Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 20 Auro's figure!

The dialogue they only saw was also extremely terrifying.

"What? You're afraid! If you're afraid, just pretend that I didn't tell you. In fact, I have already found the weakness of the giant mosquito, and there are also some clues in the data of the spacecraft. My plan , it’s not as simple as becoming a driver, the detailed plan is like this..."

A small sound came slowly.

After a while, the man's voice finally ended.

"So, what do you think of this plan?"

"You... actually came up with such an idea! It's too, too whimsical. But... I just like your plan, so I'll do it!"

After meeting in this dark place, the two sneaky figures chatted for a while and then secretly disappeared again.

And no one knew what the content of their conversation was!

However, the earth's affairs are not something that these two little humans can have an impact on if they want to destroy or attack it now. After they said this, the globe was a scene of excitement, with a celebrity and the crowd excited.

It's not that the people on earth today are brainwashed or something, but that they have indeed gone through those hard processes, and now that good results have emerged, they naturally feel the same and feel sad.

What's more, the four months they worked in the factory were not just for the launch of the spacecraft!

Four months ago, no one would believe how the entire earth is changing now, and no one could even imagine it!

The changes brought about by the big mosquito are really huge.

Those machines, which resemble metal monsters but have absolutely no identical shape, began to help the people on earth build houses. They worked extremely fast and the construction process was very orderly. Technical and quality problems in the project could almost be ignored.

Thirty to fifty metal machines can roughly build a ten-story building overnight. However, few houses on Earth today are so high. The Alliance Government wants to make the remaining humans live a better life. , so the houses built are basically single-story houses.

The living conditions are like suddenly going from hell to heaven!

Even the study of the body structure of Earthlings has been studied for a period of time among the scholars in Earth City. Most of them are complex talents, so it is extremely normal for two of them to have certain medical knowledge.

After studying some information and comparison, some drugs that are effective for people on earth have also begun to be used. The death population will be greatly reduced!

However, it is not a good thing for the people on earth to suddenly enter a comfortable environment. After all, a race without competition and survival pressure will naturally perish. It's just that the people on earth lived too hard in the past. Now, after consulting the big mosquito, the alliance has decided to let the people on earth live a fairly good life.

There is still a long time to come, and the future of the earth will definitely have to introduce a competition mechanism.

No one thought that a driver recruitment matter would start competition and secret competition among most people on the planet!

Many young people came to the registration point. For the "spaceship pilot" quota of only 7,500 seats, no less than 55 million people came to the registration point across the earth. It was like an incredibly huge gathering!

"First, let's test your physical fitness. Without good physical fitness, you can't possibly fly a spaceship with extremely strong overload capacity."

"Then there is the flexibility of the body. There are thousands of control buttons in the spacecraft. The pilot needs to remember the functions of all the buttons, and he must also train his finger flexibility to the highest level!"

"Don't worry! Most of the 7,500 seats are ordinary jobs. If you are willing to do the dirty work, it is still possible to become a member of the fleet."

After entering the registration point, some matters about the spaceship will be introduced in detail, and people will know that the fleet cannot fly just by having a pilot. Among them, there must also be many positions such as logistics, surveying, early warning, ranging, etc. Although the pilot may still refer to a few specific people, even in an emergency, one or two people may be able to lift a minimum twenty-meter spacecraft into the air, but with complete configuration, the load personnel of each ship must be There will be no less than ten people!

However, with a population of more than 50 million at each registration point, the competition for these positions is still extremely fierce, and only a small part of them can be selected.

"Huh? There is also a reserve force! Good guy, the reserve force actually has a size of 30,000 people! Even if you can't become a regular spaceship member, there is still an option to be a reserve force, and there are even free housing allocations!"

Some people keenly discovered that at the registration point, in addition to choosing to compete as regular drivers, there is also the option of reserve service.

However, the remuneration of reservists is far worse than that of regular spaceship members, and may not be much better than that of ordinary working people on earth, so this has discouraged many young people from participating.

Of course, with the huge population, there are still many young people who are extremely yearning for the universe to sign up.

Unexpectedly, the registration work was not that fast. It even almost stalled for a day or two because of the huge crowd. Finally, after three days, the registration work was completely completed!

"Okay, the next step is screening."

Noodle Man gently signed his name on a report, and then threw it aside. For the people on earth, the exciting trend of applying for drivers was just an insignificant part of his daily work. .

"Ms. Daphne, if you put me in this position, it will kill me..."

After working for a period of time, he moved his body with a wry smile. His noodle-like body seemed to be even thinner at this moment. The existence that was originally not low in strength had become thinner in the past few months.

