Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 14 Race against time!

The starry sky is vast and the boundless mysterious area cannot be fully explored even by an incredibly powerful and intelligent civilization!

When traveling through the stars, distance is always the biggest problem.

The distance between two stars, even the so-called companion star, is often measured in light years. Light traveling at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second takes more than a year to travel. This is the closest astronomical unit in the starry sky. If we were to measure the distance to a starry sky, or even to the entire galaxy, or to the 'visible universe', that kind of distance would make all intelligent races despair!

Traveling at the speed of light often takes ten or twenty years, or even tens of thousands of years, which is beyond the imagination of intelligent life.

And in the void of space, there will always be lives that are not afraid of journeys, bravely embarking on a journey to conquer the sea of ​​stars that can never be conquered!

In a void of space, a small group of spaceships were speeding forward at an incredible speed!

"It has been a year, and I must have arrived at the Earth. We are going quite well here. We have escaped the general scope of the Scholz Galaxy. The next step is to move towards the Earth."

Daphne was sitting in the main control room of the spacecraft. She looked at the big screen in the control room. Apart from the shining stars, there was no special material around. She felt a little tired.

For Earth City, it does not mean that they can rest easy after leaving the Gray and Yellow Star. After Jia Yan left, Daifuni still encountered attacks from star thieves, resource shortages again, and even the crisis of riots!

But they survived every time, although the number of spaceships in Earth City has once again decreased by three, or even less than ten. However, the population among them has also been reduced by one-third, and the resources and materials have been almost collected. The only worry is that they must replenish the metal and energy issues that need to be consumed halfway.

"We will definitely return to Earth! According to the calculations of those scientists, through the 'curvature navigation' method, our approximate speed actually exceeds the normal speed of light! We will reach the solar system in the next seven years!"

"I hope that by that time, the assassin will be able to fight against the exploration ship. Even if it cannot be solved, we must persist until we arrive!"

Thinking of these questions, Daphne looked at an area on the screen with some irritability...

In the previous battles, the 'mysterious battleship' that had helped the Earth City fleet appeared again, not only solving its opponents, but also helping Earth City deter a large group of hostile Star Thief fleets.

"Who is behind? Why do you feel like you are following us?" Daphne looked at the area behind the starry sky with some weirdness. Although she couldn't see anything there, she could faintly know that there was definitely a ship there. An alien battleship with excellent performance is following behind...

"Forget it, this battleship has not shown hostility at least until now, and it doesn't know how to keep locking us. Since it can't get rid of it, let it follow." After thinking about it carefully, Daphne felt helpless. 's shook his head.

After all, if the other party had bad intentions, he could have taken action before instead of helping again and again, so she felt that even if she brought the other party to the solar system, it would not cause much harm...

Of course, there is no other way. Things on the earth are extremely difficult. Daphne feels that the Earth City spaceships in her hands are also a huge help, so she is now rushing towards the earth day and night.

"Sir, the curvature navigation engine is ready. Several spaceships with smaller power have also started adjusting their energy limit."

An alien from the Osto Empire came to Daifuni and made a respectful voice.

"Then, notify the fleet! Start warp sailing!"

Daphne nodded, then looked at the screen in front of her with a solemn expression.

Toot toot! ——————

Sharp sirens kept ringing in each spacecraft.

"This fleet is about to enter a curvature voyage, and the hull may experience unpredictable shaking. Please pay attention to all members."

"The countdown to warp navigation begins. Ten, nine, eight..."

"Three, two, one!"

"Warp sail, begin!"

In the main control room, there was a sudden violent shaking, causing all creatures to tremble greatly, and one even fell from his seat.

However, these creatures are all powerful beings, and the main control room has a good balance system, so there were no casualties at this time.

"The engine power is 78%, the hull load balance reaches 52% of the threshold, and the pressure fluctuation inside the hull reaches one and a half times normal."

The members who tested each data one by one quickly reported the data values ​​they detected.

"Continue to increase the engine power until eighty-two o'clock. System balance department, reduce the threshold, and the pressure pouring system starts!"

Daifuni looked at the rows of data in front of her and calmly issued orders one after another.

"Yes! The engine power continues to increase, seventy-nine...eighty..."

"Load balancing started to reduce the threshold, and the reduction system was successfully opened. The threshold is fifty...forty-nine..."

"The pressure pouring system has been successfully started, and the pressure release speed in the cabin is increasing."

Voices came back one after another. At the same time, the detection panel in front of Daifuni, the data that reached the red value one by one, also began to decrease, and gradually turned into a less dazzling yellow.

