"Sir, the remnants of the great thief Rong Bo's fleet were completely dispersed. Among them, 221 surrendered, 20 were destroyed by us, and most of the others fled deep into the starry sky. Because I am not familiar with the terrain, I strictly forbid The fleet is in pursuit!”

"Well done."

In a seemingly ordinary battleship, Mosquito and Kama had a meeting.

At this moment, the battle in the starry sky has gradually ended. With the arrival of Jia Yan, the giant mosquito fleet actually reversed the defeat in one breath and defeated the entire Rong Bo fleet!

In fact, everyone knows that this was the self-defeat after the opponent's leader was killed by Jia Yan in one fell swoop. If they had a strong man with certain authority like Rong Bo sitting in charge, it's hard to say who would win and who would lose. Or should I say, Whether the giant mosquito fleet can escape is a question.

With this great victory, the Giant Mosquito Fleet, which originally only had about a hundred warships, expanded to more than 220 warships in one fell swoop. All of them were superior warships that surpassed the Giant Mosquito Fleet. In terms of the overall strength of the fleet, It can be said to be a huge improvement in one breath!

"Boss, if it weren't for your help, we wouldn't have been able to win. It's true that only under the hands of a strong man like you can a powerful fleet appear!" Kama looked at Jia Yan, with an excited blush on his face.

You must know that she once again experienced the feeling of failure in the previous battle. Karma is no stranger to this feeling. A few years ago, she fled the deserted galaxy because of a failure.

She had thought that she would encounter a similar defeat again, but she never expected that her newly recognized boss would actually reverse the defeat with her own strength. For Karma, this kind of battle was something she had never experienced before. , it was also the first time that she felt the sense of security protected by a strong person!

"Haha, you are also good at commanding. Although I don't understand commanding, even I can see your commanding art very clearly. It is more than one level higher than those ordinary captains!" Jia Yan smiled brightly. He complimented Karma in return, since complimenting people doesn’t cost money anyway.

In fact, it is not wrong to boast. In this offensive and defensive battle, the Giant Mosquito Fleet was able to avoid losing a single battleship even though it was almost ten times smaller than the enemy. When Jia Yan turned defeat into victory in one fell swoop, Kama's commanding ability was indispensable. , you must know that she commanded a group of unfamiliar subordinates to engage in a close combat!

"By the way, sir, the other party's commander was caught just now. He was unlucky. The battleship had a small chance of engine failure at a critical moment. I hope you can meet him in person. This commander's abilities are definitely not as good as mine. Underneath, his previous command was blocked by me because the other party used the Kuranger tactic. Well, I don’t understand, right? The meaning of the Kuranger tactic is that when the enemy’s army is completely annihilated, oneself also There’s not much loss, if you hadn’t appeared, boss, his tactics might have been successful,” Kama said.

"Oh? So this commander's commanding ability is not bad? Okay, let him come over. I just want to ask about Rong Bo's exploration of this starry sky." When Jia Yan heard this, Suddenly I became interested.

Not long after, a creature that looked similar to an ordinary earthling was brought to Jia Yan.

"Hello, Lord Jia Yan. My name is Mo Ke." The creature has a dragonfly-like appearance, and its pair of big compound eyes seem to contain some different emotions.

"Haha, I was thinking about a question just now. Now that I see you, I understand. You were caught on purpose, right?" Jia Yan did not respond to the other party's words, but said lightly.

The dragonfly monster named Mo Ke was suddenly shocked!

"Don't rush to refute. I'm not as good at commanding the fleet as you are, but that doesn't mean I'm a fool. As for your matter, I just took a look at it. When your battleship was escaping, it fell on purpose. The rear, especially in the area where our warships are pursuing the most intensely. To Kama, it seems to be a coincidence, but to me, it all makes sense!" Jia Yan looked at the other party with a smile. said.

This dragonfly-like monster was stunned for a moment, then shook his head resignedly, and said with a wry smile: "Sure enough, Master Rongbo did not lose unjustly. With his mind alone, he is no match for you!"

Jia Yan did not answer directly. To be honest, Rong Bo had a good mind, so he was a little unhappy that the leader of the monster turned around and looked down on him just before he died.

