Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 23 Giant Mosquito Fleet!

"Sir, that is a batch of goods sent by the Invincible Star Thief Group. After we said we didn't want the battleship, they seemed to be happy to send so many supplies. They seemed very happy."

"Lord Kama, those are supplies sent by the Piranton forces who bullied us before. They said that the two forces will always be on good terms, but their supplies are pretty good, so I didn't make things difficult for them."

"Here is the energy crystal we urgently need. It was sent by a large company that specializes in energy crystallization. It seems that they also bought and sold it forcefully during a business trip."

The five-meter-tall stunning beauty stood proudly on the deck of the spaceship, surrounded by busy Kuditan people.

This woman's appearance is extremely beautiful. Regardless of her huge body, any person on earth will fall in love with her.

However, she is not a creature on earth, so people on earth have no chance to see her.

Moreover, this woman also had a somewhat carefree personality. She was wearing a driver's armor that was stolen from somewhere and was gesticulating to the Kuditan people who were responsible for the transportation.

"So this is the sincerity of the Invincible Star Thieves? Well, you can reply and say that Master Jia Yan is very satisfied. Let's forget about the feud between us and let them stop being so arrogant in the future."

"As for the Pi Ran Dong force, this force is very discerning. Go tell the messenger. I, Kama, have accepted their apology, and Master Jia Yan will not take action against them."

"Giggle...the so-called big force, isn't it the Huangneng Company? It's rare for such a big company to show good intentions to us. Since the other party is so polite, then let's accept their energy."

Kamaji bossily directed a Kuditan who came to report. If she hadn't actively cooperated with the work now, others would not have known that this woman, besides being carefree, was also so good at handling affairs. of ability.

Even though she was extremely busy, she managed everything in the entire fleet at her fingertips and handled it perfectly.

After her handling, bad news about Lord 'Jia Yan', a powerful man, who was rapidly devouring the surrounding forces and materials has been spreading in the starry sky recently. The Kuditan fleet is like a monster with no bottom line, constantly devouring the supplies of all surrounding forces.

It’s not that there are no forces who want to resist, but if they dare to resist, that’s a big deal!

Just three days ago, when a semi-operating and semi-star pirate force that had bullied this fleet rejected the Kuditan fleet's request for a 'visit' and his family began to flee, Jia Yan personally piloted the ten A well-equipped one-man warship sent by the powerful man pursued them and wiped out the entire force in one go. After that, no force dared to challenge the Kuditan fleet commanded by Kama.

Jia Yan's return will have a huge impact on the Kuditan fleet. You must know that a strong man like him is enough to destroy a large area of ​​life in the starry sky.

And this is what the top ten strong men are afraid of. No one can guess what such a rootless strong man will do in a strange galaxy. If Jia Yan becomes ferocious and starts killing people in the barren galaxy that they have been operating in for a long time, then they, who are also a little frightened by Jia Yan's combat power, may not really have much to do!

Therefore, problems that can be solved with money will never require the use of force, and for the existence of the top ten strong men, this lack of resources is almost as little as a joke, and it is far from breaking their bones.

They wanted Jia Yan to get out of here, and even once or twice, they continuously sent a bunch of supplies that the Kuditan fleet urgently needed, which made even Kama, a very shameless woman, feel a little sorry.

Anyway, their only intention was to get rid of Jia Yan, the god of plague, as soon as possible.

A series of events have made the entire Kuditan fleet extremely famous in the entire star field, and there are countless versions of rumors about them.

It is said that they were once kind to Master Jia Yan, so they were able to get his care. What kind of powerful weapon can make Jia Yan also excited and join forces. They also said that they had some huge wealth in the outside world that even Jia Yan, an adult, was excited about, and so on. All in all, the existence of these original refugees is also extremely mysterious.

However, the Kuditan people themselves knew that to Jia Yan, they were just a bunch of poor people they met by chance. However, they were really loyal to Jia Yan and stood against him from the beginning. Otherwise, how could they compete with Jia Yan now? Is Yan standing so close?

Regarding the future of his group of people, Halola once called a meeting with almost all the Kuditan people to discuss whether to follow Jia Yan. In the end, almost all of them agreed to follow Jia Yan because they no longer wanted to Live a life where you have to look at other people’s eyes!

Changes in the outside world have not had much impact on today's giant mosquitoes.

Because Kama began to work hard, Jia Yan, who was relieved from the pressure, just crouched in the one-man battleship of his own, carrying out the final work of solidifying the body of the mutation.

This is a strong warship sent by the top ten strong men. It is about three hundred meters long, which is not too small for the current big mosquito.

And it has certain offensive and defensive capabilities. Although it cannot be compared with the warships operated by the top ten strong men, it is still superior. Otherwise, how could the top ten strong men have the nerve to give it to a strong man of Jia Yan's level?

