Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 3 Tiger-headed Monster

Before the members of the Giant Mosquito Fleet arrived, they never thought that their first encounter in this northern star field with many powerful forces would be such a grand welcome. (.have.)?(.meaning.)?(.think.)?(.书.)?(.院.)

Horta is a yellow planet the size of Mars, with not many places for vegetation to grow on it.

The entire planet is covered with various military facilities. The population of 200 million is not that large for the entire planet, and there are not many powerful individuals among them. At least according to Kama’s intelligence, only the Haota planet is known to have In addition to one top-level venerable-level combatant, there are only three top-level military commanders in the starry sky who can fight against Jia Yan.

Of course, the combat effectiveness of a military planet is not only measured by the number of strong men. After all, here in the Northern Star Territory, strength is not absolute. The technology here can be very effective when facing enemies at the starry sky level. To a large extent, it makes up for the gap in strength, not to mention that the current Giant Mosquito Fleet, let alone a strong one, even lags behind the opponent in terms of technological strength.

Fortunately, there is no conflict of interest between the two. Jia Yan did not come here to start a war.

Boom boom boom boom.

With the sound of salutes, the camp-class warships of the Giant Mosquito Fleet entered the defense circle of Haota Star under the warm welcome of the opponent.

After all, it is the territory of an unfamiliar force. It is impossible for Jia Yan and Kama to directly let the entire fleet enter the Haota planet. Therefore, in addition to the camp-class spacecraft that have gone down to the planet at this moment, there are only a few ships carrying some of the high-level officials. battleship.

Even if Jia Yan wants the entire fleet to enter the opponent's planet, Haota Planet must not agree to it. After all, the relationship between the two is not that good yet.

The camp-class spacecraft originated from the Kuditan people has been strengthened and renovated several times by Jia Yan, plus planning and transformation by some modification experts in the fleet. Not to mention its current combat effectiveness, its appearance alone is still quite impressive. At this moment, it ranks first in public. Ahead, the flames rushing into the atmosphere were quite impressive.

In this camp-level spacecraft, Jia Yan saw a small filming aircraft beside him that was following and filming all the way.

"Dear viewers, as good friends of our Hota Alliance, the flagship of the Giant Mosquito Fleet is a huge battleship with a length of two kilometers. Look at the armor on it. All this represents the terrifying power of this battleship. It must be huge. Lord Jia Yan, the supreme leader of the Mosquito Fleet, also attaches great importance to this friendly meeting, so he dispatched the most powerful flagship in the Giant Mosquito Fleet to enter the planet!"

Along the way, Jia Yan listened to the praises for his fleet on the radio. There was nothing before, but now when he heard the other party say that the camp-level spacecraft of his fleet was actually a 'powerful battleship', even his old face turned red.

This Haota civilization is really ridiculous. The main purpose of building the Kuditan camp-class spaceship was to escape from the Kuditan people. Not to mention the combat effectiveness, it was not certain whether ordinary merchant ships could defeat it. Now If the other party brags like this, anyone who knows something about battleships will know that this is a lie.

But the other party likes to say this, and Jia Yan has nothing to refute.

Several warships landed quickly. They landed on a planet with ordinary gravity, so there was no chance of any accidents.

In addition to watching the filming aircraft following the spacecraft, Jia Yan also noticed the environment of the planet.

There is not much vegetation on this planet, and the cities are built on some yellow sand. Because the overall number of citizens is not large, the houses are sparse.

However, there are many lives that should be rare on the ground at this moment. Some of them have horizontal symbols with the words "Welcome to the Giant Mosquito Fleet" written in the northern star domain font.

What Jia Yan learned was the language of the Northern Star Region. Of course, it is said that the writing of this star region is actually a variant of the writing of the Loci Empire. There is not much difference between the two languages.

The further down you go, the more clearly you can see the welcoming lives on the ground. When Jia Yan and his party followed the other party's guidance and landed at their designated spaceship port, they saw almost overwhelming people outside the entire port. They are citizens of this planet.


Jia Yan only heard the sound of his spacecraft landing slowly.

Then there was an extremely crazy sound that almost drowned his tentacles and ears!

"Welcome to your Excellencies from the Giant Mosquito Fleet."

"Welcome, welcome! Your Excellency, the true friend of the Hota Alliance, the Giant Mosquito Fleet, has arrived."


Even the warships with good soundproofing effects can barely cover up the deafening sound from the outside world. Looking through the screen, it can be seen that the residents of Haota City in the outside world are all small beings, and their races are also of various types. Most of them are even Like Kama, they are a race similar to Earthlings!

"Don't be surprised, sir. Among the main races in the Northern Star Territory, there is my race, the Bella clan." Fortunately, Kama seemed a little curious about Jia Yan and immediately explained.