"Tell me, what did you want to do when you were caught on purpose?" Jia Yan asked softly.

When the other party heard Jia Yan ask this question, his heart was shocked, as if he felt that all his thoughts were being seen through by the other party, and he immediately did not dare to hide it.

"Sir, regarding Rong Bo... no, Rong Bo, I have long been dissatisfied with him. He is strong, but he is too old and his structure is too small. He only wants to achieve success in this chaotic star field. Stellar level. Unfortunately, my family and life are in his hands, so if I don't work for him in the past, the end will be very miserable. Just now, my lord, you bravely killed Rong Bo. I had a plan at that time. He is loyal to a powerful and young man like you, so he deliberately got caught! I wonder if your Excellency can take him into custody?"

Jia Yan looked at the opponent's compound eyes. Although both sides had compound eyes, the giant mosquito looking at the other person's figure was like a giant dragon looking at a tiny human being. At this moment, there was a look of disdain in his eyes, but after thinking about it, this was also human nature, and it was also a good thing for the other party to abandon the secret and turn to the bright side and join him.

However, even if this monster has good abilities, his status in the future will definitely not surpass Kama. After all, his rebellious Jia Yan sees it, and he must at least go through something to confirm his loyalty before he can be of any use!

"Well, since you think so highly of me, Jia Yan, then you can temporarily serve as the supreme commander of a column in my Giant Mosquito Fleet. Later, you will go out to assist Marshal Kama and transfer the Rongbo Fleet's The surrenderers will be broken up and organized into several large ships for operation. I hope you won’t disappoint me."

After finishing speaking, a terrifying brain wave power came out of Jia Yan's body, suppressing the opponent's body surface to rattle and almost completely shattered.

"Sir! You must be loyal!" The dragonfly-like monster said quickly.

"That's good. Now don't rush. Tell me the secrets in the center of the Chaos Star Territory that Rong Bo has mastered. I'm sure he's not hiding anything from you." Jia Yan calmly relaxed his brain wave power.

The dragonfly monster felt the pressure on his body lighten, and the soreness all over his body made him unable to even stand steadily.

"Sir, Rong Bo doesn't actually have much trust in me. I don't know much about the central area. However, I still know roughly the past route and the way to navigate freely in this chaotic star field. . If you are not willing, sir, I can serve as the guide of the fleet in the future and guide the fleet to the central area safely. However, the danger in the central area is extremely great, and the danger there is beyond my control."

"Okay, you will lead the way during the introduction, as well as your family, Rong Bo's lair, etc. You will tell them later, and go with Kama to receive them!" Jia Yan said lightly.

Mo Ke's eyes flashed with horror, and he was even more afraid of Jia Yan. The other party's seemingly indifferent words showed that he wanted to bring his family to the fleet, but in fact he was using them as pawns to threaten him.

Mo Ke let out a long sigh in his heart, and after continuing to tell Jia Yan about the Chaos Star Territory, he left.

"I asked why my senses were not very good for this Mo Ke when we first met. Now I think about it, this guy is very similar to a dragonfly. My mosquito race naturally hates dragonflies..." Jia Yan looked at the other person. The somewhat depressed and departing figure smiled in his heart.

This Mo Ke's help is not insignificant. With him, the entire giant mosquito fleet has a much better understanding of the Chaos Star Territory, and some safety issues have also been improved.

The more important help is that Mo Ke can easily control the surrendered Rongbo fleet members, because he is the commander of these members.

The Giant Mosquito Fleet, which had doubled its fleet in an instant, turned into a fleet that was not even a small fleet, heading towards Rong Bo's lair!

Jia Yan had always been indifferent to matters related to navigation. He gradually became completely relieved about Kama, especially after she showed her strong command ability. Jia Yan even acted as a hands-off boss and left almost everything to her. Got her.

As for some minor matters, Harola of the Kuditan tribe takes care of them, so Jia Yan doesn't have to worry about it at all.

While marching in a group, a large fleet of more than 300 ships slowly flew towards the outside world...

On the periphery of the space-distorted area, the fleet's entire body emitted a powerful light, then broke away from the interstellar range and left directly.