She finally let out a long sigh.

During curvature navigation, the speed of the spacecraft will be greatly increased. The principle of curvature navigation is to find a "shortcut" through the distortion of space. This is also the most common method for long-distance star travel among many alien civilizations.

Although the speed is many times slower than Jia Yan's 'gravitational wave travel', being able to reach the speed of light is already an extremely terrifying scientific capability of alien civilization!

Of course, it does not actually reach the speed of light. It just uses the distortion of space to travel at a slightly faster speed similar to the speed of light. (Book friends who want to study curvature navigation can check it out for themselves. This book is slightly exaggerated, I hope you don’t mind.)

However, because the speed reaches a certain level and due to the theory of relativity, the creatures in the spacecraft will actually feel time faster than the outside world!

"Okay, keep it up." After Daifuni gave the order, she also showed a smile. Those who broke through the curvature navigation this time were all novices. Their success must be attributed to luck.

"The time we feel next will be much faster. Although it takes about seven years to reach the Earth, we feel it only takes more than a year to reach the solar system. Of course, there is also the issue of replenishing resources on the way. Hope you have a smooth journey.”

Daphne looked at the screen panel and felt that the burden was still heavy.

Just after a wave of spaceships entered curvature navigation in an instant!

Looking at the less than ten spaceships, a blur in the universe actually faintly lost its shadow in the visible space. Just behind the fleet, the shadow of a battleship gradually appeared!

It didn't seem to be in a hurry, it just looked ahead at the direction where the spacecraft disappeared, and then its steel body blurred...

Also disappeared!

What happens in space has no impact at all on the distant earth.

Jia Yan is very busy!

As the 'Giant Mosquito Clan' and the mastermind of this force, there are too many things that she needs to do personally regarding the alliance with the people on Earth.

Almost every day, he couldn't touch the ground with his toes and kept busy flying around in the air!

But the effect is also outstanding!

"The policy formulated by the noodle man is indeed very detailed. The first step is to carry out basic things, because the people of the earth are now scattered in all directions, and it is not easy to gather them together. Even in such a short period of time, he We have already drawn up a plan to ensure that all the people on earth survive and cooperate with the assembly point to carry out the most effective assembly plan!"

Jia Yan is flying in the air, with things as big as houses hanging on each of his six long legs!

This is a kind of basic house that was created urgently.

The equipment is a basic 'large-scale 3D printer' built by a few scientific and technical personnel in Earth City after a series of research and development. It is said to be developed, but in fact it is also a 'borrowing', and it is all alien. Mature technology.

Just copy it.

As for materials, they directly used the remains of those metal monsters and existing materials on the earth.

This is still the first step. With the help of powerful creatures such as giant mosquitoes, scientists quickly built the most basic 3D printer. After that, through these most basic printers, we will continue to develop towards more complex equipment!

The relationship between productivity and society is inseparable, but the giant mosquitoes are not creatures on the earth at all. For them, everything violates many principles and disciplines of the earth.

For example, people on Earth believe that industrial output, industrialization, and the economy are inseparable. But for Jia Yan, the subjects of industry and economics are all very esoteric. What they do does not completely violate these subjects on earth. Instead, they use extremely powerful alien technology to make all these subjects of earthlings. The subject has reached a development speed that is unbelievable to people on earth!

"Sir! I have already researched it. The crops here on Earth conform to our 'basic discipline of interstellar crops'. Their planting efficiency and planting varieties are too poor. I am sure that I will develop improved varieties within a few days, or even It will affect the physical fitness of people on earth!"

"Sir, the assembly point here has also started construction. The efficiency of the Earth's delivery vehicles is really too low. I have made some improvements using the maximum method. However, the number is not large, and the efficiency is still too low."

"Scientific research here is a bit difficult. The basic knowledge of the earth scientists who are doing the work is really poor, and we can't communicate at all. Sir, can you ask them not to ask so many questions for the time being, and just follow our instructions and complete the matter? !”


Jia Yan was almost dizzy as messages were transmitted from the communicator. There were too many people on the earth. Just the latest resettlement of these people, as well as some violent incidents during transportation, even moved} chaos. These are some extremely difficult questions!

This is what Jia Yan is most worried about. After all, people on earth are independent individuals, and it is really difficult for them to do exactly what they are told.

Fortunately, due to the reputation of the Giant Mosquito clan and the cooperation of each country, 99% of humans are still very cooperative. As for those rare ones, Jia Yan could only sigh longly at them. These stubborn ones will be detained as working prisoners or directly shot by soldiers and firearms dispatched urgently from each country!

