Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 31 Starry sky settlement!

Even if there is only one opponent, Earth City will definitely escape!

Facing this powerful man, even the assassin, who is now the strongest guarantor of the fleet, can only flee in confusion. What else can they do if they don't escape? !

Run away like crazy!

Not long after, Earth City's newly acquired space fleet left this star field as fast as they could, leaving not even a shadow behind!

Fortunately, the commander of the Zerg Empire, the moth monster, did not have any thoughts of chasing. At this time, he just looked at the leaving tail flame. Looking at it thoughtfully...

After a moment, the monster retreated slightly backwards.

His body was like the bubbles melting into the water. In a trance, he gradually disappeared...

If Jia Yan saw this scene, he would definitely stare in horror!

Because the moth monster stepped into something very familiar to him!

Gravitational waves!

But it was a little different from the gravitational wave situation he had experienced when he came to the gray-yellow star. No one knew what it was exactly.

Just like no one knows what this moth monster is approaching Jia Yan this time.

"What exactly is this power?!"

In the transport ship, Jia Yan waved his front foot, enduring unbelievable pain while making all the workers around him leave!

Bang bang bang bang! ! ! ——————

As soon as they left, Jia Yan started twitching all over!

Knocked down a pile of construction steel around him!

This kind of pain was no less than the pain at the moment of his mutation. He felt that there was a faint force in his mind that was so powerful that he could not resist. It was constantly tumbling, and even these forces were still dissipating, making him The influence of this power is felt all over his body.

"Damn it, what kind of power is it!" Jia Yan found that it did not belong to brainwave power, nor did it belong to any power he knew. Because I don't understand, I have no way to fight against it.

Fortunately, the original intention of this power did not seem to be to destroy, so after Jia Yan endured it for more than ten minutes, he found that he was slowly becoming indifferent.

"This kind of power is extremely strange. It is different from the power of brain waves, and I can feel that this power also contains certain scientific principles. It may even be the use of some kind of energy that exceeds the power of brain waves!"

When the little bits of energy in his head slowly weakened, Jia Yan was finally able to calm down and examine the situation inside his body.

"Obviously, this kind of power does not belong to the bright side power in this star field, and may not even belong to the power category of this starry sky field at all!"

Jia Yan's body felt the feeling of strength. At this time, they were disappearing quickly, but the more they weakened, the remaining products were like maggots attached to the bones, and their dissipation speed became slower.

"Zerg..." Jia Yan chewed on the information he knew about the Zerg.

"A race that appears from nowhere and doesn't know what it wants to do. In this starry sky, the most mysterious race..."

Jia Yan pondered, and he finally discovered that this mysterious race may really be far more mysterious and powerful than what other interstellar writers knew!

Let’s see, he is just a commander of the Zerg army from a gray-yellow star. His real strength may exceed that of a strong man at the level of Odowu. And as his close partner, Commander Ula of the Biochemical Empire, may not know about this!

"He was fully capable of attacking me before, and I might not even be able to resist him. But he didn't do that. Is this considered friendly or hostile?!"

Jia Yan was a little surprised by the thoughts of the Zerg commander. Compared with other existences in the nearby star field, as a life form from the earth, it is not that difficult for him to accept the emergence of a possibly more mysterious race, because everything in the entire starry sky has no influence on him. It is still a strange thing to him, so it is not impossible to accept the emergence of a race that is more mysterious than other interstellar civilizations.

"Then the one who rescued our fleet before was also the Zerg?" Jia Yan thought of the warship that appeared when he encountered the Star Thieves. Although he didn't want to think that way, he still thought about whether it could be the Zerg commander. , saved them?

But it’s not right to think so, because the styles are different!

"Forget it, don't think about it if you don't understand it. I just need to know that this starry sky may be far more interesting than what I know!"

Thinking of all the encounters on the Gray and Yellow Star and after escaping from the Gray and Yellow Star, Jia Yan, the big mosquito who came to the alien starry sky for the first time, felt a sense of surprise. After all, as an earthly life, all these things It was a magical experience for him!

"Okay, no matter how amazing these alien civilizations are, as far as I am concerned, as long as they do not hinder my return to Earth and do not threaten the Earth, they have nothing to do with me!"

Jia Yan is now **** and just wants to return to the earth. After all, Daifuni told him some principles of speed and time conversion formulas. He knew through Daifuni's words that they came to Gray Huang Xing's time might be much longer than expected, so Jia Yan was very worried about the safety of his family on Earth.

After all, there is not only the threat of metal monsters, but also the threat of the return of Rulan Civilization and Osto Civilization exploration ships!

For the earth, both of these are crises that may destroy the entire human race!

