Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 11 Power - ‘Yin and Yang’!

If nothing else, the superstar he built must also have a lot of life. Otherwise, adding a barren land to the other world, and requiring manpower from the other world to open up and develop it, would definitely not meet the requirements.

Might as well prepare it while making it.

So whether his wife's request or Xiaoyu's request, for him, it's all a matter of going with the flow.

"Select a location. From now on, the black hole area will no longer be the four giant stars known to the outside world."

Jia Yan smiled and unfolded the map.

It didn't take long.

A piece of news that shocked all life forms and forces in the entire black hole area spread rapidly.

In the true center of the Milky Way, next to the four giant stars in this black hole area, a brand new 'giant star' will be born!


The galaxy has given birth to a new super master - a powerful man!

When this news came out, the entire black hole region was shocked.

After all, unlike the lack of knowledge in the outside world, the black hole area has been passed down for a long time. In order to facilitate the birth of superstars, the powerful people have sealed the black hole from the outside world. Many historical information is only owned by people in the black hole area.

Their knowledge of superstars and information about powerful beings far exceeds that of the outside world.

And a powerful person was born again, and many forces went crazy to search for information about him.

But after several years of searching, we still know very little about it.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

Any powerful person, even if he is too low-key, will always stand out in the galaxy to which he belongs as his strength improves. Only after he slowly becomes a sufficiently upright existence will he become a powerful person under the eyes of everyone.

Despite the fact that there are only four great powers in the galaxy now, they are quite low-key.

But in their time, these four people, without exception, were all famous characters.

But this newly born powerful master...

But like a comet, it suddenly appeared, leaving no trace behind, and was promoted to the level of almighty power.

It’s impossible. This person only practiced for less than a thousand years and became a powerful person, right?

It is impossible for anyone to think so, otherwise their training years would be spent on dogs.

Don't say it.

They were really right.

This person has been practicing for less than a thousand years.

Not even five hundred years!

These forces desperately browsed through the information of the late domain masters who were at least a thousand years old.

There are ghosts only if you can find them.

It is not that easy to curry favor with a powerful master.

For example, in this black hole area, everyone knows that there is great power. Although they don't know how many great powers are cultivating in secret, there must be great powers, but can they find a way to please them?

There is no way to find it.

Jia Yan also made a similar decision.

If it weren't for the existence of family disciples, he might simply disappear.

Who makes him young? There are quite a lot of people and things he is bound to.

I had to show up from time to time to create a scene of arrival.

And this also caused a huge sensation.

Even if he only appears for a short moment each time, most living creatures disappear without even seeing whether he is long or square, round or flat.

It has also irresistibly become the biggest topic of legend in this black hole area.

Many people are proud to have seen the legendary 'new power'.

And his frequent appearances also made many powerful families seem to see the possibility of currying favor with him.

However, there is still no way to do it.

In this time, five years passed.

On this day, my daughter and Xiao Yuer came to the door together.

"Do you want me to create a nickname for Almighty?"

"Well, Dad, when I'm walking outside, I always hear them calling you 'new senior' and the like. They don't know how to call you. Those who know you don't dare to call you Jia Yan. Why don't you call you something else?" Weigh it."


Jia Yan nodded: "That's right, this moment has indeed come."

He pondered and smiled: "It's not that I didn't want to be called a powerful person before, but my strength has not really reached the level of a powerful person in the past five years. Now, several major rules have been integrated and begun to take shape, and I can give myself a legitimate name." He’s been called a powerful person.”

"I see. Didn't my father have true power before? Isn't he stronger now than before?"

"It is indeed stronger, but not as strong as you think..."

Jia Yan nodded and shook his head mischievously.

In fact, he has become more than a little stronger in the past five years.

The magnitude of the enhancement is comparable to the first mutation.

And it's not only the increase in strength, but also the level of difference in the perception and understanding of the entire universe.

"Brother Master, have you decided on your powerful nickname?"

Aedisha interrupted Jamogon's chatter.

Everyone always feels that the only daughter of this powerful man seems to be gradually changing towards a 'father-controlled' aspect.

My father is really so good that I cannot help but admire him.

