In a residence in the vast forest, several strange life forms gathered together, drinking some sweet drinks that were talked about by aliens!

Of course, there is a question mark as to whether their so-called sweet taste is the same when people on earth enjoy it.

"It's lucky that the Ollux convoy can survive to this day. It is said that on that day, a powerful monster appeared and attracted the attention of the sheriffs, allowing them to barely escape. Otherwise, they would not have been killed by Kaffna. Guy got a bargain."

Several lifeforms were sitting at the table and enjoying delicious food. These lifeforms were a frog man, a three-eyed monster, and one was actually a half-machine, half-beast lifeform!

Among them, the frog man is about the same size as an average earthling, while the three-eyed monster has a stalwart body of about three meters. The half-machine, half-animal monster is over five meters tall.

They devoured the food on the round table like gluttons. For ordinary aliens, different races generally have different requirements and tastes for food. It is rare for these monsters to have the same taste.

"Leaders! Oh no, the Lokafu convoy... No! It's the Locafu and Oulus convoys that are coming together to attack us!"

The moment when they were drinking and mingling! An alien life form acting as a messenger rushed towards this place.


When the three heard this, they just couldn't believe it.

"It's just Lukafu and Ollux, they dare!" The three-eyed monster's first reaction was furious.

"Don't be impulsive. There must be monsters when things go wrong! They should understand that their strength is very different from ours. There must be a reason for daring to do this. We can't fight rashly. Let's go and see what their situation is like first!"

The frog monster was obviously more focused on his head, and his words calmed down the other two.

The three monsters walked quickly towards the outside world.

This is a canyon with a length and width of about fifteen kilometers. There are thousands of vehicles in this canyon, and the actual combat capabilities of these vehicles are definitely not as simple as ordinary tanks!

They are arranged regularly throughout the gray-yellow woods. There is an underlying charm to this. Foreign enemies who want to invade here will definitely be hit head-on, as well as semi-automatic artillery fire controlled by the central fire control system, even if a Sheriff's aircraft does come. Maybe they would all be disgraced under this terrifying defense.

This is also the real reason why these isolated Solin teams dare to call themselves ‘the country’.

This is a relatively large and powerful group. Although most of the surrounding forces are still accustomed to calling them the convoy, since the Thorin convoy took root here three years ago. It becomes a convoy that is no longer moving, in fact. There are certain similarities with those large forces deep in the forests and deserts. If they are given a period of time to recuperate and grow stronger. Maybe there really is a chance to become a huge force!

But all this is impossible!

Because Jia Yan is eyeing this place!

Yes, Jia Yan passed those team information. Seeing this relatively close place, at first glance, he felt that this place must be attacked and used as a base camp for him in the future!

He wouldn't care about the cost of the attack. If he hadn't been wary of some of the powerful means that Solin's team might have, Jia Yan would have destroyed this place by himself without even needing any help!

Thousands of convoys were galloping forward.

The yellow sand in the sky rose up noisily, and the earth seemed to have a yellow dragon, walking straight forward.

Jia Yan was in the sky, watching all this with indifference in his compound eyes.

The army below was indeed a force temporarily conquered by him, but Jia Yan had no sense of belonging to it. Although he took advantage of his own enthusiasm and said the term "Earth Army", for them, Jia Yan still Treated like a cannon fodder!

After all, the difference in life levels was too big, and he didn't feel that he would have any feelings for these strange-looking life forms.

But his behavior has invisibly increased the sense of mystery and fear among the life forms below, and the sense of mystery and fear towards him, the 'Master Assassin', has increased even more. After all, Jia Yan has always used an intimidating and intimidating appearance as his way of doing things.

The more mysterious and indifferent they are, the more fear they feel in those alien life forms. Just like now, Jia Yan's huge body is soaring in the sky. He has obviously flown into the clouds and tried his best to hide his figure. However, the life forms below are looking at the huge thing high in the sky. More and more... Fear drives them to run faster!

In fact, Jia Yan's body shape some time ago has always been hidden by a kind of brain wave power. He was lying on top of the largest car body of Orux, although in the eyes of everyone in Orux, it was equal to 'in full view' Below, but for more distant places, it is just a dark shadow that people can't help but miss.

Therefore, no matter whether it was the previous Lokafu Racing Team or the current Solin Racing Team, no one knew that there was such a powerful life form among their opponents until Big Mosquito appeared in person!

"Leader! Do you think it's possible for us to escape from the control of this monster... It's definitely not possible the way we are now. He doesn't seem to treat us as his true confidants at all."

In the chariot below, the leader of the Far Orux convoy, the frog monster named Orux, is currently riding in a chariot, surrounded by his subordinates who are asking questions!