Jia Yan found that although the energy in his body had not disappeared, it had lost its initial huge impact.

He took a long breath. If this power continued to have the severe pain effect, it would be very difficult for her. Fortunately, this possibility seems unlikely now, and this power continues to weaken.

It may not be long before it disappears completely.

"Although this power is extremely strange, it is not traceable. After all, I can feel it. Although this feeling can only be felt through pain, being able to feel it means that there is the possibility of research! Maybe then The user never thought that there would be someone who could endure such huge pain and conduct research on this energy..." Thinking of this, the luster in Jia Yanfu's eyes suddenly lit up again!

Jia Yan's pain tolerance has been greatly enhanced through mutations. Even though he now feels that the energy in his head has weakened, it is not something that ordinary creatures can endure! But Jia Yan can. Every time he mutates, he spends it in such severe pain or even more pain, so for him, under such circumstances, it is possible to study the mysterious power.

"He is not a brain wave power, and it may not even have much to do with brain wave power!"

"This reminds me of nothingness and desolation. Although it's hard to describe, that's really what I feel. This kind of power might have something to do with dark energy!"

Jia Yan's research is still continuing. Maybe the powerful being who emits this power really didn't expect that Jia Yan could study this powerful energy.

But maybe even if he could predict it, he would still use it on Jia Yan.

Because there is a purpose!

No one knows what the purpose is.

"Sir, are you okay?"

Time flies, just when Jia Yan finally calmly cultivated himself for a long time, a clear female voice immediately came from beside him.

Jia Yan looked around and saw Daifuni standing beside her, looking at Jia Yan with a hint of concern.

Jia Yan's heart trembled. How long had it been since he had enjoyed this kind of caring look? Maybe you haven’t felt this since you became a mosquito!

"Yes, I'm fine. What's wrong?" Jia Yan looked at Daifuni. Although this woman would care about him, Jia Yan knew better that she would not come to him if she had nothing to do.

"We are about to approach the settlement we mentioned before. I'll come over and let you know." Daifuni said.

"Are we almost here? Time flies so fast. Okay, I'll get ready and go out in a moment." Jia Yan was startled, and then said with a voice with the power of brain waves.

Daifuni noticed that there was something slightly wrong with the brainwave power emitted by Jia Yan. A strange look flashed across her face, but she did not ask out loud, but withdrew respectfully.

"I didn't expect that the brain wave power has changed. It seems that I was wrong. This kind of power may actually have something to do with the brain wave power."

Jia Yan stood there and thought for a while. The change in brain wave power he just spoke was exactly what he gained from studying mysterious power!

The most painful time is actually the time to study that power, but Jia Yan was too late to suppress the pain at that time, and it was impossible to study it.

It was not too late after that. That was when the powerful energy was ravaging Jia Yan's body. As a result, after some research, Jia Yan still gained something!

Now the power in his body has almost disappeared. Only the 'point' on his head where the moth monster originally shot the starlight power into has maintained an extremely tenacious energy there, which may not be eliminated for a while. . It can't affect Jia Yan's actions or anything.

Dots of stars hang on the huge black screen, and spaceships are suspended in the sky. This is a space area with no place before or after!

Not long after, the largest ship in the fleet, a transport ship, slowly opened its huge hatch...

Huge monsters flew out from it.

The leader among them was a huge flying monster.

This monster has a pair of extremely large wings. The wing membranes are criss-crossed and the edges are extremely sharp. It seems to be able to be used as a knife to cut through any solid object!

He has six slender legs, especially the front feet, which have a sharp edge that makes people feel extremely surprised when they see it. The sharp front end is far beyond the imagination of ordinary creatures. Perhaps things in this world, There's nothing it can't penetrate!

It was followed by five equally huge giant monsters, each of which looked ferocious, comparable to evil ghosts!

Behind these powerful monsters are some slightly smaller creatures wearing space suits. One of them has a graceful figure similar to that of a human on earth, but is far smaller than the other monsters, but it seems to be a being with a high status!

"Okay? Next, we will transfer to small spaceships, and they will be the two shabbiest ones. I hope no one will take any chances on us."

Daphne's whole body was wrapped in a space suit. The space suit produced by the starry sky civilization was naturally not comparable to the bloated primitives on Earth. Apart from the extra helmet, he didn't feel much inflexible at this time.

One by one, the powerful monsters, as well as Jia Yan's huge figure in the lead, flew lightly towards the two spaceships that seemed to be only two hundred meters long!

Not long after, these two slightly shabby commercial spaceships spouted flames in one direction of space and slowly accelerated, finally breaking through the speed limit and flying away!

