Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 1 Kudi Tantalum Man!

"Hahaha, I succeeded. The starry beast and the star condensation left on the earth became my greatest help!"

"In order to stay on Earth, I didn't even hesitate to incarnate as a so-called representative, and I even didn't hesitate to fight falsely with those representatives of civilizations that I simply didn't care about. But now, I finally succeeded!"

"You should be happy too, right? You can take my ride to a truly prosperous place."

"Oh oh oh! Our journey destination is about to arrive, I have to go back. In addition, the parallax when we enter the gravitational wave is 0.002 seconds, so the place where it appears may be as far away as more than a thousand light years , so we probably won’t have the chance to meet each other in this life. I wish you a pleasant journey!”

Auro's figure disappeared from Jia Yan's sight...

As for Jia Yan, who was looking at the deserted place, there was a hint of unwillingness and anger in his eyes.

He finally knew all the secrets and everything, and it turned out that it really had such a big relationship with Auro.

If it weren't for him, Jia Yan might just be a person who would have died long ago.

If it hadn't been for him, there might not have been the trouble that Earth was being targeted by Osto and other civilizations.

If it weren't for him, the billions of people on earth who might have died during the metal monster crisis would still be alive and well!

Jia Yan was gnashing his teeth at him. Although he made Jia Yan reborn, it could not offset the evil deeds Oro had done. If he could kill him, Jia Yan would never kill him mercilessly!

But the distance is too far now.

"After you go out, the distance will be more than a thousand light years, right? Well... I hope this thousand light years will really be your natural protective barrier, otherwise..."

In Jia Yan's eyes, there was a fierce flash of fierce flames.

"But where is his so-called prosperous place? How far is it from the solar system? Judging from what Oro said, it probably won't be close. I should first consider how to return to the solar system!"

Jia Yan's thinking direction immediately shifted to returning to Earth. After all, there are still many things that have not been completed on Earth. If he does not go back now, there will be no changes in the subordinates of Earth City...

But even if Jia Yan is anxious, what is supposed to come will come!

Jia Yan felt the gravitational wave energy attacking his whole body and became much looser!

He quickly moved his body. Being no stranger to the gravitational wave system, he knew that he would need to use his own strength to break through this weak point, otherwise he would still be unable to get out.

In the world ahead, a bright twisted area appeared.

Jia Yan's eyes froze!

Then the front foot moved in that direction and struck out hard!

"Give it to me, broken!"

The front foot, carrying the fierce light of brain wave power, pierced the area of ​​light!


A sound like a cracking eggshell caused cracks to appear in the distorted space.

Jia Yan quickly drilled into the area where the crack appeared!

The universe is still the same universe.

There is a mysterious luster in the deep darkness.

If you have good eyesight, you can find many brilliance in the universe, and there are colorful colors everywhere.

But most living beings' eyesight is not that good, so what they see will always be darkness and the same scenery that never changes!

However, in such a scene, a cyan light suddenly appeared and slowly condensed into shape in an area of ​​the universe!

And at the moment when its brightness reaches its peak!

A figure with blue legs and metal armor stabbed out from inside the color with a fierce thrust!

This foot seems to be born from the void. No one knows where it comes from, and no one knows what kind of existence is behind the foot!

But here is the universe, in the dark starry sky, there is no one who can see this scene.

In the deserted area, the light grew stronger and stronger, almost reaching its peak!

Not long after, the desperately stirring feet stirred the cyan color to an exaggerated level, and the huge thing behind the front feet finally moved out gently...

This is a terrifying behemoth wearing armor!

He is more than thirty meters long, and the metal armor he wears gives him a cold and stern appearance.

There was a faint flash of blue in the dark compound eyes.

"This armor seems to be affected by my blue energy. It has a trace of blue energy properties and can resist gravitational waves!"

There was a strange light in the monster's eyes, and he took a look at his equipment.

However, he didn't pay much attention, but moved his eyes to look around the dark surroundings.

The huge monster that appeared was naturally Jia Yan!

After passing through the layers of space, Jia Yan now has no idea where he has come. He is just in a vacuum, and he vaguely feels that the vacuum around him is different from the one he is familiar with. Although he cannot tell the specific difference, but For him, the feeling at this time was not too comfortable.

The unfamiliar environment is on the one hand, and on the other hand, he is really too weak!

After a series of battles, and then entering the gravitational wave system, it took an extremely huge amount of energy to defend against those gravitational waves for who knows how long before reaching this place.

With such a series of consumption, his body has long been exhausted, and it can be said that it is completely empty. Even a trace of energy is almost gone!

"Huh? What a huge star!"

Finally, Jia Yan looked back and found an extremely huge star appearing behind him.