At first, the noodle man was a little grateful to Daifuni for asking him to assist Jia Yan, but now, he is full of wry smiles - this is not a job worth being happy about. You have to know that the earth can have thirty people. Hundreds of millions of people!

Although Big Mosquito used his personal reputation and support to help him with a lot of work, facing the remaining things, he had to create and pay attention to each item, especially the big explosion plan some time ago. Things are changing every day, and every day's work must have the correct policy, such as the working direction of a factory that day. If one error is made, the next factory will not be able to continue, causing huge waste!

Although he had exercised a lot of work ability, he felt that he couldn't take it anymore.

The only better thing is that the assassin, looking at him now, can feel a little trust. This is a very happy change for noodle people.

"Okay, next is the goal in another direction, and the unfolding of this goal is the other biggest key point that determines whether all our efforts will pay off!"

At this moment, the noodle man looked at the other plan in his hand, and his face became serious.

And in the plan form, it was marked in the Ostow language - 'Osto Exploration Ship Interception Plan'!

"Probably the samples collected on the moon are almost done, now comes the real highlight!"

This is a place with a gray-black surface and an extremely desolate feel.

The moon, there is no air here, no breath of any living thing. It is impossible to tell that this place is only 380,000 kilometers away from the earth. It is simply a world of death. It is a completely contrasting extreme with the earth where living things are flourishing!

However, the moon in the past few days has completely changed from its previous appearance, showing an extremely grand scene.

Robots from three hundred and fifty spacecrafts lined up in neat lines, constantly exploring and mining on the moon's surface.

The moon has some rare minerals that are difficult to collect on Earth, as well as an environment that is relatively easy to mine. After all, most of the minerals on the earth's surface have been included in the development products of the Giant Mosquito Earth Alliance. If you want to continue to go deep into the ground, it is better to mine the moon. After all, technology is not a problem for today's alliance!

And inside the largest spacecraft, which was a huge spacecraft of more than 100 meters, a huge dark creature was looking at the scenery outside the ship's side.

The spacecraft also had some equipment and cargo, so that Jia Yan could only curl up on the ground and keep looking out the window.

"Actually, the Earth's current state of overthrowing growth is extremely bad. They originally wanted to build up after breaking, and the social outlook deeply implanted in people's hearts has long been destroyed. But I forcefully add a more ambitious technological civilization to them. There may be hidden dangers in the future. There are so many that they are not even enough to adapt to today's level of civilization. Without external intervention, it is not surprising that the earth's civilization may fall into long-term chaos and stagnation, or even retrogress and destruction!"

"But as long as I'm here, it's impossible to let this happen!"

Jia Yan had no choice. There were some things he just didn't want to do. If he didn't use the huge manpower of the people on earth to fight, he wouldn't be able to achieve the current situation. They were just ten monsters from other civilizations. He didn't feel that, It is even impossible for him to rely on those ten subordinates to create the current situation!

If it weren't for the huge manpower of the people on earth who trusted him, they would still be studying the sixty-meter aircraft.

"Sir, the emergency collection of minerals is almost complete. According to our plan, the first batch of spaceships are already heading there!"

Suddenly, a not tall Earth City creature came to the big mosquito and reported respectfully.

Jia Yan looked at him and knew that this creature was one of the ten men he had brought with him. It was considered a great effort here on earth.

Of course, each of the ten visitors from Earth City exerted great efforts here on Earth. Even if any of them were missing, Earth might not be able to reach this level now.

"Okay, I remember you were one of the first operators to fly over, right? A person goes there to build the first batch of facilities. The journey may be very lonely, and there will also be a lot of pressure and unpredictable things happening, so please tried!"

Uncharacteristically, Jia Yan spoke some encouraging words to this weak alien in an extremely low-profile tone.

"Sir, sir! I will definitely work hard and live up to your trust!" The creature looked excited at this moment and quickly lowered his head and responded respectfully.

Jia Yan was very sincere. This monster was chosen to be the first to go there and carry out the first phase of work. It was extremely important. Although there was probably not much danger here in the solar system, the fatigue of the journey , and changes in mentality may be a huge pressure on the first group of people, so he still encouraged them.

There was another dangerous possibility that he didn’t tell anyone!

That is the representative of the Osto people who existed before the earth. It may also be the "Auro" who, as Jia Yan knows now, may have the strongest scientific research ability among all aliens!

