Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 16 The injured Starry Sky Class!

Jia Yan, who was flying in the sky, had no idea that the aircraft behind him was being targeted so quickly. He just flew towards the small Huoneng Mountain.

Not long after, a city appeared in front of him that was not as big as Huo Neng City, but was still in the category of a big city.

"Little Fire Energy City!"

Jia Yan won't complain about the poor naming of the city here. He just thinks these aliens are a bit rough.

Small Huo Neng City is not as big as Huo Neng City, but it is still full of tall buildings.

The population here cannot be compared with Huo Neng City, so it seems that business has not developed.

Jia Yan lowered himself to this place and headed towards the city.

This time he did not wait for the city defense speeder to come to warn him like he did before. After all, he wanted to do some small tricks here, and it would be best if he could not attract others' attention.

Jia Yan landed not far from Huoneng City, and then headed there along the city road.

“There’s obviously a lot less traffic here.”

Jia Yan looked around. Although it was only more than a hundred kilometers away from Huoneng City, the excitement here was far reduced.

Even the powerful creatures around him are much rarer.

When Jia Yan walked into the city, there were no commercial secretaries, but he saw that there were several obvious areas here. Those wealthy areas are heavily guarded, and there are also places that look like slums, where the environment is dirty and the quality of the construction is much worse.

Jia Yan's huge body was obviously more eye-catching in this city with not many powerful people than in Huoneng City. He could feel many eyes turning towards him.

Jia Yan ignored these sights and conducted some investigation in this city that seemed to have no special characteristics.

He found that there were not many strong people in this city. When he was buying some junk items in several stores, he inquired quietly and found out that what he had here was only a resident starry sky level, and the others were all Around the peak of heaven level.

It is already a very good city to have a starry sky level. After all, the starry sky level is already the top combat power on this planet.

Jia Yan asked about everything. After that, he wandered around the city as if he was just a temporary tourist. After a few hours, he passed the road of another city and left Xiao Huoneng City.

He knows all his actions, and they are definitely monitored by all-pervasive surveillance. After all, there are not many strong people in this city, and the level of openness is far from that of Huoneng City. When such a powerful man appears, it is normal for the city's defense forces to be nervous.

The sky became dark again.

A huge dark body flew towards the sky!

And just after the distance was more than two hundred kilometers!

This huge creature turned around and quietly landed in the forest under the cover of night.

Jia Yan knew that the monitoring capabilities of the small Huoneng City could not reach him. In fact, he had learned a few days ago that it was not that there were no powerful monitoring and satellite equipment in Tianlong Star. It was just because of the huge differences and mutual hostility between Tianlong experts and cosmic mercenaries that they each The most powerful interference ability is turned on.

This is very similar to the gray-yellow star. The only difference is that this planet is much larger and has many more powerful people.

Jia Yan knew that his figure would not be easily discovered, so he quietly returned and headed towards Xiaohuoneng Mountain from the ground!

The distance between Xiaohuoneng Mountain and Xiaohuoneng City is only three or four kilometers, and part of the city buildings are built on Xiaohuoneng Mountain.

Jia Yan had made a good judgment about the direction before and climbed upward from the most sparsely populated place in Xiao Huoneng Mountain.

As a star-level powerhouse, Jia Yan's movement speed is extremely fast. Even on the ground, it is still impossible for other creatures to compare.

He tried not to make any noise when he moved, leaving only a series of footprints as he headed forward.

Not long after, towering mountains appeared in front of us.

Jia Yan looked above.

Xiao Huoneng Mountain is said to be much smaller than Big Huoneng Mountain, but it is not that small. If it were on the earth, it might even be regarded as a world-famous mountain!

At a height of more than five thousand meters, it stabs straight into the sky.

Jia Yan looked at the scenery above. Around the volcano, there was heat rising, and some creatures were walking back and forth. Because no matter how little the Xiaohuoneng Mountain produced, there was always something to be found, so in There are also a lot of miners here.

Jia Yan slowly crawled upward.

He concealed his brainwave power and tried not to cause fluctuations. Those creatures with average strength would not even be able to notice even if Jia Yan passed behind them!

This is the true power of a strong man.

Jia Yan crawled upwards, carefully avoiding waves of creatures.

The night is his best protective color. Even if those creatures have detection instruments in their hands, Jia Yan can easily avoid their detection by using the most powerful brainwave power to disguise himself!

Finally, the big mosquito easily reached the crater of Xiaohuoneng Mountain.

A lot of equipment is parked here, and there are some relatively simple campsites.

Although there is a lot of heat here, farther away, it is filled with white snow.

Jia Yan stepped on the white snow, and a slight coldness spread along his feet and into his body. But this change in temperature is no longer a problem for him now.

He just lay down near the camp and did his best to observe the movements over there.

After all, this is an important place for minerals, so it must not be as simple as it seems.

