"All talk and no practice! All research must be demonstrated in actual combat to be effective!"

Jia Yan was among the trees and suddenly spread his wings and flew up!

On that small tree, he thought of several offensive and defensive moves.

In fact, these moves are easy to think of if you grasp some key points.

First of all, he has to use his slender and extremely hard six legs flexibly!

In this natural world, no animal has such exaggerated lengths as insects. One of Jia Yan's legs is about 0.5 times longer than his body, which is about ten centimeters. With six legs spread out, it is no exaggeration to say that the coverage is twenty centimeters!

And among the animals similar in size to him now, which one has such a terrifying spread of legs and feet?

So these six long legs are the key points of defense and offense!

Of course, it would be difficult for Changzu to make any achievements in attack, so on the offensive end, Jia Yan can only think of two!

The first is the mouthparts. His mouthparts are long and slender, and the needle inside is extremely sharp! Moreover, it can also be shot from the upper and lower jaws at the front of the mouthparts and penetrate into the enemy's body!

Of course, there is a danger here, that is, the hardness of the needle is not necessarily absolute. If you accidentally pierce the enemy's bone, his needle may not be intact.

As for the upper and lower jaws inside the mouthparts, although they have been greatly strengthened at this time, even if the upper and lower jaws have been mutated, they are still relatively small, and it is difficult to be of much help when fighting the enemy head-on.

The mouth needle is an attack point, so the next step is a certain organ that was developed after the second mutation!

That is the tail organ located in the abdomen!

Originally, the tail organ of mosquitoes was only used for mating. However, male mosquitoes have a hard object like pliers wrapped around the tail organ, which is completely 'clamped' when not in use. But now, this organ has been greatly strengthened after mutation. Perhaps it is the biological nature of reproduction, so the enhancement here is actually the largest in the whole body.

The 'pliers' mutated into strong and sharp needles!

Extremely hard!

Anyway, Jia Yan felt that he might not be able to use this part in the future. It just mutated into a needle shape, so he could use it like a bee to sting the target!

But this is a reproductive organ. I wonder if I will feel anything when I insert it into the target...

Is it sour? Or is it spicy?

Ahem... I've thought too much. I've thought too much.

After Jia Yan flew up, he looked around with his compound eyes.

He found that his compound eyes had also greatly improved. In the past, he could not see clearly things that were dozens of meters away, but now he could still see some rough shadows of things that were about one or two hundred meters away.

No matter how far away it is, it's the light and shadow effect again, but it's still much better than before.

"Just choose it!"

Jia Yan found his first prey!

On the green grass, a large green grasshopper is crawling on the grass blades, chewing the fresh grass leaves happily.

This grasshopper has a body length of three centimeters, which is not considered small, but compared to the current Jia Yan, it is just a tiny bit!

Moreover, the grasshopper does not have much attack power, so it is not bad as the first training target.

Jia Yan flew over.

When the grasshopper sensed that something was approaching, he was already alert.

Its body is slightly crawling, and if something unexpected happens, it can easily explode with power and fly directly into the sky!

But he didn't expect that the approaching creature would have such slender legs!

When Jia Yan was about ten centimeters closer to the grasshopper, a pair of front legs stretched out violently!

The grasshopper was startled, and his crawling body was about to jump up!

But it was impossible for it to judge that the creature close to it actually had legs that were even longer than its body!

The moment it took off, its long legs had already been stretched out.

From a long distance, press directly on the body of this grasshopper!


The grasshopper bounced, but the huge force of its long feet suppressed it back to the grass blades.

At the same time, the other two long legs of the creature also stretched forward to help the front two long legs and clamped the grasshopper firmly!

The grasshopper struggled desperately in horror, and the leaves under its feet were grabbed by his powerful thighs and swung around.

But the grasshopper's body has been suppressed by this creature, and it is flying in the sky. No matter how hard it struggles, it has no effect!

"Very good!" Jia Yan looked at the grasshopper being suppressed by his four long legs, feeling furious in his heart...


He exerted force on his abdomen and stabbed the grasshopper hard with the tail needle on his tail!


The sharp tail needle pierced the grasshopper's body, and a strange scream of pain came from the grasshopper's mouth. Of course, this might just be Jia Yan's illusion.

At the same time, Jia Yan also felt a strange feeling coming from his tail, which almost made him let go of the grasshopper's body.

Sure enough... there will be a certain feeling when inserting this kind of tail with a 'reproductive organ' into the target's body...

As for the question of whether it is sour or spicy, I won't say it. We just drop mosquitoes to show that we are a little shy. Ahem!

The sharp tail needle pierced the grasshopper's body. The grasshopper's hard exoskeleton did not provide much protection. Under the powerful thrust, the tail needle pierced the entire abdomen!

"very nice!"

Jia Yan's heart brightened, and his four long legs released their grip on the grasshopper.

But at this time, the grasshopper was already on the verge of death. He fell to the grass without any strength, and his legs and feet kept swinging and twitching there.

