Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 2 Chaos Star Territory!

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In the vast sea of ​​​​stars, a white light and shadow flashed across quickly. ★

The width of the light and shadow reaches one hundred kilometers. If you look carefully, you can see that there are nearly a hundred ships listed in regular order.

This is the giant mosquito fleet that left the deserted galaxy!

The time of space travel passes very quickly, and half a year has passed in a flash.

For half a year, the fleet has been accelerating. At this moment of accelerating, even most of the creatures on board do not know how fast they are. They only know that they have reached infinite light early and at the same time compressed the shadow space. This caused a compressed space to appear in front of the fleet flying in a group. Flying in this compressed space indirectly caused the entire fleet to reach super light speed!

In front of the fleet, amid the continuous lack of ships, a natural defense appears that can only be generated when it reaches an extremely high altitude. This defense directly annihilates all the tiny substances blocking the front. Otherwise, these substances would only be as big as a fist. Interstellar matter may also bring unimaginable damage to the entire fleet.

Fortunately, there were not many changes in the starry sky journey. A misty white area appeared in front of the entire fleet.

"Sir, we are about to reach the Chaos Star Territory."

Kama's voice appeared in a certain battleship that had been silent for half a year.

"Um...we're here?!" In this battleship, a huge figure slowly moved.

He seemed to have not moved for a long time, and it seemed a little difficult to move at the moment, but as he moved, a terrifying energy was awakening in his body.

Bang bang bang...

The faint sound of heart beating came from this space, which represented the powerful vitality of this terrifying creature.

His mind seemed confused for a moment, but it didn't take him a moment to come back to his senses.

The communicator in front of him seemed to be grasped by a hand and flew directly in front of him.

"Okay, I understand. Let the fleet slow down a little bit," he said.

"Yes, sir." Karma's voice responded, then closed the communication.

The behemoth stood there for a moment, dazed, and then faintly recovered from the thoughts that had lasted for half a year.

"In the past six months, I have experienced a lot of things. Although my strength has not been fundamentally enhanced, it is at least 10 to 20% stronger than six months ago." He agreed with his insights in the past six months.

This monster is Jia Yan. In the past half year, Jia Yan has gained a more systematic understanding of his own strength. In the past few days, his strength has indeed increased very quickly, but that speed has many disadvantages. The hidden danger is quite harmful to Jia Yan.

And this whole six months was perhaps the most systematic and leisurely time for him to sort out his own strength in a long time since his rebirth. The effect was also very different, making him more able to grasp his own strength.

"Is this the Chaos Star Field? Although it looks white from a distance, but when you fly closer, you realize that it only appears white on the outside. When you really enter it, it is not much different from the ordinary star field. !”

Jia Yan opened the window system of his battleship. The snow-white place in the distance became thinner as it approached. Moreover, they were approaching with light, and the dilution was extremely fast.

In fact, because the light was close, the image Jia Yan saw was not even a real real-time image, but just a residual image captured by the battleship's observation system. As a battleship with good performance, this battleship has an excellent imaging system, but the simple battleship or the transport spaceship on the side does not have these systems, so the picture they see will only be a patch of light and shadow.

After observing the environment ahead, Jia Yan calmed down a little, and then started a series of orders and inspections.

Kama, the temporary marshal, seems to be really competent. In fact, it was during the time Kama went to the center of the deserted galaxy to seize the Chaos Stone before Jia Yan that Kama showed his commanding ability that made Jia Yan look at him. Otherwise, Kama would If so, the current marshal position must belong to Harola.

In half a year, Kama not only dealt with two incidents of deviation, but also coordinated some daily affairs of more than 100 ships. You must know that the population of nearly 10,000 is not a lot. , but it is definitely not that simple to manage.

"Everyone, listen up. In the future, we will enter the Chaos Star Territory. This is not our destination. Our destination is the Northern Star Territory. I hope that none of our ships will have any accidents here. Everyone starts fighting. Come on, let’s support each other through this area that others are afraid of!”

Not long after, Jia Yan's voice resounded throughout the fleet.

As a true leader who rarely appears, Jia Yan's timely appearance, especially before entering the dangerous area of ​​the Chaos Star Territory that has swallowed countless lives, is of great help in improving morale.

"This is Master Jia Yan's voice!" A member immediately recognized Jia Yan's voice.

An absolutely strong man, for a fleet with no actual combat experience, is like a sea-fixing needle.

Hearing his voice, each fleet member immediately felt less afraid of the chaotic star field they were about to enter.

It was said that it was close, but it still took the fleet three days to really get close to that snow-white area.

During this period, the progress of the entire fleet slowed down, and the fleet's group flight was gradually eliminated.

Because no one knows what will happen to the Chaos Star Territory, so flying in a group is the stupidest behavior. In that kind of flight, it is impossible to react when encountering danger.

And when most of the ships finally reduced their speed to about half that of light...