When he used it to chase down the half-operator and half-star pirate forces, Jia Yan roughly calculated the combat effectiveness of this battleship. Except for the few battleships that the top ten powerful men rode that day, he had never seen anything like it. This battleship is a better battleship!

"This battleship is really good. The kindness of the top ten powerhouses makes people unable to feel dissatisfied!"

Jia Yan crouched in the neat and new battleship, feeling very satisfied with the relatively spacious space.

"However, it can be seen from the battles with the five powerful men that at my level, ordinary battleships are no longer that helpful to the battle. Even the top ten powerful men have to get off the battleship to fight with me. , I’m afraid that if my ship is fighting against a strong person of the same level, the help will be almost non-existent..."

After Jia Yan paid attention to the battleship, he looked back at his own body. Jumping to this level in one breath was like a huge leap. Although Jia Yan had experienced several mutations, this enhancement was not for him. The span of words is too big, and it takes time to get used to it.

"My body has become so much stronger in one breath. The way I fought in the past is also a bit outdated. Even if my body has not changed, I can control my body better when I fight against the five powerful men. Maybe I can easily defeat that person." Five guys..."

Jia Yan sorted out his battles. Fortunately, he had read many useful combat books before the mutation, and he also had his own set of mountain roads. At this moment, he only needed to review his own strength and sort it out. alright.

"My defense is still my biggest survival weapon. When fighting against the five powerful men, they almost despaired of my defense. So it is foreseeable that my defense will still be a powerful foundation for me to survive in the future."

"As for attacks, it's not that my attacks are not strong, but that my moves are too simple. When fighting those five guys, due to my lack of combat experience, it was extremely difficult for me to attack them with my moves. , but this can’t be solved casually, it requires me to fight more, after all, among those five guys, which one didn’t gain so much experience after fighting hundreds or thousands of battles?”

Jia Yan summarized a lot of his own strengths and weaknesses, but he always felt that he couldn't summarize the key points.

The disadvantage of not having a guide is revealed at this moment. As an evolved beast born and raised on the earth, Jia Yan has always relied on his instincts along the way. Sometimes he also obtained information about some powerful creatures and expanded it. He has fighting experience, but in fact, his shortcomings are still huge. Even if his physical condition is not so good, he will definitely not be much good at fighting those strong men.

But now that it has reached such a powerful level, even the top ten mighty people would be dumbfounded. Jia Yan, a being at the same level as them, is actually a person who has climbed to this point without anyone's guidance. .

Of course, they were stunned not necessarily because they thought Big Mosquito was so talented, but because they felt that Big Mosquito could rely on instinct to fight to this point, so he must have a huge destiny...

Jia Yan now felt a barrier to his own exploration. No matter how he thought about it, he felt that there were many huge flaws in his strength, but he was unable to see through and improve them. He couldn't help but feel extremely depressed in his heart.

But Big Mosquito is not only thinking about this now, he is also further strengthening his body to mutate Shen Dian.

After each mutation, there will be some room for strength hints, and now Jia Yan is also enjoying the pleasure of slightly improving his strength.

"As long as my strength increases a little, even if I can't defeat the top ten strong men, I will definitely not lose, right?" Jia Yan smiled in his heart while unfolding the slight increase in strength.

He had no other choice about fighting. He could only wait for time to accumulate and see if it was possible for him to slowly accumulate enough fighting experience and then improve better fighting methods and methods.

Anyway, Jia Yan's body is strong enough, and sometimes relying on instinct is not necessarily a bad thing. It's just that when facing an equally powerful opponent, he will suffer a little.

In this way, the Kuditan fleet was excited, and the entire galaxy was frightened by them, and spent a week.

"Okay, the supplies are almost enough, and even the money is prepared. We will be quite wealthy when we go to the Northern Star Territory."

One day, after Jia Yan received a report from Kama, a dazzling light flashed in his compound eyes.

"Kama, let the fleet... no, let the fleet move. You will be responsible for the warship workers who have tested it yourself. The safety and command of the future fleet will be left to you. Got it!"

In front of the communicator, Karma's head was a little excited for a moment.

Although he knew that Jia Yan would generally delegate huge power to himself, after hearing the news, Kama was still a little excited and flushed.

"Thank you, sir! I will definitely command this fleet, but before that, please give me a name for the fleet..." Kama replied with great respect.

"Name it?" Jia Yan had some feeling. This was another force he had raised. In the past, he had several fleets and fleets in Yingxian's arms, and now there is another one that he needs to name.

"Forget it, let's call this fleet the Giant Mosquito Fleet. I forgot to tell you that on my home planet, my race is called the Giant Mosquito." Jia Yan said softly.

"The giant mosquito fleet is named after your race... Sir, I'm so grateful for your trust. I will definitely command this fleet well and not lose the face of your race!" Kama said excitedly. responded.