Jia Yan continued to fly.

Mosquitoes are not carnivores. Although he also wants to change his diet, he doesn't dare to try eating grasshopper meat yet.

At least the mutated body gave him the impression that he still had no interest in eating meat. As for whether he would change to eating meat if he continued to grow in the future, it was hard to say.

He is purely training his fighting ability!

After being captured by predators for a long time, he wants to have the ability to protect himself!

"A defenseless grasshopper is not enough!"

Jia Yan flapped his wings in the air, looking a little unscrupulous!

"I see—I see—"

Just when Jia Yan was looking for the next training partner with a high enough level, an irritating cry suddenly came from his auditory organs.

This cry is endless, ringing in this mountain forest every day!

"Got it?"

Jia Yan's heart moved.

"The cicada's shell is very hard. Let me try. If I can kill even the cicada, then my current fighting power will be very terrifying!"

Jia Yan followed the sound, flapped his wings and flew away.

Not far away, on the trunk of a tree more than ten meters high, a black creature with a thick back shell lay there making noise.

This is a creature that is familiar to humans, cicada, also known as ‘cicada’.

Its length is not much different from the previous grasshopper, a little over three centimeters, but its weight and shell thickness are not on the same level.

The cicada's shell is extremely hard, and their vocal organ is located at the base of the abdomen. It can expand and contract up to 10,000 times per second to emit a high-pitched chirping sound.

Their strong protection is also the reason why they are more 'arrogant' than grasshoppers.

Jia Yan flew over quietly.

This cicada was also very vigilant. When it sensed that Jia Yan's 'monster' was approaching, it suddenly took off.

Jia Yan was not upset, because the cicada was just a symbolic escape. After flying up, it immediately landed on another tree about ten meters away. It seemed that he was not too worried about this 'monster'. .

This is obviously a mistake in judgment!

Jia Yan flew over again, this time his movements were very careful.

Getting closer!

The distance between the two is fifty centimeters!

The wings behind Jia Yan's back vibrated violently!

The speed soars to the limit!

It's like a predator swooping down when hunting for prey. The speed is appalling!


In an instant, Jia Yan grabbed all six long legs on Zhi Zhi's torso!

"Huh? The grip is really strong!"

Jia Yan immediately discovered that the resistance coming from the six long legs was extremely powerful!

The power of this cicada is indeed not comparable to that of the grasshopper before.

"Come down!" Jia Yan's six long legs decisively used their greatest strength!

Without any resistance, Zhizhi was suddenly caught between the six long legs by Jia Yan's long legs with the inertia of diving!

The next moment, Jia Yan controlled all the legs, and while keeping flying, he used six legs to wrap around Zhi Zhi from all directions!

"So strong!"

The strength of the cicada's constant use of its feet to break free made Jia Yan's entanglement very difficult. Fortunately, his six legs were long enough and his strength absolutely suppressed the cicada, so he was not allowed to break free!

Cicada changed its strategy and started flapping its two pairs of membrane wings crazily!

You must know that the membrane wings of cicadas are very huge. Not only do they cover an extremely large area, but their power is also relatively terrifying.

"Not good!" Jia Yan felt a little struggling. It wasn't that he couldn't hold the prey tightly with his feet, but that his balance in flying was destroyed by the cicadas that flapped their wings, and the two creatures fell downwards in an instant.

"Die to me!"

Jia Yan gave up trying to control the opponent with his feet, put his mouthpart on Zhizhi's brain, and then the mouth needle shot out!

He was certain that his needle had mutated into an extremely powerful weapon, but he was not sure whether it could penetrate the hard shell of the cicada and penetrate directly into the opponent's head!

Now slip away!

A crisp sound sounded in Jia Yan's hearing organ.

Zhizhi's body flapping its wings stopped struggling almost instantly, and then its whole body began to twitch involuntarily...

Jia Yan knew that he had succeeded!

His needle was indeed able to pierce the thick shell of the cicada's head, directly into the head, and mess up the brain organs!

The cicada twitched and slowly lost its movement.

"Very good! Both attack methods are as good as what I imagined beforehand!"

Jia Yan put aside Zhi Zhi, who was wrapped in long legs and had lost his vital signs...

This may seem innocent, but isn’t it normal for natural creatures to be hunted?

Just survival of the fittest.

Jia Yan, who has even killed humans, will not care about the life of this cicada. Don't blame him for being too cold-blooded. After becoming an extremely weak mosquito, if he still has the kind-hearted mentality of protecting "small animals" like humans, Jia Yan I don’t know how many times I have died!

He is just in a great mood right now!

"I finally have real offensive and defensive means! Haha!"

To be continued. There are still 3000+ chapters. Please support me with your collection. This is an important matter related to whether this book is a eunuch or not. Please support Bu Yue. Thank you!

Thanks to the book friends "Helpless Dreamer", "I laughed and cried and forgot", "Oh my God" and "Uncle born in the 80s" for their rewards! Thanks!

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