Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 4 Impacting the planet!

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"The opponent's flying column maintains half the speed of light in a parallel position with our fleet. At this speed, it is extremely difficult for both sides to change speed very quickly. Therefore, it is difficult for us to get close to the opponent."

In the Kuditan spaceship as the center of the fleet, Kama looked at the distant monitoring screen with a solemn expression. At this moment, she was not chatting with Jia Yan, but like a real marshal, with a commanding attitude. The ordinary fleet soldiers respect him very much and have a trace of heroism.

"But we also have advantages. We entered high-speed flight early, and now we are just slowing down. The opponent has obviously just accelerated to half the speed of light. The ship has not adapted to this speed. If we want to fly again, The speed increase is definitely faster than their speed increase!"

"They are all on the ship. Head to area 235a to the left, increase the speed by 20%, and avoid the opponent's detection!"

On earth, there are sayings of fighting with the wind and commanding heights, but in fleet battles in the universe, there are also a set of rules. For the fleet, hastily facing the enemy is very disadvantageous, although there are no such things as wind direction and commanding heights in the universe. However, there is also a gap between the starting speed of the first and the second. Some warships start slower, and it is a bit difficult to deal with enemies who have activated extremely high speed early.

At this moment, the Giant Mosquito Fleet had started to move at a very high speed early, and now it was only slowing down. Most of the efficiency of the engines was not used. Although the opponent's warships were much more numerous, they seemed to be more powerful. It is advanced, but it seems that the engine is running at full load. If you want to keep up with the giant mosquito fleet that is speeding up again, even an engine with excellent performance is unlikely to be able to do it!

The giant mosquito fleet's group army immediately started to move at extremely high speeds and swept wildly to one side.

Sure enough, when Kama's order was implemented, the opponent's huge fleet, which also moved at the speed of light and kept an equal distance from the giant mosquito fleet, was suddenly unable to react and could only watch as the more than a hundred giant mosquito fleet disappeared from sight. inside!

"It's so dangerous. This is the opponent's home base. We are still smaller in number than the opponent. We will definitely suffer a loss if we fight here. Fortunately, we have the advantage of speeding up!" In the command cabin, Kama patted himself with some fear. On the chest, two waves nearly the size of meters continued to rise and fall.

On one side, the Kuditan adjutant, who was about the same size as an average earthling, almost stared straight in his eyes.

"However, Marshal Kama is still a master of command. Moving from this direction happens to be a blind area that cannot be easily detected by the detector." The adjutant said with some admiration.

Hearing the compliments from others, Karma was obviously a little proud. She smiled softly: "It's not that I am a good commander, but the other party's commander obviously does not have a college background. If he has studied systematic war studies, You will know that without the right to speed up, you cannot launch a surprise attack at this distance. It seems that Rongbo is not a very good commander in large-scale battles."

"Okay, our crisis is over. I want to report like Master Jia Yan." Kama shook his head, and then directly connected to Jia Yan's communicator.

"Oh? This is the advantage of the right to speed up. I have seen descriptions in books before, but I didn't know that this was the so-called right to speed up. It seems that there is still a lot of theory involved in the battle of group organization."

After receiving Kama's communication, Jia Yan asked about the internal reasons for his previous escape and nodded in amazement.

He asked himself that he had also read up on this knowledge, but it was impossible for him to make the same command as Karma before. After all, theory is a theory. If anyone had read a little bit of knowledge, he would be able to make the same command as Karma. When it comes to the art of command, everyone is at the marshal level.

"Okay, no matter what, our fleet is not only numerically weaker than our opponent, but also far less familiar with the terrain than our opponent, so not fighting is the best choice. You are right to do this, now as soon as possible Get away from this starry sky, as long as you stay far away, it will be more difficult for the other party to find us in the vast sea of ​​​​stars than to find a needle in a haystack."

After hearing Jia Yan's instructions, Kama said yes and closed the communication.

"It seems that I can't help much in group battles. Especially in ultra-long-distance battles, where attacks are launched millions of kilometers away, and battles are fought at half the speed of light. It's impossible for me to get involved!"

After the communication with Kama ended, Jia Yan crouched on the spot and shook his head helplessly. Starry sky level powerhouses, especially starry sky level high-level powerhouses, although they can make trouble in the starry sky to a certain extent, but in comparison The fleet's group battle method is a bit unsatisfactory. It is said that the top starry sky powerhouses are not afraid of the fleet, just because the general top starry sky powerhouses are not big in stature, and they use their own energy. With the existing aliens, Technological detection equipment is almost impossible to detect, and once they escape, it will be difficult for the fleet to capture them.

Of course, some high-level powerhouses in the starry sky, such as Pai Lan, whom Jia Yan encountered before, have the ability to disappear into space. The average fleet really cannot simply see his body. If he is approached and attacked, he may be attacked in some places. Under special circumstances, it might be able to destroy a fleet. This is a top-level starry sky-level deterrent!

