone such an exaggerated situation. For the great being, this mere territory is nothing more than an insignificant boundary. It's just a remote place worth watching. {Ranwen Novel Network, experience the latest and fastest reading www.\\\\52ranwen.\\\\net}

"Okay, little brother Jia Yan, let's get to know some of the top star-level experts in this alliance. They are all easy to get along with. I think you will get along well."

"Obiqi, what are you doing? The reception standard is actually the second-highest level? Adjust it to the highest level immediately. Brother Jia Yan is not an ordinary person. Hurry up."

"Haha, little brother Jia Yan, I made you laugh. These guys don't know how to get things done."

Jia Yan looked at Menbo who was busy here and there and gave many instructions to Jia Yan, and he suddenly understood that this guy just wanted to show kindness to him in front of him.

"Haha, I accept Mr. Menbo's kindness, but let's let go of those red tapes and hurry over to discuss business matters. I also have some business here that I would like to see Mr. Menbo give you some face for." Jia Yan shook his head. Shake his head.

"Okay, okay! We will have a meeting next. Brother Jia Yan is really quick to talk. He values ​​every moment so much. No wonder he can practice to such an extent at such a young age."

Because of the strength shown by Jia Yan, the entire Giant Mosquito Fleet received the reception treatment from the Hota Alliance, which was once again upgraded to a level. It is said that the Hota Alliance had absolutely no losses. The reception treatment issue only increased part of the expenses, but there was It is possible to get the favor of a force that is suspected to have the Starry Sky Lord level combat power, not to mention that Menbo has said that he wants to invite Jia Yan to join the Haota Alliance. If it is really done, let alone such a small effort, and then He would be willing to do it ten times more!

But at this moment, what the entire Hota Alliance did not notice was that behind their own territory, a group of giant steel figures passed through a hidden road and quietly arrived...

"This Chaos Star Territory is really terrifying. Our fleet just marched through a remote place, but we actually lost 20% of our warships."

There is a flagship in this huge fleet. At this moment, a giant being in the flagship shows a hint of fear at the terrifying area that has just broken out from behind. [Ranwen 123 novel website, a new easy reading experience]

"Yes, Lord Commander, this Chaos Star Territory is indeed extremely terrifying, but we still passed it. The Chaos Star Territory that everyone talked about has also been impressed by us. Now in front of us is the empty defensive Hao Hao behind. The Tower Alliance."

The adjutant on the other side also agreed with the Lord's words, but he also tried his best to lead the conversation of his Lord to the future war.

"Yes, we don't have to think about the horror of the Chaos Star Territory. It will be impossible to return through here in the future. Our goal is to kill the Haota Alliance and join forces with the main fleet in front to directly annex the entire Haota Alliance. This Haota United Manchester United actually dares to resist the annexation of our Hongta Alliance, which is really a shame!"

The giant being said with a somewhat ferocious look in his eyes.

"Well, the number of our fleets must not be enough to fight against the entire Hota Alliance. Now we can only take advantage of the opponent not noticing us and directly attack the rear of the Hota Alliance and destroy several of their ship production bases. This way The troops at the front can easily win this war."

"Okay, regarding this, sir, I have some information to report to you. At this moment, in the Haota Alliance, a fleet from the desolate galaxy is visiting. However, the strength of this fleet is only more than 300 ships, and There is no big force behind them. I wonder if you need to wait for the fleet to leave before launching an attack?" The adjutant picked up a piece of intelligence information and reported it directly to Shang Feng.

"A mere three hundred fleets? There are no forces from above, or are they from the desolate galaxy? It's ridiculous. This kind of fleet should be bulldozed directly. It just so happens that the people in the desolate galaxy always want to say that they are on equal footing with our Red Tower Alliance, so now let them Look, if it weren't for the Chaos Star Territory blocking it, their so-called fleet would be nothing to our Red Tower Alliance!"

The giant being on the high seat smiled coldly, with some disdain at the same time: "There were actually rumors in the deserted galaxy some time ago, saying that the strength of the top ten powerful men could be compared to me, the commander of the 10th Fleet of the Red Tower Alliance. Are you on a par with me? How can I, a Venerable level, have the same strength as a group of peak beings? It’s ridiculous, let’s see in this battle, how can I, the commander, destroy the fleet in the desolate galaxy!”

The space was extremely cold and silent. After the fleet slowly emerged from the outer area of ​​the Chaos Star Field, it slowly entered the space ahead under the black haze.

And they gradually accelerated, and then under the speed linkage, they became faster and faster, and accelerated to a limit state exceeding the speed of light...

