Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 47 The Sheriff’s Army is coming!

The noodle man in front of Daifuni was the same noodle man who had questioned Daifuni before. Even though he had questioned this woman, he was still promoted by Daifuni.

After all, his working ability is still extremely strong.

Hearing Daifuni's words at this moment, the noodle man sighed softly, and even in the bottom of his heart, the thought of leaving flashed across his mind.

But thinking about his belongings in Earth City and his previous gambling thoughts, he could only say nothing more at this moment. He bowed respectfully to Daifuni and then retreated.

Daphne sat alone on a tall chair. The office she was in was also converted from a huge chariot. If an emergency occurred, she could escape quickly.

She looked out the floor-to-ceiling window at the members of Earth City who were walking around. At this moment, she was looking down from the height of the seven or eight-story building. I saw that the living creatures walking on the ground had become scarce.

"Alas..." The woman let out a long sigh, her voice containing helplessness.

In Earth City, there were not many guests in a small tavern. A few children were sitting in the corner, surrounded by tall cleaning robots.

These children are all orphans in Earth City. Each of them has found a place to study and work in Earth City. But at this moment, several children are listless, hiding in the corner of the bar and lazing around.

"Lulu, did you say that Uncle Mo Cai, whom you met a few days ago, has left? I haven't seen him for several days." Kajia looked at the number of customers in the store and quietly retracted his head under the table. .

Next to him is the little girl with rabbit ears. At this moment, the little girl with rabbit ears is also sneaking around.

Even if these homeless children can feel the changes in their environment, for them, there is no place to go but this earth city with an uncertain future. Waiting for fate to be pronounced.

"Lulu doesn't know either." Lulu hugged her knees and huddled her whole little body under the table.

Seeing this rabbit-eared girl like this, Kajia curled his lips and stopped talking. The changes in the adults made them still less motivated.

"Okay, you guys are slacking here again. Be careful and I will tell your supervisor."

Suddenly, a rough voice rang in the ears of Lulu and the other children. Kaga was startled and his head hit the corner of the table. Suddenly, he clutched his forehead tightly in pain, and tears began to roll in his eyes.

"Uncle Luca. Why are you scaring us again? Didn't you say you could let us come here to be lazy?"

However, when Lulu saw the visitor, she looked contemptuous and didn't feel the slightest bit frightened.

It was an octopus-like life form. He wore clothes with many holes and had countless tentacles extending out to take care of the hygiene in the store.

This is the operator of this restaurant and one of the first store owners allowed to operate in Earth City.

In fact, this life form is also a powerful alien, but in the earth city where there are many strong people. It’s not that outstanding. It’s just that as a former nearby convoy leader, after being semi-forcefully annexed by Earth City, he lost the mood to compete again. After all, alien intelligent life forms also have life limits, especially This individual has an octopus-like body. These are fish evolved individuals that were studied by an intelligent civilization in the past. As a result, they have now become individuals found on many planets in the entire star field. Their only shortcoming is that their lifespan is not long, which may be about eighty years of the Earth. .

After fighting again and again, the original leader. Now that Earth City has annexed his own power, he only has a little savings left. In Earth City, his abilities are not outstanding, and his life span has reached about seventy Earth years. He has made plans for the remaining ten years. That is to no longer compete for hegemony, but to survive as an ordinary individual by opening a store in Earth City. That's why this store came about.

At this moment, Lulu is waiting for the children to come to the store. This is the idea he had before. Perhaps he is considerate of these children. As an octopus monster who used to kill many people, he actually makes it easy for these children and allows them to rest in the store often. . However, these children often fight in the store and have become a part of the bar's scenery, attracting many Earth City residents and Earth Army personnel to come here.

"Little Lulu, what you said is wrong. Why did uncle promise you to come here to rest, but he didn't promise not to scare you?" The octopus monster wiped the items in the store with its tentacles everywhere, while teasing some of them. Children under the table.

In fact, he also knows that the managers of Earth City may not know about the children's laziness, but they just don't mind. After all, it is impossible for these children to live completely free in Earth City. Giving them a symbolic job is just an excuse.

When Lulu heard the words of the octopus monster, she immediately giggled: "Uncle Luca is so bad!" But she didn't mean to be timid at all.

She knew there was no way the octopus monster could do that.

"You little guy, I think among these children, you and Kajia are the two most ghostly." The octopus monster also laughed and continued to tease Lulu.

Among this group of children, everyone’s favorites are the sensible Kajia and the lively and lovely Lulu. Although all living beings may have different aesthetic values, the definitions of beauty and ugliness are generally the same. Too big. For example, little girls with long ears like Lulu are very popular with both the octopus monster and the guests in terms of appearance and cute personality.

