Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 25 Sandstorm is coming

"Next, I may be here for a few days, and the sandstorm is coming. You can arrange it so that everyone in the convoy stays in their own residences and tries not to go out."

"Olux, believe me, when I appear again, you will get far more than what you have now, believe me..."

Bang! ! ! ————

The building door was tightly shut.

Big Mosquito's body and his brain wave power sound transmission completely disappeared.

But those words before finally made the confused and prostrate frog feel a little clearer from the confusion!

"How many days will it take for my lord to enter here? He even said that after he comes out, he will give me more!?"

Ollux suddenly raised his head, but all he saw was the closed door of the building, and the soldiers of the Earth convoy prostrate on the ground beside him.

"Did you all hear that? Master Assassin asked us to take good care of the people in the convoy. You should immediately issue an order to each family. Because of the sandstorm, no one is allowed to go out in the next ten days! If you go out without any reason and disobey the order, I won't let you go." Show mercy and put them all in jail!"

After Ollux got up, he directly issued the order!

"Yes!" Although the soldiers in the convoy were all confused, they still followed the order and left.

"My Lord needs so many materials related to energy. Even those metals, after my understanding, are also things that contain a certain amount of energy. These things are very important to him, so important that he will not hesitate to rob the belongings of the people in the convoy. So what does it mean? …”

The confused expression that Ollux had always shown turned out to be a bit shrewd when he looked back at the building where Jia Yan was. After all, he is the former leader of the convoy. The materials Jia Yan wants are all energy-related materials. Now he has locked himself in a building. If you think about it a little bit, Ollux even has no brain. There is also a faint guess...

"In this star field, there are some life forms that can evolve by swallowing energy, but those life forms probably have some restrictions and strict requirements, but the Lord is like this. He doesn't care about hot or cold at all, so his identity. There is only one Already..."

"Enter...evolved beast?!"

Ollux suddenly swallowed. After that, Frog Eyes quickly looked around, fearing that there was something there. Hear the way he coos!

He walked away quickly, what happened here. As well as his own speculation, Ollux made a plan, that is, to tell all the life forms he saw to keep quiet!

He believed that he could make this bold guess. Other members, Bao Buqi, will have similar thoughts. If the news gets out. Then this convoy really has no future. No matter what the assassin is, their convoy will be ruthlessly wiped out!

It’s that time anyway. Ollux felt that his guess was getting more and more correct. It was difficult to move his legs, and it seemed that he could no longer have a stable feeling about the road ahead.

If it is an Evolved Beast, the opponent's goal will only be his own evolution. No wonder he has been indifferent to everything about this team for such a long time. It is obviously because he is an Evolved Beast!

"Oh, what a troubled time it has been." Ollux looked at the sky. The sandstorm there had gradually condensed, causing the sky and the earth to change color.

The sandstorm finally came, covering the sky and the earth, with streaks of gray dust covering the sky, and the sky and the earth were covered with gray shadows.

The sand and dust kept roaring and impacting in the sand. This scene was definitely a doomsday scene.

But at this time, the impact of sandstorms on those interstellar civilization life forms can be easily dealt with by the technology they possess. Therefore, sandstorms are indifferent to most life forms in the Golden Desert. Naturally, their The equipment is no longer enough to continue the previous life amidst the changing scene of heaven and earth.

The members of the Earth convoy had already entered bunkers under the orders of the patrols. Some of them were hiding in huge buildings, while others were hiding in smaller tanks. No matter how small those tanks were, At this time, they are piercing the lower part of their wheels deeply into the sand, so the sandstorm poses no threat to them at all.

Whirring whirring! ! ! ! ————

The shadow of the sandstorm, accompanied by strong winds exceeding Level 10, caused some clothes and sundries that were too late to be collected, all hanging in the sky and earth.

In this scene of destruction, a woman was wearing a thin piece of armor that highlighted her graceful figure. Her cloak was blown up by the strong wind, but her body remained as if it were an immovable rock. Move forward without any fear in the sandstorm!

"The life form captured before was said to be a member of some Earth convoy. The 'Assassin' he described is very similar to Mr. Giant Mosquito that I know. So, is it him..."

The woman's eyes exposed behind the hood were an indifferent bright red, but under the reflection of the sandstorm, the woman's eyes looked strangely penetrating.

Far in front of her was a huge Huangzhou land, but at this time, this Huangzhou land was looming in the dust storm that filled the sky. The First World War people wanted to survive the Golden Desert sandstorm that lasted for several weeks on Earth. It is not that simple to find his traces.