In this way, they have the right to accelerate. This fleet that suddenly appeared behind the Haota Alliance will definitely bring huge casualties to the entire Haota Alliance...

"What? Brother Jia Yan, your fleet actually came through the central part of the Chaos Star Field? No wonder it is so fast. Okay, please show us the treasures that your fleet obtained in a narrow escape. There must be many things we need. "

"Haha, it was just luck that we were able to pass through the center of the Chaos Star Field, and more than 50% of the ships were killed or injured. It's really hard. Kama, please take out the list quickly and let these adults take a look."

On the Haota planet, which was completely unaware of the appearance of the terrifying fleet behind them, in the huge meeting hall with a length and width of more than five kilometers, the beings of the Haota Alliance were filled with shock and joy at the news sent by the mosquito. .

You must know that Jia Yan said that he actually passed through the central part of the Chaos Star Territory. Regarding the magic and benefits of the Chaos Star Territory, these beings who have lived on the edge of the Chaos Star Territory for many years are definitely no better than the creatures in the barren galaxy. few.

Now that they heard that Jia Yan actually had the goods and was willing to take action, they were immediately looking forward to it.

"Uh! Life-renewing stone? You really got this legendary item, and are you willing to take action? This, this, this!" An old, monkey-like monster looked at the list in his hand, and his arms trembled. .

"Mr. Ta? What you said is true!"

Not only was this monkey monster behind, but even Menbo suddenly stood up from his seat when he heard the news. Especially the huge ghost like Menbo, after suddenly standing up from the ground at this moment, The entire hall was filled with terrifying huge wind.

The entire hall fell silent for an instant. The imposing manners of the terrifying powerful men suddenly suppressed the scene. Among the giant mosquito fleet presence, none of them except Jia Yan was at the starry sky level. In response to such terrible pressure, They were all shivering uncontrollably.

However, in their shock, they suddenly felt a trace of energy, gently emanating from Jia Yan who was standing beside them. This was the brain wave power emitted by Jia Yan. This power gently affected the few people around him. The members of the Giant Mosquito Fleet surrounded them, causing the pressure they felt to immediately dissipate.

"As expected of Master Jia Yan, one person can actually help us resist the pressure of so many strong men!" A member of the giant mosquito fleet looked at Jia Yan at this moment, and could easily feel Jia Yan's true strength. .

Through this scene, they firmly confirmed that Jia Yan's strength is not only in front of weak people like them, but also in front of strong people. A starry sky class can fight against such a number of starry sky class, plus the previous Jia Yan directly engaged in a tentative attack and defense with a Venerable-level monster in front of them, which made them feel even more unfathomable about Jia Yan's strength.

Jia Yan, on the other hand, did not show much emotion. At this moment, these erratic monsters were not showing coercion to the members of his Giant Mosquito Fleet, but were just distributing power indiscriminately. If they really targeted the members of the Giant Mosquito Fleet, he would be alone. People really can't be protected.

"I'm sorry, I lost my temper." The monkey monster was the first to react, and at this moment he quickly put on an apologetic gesture towards the big mosquito.

At the same time, he looked at the list and couldn't take his eyes away.

"Haha, it's really a life-renewing stone. Find it at Shuyuan Brother Jia Yan, you want to cause a bloody storm in the Northern Star Territory." Menbo also responded and just looked at it again. Everything else on the list was very rare, but his eyes were also looking at the life-renewing stone on the list with some longing.

"The value of the Life-Extending Stone is really that great?" Jia Yan understood something when he saw their expressions.

To be honest, Jia Yan doesn't think much about the Life-Extending Stone, because he understands the principle of the Life-Extending Stone and knows that this stone essentially just increases the activity of atoms in a living being, overdrawing his talents in exchange for life. No one would be willing to take a starry sky-level existence at the end of its life.

Even the collection of the life-renewing ore was only done when Kama ordered the unmanned machines to collect it with great effort when he was on the huge giant star. Jia Yan himself didn't have much idea about the need for the life-renewing stone. He even had it before. The idea of ​​giving up the life-renewing stone directly and collecting more minerals for refining clones came to mind, but it was better for Karma to talk it through, so that he could go all out to collect the life-renewing stone.

Now it seems that Kama’s idea is indeed correct!

"Master Jia Yan, I would like to ask, what price are you willing to sell for this life-extending stone?" The monkey monster looked at Jia Yan with some trembling.

"What's the price?" Jia Yan glanced at the other party.

He could feel that this monkey monster was very old. His body, which should have been about one hundred meters tall, was now about seventy meters tall.

For such a dying monster, if the price is really high, the other party will be willing to accept it, no matter how high it is.

So, what price should you offer? Jia Yan had a headache.

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