Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 6 Where I go, you go.

Because of the Jia family, countless people from Earth have come here to do business and settle down.

Many blocks and trading areas, large and small, have also been formed. Each area is as big as hundreds of earths, and they are simply small worlds.

Jia Yan didn't care that these trade zones had developed into an unimaginable scale. He identified a location and avoided the trade zones' heavy monitoring and defense facilities on the outside world.

He felt several very familiar scents.

"My parents, my wife, my children, my grandchildren, even the younger people I don't know in the family..."

Jia Yan felt inexplicably shy about his hometown.

This feeling only lasted for a short moment, and he had already led the two girls into the center of the trading area.

In the trade area, there are some pretty well-known and expensive places.

Buying a one-square-meter house here may be a dream that ordinary people on earth cannot achieve in their lifetime.

There happened to be a family that owned a huge amount of land in this highly valuable area, directly occupying less than half of the area, but no one said anything.

The reason is simple.

Only places where the Jia family lives can have such housing prices. After the Jia family left, housing prices here collapsed.

"Yesterday in the North District, someone recognized me and almost scared me to death. Just now, my great-grandfather called me over to ask about the cause of the incident, which almost made me pee."

"Aren't you asking for trouble? Our family adheres to the principle of not being involved in the world and not affecting others. If you reveal your identity, at least half a year's pocket money will be deducted."

"Hehe, it is said that my great-grandfather loved to go out for fun back then, and he was even scolded by my ancestor..."

"Be careful!"

What these two young men from the Jia family didn't know was that an extremely huge figure was passing through the background subspace where they were.

Jia Yan was thoughtful.

"Are these two my descendants?"

He looked back at his daughter and Edisha.

"Dad, they are your descendants, but they are already five generations later. They are all great-grandfathers when they call me brother. I am already a great-aunt!"

Jia Moqiao pouted.

She seemed very unhappy about becoming a aunt.

"Has it been that long?"

Jia Yan finally shook his head with emotion.

His journey as a competitor has spanned tens to hundreds of years. If you count the time he entered the other world, the whole process has gone through for two hundred years.

Can a family not develop for many generations?

He could feel through his blood that the two young men just now were the descendants of Shida who grew up in the normal universe.

Rather than a child born in the created world.

"Grandpa is in good health recently."

Jiajia special supply area in the trade area.

There are countless mansions here, but there are only a few hundred or nearly a thousand Jia family members.

The old house in the center belongs to the eldest living elders of the Jia family - Jia Sheng, Li Ying and his wife.

The second elder is still alive.

"Okay, that's right. I've lived for hundreds of years and I've been dreaming about the past lately. It's time to go see my friends."

Jia Sheng, who looked a little haggard, spoke tremblingly.

He doesn't have even a hint of the strength of a strong man.

Li Ying next to me also has a similar image.

Everyone in the family knows that even with the use of the most advanced medical technology in the galaxy today, with the genes of people on Earth, they can live to be more than 400 years old, and the two elders are already quite long-lived old people.

The elders of their generation on Earth are almost extinct.

Now the two elders don't want to try any more life-extending medicine, they just say that they have lived enough.

"Grandpa Taizu, please don't say that. News came from the Central Galaxy a few days ago, saying that there has been a breakthrough in the study of genetic fragments of our people on Earth. It is possible that your and Grandma Taizu's lifespans will be doubled!"

"No, let's put our research resources into the children's breakthroughs. We two old people have enough."

Li Ying also waved her hand in response with a dry voice.

All the descendants of the Jia family looked at each other.

"Dad, you see what you said, I am still young and beautiful, but you committing suicide like this makes me feel bad."

The second elder was shocked when Jia Lin's voice, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, came.

When people get older, they like to see their children and younger generations.

But they have been retiring in this trading area for decades, and the younger generations are increasingly unable to recognize them. After all, there are more and more young people, and they all feel unfamiliar.

My daughter also has a high-level status on the earth and cannot see each other all the time, so she came up with the idea that life is not a good life.

"Xiao Lin, why are you here? We two old people are still talking about whether we can see you once before we die."

The person who walked in outside the gate was indeed a dashing middle-aged woman.

From the appearance, we can vaguely see the girl with a fat face as a baby - Jia Yan's sister Jia Lin!

"Don't you see that? From now on, we will live together until we live over a thousand years old. What do you think?"


The two elders looked at each other.

They are really tired of living. The Jia family has no power to dare to provoke them. The bad side is that their status is getting higher and higher, and they have no friends.

Even the newly born juniors have turned pleasing their elders into a tool for climbing up.

Rather than the sincerity of true blood and family ties.

"It would be great if your brother could show up." Li Ying spoke abruptly and silently.

Jia Lin frowned.

She knew that her parents deliberately brought the topic to other aspects, and her mother did not agree.

But she had no choice. She couldn't come up with the life-extending medicine, so she opened her parents' mouths and poured it in.

Lord, I hope you have the opportunity to persuade the two elders again in the future.

Just as he made up his mind, a new voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Dad, Mom, am I here? You must take your medicine well!"


Jia Lin was startled by the vaguely familiar voice, and quickly turned her head to look in ecstasy and surprise.

Along with her, nearly a hundred people from the Jia family came to visit the elderly and juniors.

How come someone approaches the main house of the Jia family and no one warns them?