Until now, he never believed that such a terrible person would die in the attack of Daphne. He even went so far as to report the news of "star condensation" on the earth to the exploration ship of the Osto Empire. He died after having a dispute with Daphne!

Now that I think about it, this is just nonsense!

The more he learned about Oro, the less Jia Yan believed it, because if Oro really wanted to gain any reputation or a chance to return to the Osto Empire, he could just take out any of his research and it would be a success. Such an earth-shattering effect, let alone returning to the Ostow Empire, is not impossible even if he is immediately appointed as the strongest scientist on the front line by the Ostow Empire!

But this person just did it, and he didn’t even know what he was thinking!

Not long after, a fleet of one hundred ships took off from the surface of the moon...

That not-so-tall Earth City creature was currently operating hundreds of spaceships loaded with a lot of supplies, heading towards the vast interstellar space, constantly approaching!

"Thanks for your hard work."

Looking at the hundreds of flying forms leaving in the distance, Jia Yan knew that the design of these spacecraft could not be compared with real alien spacecraft, and even compared with the lowest-end commercial spaceships in Earth City. Not as good, so for other spaceships, it is not that far away, but it will take a long time to arrive at this time!

He was sincerely grateful to this subordinate who operated hundreds of spaceships by himself, and later even started the first batch of construction in 'that' place alone.

At this time, the big mosquito was not in any of the remaining spaceships!

After leaving one hundred spaceships, the transportation tasks for the remaining two hundred and fifty ships became even more arduous. The space occupied by his size was too large and not cost-effective!

"Just trying to see if my flying ability can fly the distance from the earth to the moon!"

The big mosquito turned around, his brain wave power controlled his whole body, and he ignored the group of spaceships still in operation behind him and headed back towards the earth!

The resistance in a vacuum is almost negligible, so he goes faster and faster, faster and faster!

In the end, it turned into a dark line, like lightning, streaking towards the earth!

How terrifying and unbelievable it is to physically cross the starry sky!

Of course, with the current flying ability and vacuum survival ability of the giant mosquito, it is impossible for the giant mosquito to fly even from the moon to the earth. You must know that the ‘starry sky class’ is a strong person who can truly survive in the starry sky and within a small distance!

There are even some extremely powerful starry sky-levels that have been able to truly survive in the starry sky. Of course, those are only some top powerhouses, or creatures whose biological characteristics are originally suitable for the universe.

Although Jia Yan is still unable to survive in space without relying on air, as a starry sky level expert, he is already strong enough. If calculated according to the limit, he himself does not know that if he leaves the air, he can survive in space. How long will it take to survive and fight? After all, he knows that this time will be a long, long time...

The problem that Giant Mosquito is most worried about now is that in addition to the two upcoming Star Empire exploration ships, there is also an original representative of the Osto Empire who may not really be dead - Oro.

What Jia Yan didn't know was that his bad guess was indeed correct!

In a quiet void, it is not close to any planet. It is surrounded by nothingness. Even the stars that emit light are far away!

However, in this barren space, a quietly docked spaceship is like a small boat in the darkness, floating freely in the vast and boundless universe.

However, compared to the quiet appearance, the spacecraft is extremely restless!

There was a mechanical sound, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com and various robots, moving up and down in the spacecraft.

A stooped man in clothes who looked like a beggar, wearing glasses that symbolized his status as a scholar, was constantly doing his work while floating. 》≠miào》≠bi》≠gé》≠,

This man never seemed to stop for a moment, as if his life was constantly developing, developing, and re-developing!

"Oh, there is an image of the Earth! Look what strange things the big mosquito I cultivated has done, haha! He actually developed so many spaceships and went towards 'there'. Did he want to Is it possible to use these primitive spaceships to resist exploration ships? Is it possible? Hahaha, anyway, I don’t understand war, I don’t know, I don’t know!”

"But do you want to make a joke with this kid? Destroy his group of primitive spaceships. His expression will be very cute then, hahaha, but forget it, I will continue my research!"

"Gravitational waves, gravitational waves! I'm about to identify that place, hahaha. I'm such a genius. I can actually use the gravitational wave system to create such a thing. I'm the biggest genius in the world, hahahaha!"

"They are all fools! Daphne was fooled by the clone I made, Big Mosquito was fooled by me, the exploration ship was fooled by me, and the Osto people were fooled by me! Hahaha, all of them are fools! I was deceived, I am the smartest!”

The man muttered to himself like a madman, laughing and crying at the same time. However, not long after, the information about the big mosquito seemed to be completely eliminated from his mind, and the spacecraft fell into trouble again. In the previous chaotic research and development...

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