Seeing the light, Jia Yan, who had been wandering in the forest for two days, suddenly felt refreshed!

He flew over.

This is a small group of buildings.

It looks like it has been there for many years, and there are obvious traces of war on it!

Bullet marks appear on the surface of the building, and the pits and pits prove the tragic past these buildings have experienced.

There are three buildings in this area, and all three are three-story buildings. At this time, lights are revealed in the windows.

When Jia Yan saw these buildings, he was stunned.

He suddenly knew that these three ancient buildings with scarred surfaces might be remnants of the war years decades ago.

You must know that this border area has been occupied by several countries and forces. It would not be unbelievable if one of them left any buildings in this deep mountain and old forest.

But the buildings that should have been silent, and finally weathered and collapsed in the deep mountains, are now lit with lights, and the faint roar of some machines can be heard.

"This must be the factory of the Siberian Wild Tigers! According to my judgment, it happens to be the location of a certain circle on the map. It seems that the killer organization where the two bearded men belong has extremely strong intelligence capabilities. Even such You can know the direction of the buildings in the deep mountains and old forests.”

Jia Yan flew towards these three buildings!

The closer you get, the more you can hear the roar of machines. This is indeed a factory!

Jia Yan saw that the three buildings were surrounded by walls, and there were many cameras pointing inside and outside. It looks like the defense is very tight.

"There are only three guard booths that can be seen. These cameras can almost be said to have no blind spots. However, in such a large forest, there are so many insects my size that no one will be surprised if I fly in front of the camera. of!"

Jia Yan flew close with relief.

The three buildings are not as dilapidated as their appearance seems, at least they have undergone some repairs.

Jia Yan's compound eyes flashed. As he flew outside the building, he could already smell a very attractive smell. This smell was exactly the same as the scent of the purple potion he had eaten before, but it was more intense and seemed to be in extremely large quantities!

This is indeed the Siberian Wild Tiger factory!

Jia Yan's blood began to feel boiling!

After searching for so long, spending so much effort, and even encountering danger several times.

Finally, I found the Siberian Wild Tiger factory for me, and it seemed that this factory actually contained the ‘antimicrobial peptide’ liquid that I had drunk before. The effort I spent was indeed in vain!

But now is not the time to get excited!

Jia Yan suppressed his emotions. At this time, he had not succeeded at all. The next step was the key, which was how to get the purple-red liquid from the factory!

From the outside, except for the one that looks like an office building, the other two buildings are sealed. It just so happens that these buildings were originally military buildings. If they were modified casually, it would be difficult for even mosquitoes to sneak into them.

Let's go find out the news first, Jia Yan made a decision, and then flew into the fence!

Under this clear night sky, there is a vast forest area.

It is close to the Changbai Mountains. The typical northern low mountainous terrain has given this area a large number of jungles. Although these jungles are not as dense as the southern forests, the trees are extremely tall and can block out the sky and sun.

And three buildings that had existed for decades unknown were standing in the forest!

A place that was supposed to be inaccessible to human beings, there were machines roaring and workers busy around in the building.

Among these three buildings, one is used as an office building and dormitory. In the office at this time, a tall and strong young man was frowning and thinking!

In front of this young man, stood another frail man who was also young but thin and wore glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"Boss, I think you should shut down the factory for half a month and send some people to eliminate the mutant bugs nearby?" the man with glasses tried to ask cautiously.

"No!" The tall, muscular young man waved his hand without hesitation, rejecting the bespectacled man's proposal.

He rubbed his eyes that were sore from staying up late, and said helplessly: "You also know, we are like walking on a tightrope now. These liquids must not be broken. Once broken, all aspects of revenge and coveting will come. After all, our foundation is not strong yet, and our connections and foundation are not good enough.”

The man with glasses moved his mouth, but finally said nothing.

"You didn't tell anyone about the worker's death, right?" the tall young man asked.

"No." The man with glasses replied: "After all, when he went out for medical treatment with us, he was just bitten by a mutated bug, and everything seemed normal. Those workers must not have thought that he died right after going out. I also followed They said that the man just asked for leave to go home to visit relatives and might not come back for ten days and a half."

