Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 8 A slave dares to yell at me?

"But, he is still at the peak of the sky level! Even though he is only a little bit like a layer of fur away from the starry sky level, this is a huge difference!"

Thinking of this, Jia Yan smiled.

"Let you see before you die how powerful the real Starry Sky Level is, even if it is a Starry Sky Level that has not recovered its energy!"

A touch of power emerged from Jia Yan's body. Although this power was far from the level of the current Lord Kaz, in terms of quality, it surpassed the opponent by an unknown amount!

This is like a child meeting an adult who, although not as big as a child, is far more pure than him!

Can a child beat an adult?


However, at this time, Nakazi did not seem to be aware of this problem. He just felt the brainwave power emanating from Jia Yan, and a sense of ridicule appeared on his cheeks.

His body became extremely solid at this moment, especially his feet, which became even more unique. The knotted muscles in them seemed to be hard metal, which was intimidating.

At this time, Jia Yan's body hidden behind the metal armor changed slightly, and it also burst out with energy, and most of the reaction of this energy was absorbed by the armor.

This is also one of the functions of armor, which is to absorb most of the energy emitted by the strong, making the opponent paralyzed and careless.

When Nakaz saw that the energy fluctuations emitted by Jia Yan were far weaker than his own, he immediately let out an exciting roar!

His foot kicked on the ground!

Bang! !

Incredible shock waves emitted from its legs, causing more than half of the palace to collapse.

Those subordinates all let out a silent groan. Even those who were not covered by the ruins, they all fainted from the impact of the powerful energy burst out by Kaz!

Kaz's legs are indeed an extremely powerful weapon. At this time, his impact has reached an unprecedented level. Perhaps this is the first time he has used such a terrifying fighting method since he faced so many opponents. So this first blow seems to be a little skewed!

But at this moment, Jia Yan's eyes were shining!

The next moment, he didn't dodge or avoid the opponent's attack at all. Instead, in an instant, he used the same six legs to kick forward!

The shock wave that also erupted, the mountain roar and the tsunami, completely destroyed the garden behind, and a series of ripples even destroyed a large area of ​​the nearby forest!

The two huge figures collided quickly.

There was a terrifying silent sound in the air. This kind of sound was not really without any sound, but it seemed that the air could not withstand such a terrifying battle, and it immediately froze in an instant.

But the next moment, this silent sound turned into reality, exploding continuously in the air!

A faint point of light appeared at the collision point of the battle, and soon the light point exceeded the light of the sun above our heads!

In an instant, the world turned into a dazzling color.

The moment the shock wave started to shine, it was belatedly arriving. The two huge monsters in the air were still stuck together at this moment!

Below the battle, a hole appeared on the ground, and pieces of gravel and flowers were sprayed out in all directions, causing the ground to shake.

The two strong men were still confronting each other in the air.

Kaz thought that his blow would easily kill the opponent directly, but he did not expect that this opponent was so powerful!

His power is clearly not equal to his own, but why?

Kaz was a little surprised to find that the sense of power transmitted by the opponent's palms and feet where he collided with the opponent was not at all as strong as his own, but he still could not knock the opponent away!

He was confused.

How strong is this monster that can use so little power to fight against him?

At this moment, during further visits, Kaz finally discovered the culprit!

That is, the opponent's power seems to have a faint trace of a strange power that is far beyond the power he controls!

"This is?!"

Kaz was suddenly shocked!

After that, he had a vague guess that he couldn't believe, but as soon as this guess came out, he was directly overturned!


He looked at the big mosquito in front of him, and his originally narrow eyes gradually widened.

After careful experience, he finally realized that the energy emitted by the monster in front of him was actually a battle wave that could only be emitted by a 'starry sky level powerhouse'!

Wherever they come into contact, this power far above him is even more evident.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to have a kind of power that was so rare that it could confront him with all his fighting power? !

" are?!"

Kaz finally couldn't help it and let out a surprised cry.

But at this moment, Jia Yan's compound eyes had an inexplicable luster. At this moment, he finally raised his power to the maximum limit that he can use now!

He has not yet recovered his full fighting power, and he does not understand the powerful people in this star field. He cannot let Lord Kaz, who clearly sees his strength, reveal his true strength in front of everyone!


Kaz only felt that in the contact area between the two, a power far exceeding his was transmitted. He let out a miserable howl uncontrollably, and the words he wanted to shout were swallowed directly into his stomach. .

After that, his body seemed to be knocked away and flew back directly.

But at this moment, Jia Yan did not give up his attack.

