Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 35 Take a look in the vacuum of the universe!

Regarding the powerful mutation of the big mosquito this time, Daifuni, who already considers herself an "Earthling", has eyes full of expectations.

And it was at the moment when Daifuni became more aware of herself as an 'Earthling' and became more aware of her identity!

Click, click, click! ! ! ! ——————

The huge building made of metal has more and more cracks, becoming more and more dense!

Finally, there was a loud bang, and the building seemed to explode in pieces and completely collapsed!

"hold head high!!!!------"

A long, sharp cry with inexplicable meaning came out from the damaged building.

At the same time, an indescribably huge monster, like a rocket whose figure could not be seen clearly, soared into the sky with a scream.

The huge monster could not be seen clearly at this time. The only thing that was clear was that its body was so huge that it was completely unbelievable!

You must know that in this gray-yellow star, the largest flying monster is the mount of the white life form before, which is the most powerful individual of the Biochemical Empire on this planet that can fight in the sky!

But that individual's IQ is not high, and even flying individuals with higher IQ are rare in the entire biochemical empire.

But now this huge flying monster is almost impossible to see clearly. Its body is so huge that it is almost as big as the flying monster that the diplomats and their entourage were riding on! ?

Most of the life forms present did not see the true form of the monster, but as a relatively strong woman, Daifuni could barely see the opponent's figure!

This monster is completely black and has an incredible streamlined beauty. Just by looking at it, Daphne was deeply shocked by its mechanical body!

As a combat life form, whether a monster is really powerful or not can be determined by just looking at the opponent's figure!

And this clue is most clearly reflected in the evolved beast.

The moment the big mosquito appeared in front of her, she understood that its power this time was beyond her imagination!

The flying monster flying in the sky flew higher and higher, and gradually lost its trace in the eyes of everyone.

Jia Yan indeed had a desire that soared into the sky in the pleasure of completing the mutation!

On this planet, he has always felt depressed. After all, as an alien life form and an evolved beast, he has always been cautious, but he has never experienced such a depressed period on earth before!

Even in the age of a small mosquito, he grew rapidly and immediately became an extremely powerful giant mosquito monster!

But after arriving on this gray-yellow star, let's see what he went through, right? !

After being chased, he was forced to become a so-called battle pet, and had to fight with those monsters who were not very intelligent!

Afterwards, the white life forms that were being chased were defeated and fled.

That's all humiliation!

At this time, Jia Yan was half feeling the natural joy after the mutation was completed, and the feeling that after being suppressed for a long time, his heart wanted to explode, so there was a direct release of energy!

He didn't know how strong he was, but his body felt really good!

This feeling is indescribable!

"Too strong, too strong! There is no mistake in my self-debugging. How powerful is it? I don't even know! Hahaha!"

Jia Yan rushed towards the sky.

As he traveled, he examined his body.

At this time, after further mutation, as expected, the length of his body from head to tail reached about thirty meters. Compared with the previous length of less than twenty meters, it had grown by more than ten meters again!

You must know that these more than ten meters are huge in terms of size. It’s a different situation again!

The white life form that used to be about the same size as him is now a tiny little thing near his body. It can even ride on his body without looking out of place.

Of course, it was impossible for Jia Yan to let her ride!

The surging energy in the body is also constantly agitating!

That kind of muscle tension and relaxation, a surge of powerful force, makes it feel like a knife-shaped horny thrust from the front foot can destroy a hill!

Jia Yan's efforts were not in vain. At this time, he had the kind of reward that he had when he adjusted his body!

Incomparably powerful, he couldn't imagine that if he fought against his previous opponents again, they would still be his enemies! ?

"Even the most powerful white life form among all the enemies I have experienced may not be my one-in-one enemy, right?!"

He had no other comparison, only the most powerful 'Diplomat' among his opponents, as a comparison.

But thinking of her, the 'child' words she said two days ago quickly lingered in Jia Yan's heart.

Jia Yan sighed immediately and recalled his thoughts from that moment. Some weird white life forms moved there.

Suddenly, he focused his gaze on the gray-yellow clouds above his head.

"Daifuni told me before that powerful life forms have obvious hierarchical divisions in interstellar civilization. After this mutation, I also had a feeling of a realm breakthrough. I don't know if I have reached that so-called Is it 'starry sky level'?"

In the strong system brought by the Biochemical Empire, there are four levels. The first level is the earth level, the second is the sky level, the third is the starry sky level, and the fourth is in the nearby star field. The star level that did not appear!

