Jia Yan's consciousness quickly returned, and he felt like he was trapped in a solid object!

He didn't know how much time had passed or his current physical condition.

Can't move!

This feeling is like pupating, but even more uncomfortable than pupating!

The object that trapped him was too strong. According to Jia Yan's previous strength, he couldn't move at all!

Fortunately, after he regained consciousness, the object under his front feet seemed to have become a little loose due to his movements, making a 'click-click' sound!

"Break it!" Jia Yan controlled the front feet and shook them hard!

The solid object that had some signs of breaking was suddenly broken free by Jia Yan's front foot, and suddenly more cracks appeared.

Jia Yan felt the power of his feet, as if a volcano had been brewing for a long time and was about to explode!

"Ahaha...what a powerful force!"

Jia Yan felt it in his heart, and then his front foot suddenly twisted again!

This time, he used all his strength!

Click, click, click!


The hard object wrapping the front foot was like dry cement, which shattered all over the place in an instant.

The crackling sound of those broken objects was very exaggerated, and they immediately seemed to be like snowflakes, flying into the air after bursting.

The forefoot is completely free!

Jia Yan felt very happy, and then the four long legs behind him started to work together!

Click, click, click!

Snap! Snap!

In the sky full of debris, Jia Yan simply let go of his exaggerated strength and moved with all his strength!

His whole body was wrapped in these cement-like solid objects. If it were him before, he would not be able to break free no matter what!

But now, Jia Yan found that not only could he break free, but he could also feel relaxed and free-spirited!

For a moment, the entire space was filled with loud crackling sounds.

Debris was flying everywhere, and the scene was simply appalling!

"What kind of power is this? Is this how powerful it is after the second mutation? It's too exaggerated!"

Jia Yan's new body was finally completely exposed to the air.

Mutated again, the body actually reached seven centimeters in length in one breath!

The perspective of looking at things is completely different from before.

The whole body, from top to bottom, is full of strength and beauty!

The whole body is dark and shining, that kind of black is more pure. The exoskeletons on the top and bottom of the body have also become stronger!

The tiny scales that used to cover the exoskeleton suddenly grew in size, each one visible to the naked eye, and they were densely packed, covering the whole body!

The veins on both wings were originally covered with some wing scales, but they were very inconspicuous.

But at this time, these wing scales were exaggeratedly covering all the wing veins, and there was a faint tendency to spread to the entire wing!

It's just that these wing scales are lighter than the huge and thick scales on the body, and the color is not black, but translucent milky white!

"Power! Life force!"

Jia Yan felt it!

Really feel it!

The vitality is roaring! The power is boiling!

The magnitude of the second variation was even more exaggerated than the first!

With this mutation, he was completely in two different states than before!

The surging vitality felt throughout the body is not only a powerful influence, but also a large jump in vitality, making the body more energetic!

The changes in vitality and strength made Jia Yan see the world differently.

"Perhaps the first mutation was not as useless as imagined. After all, that time, its body was more than ten times the size of an ordinary Anopheles sinensis mosquito, and it could even lift an eraser twice its own weight! But, that Although the magnitude of the secondary mutation is also very large, it still looks weak in front of many creatures, so that it doesn't feel much. And this time..."

Jia Yan lifted one of his front feet. It seemed that this front foot no longer looked like a mosquito's legs, slender and thin, but actually thick!

The power he now possesses is difficult for Jia Yan to control. He vaguely discovered that after taking in the purple-red liquid for the second time, his body faintly broke through some kind of shackles...

The shackles were broken, and there seemed to be an extremely broad avenue unfolding before our eyes!

Right now, he is just standing at the starting line of this road.

"Of course, this feeling may just be my illusion." Jia Yan shook his head and put aside these unrealistic thoughts.

He began to look at the dried debris at his feet.

After looking at it for a while, Jia Yan suddenly realized that these things were really similar to the pupa shells he formed when he pupated.

But it is stronger, and it completely wraps his current body, unlike pupation, which forms a circle.

If the force is smaller, it is possible to be completely trapped by these dry objects, and that is true death!

"What on earth is that purple-red liquid? It's definitely not some antibacterial peptide!" Jia Yan was a little silent.

As for antimicrobial peptides, he also searched online while using his computer to communicate with several killers, and then discovered that so-called antimicrobial peptides are drugs made from certain substances extracted from various insects.

But how can ordinary antimicrobial peptides have such a powerful effect on living things? It is simply impossible.

It is absolutely impossible for the research and development technology of the Northeast Wild Tiger factory to reach this level!

Just rely on the petri dishes that the bespectacled man placed on the table? !

If this could lead to drug research and development, then the world's top medical scientists would be crawling all over the place!

"They must have secrets! But none of this has anything to do with me. What I care about is just whether this purple-red liquid can make me mutate again!"