"Okay, it took almost ten days here, and another ten days to go to Rong Bo, and then to the central area. No matter how fast it is, it will take at least a month... I don't know if the old monster can hold on. live?"

Crouching in his battleship, Jia Yanfu looked at the huge camp-class spacecraft outside the ship with some worry in his eyes.

Lao Suowu there did not know life or death at the moment, and his waking hours were getting less and less every day. What Jia Yan knew was that during the previous battle, he still woke up and insisted on driving a warship to kill three or four enemy warships. , if it weren’t for his physical inability to hold on, he might have become an important part of the entire war!

"Hey, can he survive? Or let's talk about the life-extending stone. As long as he can persist to the central area, I will definitely help him look for it. I just hope he can persist there." Jia Yan observed Suowu. After paying attention, I stopped paying attention to Suowu.

He has a lot of things of his own to do.

"I don't know if that great existence is still observing me, but she said that she was paying attention to me because I had a slight possibility of being promoted to her level?" Jia Yan felt a little confused when he thought of this. Be excited, you must know that this great existence, no matter what, is beyond his imagination. It can be said to be the most terrifying existence that Jia Yan has seen so far.

Her strength may even exceed the category of stellar powerhouses!

These beings said that their previous observations of Jia Yan were because he might be promoted to the same level as the other party. Even a little suspicion was enough to keep Jia Yan excited for a while.

"But she also said that she was a little disappointed with my progress? And my performance was no longer enough for her to continue to pay attention? Think about it, I haven't changed much since Gray Star. I have always relied on The physical advantage of the evolved beast is in fighting, but this is also because I have no direction to learn combat skills..." Jia Yan was a little helpless. Although the opponent no longer paid attention to him, it was a happy thing for him, but this The reason for not paying attention is because he has no potential and is not worthy of the other party's attention, which is a bit depressing!

"No! Even if she is disappointed with me, I will definitely go further in the future until I am truly as powerful as her! It will surprise her!" Jia Yan comforted himself a little fiercely.

Of course, Jia Yan still doesn't know how terrifying it is for existences above the stellar level. Even if he swears at this moment, he is just furious in his heart. Whether he is really confident to reach that level, Jia Yan himself doesn't know. .

"But for Rong Bo's battle, I seem to have a vague feeling about some experiences of strong men fighting. In the past, my battle was too smooth. During this period, for the five powerful men, and for Rong Bo, , my bursts didn’t have much effect, and even the stabbing with my forefoot didn’t take effect in one go. This is a battle between strong men. At this level, fighting is not that simple. But such a battle , but it made my combat experience improve very quickly!"

"After watching these battles of mine, why is that great being still disappointed in me? Is it because I am not improving fast enough? Or for her, my fighting path is simply in the wrong direction?"

Jia Yan's thinking and brains are not too bad. Through some superficial phenomena, he can deeply analyze more essential things. At this moment, he thought that that great existence seemed to look down on the improvement in combat that he was now complacent with. Otherwise, how could he be so disappointed that he would stop paying attention to him?

"I must have made a fundamental mistake somewhere! Where exactly? Is that great existence dissatisfied with the direction of my progress? Or is it dissatisfied with my ability to evolve?" Jia Yan kept thinking with some exploration.

The other party is a great existence. Jia Yan knows that the other party is strong to an extent that he cannot even imagine. When it comes to evolutionary beasts, the other party may not really like it, because if the evolved beasts are really so powerful, then the entire starry sky will have long ago. They are all extremely powerful evolved beasts!

"That's right! I must have made a mistake in the direction of the evolved beasts! As I thought, if the evolved beasts were really so defiant, the terrifying existence of the evolved beasts would have left legends everywhere in the starry sky. Yes, but so far, I haven’t heard any legends about evolved beasts in this starry sky, let alone great-level evolved beasts!”

Jia Yan seems to have grasped the key.

"So where did I go wrong? Did I rely too much on the mutation of the evolved beast? Or is it some other reason..."

He kept thinking.

The emergence of that great being this time was a crisis and an opportunity for the mosquito. Through the other party's words, Jia Yan analyzed that there must be some problems in his current path, but these problems are not so easy to solve. For him, Generally speaking, the current situation is that the crux can't be found at all.