According to Daifuni's later explanation, reaching the starry sky level is an absolutely powerful life form. In all interstellar civilizations, this is the top powerhouse. Although there are strong and weak among the starry sky level, the powerful ones can even easily Fighting against a large group of starry sky-levels of the same level, but no matter what, the starry sky-level is the most powerful existence in this star field. This cannot be denied!

"The most remarkable feature of the starry sky level is that no matter which method is used to reach this level, the body will naturally form an ability to survive in the starry sky and fight for a long time!"

Jia Yan looked at the sky with a bright luster in his compound eyes!

"The simplest solution to test whether you are a strong star in the sky is..."

"Look into the vacuum of space!"

The big mosquito made a U-turn, and at the same time, it exerted force on its body and suddenly flew high into the sky above its head!

His speed is unknown. If we insist on using the speed on earth to describe it, then it is more than twenty times the speed of sound!

This mutation may really be Jia Yan's biggest enhancement in history!

His confidence in himself was unprecedented.

His speed, even when flying upward, was more than twenty times the speed of sound. The joy of moving ten miles and hundreds of miles at a time made him think that he was the Sun Wukong who could fly hundreds of miles in a single somersault!

It was really extremely satisfying. This kind of power was unbelievable even for Jia Yan before!

"I must be starry sky level now, definitely!"

He is extremely sure of himself.

As a somewhat conceited being, after understanding that there were two starry sky levels on this planet, he couldn't tolerate it!

There are actually two more powerful beings so close to him!

As a terrifying giant mosquito, the thought that Jia Yan has always been invincible has penetrated deeply into his heart. If he mutates again, but still has to be crushed by two powerful beings on this planet, he will definitely not be able to let it go!

So he firmly believed that he would reach the level of those two beings!

Even the starry sky level is the most powerful existence in this star field. Although each individual is very different, Jia Yan believes that if he is at the same level, he will at least not be afraid of any so-called alien powerhouse!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom! ! ! ! ! ————

The huge monster, which reached thirty meters, soared into the sky.

He is so arrogant, and it seems that nothing can stop his actions. The area and sky where he is located are the absolute king, and nothing around him can reject his existence. I can't resist the presence of this king!

The living beings such as Daifuni below were all looking up at the sky with their mouths open. Because of the distance, the body of this monster also became a clue in the eyes of all the living beings!

"Miss Daphne. this the assassin?!"

Panting Oulus, Kankan arrived at this time because he heard the news of the building's collapse.

Daphne glanced at him, and gradually calmed down her shock in her heart. Finally, a smile bloomed at the corner of her mouth!

She looked at Ollux with a smile she had never shown before.

"Yes! He is the assassin, the big mosquito..."

Daifuni's smile was almost unbearable. It seemed that the power of Big Mosquito was already the greatest guarantee in her opinion. Even though there were so many quarrels and gaps between her and Big Mosquito before, At this time, she didn't care anymore. Seeing such a powerful companion gave her a firm and stable grasp of what she was going to do next!

Ollux was also shocked. Both he and Daifuni had guessed that the 'tentacle monster' was actually the life form of the giant mosquito. He had also had an idea before, that is, the assassin was actually the life form of the mosquito. A powerful and mysterious evolved beast. But now he saw that the big mosquito had suddenly grown bigger after being in seclusion for a period of time. The fact was really before his eyes, and he was no longer calm!

That's an evolved beast!

And this master assassin seems to be really powerful!

He stared blankly at the huge flying monster that quickly flew upwards in the sky. It could be said that it turned into a small dot in the blink of an eye, flew to an unknown height and disappeared from the horizon.

Suddenly, he trembled, as if he thought of something! ?

"Is the Assassin flying into the universe? No, Miss Delphine, find a way to call the Assassin down! Quick!"

The big frog seemed to be shaking, almost trembling all over. He had never thought that the evolved assassin would actually rush into the universe. Otherwise, he would have screamed when he was at close range!

His expression made Daphne also startled, and then she said strangely: "It's impossible, the assassin didn't carry a communicator, and you also know that even if he did carry a communicator, long-distance communication is impossible on this planet. Right? What's going on? Is there anything wrong with flying high in the sky? "

On this planet, due to interference from both warring parties and even from many parties, communication at close range cannot be guaranteed, let alone long distance. Even the military has no way to do this.

With a thrust, Jia Yan's body swayed several kilometers. In a few seconds, the distance was far beyond the best communication distance of the convoy, not to mention that Jia Yan did not carry a communicator at all.

The big frog of Ollux kept jumping up and down, extremely anxious.