However, the woman was still walking slowly in the sandstorm. If anyone with strong brainwave power saw her, they would know that she has been using her brainwave power to control her body, relying entirely on the power of her body to fight against world!

But not long after, a team of dozens of life forms surrounded the girl.

Sand pirates, or some groups that look like ghosts, roam around the desert to rob and kill people. Although it is a sandstorm, they still regard this girl as their target!

The battle begins!

The woman's bright red hair spread to the sky, and her blood-like eyes became like hell crawling out. She attacked again and again, repelling all the attacks of those sand thieves.

This woman's body is extremely delicate, and her fighting style is not comparable to that of ordinary sand pirates. If there is a person from the Rulan Empire here. You will definitely be surprised. She was using a Rulan Empire female combat method that was very popular in the Rulan Empire three hundred years ago but was difficult to practice because of it!

Beautiful as a flower, but a rose with thorns!

Phew! Phew! Phew!

This woman launched a series of brainwave power attacks. Her body paired with the battle armor she wore on the outside seemed to have an effect of one plus one exceeding five!

This is equipment specially designed by Rulan Empire for combatants. Even a top-notch individual combat weapon is not something that life forms with ordinary equipment can fight against!

Even this woman has authentic fighting methods. The movements seem to perfectly fit the armor, as well as its combat effectiveness. Be led stronger in an instant. Perhaps taking into account all her backhand, the actual strength has increased by about five times. Not impossible!

Boom boom boom! ! ! ! ——————

In the dust storm that filled the sky, there was finally a sand pirate. Because he was afraid of this woman's attack, he used a powerful electromagnetic gun.

The powerful impact caused dust to rise all over the sky. There was a moment of silence.

But the woman's body was like a light swallow, flipping in the sky, escaping from the explosion range just before the explosion!

Phew! ! ! ————

A slender sword pierced the being that launched the electromagnetic gun.

Perhaps the power of this woman finally made the powerful sand bandits realize that the other party was unstoppable. Perhaps they were also frightened. In short, after the death of this sand bandit, the sand bandits immediately turned towards the sandstorm. He quietly retreated, and finally, all the figures slowly disappeared.

Apart from leaving a few corpses behind, these guys didn't even say hello from beginning to end!

After the other party left, the woman still stood proudly holding the sword.

After a long time, it seemed that there were no enemies nearby anymore. His eyes flashed and he slowly inserted the lightsaber into the sheath!

She continued to move forward, and her target was Huangzhou where Jia Yan was!

In the sky full of yellow sand, a huge figure was also struggling to move forward in the sandstorm.

"Can we fly faster?"

A pure white life form lightly unfolded its own energy on the behemoth body. This energy wall provided an extremely powerful protection around her body. The surrounding yellow sand was only affected by the hurricane. After being swept down and invading about two meters around the body, they were unable to move forward and fell to the bottom one after another.

However, she was able to protect herself, but she could not protect herself from the flying life form that was larger than her body. The flying life form that was carrying them soaring was making a "moo" sound from time to time, as if it didn't like being in the sandstorm. flight.

But this was the order of the white life form. Even if it didn't want to fly, it had to fly, so at this time it could only moo and fly dejectedly.

"Sir, this flying cow can't be any faster. It has been tired for so many days in a row. Why don't we find a place to rest?"

A monster with seven legs said cowardly next to this white life form.

"Okay, let's find a place to take a rest. That Huangzhou will run away on its own!" At this time, the white life form finally gave up helplessly and continued flying in the sandstorm.

The group fell from the sky, found a leeward sand dune, and made a simple escape.

"Those powerful men from the Golden Desert are really going too far. We came here to inquire in person. It took them so long to tell us the location of the flying monster. It's simply too much!"

"Well, it is unprecedented that they can tell us. You must know that our soldiers from the Biochemical Nation do not have a very good reputation in this Golden Desert. A massacre of ten days and ten nights has been carried out here before. , it is completely normal for those involved not to give us face."

"Haha, thanks to that massacre, there is no force that dares to rebel against us now!"


The mysterious Earth convoy has become a thorn in the side of many nearby forces.

The spies of some forces, even when the sandstorm came, did not have any peace of mind. They spared no effort to leave the distant convoy and came to the periphery of the earth's convoy to conduct an intelligence test on the convoy.

This convoy is too mysterious!