However, Jia Yan only saw some not-so-powerful miners through his brainwave power and the heat detection ability of mosquitoes.

After thinking about it, Jia Yan stayed away from the camp area.

"Think about it. Although there are undercurrents in Tianlong Star, there are powerful Tianlong experts and cosmic mercenaries sitting on the surface. This kind of attack on large minerals must not happen very often!"

Jia Yan felt fortunate that the camp's defenses were lax.

After bypassing the two camps, he finally found a slit and reached his body to the edge of the crater!

This is a mountain pass that looks like a black hole in the dark night. It is pitch black, not to mention the magma, and not even a single spark is visible!

However, Jia Yan was not disappointed at this time. Instead, he used his brainwave power to detect it gently, and he was pleasantly surprised!

The magma pool below is very deep. It may be necessary for mining here, so there is a small building complex built in the crater below.

In terms of his brainwave power, the amount of fire energy ores in those building complexes can be said to be extremely large!

" this?" Suddenly, Jia Yan's brainwave power trembled.

He felt that there was a very powerful energy wave sleeping silently below.

This energy fluctuation is as powerful as an abyss, and every time it rises or falls, it feels faintly earth-shattering!

Starry sky level!

Jia Yan was startled and quickly withdrew his brain wave power.

Fortunately, the other party did not seem to be too sensitive to his detection. After observing for a while, Jia Yan was sure that this terrifying existence did not seem to be in an ordinary state, and he was relieved!

"What should I do!? There is actually a starry sky level here. My current combat power, based on the strength of this starry sky, there is no way I can be a starry sky level opponent!"

Jia Yan became a little gloomy. He finally reached this crater. If he stopped like this, he would not be willing to do it!

Moreover, he also discovered that there was actually a ready-made small building complex inside the crater, which looked like a simple factory, transporting volcanic ore directly up one by one.

It would be a pity if he couldn't get such a ready-made good thing!

Jia Yan knew that Xiao Huoneng Mountain was his only chance. The security force on the Big Fire Neng Mountain was more than twice as strong, and it was absolutely impossible for him to touch the crater.

"There seems to be something wrong with this starry sky level. Although it still looks like a starry sky level to me, it seems like there is a trace of energy damage like me. Could it be... this is also a person who has lost a lot of energy, and it also relies on fire energy to extract A powerful monster, that’s why he rests here?”

Thinking of this, Jia Yan quietly released his brainwave power again.

The other party may not have thought that there would be a strong man in this volcanic land who would come to secretly explore him, so he was not very vigilant.

He was just at this moment, lying on a large heat source, slowly absorbing the power of the flames.

When the energy around him was released, it could be clearly felt that although he was a starry sky level, he did lose a lot of energy. Compared with Jia Yan's miserable situation, it was naturally better, but he was still in danger of not falling to the starry sky level!

"I guessed it right. The opponent is an injured Starry Sky-level. And he is now fully absorbing the power of fire energy, so his alertness is at the lowest!"

There was a little sparkle in Jia Yanfu's eyes.

"If we just give up like this, we don't know how long we have to wait until he recovers his energy and leaves. It's better to take action now while he hasn't recovered too much!"

Jia Yan knows that strong monsters who are not evolved beasts are not very efficient at absorbing energy. Their recovery may take one year, two years, or even more than ten years!

Jia Yan can't afford to wait for this time, not to mention, he still doesn't know what changes will happen to Xiao Huoneng Mountain during this period. Maybe the city's head is hot and suddenly increases the defense level of Huoneng Mountain. Then next time he will There is no chance of approaching this side quietly!

"Let's do it! Look at the way he's immersed in it. As long as I don't make too much noise, he won't be able to notice!"

Jia Yan made up his mind.

He looked around and found that there were not many creatures walking around at night. The low output of ore in Xiaohuoneng Mountain made the place relatively depressed.

What Jia Yan wants is this kind of depression!

Taking advantage of the cover of the night, he gently used the power of his brain waves to wrap himself up, then floated towards the sky and landed!

The huge volcanic crater with a diameter of two kilometers, like a terrifying monster's mouth, quietly swallowed up the black creature Jia Yan, and his whereabouts were never seen again!

Jia Yan was descending rapidly, and he felt a little nervous now. After all, Big Mosquito didn't pay much attention to fighting and acting in the past. Most of the things he encountered before were strong people and events that his abilities could compete with. Now in this starry sky, knowing that his power is not the best, he acts cautiously. This is what the mosquito is most unaccustomed to!


The huge feet landed around the small complex of buildings below the crater.

Jia Yan took a look and found that the building complex only covered an area of ​​one kilometer. The entire crater is in the shape of a funnel, with a large top and a small space below. This building complex is built on extinguished volcanic rocks. It feels very unreliable, but in fact, their existence may not be short.