This is a red giant star. Compared with the sun, its volume may be hundreds of times larger than the sun!

The surface exudes a terrifying and violent red light, and extremely terrifying radiation energy shines on the body of the big mosquito through a long distance.

"There is another planet over there! It's also super huge! How can there be such a huge earth-like planet in the universe! It's simply terrifying!"

Jia Yan turned his eyes again and discovered something that surprised him even more. That is, where he saw it, he saw an extremely huge earth-like planet that could be described as a giant star.

Visually, this planet is more than ten times larger than the diameter of the Earth, and its surface area is even greater.

Originally, such a large Earth-like planet is impossible to exist in astronomy, but for the universe, its existence itself is to break the word "impossible", so the existence of such a planet is not that surprising. things.

"It seems to have an atmosphere. I don't know if there is life there, but I can't worry about that much now. Let's go over and see if there is any way to restore the power!"

Jia Yan found that his body could hardly fly.

Fortunately, there is still some energy in the armor. After turning on the energy, I saw a flame shooting out from the tail of the big mosquito!

His body was swaying a little as he flew towards there.

Draco star.

This is an emerging immigrant planet. As the second generation of the immigrant planet, Tang Ertangzi is an authentic "Dragon Planet" person.

But he was not happy.

Just like all the Kudi tantalum people living on this desolate planet, as a Kudi tantalum people who abandoned their homeland, abandoned their mother planet, and even abandoned twenty-one colonial stars during the war, they were not in the best mood at this time. very good.

The entire Kudi tantalum people have long since fallen apart. In the previous battle, they were completely defeated by the enemy. The group ran around one by one and became a wandering race in the starry sky.

Their group of tribesmen can only come to beg for food on the Dragon Star, which is known as the 'extremely high level of danger'.

"Tang'er Tangz, it's your turn to go out to get food today, be careful."

A man knocked on Tanger Tangz's door, which shocked him.

The Kudi tantalum people don't know where the genes came from. They only know that their own group followed an extremely powerful man hundreds of thousands of years ago and came to this starry sky through a long distance.

After that, the strong man who was once known as the giant beast in the starry sky with brain wave power was killed by another unparalleled strong man, and the Kudi tantalum people were liberated.

However, they, a group with only four limbs and not many strong men, have been humiliated in this starry sky. They finally established a small country with twenty-one planets, but they were defeated during a cosmic mercenary mission. , was easily obliterated by several strong men.

"Okay, I understand." Tanger Tangci responded.

"Hey, why can we only have such a thin body? The hands, feet, and head are also round. Except for the hair on the top of the head, there is no protective hair elsewhere. It would be great if we could be stronger! "

Tanger Tangci stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his clothes.

It didn't take long for him to put on the armor, which is the strongest thing for the Kudi tantalum people and the basic thing to fight against other races, and walked out of the camp!

"Kuditan people, according to the covenant, you cannot kill too many creatures in our green forest. Otherwise, don't blame us for killing you in a row!"

As soon as he walked out of the camp, a voice suddenly appeared in Tanger Tangci's ears!

"Okay, sir!" Tanger Tangz quickly looked around, but didn't see anything. So he respectfully gave a loud compliment to the forest in front of him.

"Little Mosquito, let's go." Tanger Tangci said softly to a flying creature he was holding in his hand.

Then he made a leap and climbed onto the flying creature, which was not much bigger than him. The weight and heavy armor made the flying creature sink completely and almost staggered down.

The two of them flew slowly and staggeringly towards the depths of the forest.

If anyone on earth saw the 'little mosquito' that Tang Ertangzi was riding, they would definitely feel dumbfounded.

Because this flying monster flying under Tanger Tangci's crotch was actually a creature that was 70% to 80% similar to a 'mosquito'. It's just that it's many times bigger than mosquitoes on Earth, and it can even be ridden by people!

This mosquito was flying in the air with its majestic mouthparts, but its flying ability seemed to be poor and it did not fly very fast.

Tangertangzi came to a relatively deserted forest area. This was the 'hunting ground' specially set up by the local masters for the Kudi tantalum people.

There are not many wild beasts here, and if you wait for a long time, you may not be able to hunt one. It is even possible that there will be no one for several days. Although over a long period of time, the Kudi tantalum people have evolved a higher ability to absorb food, and it is okay to go without food for several days. However, in such harsh circumstances, some children have already appeared. A sign of stunted growth.

Suddenly, Tang Ertangzi's face lit up. He found a unicorn-like creature approaching him.

Just when he was about to shoot...

Bang! ! ! ——————

In the sky, a violent explosion of energy rose up and invaded fiercely. The prey in front of him was frightened and ran away.