In fact, it is not very safe to leave the members of the Earth City alone in the universe. After all, there are still many resistances in the entire Earth City. However, this trip to the interstellar settlement is too important. Jia Yan and Daifuni can only take risks. Acted.

The acceleration speed of the two spaceships was not very fast. Compared with other spaceships, it takes a long time to accelerate to a certain level, and by then they have reached the so-called starry sky settlement.

"Sir, most of the starry sky settlements were actually built by some star thieves or illegal forces. Most of them are related to the so-called indigenous forces of the former Gray and Yellow Star. Dragons and snakes are mixed inside, and any kind of situation may happen. .So we still have to be more careful in the past.”

In a spaceship, Jia Yan huddled in a corner and listened to Daifuni's report.

The two-hundred-meter spaceship is a bit cramped for him, but Jia Yan has heard that there are many beings as large as him who live in such a small spaceship and become members of a star pirate organization. He could hardly believe that there were creatures that could survive in such a small environment. They were simply suffering!

But Jia Yan didn't complain too much at this time, he just listened to Daifuni's words.

The conversation didn't last long. The spacecraft trembled slightly and then slowed down.

Jia Yan keenly discovered that even the two worst ships in his fleet still have a powerful buffer system. This system can minimize the overload force when decelerating during extreme speed. After all, it used to be commercial. Yes, this basic comfort device is a must.

It has to be said that even if it is broken, for earth technology, it is an incredible device that stands tall on a mountain. Jia Yan can imagine what will happen to the people of earth if the two spacecrafts he is currently on are handed over to earth scientists for research. The excitement! How much improvement can their technology get? !

Jia Yan admitted that his longing for the earth made him miss the earth as a whole. In the past, he might not have been so kind to people on earth other than his family, and he might even have had some national likes and dislikes. But after spending so long in a place a few light years away from Earth, his mind has changed.

Of course, all this is still based on the existence of the family on the earth. Without this premise, Jia Yan's longing for that blue planet might be much weaker.

Although it is not yet time to hand over the spaceship to the people on Earth, Jia Yan is already on the road of return. I believe it won’t be long before this thing becomes a reality!

"Sir, the starry sky settlement I mentioned before has arrived."

Daifuni looked out the window, then turned back and said to Jia Yan.

"Welcome to the Devil's Starry Sky Settlement. Please stop at our designated location. There are fifteen starry sky cannons aimed at you. Please don't have any evil intentions. Thank you!"

At the same time, a voice appeared on the spacecraft's public channel.

Jia Yan and others know that this is the communication broadcast of the Starry Sky Settlement. Every spacecraft that comes to this settlement will be notified like this!

Of course, if the opponent is a large fleet or even possesses powerful weapons, then this kind of welcoming attitude will not be possible. After all, the Starry Sky Settlement also belongs to a kind of force, and they are afraid of being attacked by other forces!

As for Jia Yan’s shabby little spaceship? forget it.

Big Mosquito, Daifuni and others filed out.

Jia Yan immediately saw a huge black shadow in front of him!

"This is the starry sky settlement?!" There was a hint of horror in his eyes!

There is no other reason, look for Shuyuan, but because this so-called starry sky settlement is completely different from what he imagined.

Before, Jia Yan thought that the so-called starry sky settlement might be a small meteorite belt or something else, but now that he saw it, he knew that was not the case at all!

This is not a small planet, but a small planet at all! ?

Jia Yan looked at the huge asteroid in front of him in surprise. This asteroid was almost a hundred kilometers in diameter and had an irregular rhombus shape. However, it was covered with densely packed houses, and some could be seen as shops at a glance. The place.

The asteroid is entirely wrapped in something that looks like glass. Outside the glass, there are some large and small spacecraft suspended in the sky, and an artillery system that looks like it is not easy to mess with. It also seems to have rules. of arranged.

This settlement, which looks like a small planet, has an extremely large port-like building, and it is not inside the asteroid, but built in the starry sky, with spaceships docked there.

At this moment, there are no less than two to three hundred spaceships docked there.

After Daifuni ordered the spacecraft operator to dock the spacecraft at the designated position, she stood together with Jia Yan.

"Alien civilization is so powerful. Even if it is just a small so-called starry sky settlement, this is the first time I have seen such a place. It is unbelievable." Daifuni also expressed her feelings for this 'Davier' Settlement' sigh.

"go in."

The Earth City group did not stay in the starry sky for long, and drifted towards the ‘entrance’ of the starry sky settlement one by one!

"Davier? It's quite similar to the name of our transport ship. I wonder if it was built by the descendants of the so-called Gray and Yellow Star natives?"

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