"Very good. In these half a month, I want you to double your production. Can you do it?"

"Double the output?" The man with glasses was surprised: "It can be done, but the supply of that hole may be insufficient..."

"Don't worry about it. This hole has been there for who knows how many years. Will it still be insufficient if we increase the output? You increase the intensity of extraction and just double the output in half a month! This is our survival crisis, do you understand?!" The tall young man decided without hesitation.

"That's...ok." The man with glasses responded hesitantly.

At this moment, a dark mosquito quietly flew outside the window of this office in the darkness of night...

Mosquito looked at the two people inside the window.

There is a brilliant flash in a pair of compound eyes!

This mosquito was none other than Jia Yan. He looked at the two people who were still discussing in the middle of the night in the window and immediately recognized that the tall young man had given him a lucky "Northeast Wild Tiger" in the train! And that man with glasses was the young man with glasses who later said keywords such as 'factory' in the train aisle with the Siberian Wild Tiger men!

Speaking of which, these two people are both Jia Yan's benefactors.

Without them, Jia Yan would not have mutated, nor would he be able to impress the keyboard and mouse with the body of a mosquito. Then, the subsequent intrigues with the two killers and finally getting help from each other will not happen.

So overall, Jia Yan is very grateful to them.

But now, if the other party will hinder him from trying the next mutation, then it will be very embarrassing. Anyway, the other party cannot know anything about him, so Jia Yan can only treat them as enemies!

"Their conversation should be of some help to me, but this door and window can't be entered at all. It seems that the so-called giant bugs have made them very defensive."

Jia Yan flew around the building and found that the doors and windows were either closed or covered by screens, leaving not even a single gap.

"what is that?"

Jia Yan was about to continue looking for a way without giving up, when he saw an animal that looked like a cockroach crawling in a room.

But this 'cockroach' is too big, more than ten times larger than ordinary cockroaches!

It’s 13 or 4 centimeters in size!

Jia Yan was stunned, and then he saw this mutated guy coming to the screen window of the house, opening his mouth and biting it!

If you look closely, you will see that it is just a mutated cockroach.

The screen on the window screen could not resist the bite of this mutated cockroach, and a gap immediately appeared.

The mutated cockroach tried its tentacles outward twice, and then just climbed out of the window.

"Opportunity!" Jia Yan waited for the mutated cockroach to leave, looked at the broken screen window, and flew in directly!

He finally figured it out. These three buildings seemed to be well-defended, but after all, they were non-professional-level defenses. They were not at the same level as that kind of laboratory. For example, this cockroach could bite through the gauze after mutating. Failure to take this into consideration means that this factory is not as scary as it seems!

"This cockroach appeared from inside this building. Maybe it didn't enter from the outside at all, but it has been living in this building. It even mutated in the building. It happened! Then is it possible for me... that there will also be purple-red liquid in this office building? "

Jia Yan was slightly happy. If he didn't have to enter the two workshops that seemed to be more tightly guarded, he would definitely save a lot of trouble and be much safer!

He used his pair of tentacles to sense the smell in the air.

There are many smells that mosquitoes can distinguish, especially the smell of carbon dioxide, as well as other messy biological odors, etc. Of course, Jia Yan can also clearly sense this kind of smell that attracts them.

"The taste is very light, but it's not non-existent!" Jia Yan escaped from the smell coming from the purple-red potion and flew lightly.

Fortunately, it was late at night, and even if some cameras captured Jia Yan's body blending into the darkness, the personnel on duty might not necessarily see it.

This building, which serves as an office building, is partly used as an office and partly as a dormitory. Jia Yan flew away from the smell and then came to a room with lights on.

There is an iron door locked outside this room, but the door inside is not closed.

Moreover, the light in this room was still on at this time, as if the owner had only left for a moment.

The smell of the liquid medicine comes out from here!

To be continued.

Thanks to the two brothers ‘I laughed and cried after watching it’ and ‘Oh my bastard’, as well as the beauty ‘mengying Luoluo’ for the reward again! Thanks! !

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