Tanger Tangci also punched in frustration.

He turned to look at the sky to see what kind of thing it was that was ruining his good deeds.

But soon, he was stunned, and then the expression on his face was extremely frightened, and his mouth opened so wide that it seemed like he could fit a fist into it.

That is a huge monster!

This monster fell hard towards the ground.

But this was not what surprised Tanger Tangci the most. After all, there were extremely powerful monsters everywhere in the Dragon Star. What surprised him the most was that this monster looked extremely familiar!

He looked at the 'little mosquito' parked next to him and began to gently suck the liquid from the tree trunk, and then looked at the huge thing in the sky, and suddenly shouted!

"Little mosquito! Look, is that your mosquito-riding ancestor? Your ancestor is here!"

He shouted with great excitement, as if he had seen something most interesting.

But the next scene made the Kudi tantalum man even more shocked.

The huge monster looked faintly weak.

During his fall, he used his own strength to barely slow down his fall. The friction with the atmosphere all over his body caused the fireball that appeared to disappear in an instant.

It can be seen that this monster has a slender mouthparts, and its body is covered with armor that although it has mottled battle marks, it highlights its power.

He has a body of more than thirty meters. If his extremely terrifying long legs are fully extended, he can cover a hundred meters. He is simply a monster as powerful as the sky and the earth!

But this monster is in very bad shape.

Tanger Tangci's worried expression just appeared, and as expected!

"How bold, you dare to invade my airspace!"

A sudden sound resounded throughout the vast forest.

Tanger Tangci's heart tightened, and he quickly lowered his figure even further.

He knew that this was the sound made by the real owner of this forest and the strongest person in this forest.

If he is discovered, he, a weak Kudi tantalum man, may suffer. This lord doesn't care whether he came out with a covenant or not.

However, that existence obviously didn't pay attention to his ant's thoughts. At this moment, as the sound rang out, a monster figure larger than the sky was ejected from the forest at extremely high speed!

It seemed impossible for the monster in the sky to react. Just as this huge body approached, it was hit hard by it!

Bang! ! ! ——————

A shock wave came, and Tanger Tangci didn't even have time to react. He was actually thrown away more than ten meters because of this battle shock wave that happened hundreds of meters high in the sky.

He hit a tree and almost fainted!

And the huge armored monster in the air was shot away without any resistance after being attacked!

Boom boom boom! ! ! ! ——————

On the ground not far away, there was the sound of the monster crashing into countless trees after being bombarded to the ground.

The ground seemed to be shaking!

The dust rising into the sky made Tang Ertangzi here cough constantly.

"Hmph! Whoever dares to invade my territory and airspace next time will suffer this. I hope all the creatures here will take care of themselves!"

The huge figure that appeared after that did not stop at all. Amidst a series of rustling sounds, it left far away, as if it could be hundreds of kilometers away in an instant.

And Tang Ertangzi here coughed for a long time before he recovered!

He heard the sound go away and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why are you so awesome!? If you have the ability, go to Kaicheng and find those powerful space mercenaries. You know how to show off your power in your own territory. How can you be considered a hero!"

Tanger Tangci looked contemptuous. Although there were not many such strong men in their treasury, they could still find a few. If they hadn't come here with only a small group of people, they might not have ended up in such a miserable situation. situation.

"That monster should be dead, right? Oh, I don't know where it came from. It's so unlucky to meet this evil star all at once."

Tanger Tangci thought for a moment and then rode on his mount 'Little Mosquito'. Slowly flew towards the direction of the huge flying monster...

"Let's see if that guy is edible. If so, it will be enough to feed our camp for a long time."

Tanger Tangci had this idea.

He never thought that the monster attacked by the forest lord would actually be alive.

In the smoke-filled area, a huge body did not move at all on the sunken ground. It obviously looked like he was dead.

This monster's wings are very large, taking up almost half of the body, and the wings are very muscular.

The armor on his body was extremely hard, and even under the previous attack, it seemed that there was not much damage.

It's just that none of this works.

"Lord, his strength has reached the peak of heaven level! With such strength, it is too easy to kill this powerful creature."

Tanger Tangci stood in front of the huge monster, looking at where the meat could be eaten.

"No, we can't draw a conclusion from this. I'd better discuss with the adult guarding him if he can be allowed to drive a transport truck out and drag him back to the camp! Otherwise, how could I possibly carry it by myself? !”

Tanger Tangci thought of this and hurried back to the camp.

"Application? Do you still want the body of that monster? Haha, it doesn't matter if I give it to you, but are you sure he is dead? If he is still alive and you treat him back, be careful that the lord will kill you!"

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