Aliens naturally have technology to prevent volcanoes from erupting!

Jia Yan's compound eyes reflected the slightest light in the darkness. He released his biological instinct and began to detect nearby biological heat sources.

"There are almost twenty creatures in total. In addition to the huge starry sky level, there are two early days of heaven level, and the others are all insignificant little characters!"

It didn't take long for him to come to a conclusion.

And he also found out the purpose of this building. Those volcanic ores were quickly transported up along an excavation platform below, and then transported back and forth on the conveyor belt of this building. When they were poured out from a space about five meters in diameter, some of them were Liquid.

Those that did not become liquid were directly divided to one side, while those that became liquid went to the other side. Jia Yan saw them being put into barrels and then packaged into finished products!

Although the output is not as high as that of a big fire, it is still a high output!

Jia Yan was a little eager, because those liquids were the mutated liquids he desperately needed.

It was dark at night, and Jia Yan continued to observe the scenery in the building complex.

Most of the monsters are asleep, and even those who are not asleep are listless. The work here must be too boring, and these monsters have long been tired.

Jia Yan did not focus his main attention on these ordinary monsters, but on the starry sky-level monster crawling on a pile of fire energy ore waste!

This monster must not be able to directly absorb those fire energy ores with extremely high fire energy, so it was lying on a piece of waste. At this time, his body was faintly rising and falling, and he was obviously sleeping very deeply.

Jia Yan pondered for a long time, and then he finally thought of a way to absorb the fire energy!

"My body must require a lot of energy. Their one output may not be able to repair me once! So I can try now to steal the 'finished' liquid energy!"

Jia Yan knew that it was impossible for him to enter the interior of Huoneng Mountain. Not to mention that it was not so easy to enter. Even if he entered the magma, he could be sure that the unprocessed magma and fire energy ore would definitely not be processed in the liquid state. Energy works!

Thinking of this, Jia Yan looked at the sky again.

After a long journey and careful climbing of Xiao Huoneng Mountain, a lot of time has passed, and now the sky is slightly brighter.

It's impossible if we don't take action!

Jia Yan started to move that way.

Unlike the little mosquito before, he is now a giant, so he has to be more careful when moving. What's more, the opponent also has a starry sky class. If he is not careful, he is very likely to be discovered.

Fortunately, Jia Yan has just started to use the power of brain waves. At this time, he used his huge brain wave power to cover up and tried not to make a sound, but he was still able to move quietly in the sparsely guarded buildings!


After lightly touching the next pipe, Jia Yan quickly looked forward.

There was a monster with earth-level strength, listening to the music and constantly shaking his head.

It's impossible for him to find Jia Yan!

Jia Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and then became more cautious.

The thing is so magical. Such a huge monster moves silently in the building complex, but it cannot be discovered by those monsters. This can only be attributed to the gap in strength.

Finally, the big mosquito came to the area where the finished products were placed after several near misses.

Fully automatic trailers dragged the finished fire energy liquids here, and placed them in buckets on a huge cradle. When the storage was full, the machine would be started on the crater to move the liquids. These fires can be pulled up.

Jia Yan looked at the trailer. He could sense that the trailer also seemed to have simple detection capabilities.

He didn't dare to be distracted, and just used one of his front legs to sneak into the cradle...


A huge finished barrel with a diameter of more than one meter was quietly lifted up by him. Jia Yan was afraid that it would make any noise, so he quickly released a trace of brain wave power and controlled it to fly in the air!

Because this requires a certain amount of brain wave power, so at this moment, he released a lot of brain wave power!

Jia Yan quickly released his energy and observed the starry sky-level monster behind him.

Fortunately, that guy seemed to be dead and didn't move at all.

Got the first bucket!

Jia Yan's compound eyes flashed with brilliance!

His body was hidden behind a fifty- to sixty-meter-wide building. Jia Yan looked around, then gently used his sharp front feet to poke a hole in the top of the giant barrel!

The energy inside is overflowing!

"Very good! What the Kudi tantalum people gave me was this volcanic energy liquid, and even what they gave me was not as much as this bucket!" Jia Yan's compound eyes brightened even more.

Don’t think too much, time is precious!

Jia Yan raised his needle!

Pierce into that hole.

Not long after, a subtle sucking sound quietly sounded in this quiet space.


After the gentle sound rang, it disappeared again not long after.


The sound of an empty bucket being placed on the ground caused a sleeping monster in the dark to curse those tow truck robots. The monster then continued to sleep.

The murmur in the darkness died away for a moment.

But not long after, in that dark place, there was another "squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak" sound. △≧miào.*bi(.*)gé△≧,


Not long after, another voice sounded on the ground.

But this time it was definitely much smaller, as if the person making the sound was more careful again.

Squeak, squeak, squeak...


Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak.

There are more and more voices here, and they are becoming one!

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