The cold color in his compound eyes became more prominent. He moved his body and a black metal shadow shone in the air, and then he caught up with the monster!

In a speed competition, even if the opponent uses his thick thighs to bounce, Jia Yan is a real flying creature, how can he lose? !

Besides, this is not his real speed.

Jia Yan's slender front feet finally had a hint of luster under the flickering light.

This blue light, under the rapid movement, was not directly extinguished, but left a long blue light and shadow in the sky.

But at this time, his speed was too fast.

Even if the opponent is knocked away, it is not as fast as his pursuit speed.

At this time, Jia Yan finally broke out his peak combat power.

The scene in front of him changed, and he saw a huge body flying upside down, magnifying in front of his eyes!

He is not used to it at all. This speed is still far behind compared to his peak period.

So at this moment, the thrusting forefoot suddenly had a very precise aim, and stabbed hard at Lord Kaz!


At this moment, a sound was transmitted through the communicator worn on Lord Kaz's chest.

However, Jia Yan only had a cold look in his eyes, and then his movements did not stop at all, but faintly accelerated.


The sharp front feet pierced Kaz's strong chest. The traces of blue in the front feet made the front feet far sharper than before, and the metal armor wrapped on them also did a good job of covering up the blue light, which came from The secret of his body itself!

As for Jia Yan's blow, Kaz's originally hard body actually penetrated directly like a piece of paper.

In front, out the back!

Weird purple blood spurted out.

"Huh?!" Jia Yan seemed to have made some strange discoveries at this time.

But the matter was not over yet, so he did not conduct research on the matter.


As an existence that is infinitely close to the starry sky level, Lord Kaz was rolling on the ground at this time, letting out miserable howls. He may not have been so seriously injured in so many years.

Jia Yan's stabbing attack couldn't kill him directly, but it was close. Jia Yan was targeting the place where the heat source was the most powerful in his biological reaction, which was generally an extremely important part.

Sure enough, Kaz shouted, and his voice gradually became less loud.

"Asshole, you dare to disobey my orders, do you know who I am?"

An angry voice came from the communicator worn by Kaz.

"Who are you?" Jia Yan stood tall next to Kaz's body, looking at the huge figure, gradually losing his breath. The sparkle in his eyes gradually became dull quietly.

"I am the powerful Tianlong - "Lu Beici", the exclusive slave of "Xingrong". Do you know my identity?"

The mysterious figure roared at this time, seeming to be extremely unhappy that Jia Yan didn't know his identity.

"Oh, a slave, right? I know, but Kaz and I are fighting freely. Since he failed, he must suffer the consequences of death. Presumably, even if you sue to the powerful Tianlong, this is the reason for my possession. Right." Jia Yan laughed softly.

He finally knew who was behind the guy who gave the two-day deadline.

"Bastard, how dare you look down on me?!" The guy who called himself Lu Beici seemed to be even more frustrated and made a sinister voice at this moment.

"Your name is Jia Yan, right? Okay, I'll remember you. Since you want to accept Kaz's status, come to the Tianlong Domain. When you accept the enfeoffment from the lord, I will teach you some etiquette that you need to know as a lord. I hope you will come this morning, haha..."

After finishing speaking, the voice suddenly disconnected, as if the communication had been closed.

"Xingrong, the powerful Tianlong? And this slave Lu Beici? Haha, it's really interesting that a slave dares to yell at me like this." Jia Yan stood there, seeming to be laughing at himself.

However, after experiencing the incident with the Immortal Arm, he also knew that a strong man like himself was still a bit unsatisfied in front of a truly powerful existence. Since this planet was the territory of the strong Heavenly Dragon, he naturally would not have it. Too much back-and-forth action.

But now, he has not made a big mistake. Killing Kaz is also a normal method. Presumably the other party will not embarrass him too much, right?

"But things are still not good for me. I don't even know what kind of place the so-called Tianlong Domain is. And if it goes by, will the other party discover my true strength and take advantage of me before I can regain my combat effectiveness?" At that time, it is not certain that I will be eliminated. It seems that before then, we must try our best to restore our combat effectiveness!"

Jia Yan made a conclusion about the future.

He had been looking at Kaz in front of him, who had been pierced by his own blow. This powerful lord who might have been here for a long time had gradually stopped trembling, and his body was gradually lifeless.

"Okay...then let me try..."

Jia Yan thought about a strange phenomenon he had discovered before.

He looked around and found that there were many of Kaz's subordinates around.

