Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 45 He is an illegal life form!

Jia Yan knew his situation.

He has only superficially mastered this method of using brain waves to deceive others. If he wants to truly master it, he probably still has to learn the formal method. However, such a simple simulation is enough for him to face those who seem to have insufficient brain wave power. Maybe a powerful life form!

"Hurry! The informant is here to report. It is said that the government troops will conduct a large-scale sweep in our area recently. We must harvest all the mature tonigans before they come over! Hurry!"

The leader of the team of twelve life forms was an Osto man. There was a gloomy look on his thin cheeks. He directed the life forms behind him to run forward quickly!

Jia Yan looked at the people over there, and behind them, he saw a ten-meter-sized creature similar to himself. It must be a kind of war pet.

These people ran to the side of the jungle. Jia Yan looked over and saw a continuous stretch of strange vegetation. At first glance, this vegetation seemed to be an ordinary gray-yellow vegetation. However, these people were so concerned that Jia Yan couldn't help but feel... After taking a closer look, I was surprised to find that they were yellow and green plants.

This was the first time Jia Yan saw green plants on this planet, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity.

But the alien life forms over there don't have the same mentality as him. In their opinion, this kind of yellow and green vegetation may be the biggest treasure in the world. Each tree is about one meter high. After a few people arrived here, they took out a sickle-like thing from their waists and quickly harvested it.

"What kind of plant is this?" Jia Yan looked at the harvest over there and naturally knew that this vegetation was definitely not a simple vegetation. So there was a hint of doubt on his face.

This feeling did not last long. When another team of people came over, Jia Yan used his brainwave power to hide his body even more. He heard the people on the other side whispering to each other. From these words, he Here, I roughly understand what this kind of thing belongs to!

"Unexpectedly. This kind of vegetation is a forbidden drug for alien life forms! And it is a forbidden drug that combines spirit and energy!"

Jia Yan listened to the words over there. His compound eyes lit up.

He even heard it. This banned drug is a consistent formula for making nutrient solutions. However, when this drug is planted, it will be more lethal to the surrounding vegetation, so a piece of this vegetation is planted. This area will then be barren of vegetation for decades. Therefore, the officials of this planet cannot sit back and watch such rampant planting continue.

Plus this vegetation. It's like the drugs on earth have a spiritual stimulating effect on almost all living things, so much so that they have been directly restricted and become banned drugs. Only certain special institutions and companies authorized by the government can carry out cultivation!

"It seems that this is the same existence as the so-called 'drugs'! It's just that cultivating 'drugs' can lead to such misery. It's really weird." Jia Yan looked at the figures in the distance who moved very fast, and replied A strange light flashed in his eyes.

He intended to test whether this kind of vegetation had powerful energy, but he felt that his body organs were weak. I don’t have much desire to absorb it, so I’m not interested in this matter at this time. Just give it up.

After all, it's not something that can be absorbed by a large mosquito with all its energy. Since he seems to have no desire to absorb the vegetation that is close at hand. That means that either the energy of this kind of vegetation is not enough for the big mosquito to use, or this kind of vegetation is not suitable for him!

No matter what, Jia Yan has no need to expose himself. Of course, if this kind of thing is useful to you, then things will be different.

As Jia Yan's thoughts turned, the harvest team over there had expanded to forty or fifty people. Jia Yan saw that there were still a lot of people in the small towns over there. It was certain that even if the population of this city did not reach ten, At the level of several hundred thousand, it must have a huge scale, at least tens of thousands of life forms!

However, the life forms in this small town are also busy and full of enthusiasm. When Jia Yan watched, they were constantly doing something. When Jia Yan saw that the harvest here was almost done, he looked over with his compound eyes. My eyes almost popped out of my eyes!

Several huge buildings over there, dozens of meters high, were like chimneys, slowly falling down.

These buildings are definitely not made of ordinary building materials, and they are not even made of ordinary metal. At least they are all powerful metals, so they can tilt and fall so easily.

Jia Yan saw that under his attention, the buildings over there had all changed their shapes and turned into huge movable vehicles. Then, under his attention, those huge buildings tens of meters tall The vehicle started moving, with a mighty force behind it, and started moving toward the front!

The large group of people harvesting here are also very fast. After finishing the harvest, they get on a few cars running on wheels and chase the large group of people!

In less than half an hour, the town that could accommodate tens of thousands of people turned into a huge motorcade and drove away under Jia Yan's gaze!

Jia Yan was really stunned.

"It is indeed a high-tech planet. Even though it looks like a refugee, the technology it possesses is beyond the imagination of people on earth!" Jia Yan looked at the smoke and dust in the distance, his compound eyes full of shock.