In fact, she was also surprised by Jia Yan's previous performances. For a shrewd woman like Kama, she had already discovered that the big mosquito seemed to be curious and observant about her race. At this moment, she saw that Jia Yan was once again interested in the Bella clan in the outside world. With some curious eyes, it suddenly became clearer what I was seeing...

Master Jia Yan probably has some connections with the Bella clan or the Kuditan clan. Otherwise, how could he always help and pay attention to these two similar races?

When the camp-level spacecraft hatch opened, the cheers from the outside world became louder. The entire world was filled with praise for the Giant Mosquito Fleet.

"Uh, is our fleet so famous?" Several fleet executives following behind Big Mosquito muttered.

"How do I know? The people in Haota Planet are probably taking drugs." Another interlocutor shrugged.

"Okay, don't talk. We may be a breakthrough in diplomacy for Haota Star, but for us, the other party is not a breakthrough? You guys behave better, our fleet is in this northern star field. Don’t be embarrassed when you show up for the first time!”

Kama cursed at the senior officials of the Giant Mosquito Fleet who were chatting. In fact, the senior officials present were all human beings. Everyone knew the thoughts of the senior officials of Haota Star, but in fact, they seemed to be used in this way as if they were being calculated. , these high-level officials are not comfortable.

But when Kama said this, these people reacted one by one. She was really right. The Haota Alliance uses them as pawns, and the giant mosquito fleet that has just arrived in this star field uses them as pawns. The Giant Mosquito Fleet may also be able to greatly increase its exposure rate through this method. Quickly establish a foothold in the Northern Star Territory where there are many powerful people and forces.

After thinking about this, these senior officials immediately stopped talking and became much more energetic following the giant mosquito's huge body.

Jia Yan observed his subordinates at the rear and nodded with satisfaction. Although these guys were a little tempered, they seemed to really agree with the fleet, otherwise they wouldn't be so angry with the Haota Alliance.

What he naturally didn't know was that his own performance in the Chaos Star Territory had conquered all his subordinates. You must know that not only his strength, but also the appearance of the Edisha seemed to indicate that he was only a giant. The mosquito monster is different.

If you really follow a being who will grow into a star level in the future, you don't know to what extent the status of each of your subordinates will be improved. Naturally, they treat the Giant Mosquito Fleet more attentively!

Click, click, click!

When Jia Yan appeared outside the cabin door with his own steps, a burst of light flashed from the outside world, and it turned out that the photo technology similar to that on earth was flashing.

A large welcoming team was waiting outside.

Jia Yan's eyes sparkled when he saw the person at the head of the team.

This was a behemoth that seemed to be a hundred meters away, and Jia Yan even looked pale in front of it.

His appearance is that of a tiger, only more muscular and unrivaled in strength.

"What a powerful monster. Although it is also a high-level monster in the starry sky, it must be much stronger than the top ten strong men in that desolate galaxy."

Jia Yan looked at the existence of this monster, and a trace of fear flashed through his eyes.

But it's just a little bit of fear. You have to know that his strength can resist all the monsters in the top ten levels. This monster is probably stronger than the most powerful existence in the top ten. For a trace, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com is no longer a strong threat to Jia Yan today.

"Welcome, Lord Jia Yan. I have long heard that your strength is extraordinary. Today, I saw that it is even scarier than the rumors!" The tiger came with a strange sound. There was a slight twinkle in his eyes. He must be really interested in Jia Yan. There was a hint of fear in his strength.

"Thank you." Jia Yan smiled and stepped forward.

The shot of the two monsters standing together has been continuously photographed by countless media. This image will surely become the front page of the entire planet tomorrow.

The meeting between the two leaders was just a show, and it was impossible to say anything here. For Jia Yan, this was the first time for him to be treated like this, so he didn't feel any discomfort despite the novelty.

After some introductions from the accompanying personnel, the tiger monster smiled at Jia Yan.

"Master Jia Yan, you have worked hard all the way. Please go to the place where we entertain distinguished guests and rest."

"Okay, you're ready." Jia Yan nodded.

He didn't feel too much artillery fire locking here, especially after he showed a bit of strength that vaguely surpassed the tiger-headed monster, the artillery fire disappeared completely.

For strong people with strength, the entire universe will have a little respect. This is a general rule everywhere.

Two behemoths entered a giant vehicle specially prepared for huge monsters like them.

This was the first time for Jia Yan to ride in a similar car. He was a little surprised at first, but after using his energy sense to look at it, he found that the car was just moving steel equipped with ordinary energy, so he stopped paying attention.

"Master Jia Yan, our arrangement is just a coincidence. I hope you don't mind. We don't have any ill intentions towards you."

After getting into the car, the tiger-headed monster apologized directly to Jia Yan. (To be continued.)

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