Jia Yan moved his six long legs. His huge new body and the sense of power he had never experienced before made it difficult for him to maintain balance.

"Huh? This is actually inside a can!"

Jia Yan looked at the 'cave' he was in, and then realized that he was so dazed when the medicine was taking effect that he actually entered an empty can!

Fortunately, the inside of this can is still dry, and it is not occupied by other creatures. The environment is actually very good.

"Let's go out. The last mutation only took about half a day, but this time it obviously took more time. I don't know how long it has been."

After a while, a dark male Anopheles sinensis mosquito that could definitely be called a 'huge' one appeared to be very bloated from the mouth of a certain brand of can, and slowly crawled out...

"Fortunately, my body hasn't grown too much yet. If I were bigger, I would have to try to see if my strength can break a can. Of course, I don't have any expectations for this. After all, it's not that easy for humans to break a can with bare hands." Simple."

One bite cannot make you fat.

Finally, Jia Yan was bathed in the sun.

The scorching sun was shining brightly, which made Jia Yan understand that he would not mutate at least once before the time came to winter.

"Maybe just two or three days, no more than four days at most!"

Jia Yan shook his back and saw the pair of extremely aerodynamic wings covered with light scales.

Buzz! ——

Some delicate green grass on the ground was suddenly blown to the ground by a current of air!

The wings vibrate up and down!


Jia Yan's huge body began to rise slowly.

The scenery on the ground, in his pair of compound eyes, became lower and lower...

"The body may become huge and dozens of times heavier, but the wings will still fly easily! Very good!"

Jia Yan felt an unprecedented power exploding in his body!

The blood transports oxygen from the outside, and this oxygen turns into a source of support for strength, making the muscle tissue connected to his wings and mid-chest more powerful.

At this size, more oxygen is consumed. Jia Yan needs to consciously breathe oxygen vigorously to ensure oxygen supply.

Buzz buzz——

Now the sound his mosquito makes is very loud, like an old-fashioned propeller-powered bomber flying fast in the sky!

Giant mosquitoes measuring seven centimeters are extremely rare to see in today's world.

Jia Yan is this kind of existence now!

What's more, compared with those light giant mosquitoes and giant mosquito creatures, he is even bigger. The exoskeletons expand, as if they have very strong muscles, making his body look less thin.

He soars in the sky.

Flying towards the jungle!

The scenery on the ground was passing by quickly, and Jia Yan found that his flying speed was definitely much faster than before!

Even though it's daytime, he's still flying!

It seems that he wants to vent his old worries and fears in one breath.

Of course, he also knows that there are still many animals that he can prey on now, but compared to before, now that he is seven centimeters in size, he doesn't have to be afraid of bats at all!

Even creatures such as swallows are basically impossible to regard themselves as prey.

The threat to his survival suddenly decreased a lot!

So Jia Yan flew in broad daylight.

The 'Large Scale Biological Research Investigation Team' from Shanghai City has been trekking through the mountains and forests for two days.

In two days, they gained very little. Among the five members, only the driver who served as the driver was a local, and the other four were all teachers and students from higher education institutions in Shanghai.

The driver is just a guide who collects money to carry out errands, so there is no impatience about the itinerary of this small team. But a few other people were a bit out of control, especially the young boy majoring in biology, who seemed to have a physique that attracted mosquitoes. He had been bitten severely by some mosquitoes in the past two days, and he was very angry.

"Teacher, I think we should go back. We have been searching for two days and still haven't found anything. I think the clues this time are probably passed on by false rumors. Those country people lied and lied. Find the bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan.comm" Finally at After one slip, he spoke to his middle-aged mentor.

"Xiao Xu, how could you do this! In our industry, if you don't even have this patience, how can you develop into a professional academic in the future?" The middle-aged man with some gray hair frowned.

The other two female teachers and students majoring in media who were traveling with me didn’t complain about their suffering, but my own student did it first. What’s the matter?

"But...Teacher, I'm afraid of mosquitoes!" The young student cried with a sad face, grabbing his arms that were bitten by mosquitoes and swollen.

Which one? His mentor’s eyes froze after hearing him say ‘mosquito’!

"Mosquitoes!" he repeated the student's words.

"Teacher, what's wrong with the mosquito?" the young student asked strangely.

"Mosquito, look, big mosquito! There are really huge creatures here!"

The gray-haired instructor suddenly pointed at the sky and shouted.

In the sky, what could be called a huge dark-black mosquito flew lightly over everyone's heads...

To be continued. A super chapter of 3500 words is presented, please collect it! !

Thanks to 'Demon Lord Wudao' 'Oh my god' 'I laughed and cried and forgot'' Buyue is extremely grateful for the rewards from the above book friends! ! !

Explain that Diptera is a complete metamorphosis, so the progress is more exaggerated and more difficult. research team

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