This kind of problem cannot be solved in a moment. The big mosquito is still struggling, sailing on the battleship.

"Sir, Rong Bo's lair has arrived." Just when Jia Yan had exhausted all his thoughts and almost reached a dead end, he suddenly heard the voice from Harola.

"Are you here? It turns out that ten days have passed." Jia Yan came back from his thoughts and shook his head.

"As for Karma and the others, there may be some defenses in the other party's lair. If she needs me to take action, let her speak up." He said softly.

"No need, sir. The opponent's defeated team obviously arrived here faster than us. Most of the materials and personnel have been looted by them. Only some unimportant things are left. Fortunately, the families of the surrendered members did not show up. Damage, they must not want to continue to go against you, sir." Harola said to Jia Yan who wanted to get up.

Jia Yan, who was about to get up, suddenly shook his head in disinterest when he heard this, and knelt down again. He wanted to move so that he could clear up the chaotic thoughts in his head, but it was a pity that the other party did not give him a chance. .

"Well, since there are no surprises in the situation here, let's prepare the fleet members to prepare for entering the depths of the Chaos Star Territory." He said.

"Yes, sir, I will inform you right away." Harola agreed, knowing that Jia Yan wanted to continue his 'cultivation', so he quietly left.

For this Kuditan, his ability is increasingly insufficient to interfere in political affairs. After all, if he is really capable, the previous Kuditan people will not become inferior to Tianlong under his leadership. It got to such a miserable state.

However, his status is still very high, because he is the first force leader in the entire star field to take refuge with Jia Yan, and it is rumored that he once rescued Jia Yan, so even if his status does not matter big things, his words are still He is extremely authoritative, not to mention that Jia Yan often passes orders through him, which further consolidates his position.

Rong Bo's somewhat damaged old lair was turned upside down again by the giant mosquito fleet, leaving only an empty shell. It may be who knows how many years before new forces move in.

And after having done all this, the Giant Mosquito Fleet started moving again.

After several days of running-in, and with the control of Mo Ke, the surrendered members of the Rongbo fleet were quickly integrated into this fleet. You must know that the number of these members is twice that of the giant mosquito fleet. Yuyu was commanded by a smaller number of Giant Mosquito fleet members and did not resist at all, which surprised the Giant Mosquito.

But after thinking about it for a moment, he figured it out. These members of Rong Bo's fleet all joined the fleet because of Rong Bo's personal strength, and they lived in the bitter cold and closed chaotic star field. Looking for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. ccom They have made many grievances for a long time. Now that the big mosquito controls them again, and Jia Yan's goal is the extremely complex northern star field, they naturally will not resist. Anyway, they have nothing to do with Rong Bo's fleet. deep feeling.

Of course, the big mosquito is somewhat wary of this, and he plans to discuss it with Kaqian in the future to strengthen the sense of belonging among fleet members.

But now is not the time to talk about that.

On the tenth day after the fleet continued to fly, after a few days of acceleration, and adapted to the larger-scale collective acceleration...

An extremely huge light curtain appeared in front of the entire fleet.

This is not a man-made creation, but a miraculous work of nature.

This is an extremely broad spectacle that looks like a colorful waterfall. It seems to connect the entire starry sky for several light years, wrapping the entire area behind it. The entire world seems to be isolated from the outside world. It can be said to be extremely rare in the universe. What a weird sight!

But behind the light curtain is what the public calls the 'Chaos Star Territory Center', and that is where the real danger of the entire Chaos Star Territory is, and it is also the most magical area in the entire Chaos Star Territory!

In the past, I don’t know how many fleets and fleets have explored and adventured in this mysterious area, and I don’t know how many lives have been swallowed up in it.

And today, another huge fleet came here to face this vast area, wanting to enter it and make an attempt!

"The fleet is ready to enter the central area of ​​the Chaos Star Field and break into the diaphragm to accelerate the jump data acquisition process."

"Everyone is ready for impact."

"When entering the reverse pole of the diaphragm area...ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one."

"Breakthrough begins!"

Today's chapter has a little more words, so I'm sorry for the late update. (To be continued.)

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