The other party can easily feel the way the big mosquito treats these life forms. In fact, in deserts and forests, annexation between forces is a very normal thing, but there is a difference between true annexation and false annexation.

If Jia Yan really wanted to be the master of this fleet and run it sincerely, maybe these life forms that were forcibly subdued would not only not be disinterested, but would be happy to have such a powerful leader.

But upon closer inspection, this assassin didn't care about them at all, and seemed to be abandoning them after using them!

This living being couldn't help but have such doubts.

"Shut up! Can you arrange it, Master Assassin?"

Ollux's frog mouth made a sound, causing the men to stop talking.

The subordinate fell silent, but his words still left a trace in the heart of Ollux, the frog man!

This frog man has silence. In fact, alien life forms also have social structures. Just like the earth society. There are all kinds of problems and all kinds of love and hatred.

Jia Yan came to this planet and came into contact with aliens, maybe because of his personality. Even now, there is still a sense of withdrawing from the world. The feeling of looking at things around you with cold eyes.

But in fact, he has already admitted in his heart that these alien life forms. They also have their own emotions, joys and sorrows. If you think of them as earthlings with strange heads, you can understand a little bit about these aliens!

But Jia Yan is the kind of elm-headed person who doesn't want to deal with such things. I can't understand it yet.

And Ollux also discovered something about the so-called 'Lord Assassin'. There is an attitude of indifference towards everything outside.

But the strength of this lord is definitely unmatched by Sakon!

If he is really willing to develop in this desert and forest...Olux is a little jealous. If they can really move that adult's heart for hegemony, no one knows how far their current 'Earth Army' will develop in the future!

"I estimate that the forces that can compete with the powerful forces of the adults are the dozen or so powerful beings deep in the desert and the mysterious forces deep in the forest. The rest are just a joke to the adults!"

"Even now, your strength may only be the tip of the iceberg. It is not certain whether the top ten powerful beings can crush the assassin..."

"Of course, the top five powerful beings are probably invincible. I have seen Lord Longwu among the top ten. His power is unbelievable. No matter how strong the assassin is, he is probably not as powerful as Lord Longwu." Lord Longwu is still a bit behind. It is said that Lord Longwu’s strength can be ranked in the middle even among the army of the Biochemical Nation!"

Thinking of the legendary fifth strongest man in the desert, 'Lord Longwu', whom he had seen from afar, Ollux trembled for a while. That kind of power was beyond his imagination!

Although Lord Assassin is also unimaginably powerful and feels bottomless, he still feels that Lord Longwu should be stronger.

The fifth person in the desert is so strong, and Ollux cannot even imagine a more powerful life form, and it is said that it is among the top five powerful life forms. The degree of power is also different. Each of them has achieved their current status through countless killings. Each of them is a legendary existence in this desert and in the nearby forest!

Of course, most of these existences have powerful forces at their disposal. After all, it has reached such a point that it is extremely difficult to become stronger. Although the general strength of these alien life forms still depends on genes and species. , but hard work the day after tomorrow can also greatly affect the powerful level. Those powerful beings with some power would be a good choice to transport supplies to make themselves stronger in the future.

"It is said that there is a kind of monster in the interstellar world called the Evolution Beast. Its number is very small, but its evolutionary potential is almost unlimited. It may even become a starry sky monster that is a headache for any civilization! This kind of monster that defies the heavens cannot be Do you know what kind of situation it is? Fortunately, there are not many such heaven-defying life forms in the interstellar world, and all civilizations are sniping at them. Otherwise, if a few of them evolve into giant beasts in the starry sky, what will happen in the starry sky? Isn’t everything in chaos!”

Thinking of the powerful life forms, Ollux shook his head helplessly. In this starry sky, although the powerful life forms are generally suppressed by the power of science and technology, everything is beneficial if the individual is strong, and now it is also The Biochemical Kingdom and the Zerg appeared. These races obviously had powerful technology, but they still relied on the physical body for basic combat, so individual strength was extremely important.

As Ollux was thinking, he had more reveries about the flying 'Assassin' above his head. What he said to his men before was actually a determination for him, that is, to sincerely assist this assassin. Lord Assassin!

Your Excellency cannot conquer them without asking for anything. As long as there is demand, then it is time for him to continue to show his loyalty. In the future, if your Excellency relies on his own strength and controls more territory, then he can also ascend to heaven. indefinite!

Although he has always been the leader of a small team before, Ollux still has certain ambitions.

"Huangzhou appears ahead! The station of Thorin's convoy has arrived!"

Suddenly, the pathfinder vehicle in front. Information was reported.