It was formed from the weak Ollux team, but the momentum behind it was fierce, and it suddenly conquered the Lokafu team, and even the nearby overlord Solin team was defeated and absorbed later. A series of battles and a series of victories. Even several small convoys were destroyed or strangled by them and became a member of this convoy.

The remaining small forces in the surrounding area were all extremely surprised by the development of the Ollux team, but the information they received showed that. This team is no longer called the Ollux Team. But a strange name that I have never heard of before, ‘Earth Fleet’!

There are rumors in this convoy that there is an extremely powerful monster leading it, and it is he who dominates all wars. It is precisely because of this matter that the surrounding forces. It was even more frightening.

A convoy or force with a strong person always causes large-scale conflicts in the Golden Desert again and again, although it seems to gradually subside in the end. But this monster is as powerful as the rumors say. If we can defeat the fifth strongest man in the Golden Desert, 'Long Wu', then the matter of the Earth convoy will definitely not be that simple.

To have such a strong and powerful man. This team cannot just tolerate the current level, but will definitely continue to expand.

But recently, those panic-stricken convoys and forces suddenly stopped when they saw the overwhelming momentum of the Earth convoy. Instead, they started internal exploitation and consumption, using all members' belongings in exchange for some money in this golden desert. , not that valuable material!

In order to find out what the convoy was planning, each of these spies conducted a test on the Earth convoy at this time!

However, their actions were not blocked by any soldiers from the Earth's convoy. It was as if these spies were approaching in a swaggering manner, and they only made a tight defensive posture.

This couldn't help but make those spies have more doubts!

"Something must have happened to the Earth convoy. Maybe the so-called powerful flying creature has left them! Now is a great time for us to counterattack!"

"That's right! If we counterattack back, the materials and people in the Earth's convoy will be lost to us, and God says their weapons have basically been sold. The combat effectiveness at this time is definitely not strong. Without that strong man, we can join forces. Get up and beat them without any backhand power!"

"In this case, we will set the time of attack on the day after the sandstorm has passed! That day will be the end of the Earth convoy!"

The leaders of a group of nearby convoys gathered in a secret gathering place. They had a definition of the kind of discussion about the Earth convoy, that is, an accident occurred in the Earth convoy, whether it was the strong man leaving, or when the other party might be fighting Long Wu, With an injury, it's their chance anyway!

So they decided to get entangled on the first day after the sandstorm passed and launch a devastating attack on the Earth's convoy!

The sandstorm is still going on.

In the Earth's convoy, there were already mourners everywhere, and all kinds of bad remarks about the assassin were very loud. Many members of the Earth watched with tears as their supplies were confiscated again and again. At this time, taking advantage of the coming sandstorm, they decided to leave. go!

This convoy is finished!

I don’t know how many times this kind of words permeated the convoy.

However, there are still many people in the convoy who cannot leave the convoy due to various reasons. Just like Lulu, if she were to leave, she might die in the desert immediately. There are also those who are so powerful to Jia Yan. Incredible 'Assassins', living beings who still have some illusions.

This is the first time they have seen such a powerful life form, and the powerful existence of Jia Yan is not only a hazard to them, but also an opportunity. They are all looking forward to what if the mosquito will be serious about the development of the team in the future. If so, then this team will definitely gain a very high status!

Even if it cannot compare with those established forces, it can definitely develop into a powerful force. It will definitely be much better than the team they were in before. Good days are just around the corner. How could they leave at this time!

Even if the bad treatment is temporary, it must be temporary. The assassin is not such a heartless creature!

They are all looking forward to it so much, so they don't want to leave with the tide at this time.

This is actually a matter of choice. If you make the right choice, you may become successful and famous in the future. If you make the wrong choice, you will die without a burial place.

Waves are surging one by one, and individuals and forces are now aware of this place called the 'Earth Fleet'.

Their eyes seemed to be able to see through that distant place and see the monster hidden deep in the tall building in the earth's convoy

"The sandstorm seems to have started. Then it's time for my mutation to begin!"

Jia Yan's huge body stood quietly and proudly on top of all the mutated materials. This monster had already classified and processed each piece of material at this time.

Some things that he felt were more beneficial to his mutation became all accumulated closer to his body.

Those mutations don't feel that strong, so put them further away.

On his body, drop by drop of condensation had begun to secrete. It's just that Jia Yan hasn't completed the preliminary work, so he has been suppressing his feeling of mutation!

Now, all the preparations have been completed, and now it's time for him to mutate!


Jia Yan finally stopped blocking, and all the condensation in his body poured out as if opening a floodgate to release water! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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