Most of them died in the previous battles, but some powerful ones, or trumpeting ones, are still alive.


At this time, Jia Yan made a huge brainwave power sound!

You must know that after several mutations, his brainwave power is no longer as weak as it used to be. It is now emitted, carrying the residual power of killing Kaz, which will definitely make all of his subordinates... Horrified.

They all looked here and saw the furious figure of Lord Kaz. Their eyes were horrified, and then they rushed to the side in a hurry.

They were all scared. The existence of this strong man actually surpassed their Lord Kaz.

The mountain of Kaz has fallen. If they, the hozens, don't flee now, how long will they wait?

Each of them used their fastest speed. Flee around.

These subordinates all have some strength, even the weakest ones look like they are in the early stages of the Earth Level, so those who are not slow will soon lose their voice.

Jia Yan watched these beings leave one by one and dragged Kaz's body deep into a remote forest.

He used his talent again to check the life aura around him. After he didn't see any intelligent creatures, he cautiously...

Gently insert his slender needle into Kaz's body that has lost his breath!

Squeak, squeak, squeak! ! ! !

A slight sound quickly passed through the air.

And a little purple blood also followed the mouth needle and came into Jia Yan's abdominal cavity.

And his already dazzling compound eyes became even more dazzling at this moment!

Not long after, Kaz's huge body finally became a little shriveled up. And a shadow standing next to him was a little bloated.

The big mosquito looked at his body hidden under the metal armor, and became a little excited. Suddenly, a bright light appeared in his eyes, and a layer of joy appeared!

"I didn't expect that Kaz's blood would be an extremely good source of energy for me!"

He felt his body replenishing energy faster than the red liquid he had swallowed before, and he suddenly felt unbelievable.

It is difficult for him to get such an effect from the strong men of the Immortal Arm, but in this starry sky, the first strong man killed can actually make his body undergo a powerful change!

"I don't know, it's because Kaz's body is unique, or... I can really absorb the blood of the powerful people in this starry sky and plunder the energy?!"

"If this is really the case..."

Thinking of this, a crazy look was brewing in the big mosquito's lantern-like compound eyes!

Perhaps, this is a sign of the future bloodshed in this starry sky.

The Kudi tantalum camp.

It has been nearly two hours since Master Jia Yan left, and the sun above his head is about to set. This lord battle will end in just a moment.

All the Kudi people are like restless chickens, wandering around. Every one of them forgets to say hello when they meet. Even if they say hello, they don't chat. Even if they chat, they don't know what they said. What.

All in all, they were all distracted, and all of them felt anxious about the big mosquitoes that had left before.

"It's coming, it's coming! The communication is coming!"

Suddenly, a special communicator of Hallola rang. He jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

Turning on the communicator, Harola held her breath tightly. It seemed that if she breathed louder, the communicator would make noise...

"Jia...Master Jia Yan? Is that you? What, you really fought Kaz! Uh-huh! Won?!"

"Okay, okay, I understand, I'll make arrangements right away."

Harola and Ben didn't remember what they said. They just closed the communication in a daze, and then looked at the tribesmen standing around them, wanting to know the news.

He looked at the faces, and finally at this moment, he showed a twisted smile.

Tears rolled down his face!

"Victory! Master Jia Yan has defeated Kaz! Haha! Kaz is dead. From now on, the lord of this forest, please find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyua.com, and he will be our Lord Jia Yan!"


A Kudi tantalum man burst out with a terrifying cry at this moment. At this moment, like Harola, they all shed tears of surprise.

No one knows how many hardships their race, which has just arrived on this planet, suffered here!

The lord Kaz who had been tormenting them is now dead, and Lord Jia Yan, who will defeat him next, will come to power. In this case, the Kudi tantalum people will finally live a good life.

At this time, a man named Kuditan burst into ecstatic cheers. Only the babies who were not yet sensible, sucked their fingers and looked at the cheers of the adults, and unknowingly also let out a terrible cry. smile.

The entire Kudi tantalum camp erupted in joy.

But some people are happy, and some people are destined to be sad. At this time, in the entire forest, the results of the battle between Big Mosquito and Lord Kaz began to spread like the wind.

In an area of ​​more than a thousand kilometers, there are definitely many races that can survive, and some of them are quite big.

But they had all survived under Kaz's hands in the past. Decades had passed since then. But today, they realized that Kaz, who was originally aloof and impossible to defeat in their opinion, actually had the power to defeat Kaz. An existence that cannot be defeated!

And this existence will be their lord in the future!

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