"Uncle Luca, do you think our Earth City is about to be in trouble as they said?!" Suddenly, the more sensible Kajia crawled out from under the table and asked eagerly looking at the octopus monster.

"This..." The octopus monster really hadn't thought about this question, and was immediately stopped by the question.

As a bar owner, how could he not hear the rumors? Moreover, several customers who came yesterday have disappeared today, and may have left this emerging city permanently.

"I believe in Master Assassin and Master Daphne. Don't think too much about it, you little guys. Aren't you just like me? You have nowhere else to go but here?! Don't think so much, uncle, I believe it. With the Assassin's abilities, even if there is any crisis, he will definitely be able to solve it!" The octopus monster reassured the children.

Several children nodded with smiles. The octopus monster is right. The children hiding under the table are all orphans. In this desert, only Earth City will accept them unconditionally. Even if Earth City is in danger, they cannot leave Earth City. After all, there is nowhere to go.

"That's right, Lulu, why don't you sing two more songs for your uncles? I heard that you have sung for Lord Assassin before. How about we listen to the beautiful singing voice that Lord Assassin has also heard!"

At this moment, several drunken bar patrons stood up. heckled.

"No!" Lulu still smiled coquettishly. This is why most drinkers like to tease her. This little girl with rabbit ears is very cute.


Just when Lulu was being amused by several drinkers, her dark red eyes suddenly flickered, and her pupils looked into the distance of the sky.

It is actually night at this moment, but the dark night of the gray-yellow star can last for about two days in Earth time, so at this moment the Earth City is still following certain rules and carrying out life equivalent to daytime.

Lulu served as a lookout for the previous team. Her eyes were very good. She was amused by the guests and glanced at the horizon inadvertently.

But at this glance, Lulu discovered what she was most afraid of seeing in the Ollux team!

Sheriff aircraft!

In the distant sky, there are gray and yellow star police officer aircraft flying towards this place.

"It's not good, Uncle Luka! Report quickly. An enemy attack is coming!" Lulu suddenly screamed.

The drinkers waiting for her to sing were stunned.

However, the octopus monster reacted very quickly. One of its tentacles rolled up the communicator beside the bar and was about to report Lulu's discovery to it. Even now, he hasn't discovered where the so-called enemy is, but he chooses to trust Lulu's judgment.

After all, he also knew that Lulu had been the lookout for the Ollux team before, and he knew even better. On this gray-yellow star full of interference waves, many conventional detection methods are not as effective as the sight and ear power of a long-eared person like Lulu.

But obviously, compared to the quickly approaching Sheriff's aircraft, the response here is much slower!

boom! ! ! ——————

Just when he took out the communicator, an attack from the sky was already in the bar store. Exploded!

The screams are endless!

With the arrival of the Sheriff's aircraft army, even Jia Yan, a powerful starry sky-level being, made an oversight.

Today is the most critical moment for Jia Yan to adjust his body to its peak, so today he has a void in the surveillance of the outside world, and what he did not expect is that such a number of police officers will come. Aircraft!

In the dark night sky, the aircraft pierced the sky, reaching a terrifying speed of more than five times the speed of sound!

They flew in the night sky in an organized manner, and then headed towards the brightly lit Earth City, making a fierce dive.

When the first wave of light attacks falling from the sky broke the tranquility in the night sky. Jia Yan is still immersed in adjusting his body.

He didn't expect that Earth City would be attacked after being distracted for a moment!

After all, the speed of the Sheriff's aircraft is extremely fast, it can be said that it comes like lightning, and its attack speed is meaningless and sluggish, which is extremely terrifying.

"Huh?...Not good!"

The moment Jia Yan sensed an attack blazing not far away, his body moved in surprise!


His huge, dark body immediately smashed through the wall of the assembly hall. He had no time to go through the gate, and destroyed and collapsed the assembly hall that was finally built!

The wings vibrated violently and flew up!

At this moment, Jia Yan was in an unbelievable physical peak condition and felt that his body had endless power!

However, the scenery in front of him made Jia Yan grit his teeth and make his compound eyes almost spit out fire.

In the starry night sky, the disc-like aircraft, like ants, are impossible to count. They are flying wildly in the sky belonging to Earth City, emitting their own attack light!

Each of those aircraft is a police aircraft, and there may be more than two hundred of them just where Jia Yan can see them!

This is no longer a small-scale battle, it can be called a huge battle. This kind of battle is simply not something that ordinary forces can launch. Even if those super powerful forces are almost impossible to activate, then their identity will only be one - the combined army of peace officers and aircraft from several major cities!