Ollux was startled. Then the ruthlessness passed away in a flash. If he wants the Assassin to value him more and consolidate his position in the Earth Army, then he has to show some achievements!

at the same time. Jia Yan, who was above the sky, also saw the yellow sand in the sky below. A vast place, similar to the earth's desert oasis, appeared in his sight.

Of course, they are similar. But in fact there is a big difference!

The first is the color. There are many gray-yellow trees in Huangzhou. It is connected with the sand and gravel, and if it flies quickly in the sky, it is likely to be missed.

The second point is vastness. Most of the oases in the deserts on earth occupy a small area. There is a certain water source in the center, and there are only a few trees growing sparsely nearby, but this is Huangzhou here. But there are trees in the area, with a radius of fifteen kilometers. No wonder Naolux once said that the Thorin convoy seems to be developing and growing here!

"The environment is perfect. It's a pity that aliens have taken over. Let's use it as my base!" Jia Yan saw this and felt even more satisfied with this place in his heart!

When he heard about the existence of this place before, he immediately had an idea, but he didn't expect that this place was better than he imagined.

And there is another thing that makes him even more jealous, that is, in addition to the excellent territory of the Thorin convoy, according to Oulus, the materials they possess are also the most abundant among the seven or eight nearby forces!

In fact, Jia Yan would mobilize his subordinates to attack this place because when he asked Ollux for nutrient solution, the other party said that a certain number of battle pets were tamed for entertainment here in Solin's convoy, and the surrounding areas The nutrient solution is also sold through them, so I definitely have a lot of nutrient solution!

This reason alone is enough for Jia Yan to send troops to attack them!

The nutrient solution that others look down upon is definitely an excellent thing for Jia Yan to restore his energy!

Boom boom boom boom! ! ! ! ! ——————

A group of cars drove roaringly forward.

But the distant Huangzhou also reacted at this time!

This Thorin convoy is indeed the most powerful force nearby. They seem to have known about the arrival of the "Earth Army" for a long time. It has been treated seriously for a long time!

The defensive artillery trucks lined up in a row, neatly arranged in front of the Earth's military convoy, seemed like a ferocious beast that only chose people to eat, trying to bite the flesh and blood of its opponents!

Seeing the gun carriages of Solin's convoy here, everyone has not yet recovered from their surprise, but the other party has already taken action.

There was a rough voice in the public channel of the communicator, speaking in the Osto language.

"Olux, Lukafu, what do you two want to do? Are you someone you can mess with me here? If you go back to wherever you came from, I will not hold you responsible now. If you continue to If you take one step forward, don’t blame me for killing them all!”

The voice on the other side was extremely rough and wild, as if the sound was coming from a clay pot, making a roaring sound.

Jia Yan was flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters. He had the signal enhancement receiver of the signal vehicle below, so he could also hear the sound from the communicator below.

He turned around and took advantage of his vision to see a five-meter-tall half-mechanical, half-living monster behind the Thorin gun truck. He was holding a walkie-talkie and making a sound.

Mechanical life? Jia Yan suddenly thought that among the interstellar civilizations nearby, he seemed to have heard that there was a mechanical civilization. However, that civilization had just emerged in just a few decades, and it was a civilization that all civilizations were afraid of, because this civilization was created through They were finally established after destroying the mother civilization that created them and devouring the nutrients in the entire civilization. This kind of civilization is a threat to all civilizations!

"No, it's just a life form that uses the power of science and technology to transform itself! It is said that such a life form is not very popular on this warring barren planet because the cost of transformation is extremely expensive. However, it is extremely popular among other interstellar civilizations. Popular because many life forms can rely on this external force to increase their combat effectiveness to an unbelievable level!"

After Jia Yan saw the half-mechanical, half-living monster, he looked at it for a brief moment.

But after a while, Jia Yan didn't feel any threat from him, so he stopped paying attention indifferently. After all, as a powerful life form of his level, and possessing more and more sophisticated brainwave power, he has a vague judgment on the strength of his opponent, at least he can judge it if the difference is too big.

So as soon as he observed it, he knew that this cyborg, even though it looked scary, posed no threat to him at all!

Look at the tanks of Thorin's convoy below. The ones in front are all gun carriages that fire artillery fire. Olux's convoy also had some of these vehicles, but they were far away. Not so much!

They are not very mobile, but they have a muzzle that reaches one thousand kukla (one thousand millimeters), which can achieve continuous fire. Once such a large number are launched together, it is definitely a terrifying thing!

Moreover, this kind of artillery carriage also has strong protection. Generally, Xiao Xiao cannot break through their defense. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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