Jia Yan felt the battleship under his feet shake slightly, and at the same time, a strange feeling was transmitted to his body!

"Are you entering the Chaos Star Realm? It is indeed a wonderful place. There are special reactions when entering here!"

He looked at the battleship surveillance screen with some surprise.

At this moment, the scenery around the battleship still looks like an endless starry sky, but there is a little more white in it. And if you look from a distance, the front is almost a wash of white, which can be said to fill the entire field of vision.

The few eye-catching things are the stars that shine in this area.

In addition, everything in the entire area was almost covered by a vast expanse of white, which was very strange.

"What a strange area. I actually feel a little different from the outside world. It seems that some kind of energy here is very powerful!"

Jia Yan looked at the outside world, then felt a sense of energy in the universe, and continued to look around strangely.

However, his detection cannot be effective. He just feels some different energies. Mo Ming's energy is almost everywhere in the universe. It is not a strange thing to feel it in this famous chaotic star field at this moment. .

"Sir, Suowu is actually up. Come and take a look." Suddenly, Kama's voice of surprise reached Jia Yan's ears.

"Huh? Is this guy pretending to be comatose? He woke up just after arriving in the Chaos Star Territory." Jia Yan thought in surprise.

After promising Karma, Jia Yan turned off the communication, and at the same time he pressed a button in the battleship.

Flying out of a half-light battleship is not something that a simple being can do. Even if some defensive measures are used, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be injured or even torn into pieces by the extremely terrifying inertial force.

Jia Yan's battleship just maintained its inertial force and slowly approached the Nakuditan camp-class spacecraft.

When the two sides approached a distance of less than a hundred meters, a mechanical arm suddenly popped out of the battleship!

That's right, a mechanical arm similar to the one used by Pai Lan to attack the Angliba!

This mechanical arm is not attacking the camp-class spacecraft at this time. Instead, it fixes two spaceships.

Not long after, at this extremely terrifying speed, Jia Yan's body flew out of the battleship hatch. Although the battleship's defense energy was turned on to the maximum, Jia Yan's body did not dare to release its strongest defense. You must know that at such a high temperature, if he is accidentally hit by a piece of matter flying in the universe, even Jia Yan will definitely be a life-threatening terrorist attack!

"Jia Yan, have you arrived in the Chaos Star Territory? Haha, I'm finally here, haha, the smell here is still so comfortable."

When Jia Yan just entered the camp-level spacecraft, Suowu's voice that he had not heard for a long time rang in his antennae ears.

Jia Yan saw Suowu's body appearing in front of him. Although the other person's body was smaller than the current Jia Yan, his aura was faintly improved than before!

This is the reflection of the strong.

Jia Yan could tell at a glance that Suowu's strength had vaguely reached the level of an ordinary starry sky, but this improvement was a forced improvement, a flash in the pan like a flash in the pan.

"Suowu, how is your body? We have just arrived in the Chaos Star Territory. It will probably take a while to reach the area you mentioned. Can your body hold on?"

He didn't say much and went straight to the topic.

After all, there is something wrong with Suowu's head, and chatting with him is just asking for trouble.

"Hmm, let me think about it, that mysterious place seems very far away? No, it seems not far away. Hmm, it's really strange, why can't I remember clearly. By the way, there is a powerful person here named Rong Bo. His power is terrifying. We can go to him and ask, but we will be robbed, haha. I was robbed of everything last time!"

Suowu was talking a little mentally, sometimes laughing and sometimes crying.

"Rong Bo?" But Jia Yan still analyzed something from his words.

This is the first time he knows that there are actually forces in this chaotic star field. Doesn't it mean that it is very dangerous here? How could any force survive here?

"Sir, I know Rong Bo too."

Kama will appear from the side of the passage. It turns out that she is also sitting in the camp-level spacecraft at the moment.

Also appearing with her was Halola, the elder of the Kuditan people. At this moment, he had no jealousy towards Kama's leadership position, because Kama's performance was worthy of her current status.

"Do you also know Rong Bo? Tell me." Jia Yan asked strangely.

"Speaking of which, Rong Bo is also a big shot related to the desolate galaxy. Among the forces that competed with the top ten powerhouses for the desolate galaxy, it was Rong Bo who finally competed with the top ten powerhouses. His personal strength It seems that he is not much different from Tengo-sama, the most powerful among the ten strong men, but in the end, the ten strong men finally united together, and Rong Bo was forced out of the deserted galaxy just by himself. I don't know, he It’s actually in the Chaos Star Territory.”

"Then what old guy Suowu said is his own random imagination?" Jia Yan looked at Old Suowu who had become a little weird again and asked directly.