Jia Yan was able to analyze the origins of these attacking beings almost immediately!

After all, as a force with such a powerful army, there are not many in the gray-yellow star, and there is a huge gap between it and Earth City. The only one that has been successfully blocked by Earth City is the Sheriff System!

But it’s useless to know the other person’s origin! At this moment, Jia Yan saw the huge battle group of the Sheriff's aircraft, and beams of light shot down. When he saw with his own eyes that the Earth City, which had been built with countless efforts by Daphne and many Earth City members, was destroyed at a terrifying speed, an emotion that he originally thought would not appear filled the air at this moment. It's in my heart!

In the past few days, he had not cared so much about Daphne's vigorous efforts to build Earth City, and had even been disdainful.

But I saw this place becoming prosperous step by step. His mentality has at least changed a little. After all, he has a share of the credit for this!

In fact, it has been a few days since the Earth City was raging in the Golden Desert. Jia Yan had long guessed that one or two of those forces should have jumped out at this moment.

But what I didn't expect was that he was the first one to come. They are actually the police teams of several major cities!

They even acted like a sneak attack!


Jia Yan's wings shook, and he soared into the sky toward the flying machines in the sky!

The black shadow flashed, and a huge dark monster in the sky shot out from the ground, his first target. It's the nearest aircraft!

As the absolute main force in maintaining public security on the Gray and Yellow Star, the peace officer aircraft in several major cities can be said to be only slightly behind the weapon systems of the belligerent countries. Compared with the weapons of the general forces, they are simply far superior!

At this moment, they are flying one by one, spraying their own light towards the ground because they have advanced energy supply systems. So at this moment, they can pour their firepower downwards without any scruples until the force headquarters below is completely destroyed!

This is what the Sheriff's aircraft operators have been doing before. Although they don't know why they have summoned so many companions this time, they believe that there is no chance of an accident this time.

These arrogant operators were so arrogant that they did not take a detailed look at what kind of opponent they were facing this time!

Until, a huge flying lifeform with a height of thirty meters quickly flew towards one of their partners!

Bang! ! ! ! ——————

There was simply no room for evasion or resistance for the Sheriff's aircraft. It cut directly under the knife-shaped horns of the flying monster's front legs and made a huge explosion in the air.

"You actually dare to knock on your door. It seems that if I don't give you some trouble, no small fish or shrimp will take me, Jia Yan, seriously..."

The big mosquito cut off an aircraft with a knife-shaped horn on its front foot, and then continued flying forward!

At the same time, in the Earth City where there was smoke everywhere, figures of strong men quickly flew into the sky.

At this moment, the Earth City has an extremely large number of powerful people, among which there are dozens of powerful beings who can use the power of brain waves to fly!

This is extremely terrifying power.

These strong men reacted quickly. After receiving the first wave of attacks, they all used their wings or powerful brainwave power to resist the intruders in the sky.

Boom boom boom! ! ! ! ——————

Just the first one to make contact, among the aircraft in the sky, there were seven or eight Sheriff aircraft, which exploded and crashed!

At the same time, two of the strong men in Earth City, who were still a little weak because of their strength, were hit by the aircraft's attack, penetrated their bodies, and fell directly to their deaths.

The first contact in the battle was extremely brutal!

Among the many strong men in Earth City, one of them, a small figure wearing armor, did not have much presence.

But what the Sheriff's Alliance didn't know was that this short and inconspicuous looking strong person was now the real defense and commander of Earth City, and she was directing the overall situation at the moment!

"Don't panic, 07, 09, 31 northwest. 41, 84, 92, southeast. 28, 35, 68, 25 southwest..."

This woman with dark red hair, looking for Shuyuan, has a graceful figure. She keeps firing the two guns in her hands. At the same time, she opens her mouth slightly and issues precise orders one after another.

She is Daphne.

Although this was a surprise attack, and even the 'Big Mosquito' whom she trusted so much did not discover the opponent's army before the enemy appeared, but as a qualified commander, he still showed good qualities at this moment. , orderly orders were issued one after another.

After the order was issued, the movements of those strong men who had seemed a little flustered gradually stabilized!

Although this is the first time for everyone to see so many Sheriff aircraft, they have all been experienced in many battles before, and many of them may have had combat experience with Sheriff aircraft, so these powerful aircraft are now After accepting Daifuni's orders one by one, the situation became a little more stable.

However, according to the prompts from the emergency intelligence observer below, the number of Sheriff's aircraft that attacked this time actually reached a total of more than 460! (To be continued.)

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