However, stellar level powerhouses are different, let alone a fleet. As long as they reach the star level, even a few fleets are unlikely to pose much of a threat to the star level. On the contrary, star level powerhouses, Being able to cause huge damage to a fleet through various special fighting methods, it is said that only stellar-level experts are the truly 'great' beings in the universe!

"Only when you reach the star level can you be truly powerful. Only when you reach the star level can you play a leading role in this kind of fleet battle..." Jia Yan looked at the space video screen in the battleship and shook his head with a wry smile. , even though he now thinks that he has reached the pinnacle of the starry sky level, the more he reaches this level, the more he knows how powerful the star level is, and he also knows that it is probably not that simple if he wants to reach the star level. matter.

However, it has just reached the peak of the starry sky level and is still far away from the barrier of the star level. It is unrealistic to think so much.

Jia Yan put aside the idea of ​​promotion and just looked at the scenery outside space.

I saw that the scenery in the entire starry sky had not changed much. It was all white. Even some interstellar matter could not be seen clearly. If it were not for the advanced detection ship in the battleship, it might have crashed into it while traveling at more than half the speed of light. Maybe.


When Jia Yan looked far away, he directly noticed something different in his eyes.

"Isn't that a small planet? Why didn't the detectors see it?" There was a gleam of surprise in his eyes, but there was not much time to think about it at the moment. You must know that the fleet at this moment was moving at an extremely high speed, and it was only a moment. , either approaching the distant planet, or directly passing by it. Jia Yan did not want to cause Jia Yan's fleet to directly collide with the planet for this reason. Even he would not be able to collide with such a speed. May be spared!

"What, there's a planet ahead?" When Kama received the message from Jia Yan, she didn't hesitate at all. She didn't even have time to turn off the communicator, and shouted directly, "Emergency avoidance! Direction 4ss455!"

When Kama's voice appeared, it was already too late. Most of the battleships and spaceships were operating, but there were still two ordinary spaceships. Because the engine power was insufficient, a huge light and shadow appeared in front of them, and they collided directly!

Although they are not huge, but they are flying at more than half the speed of light, what will it be like if they collide with a starry sky material? !

Jia Yan didn't know it before, but now he saw it in person!

Due to the speed, when the two spaceships had no time to avoid and directly hit the planet that seemed to emerge from the space, the entire starry sky seemed to tremble faintly!

In fact, the two spaceships were flying at more than half the speed of light caused by the distortion of the space ahead of the entire group organization. What Jia Yan didn't know was that when they were affected by the gravity of the planet and broke away from the fleet group organization, It broke away from the twisted space. In fact, the moment of impact was not really as fast as before.

But even that is definitely an exaggeration!

Jia Yan only saw the light and shadow of the array in the starry sky flashing, and then the two spaceships caused a huge shock wave directly on the surface of the planet. An extremely terrifying light and shadow effect appeared on the entire surface of the planet, and the entire shock wave even looked bigger than Half the planet must be huge!

Not long after, the planet, which was about the same size as the Earth, hit the back, and two pierced shadows appeared directly. At this moment, the two spaceships could no longer see anything, but they were pierced at extremely fast speeds again. In the universe, shooting towards the vast unknown star field...

The two colliding spacecraft actually smashed through a planet the size of the Earth! ?

Jia Yan looked at the scene behind him in astonishment. Of course, he could see all this only when the fleet slowed down urgently. Otherwise, with the fleet's previous speed, he might have passed through the starry sky without seeing this scene. range.

"This... crashing through a planet is simply terrifying! If it is used for attack..." Jia Yan looked at the image behind him and shook his head in fear.

To put it bluntly, it is actually not that easy to achieve this speed. Traveling in the starry sky is carried out in a distorted space, and the learning materials Jia Yan saw said that it must be a group-style organized flight to achieve the goal. Reaching the false 'super light speed', if you want to use it for a collision attack, let alone the issue of accuracy, just move forward in a group. Whether there is such a technology now is a big problem, and this starry sky has long been prevented. The attack plan has been prepared. It is simply impossible to launch an attack like this!

However, if you use it to hit an ownerless planet or something, it will be a sure hit, and the result will be horrific.

"How is it possible! How could there be a planet there? If it weren't for Jia Yanda's insight, our entire fleet might have been in trouble!" There were screams of horror everywhere in the battleships and spaceships.

The collision scene was really terrifying. The other fleet members looked behind in fear. While they felt sorry for their partners in the two spaceships, they also had some sad thoughts. If one was unlucky, maybe just now They are the ones who will die.

"Don't worry, slow down all the ships in the fleet first." Kama's voice sounded throughout the fleet.

Her voice is a good medicine to soothe people's hearts at this moment. Although Jia Yan's effect is better, his command skills are really not good, so at this moment, Kama can only be used.