Jia Yan didn't want it to be so bloody.

But time really doesn’t allow it! As a former human being, he had already sacrificed so much to save the earth. How could he be bad to the people on earth? ! So at this time, when I heard about the casualties caused by the high-pressure strategy, I could only feel helpless. Apart from sympathy, I no longer had the slightest idea of ​​slowing down!

The earth cannot afford to slow down. The entire earth is now racing against time!

"You can think of your own ways to decide the issues you mentioned, but remember, if you can do it without using strong methods, try not to use strong methods. But time must not be delayed!"

"In the next two days, all resettlement sites will be roughly completed, and construction must start on time in three days! Time waits for no one. If any country is slow, or which of you is responsible for the problem, I will ask whoever you are! Listen! Do you understand?"

"This...I understand!"

Jia Yan is forcing others to do things!

At this speed, not only the people on earth might be stunned one by one, but even his subordinates were in disbelief. Each of them was assigned detailed tasks in the huge and complicated plan. Each task was so compact that it could even be said to be difficult to complete!

But after hearing the harsh orders from the Assassin, they gritted their teeth and fought hard!

The Earth originally had nothing to do with them, but in the past few days, they knew that their leader definitely had extremely unusual feelings for the Earth.

So in order to leave an impression in front of the adults, they all strictly followed orders!

In the sky, a monster that has grown to a terrifying twenty meters is flying in the sky.

But under his arm, he was holding tightly an iron object the size of a car.

There are no less than two hundred humans in this thing. At this time, these humans are crowded together and all of them are dressed in rickety clothes. Although they have been rescued, they have no idea about the monster that suddenly appeared. What does it look like.

A worried look appears on one celebrity's face.

"You don't have to worry, our assassins are definitely friendly to you earthlings." A slightly unfamiliar voice in Chinese came out from above, causing a celebrity below to look slightly pale.

"Master Assassin, is this the name of the giant mosquito monster?" One after another Earthlings chewed on the name Assassin.

What they didn't know was that the flying monsters in the sky were gradually speeding up. When they couldn't see the outside world, they even reached a terrifying exaggerated speed of one point and a half kilometers per second without even realizing it!

It was easy to reach another place at such a speed. Not long after, the monster gently lowered the iron thing to the ground. Without even saying a word, it soared into the sky again and left quickly!

"Come out! Register here and write down your previous jobs, specialties, etc. Someone will assign you work soon."

The humans inside didn't realize that they had reached the end of the field, but there was a sound coming, and at the same time, the door of the huge thing in front of them opened.

Celebrities filed out. They all followed the arrangements of the guerrillas on the ground and were picked up here. They originally thought it would be a long journey, but they didn't expect to arrive so quickly.

"How is that possible!" When the men and women who walked out of the iron thing looked at the land in front of them, they were all stunned and completely at a loss!

It has only been less than a week since the metal monster was destroyed!

But in this place, an alternative huge 'city' has emerged!

A series of simple bungalows appeared neatly on the flat land in the most economical and simple way.

These houses are connected one after another, and many are still under construction. However, the area where you enter is completely connected, and there is no end in sight.

Five kilometers further away, a large area of ​​​​steelmaking and other factories began to be built. Thick smoke was rising, and it was already under construction!

Such a huge building complex, even if it is simple, cannot be completed in a few days, right? !

It’s simply incredible!

This group of humans stared dumbfoundedly at the huge 'city' of unimaginable size in front of them. However, their confusion could not last long. The voices from the soldiers with guns were already impatient!

"Don't look at it. You will see it every day in the future. Come over and sign quickly. The next group of people will be here soon."

A newly arrived human quickly left the iron thing, and under the arrangement of the soldiers, lined up to go to the signing place.

Naturally, they still couldn't hide their shocked expressions. Some of them even felt as if they had entered another world.

This kind of shock also appeared in the eyes of two men whose clothes were torn, but whose eyes were shining.

Looking at the buildings that were connected to the horizon, the two men looked at each other and quickly separated their gazes.

It's just their rolling eyes that reveal what's going on inside them!

If Jia Yan could see what they looked like, he would definitely be surprised.

You know, they are Jia Yan's absolute acquaintances!

Even in Jia Yan's rebirth, two characters occupied a huge mark.

Without them, there would be no big mosquito today. It is even possible that it would just spend its mosquito life as an ordinary mosquito, and would have died of old age long ago. I don’t know if there are still corpses!

They are exactly two 'old friends' - Northeastern wild tigers and drug addicts! (To be continued.)

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