However, after the shock, his body suddenly started to move.

How could Jia Yan let go of such a good opportunity to contact a living body so easily!

If possible, he would not want to deal with the life forms in the city. These guys who did not seem to be official forces were a good choice.

As for safety?

Jia Yan doesn't think that those people can pose a threat to him just by owning a few deformable houses.

You know, Jia Yan has fought against cannons of tens of meters in length before, and he can directly destroy the opponent, not to mention these, which may not look like deformed houses with the height of cannons.

Besides, those may just be some residential settings, and they may not have anything to do with combat at all.

Not long after Jia Yanfei stood up, he discovered that there was a huge movement in front of him!

The sound of strong artillery fire kept coming from the front!

"This is?!"

He was suddenly startled, and quickly used his brainwave power to wrap up his figure more covertly. At the same time, his body descended into the surroundings of the gray-yellow vegetation.

There was indeed a firefight over there!

Jia Yan didn't dare to get close. Look at it from a distance. I saw that the huge convoy ahead was besieged by dozens of aircraft with a length of more than 20 meters.

Those aircraft all have the gray-yellow star police paint. After all, Jia Yan has been here for a long time. So I am very familiar with that kind of police symbol.

Just as Jia Yan expected, the convoy group over there. Although they have an extremely large fleet of vehicles, there is still no way to resist the police aircraft flying in the sky. On those huge mutant vehicles, there are some artillery fires that don't seem to have much lethality. Launch to the top of your head!

The firelight emitted by the police aircraft was the fiery red color that Jia Yan was very familiar with!

Jia Yan saw this color, which was a shining luster in his compound eyes. After all, this kind of life-and-death struggle for a long time is now seen again. To say there was no reaction would be a lie!

But the red light from the aircraft over there doesn't seem to be as intense as the red light encountered in the magnificent buildings on Earth!

Boom boom boom boom boom! ! ! ! ! ——————

During the sensation. The vehicles transformed by those buildings were damaged one by one. Even a huge vehicle tens of meters long was cut off in two parts, and the ground was filled with flames!

The counterattacks of those vehicles were not very powerful. Several of them seemed to be the main defense, but the weapons they fired were a dim gray light with obvious weakness, and they looked even better than Jia Yan had before. The red light emitted from the top of the head of the metal monster I experienced was even weaker!

How could such an attack be able to deal with opponents whose ships were no less powerful than Daphne's original aircraft? !

The result is destined!

Jia Yan had no intention of going directly to help, but the aircraft on the other side seemed to be chasing a fleeing vehicle and moved in his direction!

"No, I'd better retreat as far away as possible!"

Jia Yan's body was huge, but he was still able to leave quietly under the cover of the jungle.

But after all, the other party is an aircraft with detection capabilities. The closer it is to the mosquito, the more obvious the life characteristics on Jia Yan's body are!


Jia Yan saw the aircraft chasing the vehicle over there, flying suddenly towards Jia Yan's direction!

Boom boom boom! ! ! ! ————

Just when the opponent was about to approach, Jia Yan flapped his wings decisively!

He knew that he had been discovered. If he didn't leave now, when all the aircraft would react later, it would not be a question of whether he could leave, but a question of whether he could leave or not!

The giant mosquito body suddenly appeared, causing the battlefield over there to pause for a moment!

After all, when they suddenly see such a strange and powerful life form appear, both sides will be a little surprised!

But this pause is only for a moment. On this planet with so many war pets, I suddenly see a life form that may belong to a war pet. Naturally, these intelligent beings cannot have any other thoughts besides the initial shock. !

But the big mosquito over there obviously didn't want to be content unless it surprised them a little bit.

Jia Yan's flight speed, accelerated in an instant, exceeded the speed of sound!

The aircraft seemed not to have thought that the monster in the front room could actually accelerate to such an extent. In a moment of trance, the big mosquito suddenly flew a kilometer away!

Jia Yan's speed is still increasing!

But not long after, the aircraft behind also picked up speed!

Whoosh whoosh! ! ! ——

The opponent's speed and acceleration ability are not inferior to the big mosquito, and there is even a certain amount of energy left.

Jia Yan naturally knew that the opponent's flying ability was better than his own!

But after several encounters with these police aircraft here, Jia Yan also discovered one of the opponent's biggest weaknesses, or should not be said to be a weakness, but rather some of the opponent's concerns!

That is why they may suspect that Jia Yan is that kind of powerful fighting life form!

After all, having reached such a powerful life form, according to the information Jia Yan has recently understood, he will be directly recruited by both warring parties to become a member of the war.