"Another number..."

Jia Yan lowered his head and thought.

In his life, he has experienced many nicknames and pseudonyms.

Now that things have come to pass, the nickname of Achievement Mighty is probably the longest title that will accompany him throughout his life.

Even the name 'Jia Yan' given by his parents may not be used much in the future.

So it has to be treated with caution.

Remember the bitter and think of the sweet.

Although he has not experienced much time in this life, when he recalls it, it is filled with endless ups and downs.

And throughout his life, what was the key that stayed with him the longest and lasted throughout his life?

Constantly strive for self-improvement?

No, there are many strong people who strive for self-improvement, but for tens of thousands of years, he is the only one who has achieved greatness.

Similar words such as "never give up", "talented and brave", "loyal and courageous", "unyielding", etc. are all things that cannot only describe him.

"Those seniors are called 'Tai Shang', 'Shui Yu', 'Velvet', and 'Shi'. Sure enough, the most popular one among them is 'Tai Shang', 'Shi' comes second, and the other two, Just haha..."

Jia Yan pondered.

Through the nicknames of the four powerful ones, we can see that the nicknames the powerful ones give themselves are very random.

If you say it well, it's okay, but if you say it in an ordinary way, no one would dare to laugh.

So what should he come up with to meet his own definition of himself?

"Assassin? No, this is no longer my characteristic."

"Black God? It's just another name for the clone that creates space in the Bai family."

"There are Taoists, monks, and all the other pseudonyms I have used, but none of them seem to suit me."



A large amount of black and white light spots overflowed from the land of chaos surrounding Jia Yan.

This land of chaos.

It is the result of his five years of hard work.

A large amount of cosmic matter moved from all over the galaxy.

Many are stolen from the interstellar dust where stars should be born.

Secondly, there are also some things that are deducted from the matter absorbed by the black hole.

No way, it's not that he has the potential to be a thief.

But if you don't do this, it will be impossible to build a huge planet that is a full light-year away.

Even so, he followed the example of the four seniors and made the 'superstar' he wanted to build largely hollow inside.

That would not only make it easier to control gravity, but also save endless resources. Anyway, if a powerful person adds the power of rules to interfere with it, the planet can be prevented from collapsing.

Of course, to other galactic powers, this is like cheating.

Because everyone creates stars to invest in the other world and work hard to expand that world.

But you come to a hollow planet.

It's just that in today's 'Bridge Alliance', similar situations abound, so no one is pursuing them.

all in all.

This land of dense matter is large enough.

The area now docilely attached to a central land, close to the black hole area, even seems to be far more than one light-year in size.

After all, interstellar matter is extremely sparse. If you want to condense it into a light-year planet, it will be unreasonable if you don't have a coverage area of ​​tens or hundreds of times.

this moment.

When Jia Yan thought of a certain title, the entire interstellar matter area in Nuoda suddenly changed from a disorderly and dense posture to half black and half white!

The formation is wide open.

Jia Yan's own strength is also greatly expanded.

His power became half matter and half antimatter.

It affects the power of the formation, which leads to the powerful state he displays, like the incarnation of black and white.

"yin and yang!"

Jia Yan laughed softly.

"I'm afraid that this title, which was once used to deceive everyone in the Yin Yang Sect, is the most suitable for me!"

Cause and opportunity meet, everything has its own destiny.

He used this temporary title to deceive the disciples of the Yin Yang Sect, but he didn't know that this title also affected him secretly.

Later in life, I have been cultivating and improving in a similar direction. It is difficult to say that there is no reason. This title affects my mentality.

That’s all.

from now on.

"My nickname is Yin Yang!"

The power of yin and yang comes out!

Black and white spread directly, and a sound resounded throughout the entire black hole area, appearing in the ears of almost all living beings.

[I, Yin and Yang! 】

yin and yang!

Is this the name of the new powerful man who still holds the pipa and half-hides his face?

When the intelligent beings in the black hole area heard this voice, they all bowed their heads respectfully.

Shan Hu: "I've met Senior Yin Yang!"

"I've met senior!"

"Congratulations to the seniors and congratulations to my galaxy!"