"He is not talking nonsense. Because of this matter, I heard about it from several new subordinates a month ago. Some of them went to the deserted galaxy through the Chaos Star Field, and one or two even I have dealt with Rong Bo. I heard that this guy does not enter the Chaos Star Territory, but only looks for treasures in the periphery. He has also opened several temporary footholds. Some people even say that he has made some good gains here. , as long as he wants, he can fight back to the barren galaxy at any time." Kama said solemnly.

She overheard this news from several subordinates a month ago. Although she wanted to inform Jia Yan immediately, she thought that Jia Yan was currently practicing and even if the boss knew about it, he would not give up. It’s this route, so I gave it up after thinking about it.

At this moment, Jia Yan was slightly startled when he heard Kama's words, but he was not too worried.

"Well, we have plenty of supplies. There is no need to deal with him. As long as he doesn't mess with us, we won't bother him." Jia Yan said nonchalantly. He knew that this chaotic star field seemed very small, but in fact it was much larger than the barren galaxy. It was several times the size of the entire barren galaxy, and there were even several stars in the middle. With such a wide range, Jia Yan did not believe that the other party was so It is easy to have some intersection with yourself.

"But according to what you said, this Chaos Star Field doesn't seem to be too scary. With so many people able to travel through it, and there is also a force developing here, our chances of passing here are much greater." Jia Yan said from the card This meaning can be seen in Ma's words.

"Sir, you must not underestimate the Chaos Star Territory!" Kama was moved and shouted loudly when he heard that Jia Yan was slightly underestimating the Chaos Star Territory. "The safest places in the Chaos Star Territory are only on the periphery, such as the area we are staying in now, and it is not very safe. I don't know how Rong Bo managed to survive in this area, but I know how scary it is here, not to mention The route map of our fleet is to take a straight line and directly break through the most dangerous area. If you hadn't said that you must take the fastest route, I would have stopped this route!" Kama looked a little weird. It seems like I thought of something bad.

"Oh? Tell me what dangers there are here." Seeing his expression, Jia Yan suddenly asked strangely.

"Okay, I'm just describing the situation based on my own experience. Some people's experiences are completely different from mine." Kama, as a woman who has walked through the Chaos Star Territory, showed a somewhat scared expression at this time, which can be described.

Jia Yan listened.

Not long after, Jia Yan also showed a solemn expression and returned to his battleship.

"I didn't expect this chaotic area to be so scary." As soon as he returned to his battleship, he looked a little unnatural.

"But according to Kama, as long as I calm down, at least with my strength, I am unlikely to encounter any danger, and I still have a good chance of saving my life. And since we have a large fleet, we must be able to resist dangers. Bonus, this is one of the reasons why Kama didn’t directly oppose me in the first place.”

After Jia Yan analyzed Kama's words, he shook his head solemnly. At this moment, he could not help the voyage. He could only continue to consolidate his strength to deal with possible dangers in the future!

But just when the giant mosquito fleet arrives in this starry sky area, and at the moment when they are working hard to resist the terrifying natural power from this starry area in the future...

In an area not far from the area where they broke into, a huge fleet of no less than 300 warships quietly appeared here.

"Lord Rongbo, the giant mosquito fleet has indeed entered the Chaos Star Territory."

A creature in charge of the survey made a report to a purple monster in the flagship of the fleet.

"Here? Haha, that Pai Lan actually gave me correct information. I think he really hates Jia Yan. But it doesn't matter, just find Shuyuan as long as what he says is true. That’s good.”

The purple monster, whose body was a hundred meters away, was powerful. There were terrifying energy fluctuations all over his body, and there was a faint sense of unusual energy in his body. That feeling...

It seems to be vaguely similar to Jia Yan's body energy.

"By the way, are you sure that our media, which acts as a pawn in the desolate galaxy, said that the so-called Lord Jia Yan actually possesses the secret of promotion mentioned by a great being?"

After saying this, the purple monster felt faintly excited.

The energy fluctuations in his body are obviously not much different from those of Tengo in the desolate galaxy, and they seem to have a deeper feeling. However, even though he has stood at the top of the starry sky level, he does not feel like he has been promoted to the star level. .

Obviously, he cares most about the existence of Jia Yan, who was asserted by a great existence in the barren galaxy that he has something that can advance the existence to the pinnacle of the starry sky!

"Yes, sir, the media presence we arranged used words to bully him when he first established the Giant Mosquito Fleet, and was suppressed by one of his brainwave powers and was seriously injured. However, it can be judged by the severity of the injury. Come out, the opponent's strength has grown extremely fast in a short period of time, I guess he must have some secret." The subordinate reported to the purple monster.

"Haha, that's good. Even if it's uncertain information, I have to test Jia Yan! You know, a chance for promotion is rare. Taking a little risk is nothing. , not to mention, this is my base camp!”

The eyes of the sitting purple monster suddenly surged with a trace of light!

(10,000 collections. Thank you all for your support. Let’s see if I can add more in return. Thank you for your support!) (To be continued.) 8

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