In fact, the life forms that appear on this planet, even some alien civilized life forms, unless they have a unique identity. Otherwise, you have to be prepared to be called upon at any time. Just like a being like Jia Yan, he must be prepared to be recruited as a 'soldier' ​​by both warring parties.

Even those battle pets are better than those on the battlefield. Some powerful battle pets appeared. If they are powerful to a certain extent or have relatively unique abilities, they will be candidates for forced recruitment by the armies of both sides.

As for Jia Yan, an aircraft with flying ability capable of competing with these police aircraft in a short period of time. They are more likely to be members of the military on either side!

Therefore, the aircraft following behind did not dare to attack!

But as an existence that assists both sides in the war in managing the security of this planet. It was impossible for them not to pursue the case, so they had no choice but to pursue while pursuing the two warring parties. Issue a program to request identification and look at the flying life form you are chasing ahead. Are they members of the military?

"What on earth is that monster? It's so powerful, but it's not from the military!"

It didn't take long for the peace officers in the aircraft to get the answer. This answer surprised them all slightly, after all, they were on this planet. It is basically impossible for a powerful life form to appear outside. After all, this planet is not a traditional life planet. If we take it seriously, it is actually a war planet. Even the vegetation is a combination of animals and plants planted by the Osto people when they discovered the mines on this planet hundreds of years ago. Mutant life!

It is impossible for a powerful life form to suddenly appear on such a planet with no natives, and it is such a powerful life form. How can they not be surprised?

"Try to fire! But don't use the strongest firepower." There was naturally a commander in the aircraft. At this time, the life form like the commander issued the order!

He has a calm mind and has more thoughts than other colleagues.

If this was a life form secretly developed by some aspect, it would be bad to shoot it down!

As the nominal defenders of security on this planet, these peace officers are helpless. In fact, their authority is not great. On this warring planet, most alien life forms are existences that are not doing well on their own planet. Even they, the police officers, mostly look like this!

The real native life should probably be the oldest immigrants who have developed on this planet for several generations, but these exist very rarely. Most of the people who live on this planet want to make a fortune here. other civilized figures.

It's just that on this desolate planet, there aren't many opportunities to really make a fortune, so most of the life forms who spent all their belongings to come to this place ended up in a state where they couldn't leave, and even had the chance to leave at any time. Possibility of being warned by the military!

But it’s not true that you can’t make a fortune in this place. Just like the previous convoy, what they did was to do some business without capital, grow interstellar drugs, and then sell them to other planets through special channels. Such things can’t be done here. It can be said that they are everywhere on the planet. Some people can earn large sums of gold and silver after working for a period of time, and then leave this war-torn planet and return to their hometown!

Most of the time, their police officers actually deal with these characters. It's just that some large-scale drug lords still have a quarrelsome relationship with both warring parties. Naturally, they have no reason to control them. So we just strangled these small beggar-like organizations.

I just didn't expect that during this strangulation, I would encounter such a weird flying life form!

Bah bah bah! ! ! ——————

Several red rays of light suddenly shot out from the aircraft behind.

This kind of light is not very powerful, but its speed is definitely faster than the red light emitted by those earth metal monsters that Jia Yan has seen before!

After all, the metal monsters are using technology from hundreds of years ago. The current technology, even for these police officers who belong to the fringe forces of the Osto people, cannot be worse than the technology from hundreds of years ago, right?

Jia Yan didn't notice for a moment, and the light from behind was sprayed behind him!

Phew! Phew! ! ! ————

A continuous sound of hitting sounded!

"What?!" The disbelieving voices of the police officers sounded from the aircraft behind them.

The red light they emit, even if it is only compressed in power, is at least not something that ordinary battle pets can resist. Find bookstore

But the monster in front of them didn't even react at all. It seemed that these red rays of light couldn't even penetrate the opponent's skin!

Their attacks this time were only at the level of ordinary metal monsters. Jia Yan had become immune to attacks from metal monsters a long time ago, and now he was still using attacks of this level to hit him?

He simply underestimated his defense!

"In the database, increase the threat level of this monster! Not only does it fly fast, its defense is also unexpectedly powerful!"

"Next, increase the emission energy by one level! No! Increase it by three levels in one breath! No organization has come forward to claim the other party yet. Obviously this is a life form that is illegally researched. We have all our strength to shoot it!"

While the police officer was speaking, there was a strong murderous intent in the air!

Such a powerful life form has exceeded their bottom line, and there is no organization to contact and come to claim the ownership of this monster. He has the right to determine that this monster belongs to that kind of illegal life form! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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