Although each of these forces, races, and life forms left in the black hole area did not live that long, their ancestors must have experienced the experiences of several powerful beings tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of years ago. A powerful gift.

The remaining etiquette and how to please that person at this time are all fully planned.

For a while.

It was like overwhelming.

Those who have strength will show their strength, and those who have no strength will shout hoarsely.

This area that should have been a hundred light-years in size suddenly emitted a startling roar!

"yin and yang!"

yin and yang!

yin and yang!

"This this!"

Jia Moqiao, whose eardrums were about to be shattered, turned pale. She never imagined that her casual advice when she returned home would lead to such a shocking situation.

"It's so scary. Those who make such calls are mainly domain masters and above. Many top beings from the superstars are also roaring. The voice alone can kill a junior domain lord!"

Edisha quickly calculated the energy contained in these sounds and was dumbfounded.

All living beings, including those in the lower ranks of the Domain Lords who used to be aloof, and even those who claimed to be the closest to powerful beings, also uniformly congratulated Jia Yan.

The birth of a true power is such a scene that cannot be ignored.

"Haha, that's quite a favor to me."

Even Jia Yan, who was used to seeing wind and rain, felt a little elated at this time.

However, the wife who had not spoken for a long time frowned and said in a disgraceful voice: "Husband, can these people just shout twice? I heard that masters who are promoted have to hold a promotion banquet. You are already a powerful person, so you can definitely accept the gift. Get a lot..."

Facing Jia Yan, his daughter and others who turned around.

Satsuma Kono has a magnanimous look.

He has been in charge of the reborn biochemical empire for hundreds of years.

She has learned how to budget wisely.

With her husband being so powerful, she would feel like she was losing money if she didn't do some harvesting.

"I didn't expect that my wife, you still have this side..." Jia Yan seemed to have just gotten to know his wife again.

Some time ago, Satsuma-den had a certain ability to hold doors and run the house, but now it has become a little more prominent.

Jia Yan smiled helplessly.

"That's fine, just follow your advice, wife."

"In a few years, when the prototype of the planet is fully formed, we will hold a banquet for my promotion and a banquet for the formation of the superstar."

His thinking also became more active.

Although superstars usually enter the outside world.

But just like the current four giant stars, they will still exist in the black hole area for an extremely long time before entering the other world.

The oldest of the four giant stars has been here for about 200,000 years.

It was made by Senior Shi when he first became a powerful person, but as long as two hundred thousand years have passed, the races in the superstar have localized a large number of creatures, and no one has asked him to integrate the superstar into the other world.

"So in this long time, many forces and experts have to beg me if they want to benefit from superstardom. Just because I don't care about things doesn't mean that I don't want resources, nor does it mean that my family and forces don't want resources."

Then use the promotion banquet method to see what level of gifts they can come up with.

He who gives the highest gift gets what they want.

And so on.

A giant star that is destined to reach one light-year away can bring rewards to Jia Yan as huge as mountains, rivers, lakes and seas.

"Five years have passed. I don't know about other competitors. Have you finished the opportunity?"

"What happened to those former friends or enemies now? Senior Hai Tian, ​​are they dead or alive? Have the last remaining few of the five major forces returned to the Milky Way? And have those from the Magellanic Galaxy achieved their harvest? Purpose?"

For a while, Jia Yan's thoughts were thought of far, far away in the endless shouts.

Because time is tight.

He did not give up the current work at hand and continued to create superstars.

After getting used to Jia Yan's busy schedule, his wife and daughter's disciples, including Edisha, gradually let themselves go, such as going to the superstar to enjoy the mortal life, running rampant in the black hole area, and sneaking out of the black hole area to work in the black hole area. Wandering in the central star field.

Jia Yan knew all this, but he never stopped him.

In the future, Jia Yan will gradually move towards isolation as a powerful person, and they will have to live their own lives.

"Master Yin Yang."

"It's Laita, how is your training progress recently?"

About ten years later, on this day, a black figure similar in color to Jia Yan flew into the fiery red starry sky and saluted the mosquito that turned into a giant mosquito that was 50,000 kilometers away.


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