"Lord Jia Yan, how did you see the planet ahead?" While Kama was commanding the entire panicked fleet, he also specially communicated with Jia Yan.

"My sensory organs are inherently special, and my strength is stronger than yours, so I can barely detect it. Karma, now that we have slowed down, have we just fallen into the trap of the enemy behind us?" Jia Yan asked in the communicator a little solemnly.

Karma's face didn't look good either, and she nodded with a wry smile. "I said before that Rong Bo was just like this. Now it seems that the other party did this on purpose. They knew that the right to speed up was not as high as ours, so they deliberately let us escape into this star field. I guess they also knew about the snow-white planet. , after all, the bump marks on it were already there, otherwise it wouldn’t be as white as snow.”

Jia Yan also smiled bitterly. It seemed that the art of fleet warfare was really not as simple as he thought. There was also such a cunning technique that he could not possibly learn.

"Lord Jia Yan, Marshal Kama, there are fleets approaching from three directions, with a total number of 720. Although their world is not as fast as ours now, we are slowing down, so the right to speed up is theirs!"

While Jia Yan was talking to Kama, a member of the exploration ship interrupted to make an emergency report!

"Seven hundred and twenty!? Sure enough, they are ambushing us here." When Jia Yan heard this, he immediately understood everything.

And Karma was also stunned.

"Kama, just go ahead and do it. The situation is very critical now. I'm not good at commanding battleships, so it's up to you!" After Jia Yan said all this, he closed the communication directly.

He acted as if he had left everything to Kama, which was also a helpless choice. It was obvious that the opponent had plotted against the giant mosquito fleet. At this moment, he could not speed up. He had lost the right to speed up, and it was impossible to follow the more than 700 people who were surrounding him. In the battleship battle, defeat is inevitable. Faced with such a desperate situation, it is useless for Jia Yan to say anything. It is better to delegate power directly to Kama. His own command will definitely not get a chance to escape. Kama's words may still It's somewhat possible.

"Okay! Listen, all ships, the next battle will be extremely thrilling and difficult. If you cannot completely obey me, we will have no chance of escape. Please cooperate with me so that everyone can escape!" "

Karma's expression was solemn as never before. At this moment, she was simply the most heroic moment that no one had ever seen.

Her commanding skills are undoubtedly on display at this moment!

"The entire fleet is headed to the direction of 1DDG22. The space here is not stable enough. The opponent's warships cannot launch a large-scale group battle with us. We will not face too many enemies at once."

"Ship 143, go to position A252."

"25, 27 ships, please go to position 2gaa13."

"Ship 46, Ship 91, go to..."


Karma spoke very fast, and her face immediately tensed up at this moment. If you didn't know better, you would have thought that this woman was a cold and unsmiling woman, but her face combined with the extremely fast command at this moment made her... She has a strange charm.

Only now did Jia Yan and a wave of fleet soldiers truly see how powerful she was.

Perhaps before this, Jia Yan had repeatedly admired her commanding ability, but the commanding art she displayed at this time still exceeded Jia Yan's expectations!

Before, he thought he had just picked up an average commanding talent, but after Karma's series of skillful terminology and meticulous command instructions, Jia Yan finally knew that what he had picked up was just a capable pilot. A super battleship commander!

"There are loopholes in the opponent's tactics. Look for Shuyuan That's because they want to capture Lord Jia Yan. This is the real reason why the opponent arranged the current tactics, so they will not use large-scale tactical weapons. , of course, they will also defend their surroundings to prevent Master Jia Yan from escaping through a high-speed escape device, and what we want to use is this mentality..."

Karma made an extremely quick analysis. Jia Yan had never discovered that her mind was so good before. It seems that this is talent. Some people only emit their own light and heat in specific positions. This is Karma's talent. , so at this moment she exploded her talent in this position.

Of course, talent alone cannot make her what she is now. She must have received the most orthodox training in the past and had actual combat experience. Otherwise, she would not have the commanding ability and calm mentality in the face of danger.

Under her influence, all the soldiers of the Giant Mosquito Fleet who were originally in a despairing mood regained their confidence at this moment. The main reason was that they would die if they lost. No one wanted to die when they just got a chance to climb up. At this moment, they , naturally he obeyed his fate and fought hard!

"Sir, please activate the battleship's high-speed escape device. I am not sure about this battle. If we lose, you must retreat. This will give us a chance to survive!" Kama was issuing orders one after another. At the same time, he also quietly sent such a message to Jia Yan. Of course, this is top-level encrypted information that no one knows.

The extremely fast escape device is a fast escape device owned by the battleship Jia Yan. It can exceed the speed of any aircraft to a certain extent, and has a certain ability to travel through space. It is the best tool for escape. .

"Okay, I hope you don't fail, but if you die, I will avenge you!"

Jia Yan did not deny it, but said to Kama calmly. (To be continued.)

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