"It's not just inappropriate, it's totally inappropriate. Didn't you and Lord Assassin see it when you came to this planet? Outside of this planet, there are the interstellar battleships and headquarters of various countries. Lord Assassin If you really go outside the atmosphere, you will be discovered by them in an instant, how dangerous it is!"

Daphne was stunned.

She and Jia Yan did not come to this planet through ordinary methods. They did not know much about the situation on this planet before. In addition to knowing some things on the ground, they had no idea about the competition between various interstellar civilization forces outside the atmosphere. Not much understanding.

Now that I hear Ollux's words, could it be that the outside world of this warring planet is not a safe situation at all, but is also full of competition and competition among forces? !

Ollux looked sad, and he could see that even though Daphne and the assassin were not stupid, they did not have a deep understanding of some things on this planet, both covertly and overtly. So at this time, with a sad face, he told the news he knew!

After hearing this, Daifuni was also shocked. Then she looked at the sky above where there were no traces of the big mosquitoes, and her eyes became serious...

Boom boom boom boom boom! ! ! ! ——————

Jia Yan soars in the sky.

"It seems that the atmosphere of this gray-yellow star is much wider than the atmosphere of the earth. Even after it is tens of kilometers away, there is still air."

Jia Yan looked at his wings. Although the flapping of his wings had no effect due to the thin air at this time, Jia Yan was already flapping his wings. At the same time, experience the thinness of the surrounding air.

He found that his strength was really much stronger. It was definitely more difficult to escape from this gray-yellow star that was bigger than the earth. But he found that as soon as he soared into the sky, he became Without too many relays and arc-shaped flights, you can use extremely high speeds and endless follow-up force to break through the constraints of gravity in a straight line!

At this time, he had activated his brainwave power, and most of the flight pressure had been borne by his brainwave power.

However, Jia Yan discovered that in the outer layer of the gray-yellow star's atmosphere, where the gravity was getting lower and lower, his feeling of using brainwave power to fly was no longer so consuming.

Not only did the power of brain waves become several times stronger, Jia Yan also knew that it was his understanding of the power of brain waves and those studies that had yielded the fruits he needed during this period.

If we say that the original Jia Yan was just a baby learning to talk about brain wave power, now, although he is still not a powerful brain wave power expert, his mastery of brain wave power has long gone beyond just entering the room. level. What's more, Jia Yan's total brainwave power seems to far exceed that of ordinary brainwave power holders. After this mutation, he is confident that even that white life form can't achieve anything in terms of total brainwave power. Better than myself!

With such huge brain wave power, coupled with a little bit of brain wave power control ability, so he can now control his own flight. It is no longer the kind of flying in the universe and stars in the solar system, bumping and bumping. Looks like.

"Very good, at least until now, I have not discovered the effect of vacuum on me, and the effect of temperature on me."

Jia Yan knew that if he were on Earth, he would finally have arrived in the atmosphere relative to the outer layer of the Earth. He had experienced extremely low temperatures at this time, and his body did not suffer much discomfort.

In his heart, he has greater confidence in his current body!

"If you go into the vacuum of the universe for an hour or two, you can find out whether I have the ability to survive in the universe for a period of time!"

Jia Yan doesn't know whether the so-called starry sky level can completely survive in the universe, or whether it is judged by a survival time.

If he only survived for a period of time, then Jia Yan had already experienced the experience of being able to survive before undergoing this mutation, or even earlier, so he thought that maybe the judgment was not that simple, maybe a powerful starry sky level A living body must be able to survive in the universe to be considered a starry sky level, right?

Otherwise, how could it be worthy of the name ‘Starry Sky Level’!

Just when Jia Yan was thinking...

In front of his body, which was swimming forward at great speed, a huge silver-white figure suddenly appeared!

This figure is all silvery white and seems to be made entirely of metal. The technological sense that is extremely in line with aesthetics is dazzling. It can be said to be a very outstanding design.

But what's even more awe-inspiring is its size!

This huge man-made machine actually has a body of more than 500 meters!

In the dark and deep starry sky of the universe, look for Shuyuan This is an out-and-out behemoth. Even compared to today's giant mosquitoes with a body length of thirty meters, it is an unbelievably huge one. monster!

At this time, the huge aircraft soared quickly in the direction of Jia Yan!

Not long after, Jia Yan was startled and discovered the body of this huge monster...

He was stunned.

After that, I just felt an incredible sense of crisis, locking myself in!

This is the sense of crisis that naturally arises when a living body reaches a certain level. It is not that magical to say, it is just a natural feeling that arises from the living body through changes in the surrounding environment.

Of course, for powerful living beings, this sense is an indispensable life-saving ability! !

Thank you book friends! ! ! ! ! ! !

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