"Haha, okay, then Kama, I appoint you as the first marshal of the Giant Mosquito Fleet. I hope you can help me revitalize the Giant Mosquito Fleet! Now, you can report to me some affairs related to the fleet and the entire fleet. Let's go!" Jia Yan's words were straight, and he was no longer casual about Kama.

Karma seemed to have a slight change in her demeanor the moment she received her official title. She straightened up her appearance, and then seemed to have abandoned her carefree personality, and reported to Jia Yan in a serious manner.

And Jia Yan himself did not think that this casually named fleet would become a terrifying force in the future... Of course, with his existence, it was destined to not be too bad.

"Okay, sir!" Kama's beautiful appearance has a heroic appearance that Jia Yan has never seen before. Jia Yan can see that after receiving the position of marshal, which he randomly appointed, Kama's mental outlook suddenly changed. There has been a change.

In fact, in the past few days, Jia Yan has already seen that Kama has definitely learned fleet management and even combat courses, and it is not to an ordinary level. In comparison, her driving skills are not as good as hers. What does it matter? How can a commander of this level be worthy of the opponent's ability if Jia Yan doesn't make use of it?

Besides, he himself is not good at the so-called art of commanding battleships, so he might as well delegate his authority!

But Kama seemed to have memorized it long ago, and said everything about the entire fleet at this moment like an endorsement: "Now our fleet has a total of ninety-seven warships, including fifty-one regular warships, and the rest are among the major forces. Second-class warships with better capabilities were selected. And I plan to divide them into ten combat groups. In addition to the Kuditan people, some of the warships operating the warships now are warship pilots who have been strictly recruited recently. But overall, we The pilots are not outstanding in comparison, and are even a bit poor. After all, it is impossible for a truly powerful operator to join our fleet, which has an unknown future even though you are a strong man."

"But I have already drawn up a plan. As long as I train the fleet during the future march and add a certain degree of actual combat, I will be able to transform them into a fleet with roughly combat effectiveness within a period of time!"

"Next, let me report some important data to you, Your Excellency."

"..." Kama's very professional explanation surprised Jia Yan. He had already thought highly of this woman, but he didn't expect that she was so professional. Before, he only thought that this woman was capable in combat. A little knowledge. But I didn't expect it, it seemed that it was far more than this feeling!

"Okay Karma, just do it your way. I don't care about your process. After all, you are a professional. I only care about the results. If you can't quickly build me a capable fleet, then you I won't change the marshal of this fleet mercilessly! Do you understand?" Jia Yan interrupted Kama's explanation. He listened roughly, and then came Xiang Xi's data explanation. Just listen.

"Yes!" Kama gave a military salute that Jia Yan had never seen before. It must be the military salute of her country.

"Okay, please step back and announce the formation of the army. By the way, I would like to convey that our fleet will set off across the Chaos Star Territory to the Northern Star Territory in two days. If you want to escape, don't worry about them. This is the first test for the newcomers." Jia Yan said calmly.

"Two days later?" Kama was shocked, then nodded without any hesitation: "Yes!"

Seeing that the communication signal was turned off, Jia Yan was really not used to this guy's changes. He was such a carefree man, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com transformed into a serious and heroic female marshal. Women are indeed fickle...

Of course, Jia Yan still doesn't know that this woman has other aspects, but she doesn't show them now.

same day.

"What? The official name of our fleet is the Giant Mosquito Fleet? What kind of name is this? What the hell is a Giant Mosquito!"

"Uh... our fleet is planning to pass through the Chaos Star Territory. Isn't it said that it is very dangerous? I only joined because of Master Jia Yan here. If I am asked to die in the Chaos Star Territory, I will not go!"

"You are a fool. If you want to go to the Chaos Star Territory, you must have some confidence. How does he exist? But a master who is comparable to Tengo-sama, how can such a master go to the Chaos Star Territory without any confidence? Legend has it that the Chaos Star Territory There are treasures everywhere, if you don’t go, forget it, I will definitely go with you, maybe I will become a rich man when I come out."

"Okay, okay, please don't be too loud. The formation ceremony is about to begin. Legend has it that Lord Jia Yan will be there in person. We have been here for so long. Apart from Lord Kama and Lord Harola, we haven't seen Lord Jia Yan yet, right? ? Hurry up and line up, don’t let Mr. Jia Yan look disheveled when he sees us for the first time. Whether you go or not, it’s a matter that will be decided later.”

One after another, creatures gathered noisily on a small platform.

There are more than 8,000 people here, less than half of whom are Kuditans from the original fleet, and the rest are skilled operators of warships and various types of weapons that have been deployed in the past few days.

Of course, being a good player is only relative. A truly good player will never join such an immature force. Only those who are half-embarrassed will try to join the force of a new superpower. luck.

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