What do the guards do for food?

Some juniors look ugly.

But there was another part of me that suddenly thought of something through the words of the speaker just now, and felt my whole body trembling for a moment!

Could it be that...

That legendary ‘ancestor’! ?

"Ah! Xiao Yan?!"

Li Ying stood up from the sofa first, his face full of joy.

The door was gently pushed open from the outside world.

A young man with black hair, showing a gentle and mysterious smile, strode from the door into the lobby of the main house.

"Xiao Yan, it's you, it's true, you disappeared for so long and you just came back today!"

Li Ying strode forward as if she were a different person.

Jia Sheng didn't say a word, but when he saw him getting up from the sofa, trying to get closer, and acting in a way that was embarrassing to his face, it was obvious that his heart was not so peaceful.

"elder brother!"

But faster than everyone else was Jia Lin.

She now has the strength of a venerable level and is unparalleled among the Jia family present.

With all the juniors stunned, he ran into his elder brother's arms, his eyes filled with tears, and he almost lost his composure on the spot.

I haven't seen my brother for a long time.

She has also maintained the pretense of being a cold elder for too long.

Who made Jia Yan disappear from the Jia family? Her parents were incompetent. She was the only one with both seniority and prestige. The entire Jia family, except for Adisha who would help, almost relied on her to run and bear the pressure alone. of.

Now that she finally saw her brother, she was so happy and aggrieved that she almost broke her guard.

"Okay, you are already hundreds of years old, but you still act like a child. With so many juniors here, how indecent is it to cry?"

Jia Yan gently caught his sister and pinched her nose affectionately.

Acting like an older brother as always.

"Ah..." Jia Lin felt something was wrong, quickly calmed down her emotions, and laughed awkwardly.

Under the extremely fiery gazes of a group of juniors, Jia Yan helped his mother, who was approaching, and accompanied her back to the sofa. He hugged Jia's unnatural father and then sat down.

The body of Black God Jia Yan has already become familiar with his parents.

Everyone also thought he was Jia Yan himself.

At this time, everyone in the Jia family saw two little girls following Jia Yan, and for a while they greeted him respectfully.

Needless to say, Adisha, even Jia Moqiao, the child in Jia Yan's heart, is now an intimidating elder in the Jia family.

After sitting down, Jia Yan personally persuaded his parents.

What left my sister speechless was that Jia Yan listened to the elders' advice after just a few words. He even took the "secret medicine" that Jia Yan brought from subspace on the spot, and his face and hair visibly returned to middle age. appearance.

The younger generations of the Jia family thought they had seen a myth.

In the end, under the pressure of her younger sister, she also got a secret medicine and returned to the appearance she remembered in her early twenties. The entire younger generation in the clan had become numb.

"Grandpa! I heard that you are back, but I rushed back in a spaceship directly from the border of the trade zone!"

Jia Xi flew into the main room panting dozens of minutes later, and her eyes lit up when she saw Jia Yan.

Behind him, there were people calling grandpa or dad and uncle again.

Jia Yan nodded towards his grandson.

Hearing the names of the children, I suddenly sighed slightly in my heart.

Even the grandson is called grandpa.

Really old.

And I really have no feelings for these young descendants.

Jia Yan didn't even bother to let them stand up and introduce themselves one by one.

No wonder parents feel uncomfortable in the current environment, because there are so many generations between them, so it is a bit uncomfortable.

In the future, ask them if they are willing to find a place to live in seclusion in the created world, and maybe they can live a different perception of life.

Jia Yan had no choice but to deal with his parents' thoughts of committing suicide.

No matter how strong he is, he is still the son of man, and it is impossible for him to interfere in the life of the elderly with his strength.

"I'm missing the rest of the juniors. I don't necessarily stay here for a few days. I just need to meet Hua Xiang and them."

"Okay, brother, I understand your choice."

Jia Lin nodded heavily.

And when having dinner, let all the family members return to their homes.

Only Jia Yan's son Jia Rong, grandson Jia Xi, who came in the evening, and niece Jia Qi who came together with his sister Jia Ruo were left.

Even her brother-in-law and others were blocked from the Jia family by Jia Lin.

Because she felt that Jia Yan seemed unwilling to contact more people.

Like a soldier who has been fighting for a long time, he only wants to spend a peaceful and peaceful time with his familiar family.

"Uncle! Tell me, can my aunt arrive?"

Jia Qi is probably the one with the best relationship with Jia Yan among all the Jia family members.

Including Jia Yan's son Jia Rong, the relationship with Jia Yan cannot be said to have always been harmonious. Even now, they often fall silent while chatting.

Only Jia Qi has had a very good relationship with Jia Yan since she was a child, and she is also the eldest among the second generation and has always had a high status.

Even 'aunt' and Jia Yan's son Jia Rong was able to ease the relationship with Jia Yan and finally the family recognized each other. She also had great contributions.

"Your aunt is far away in the Biochemical Empire. It's not that easy to come here. You don't have to think about it today."

Jia Yan smiled and shook his head.

Jia Yan couldn't help laughing when he heard the "uncle chirped" words he hadn't heard for a long time.

This is already a memory that is almost forgotten.

"Hey, uncle, who said that my aunt is in the Biochemical Empire? You haven't shown up for a long time, and you only know about the old almanac."

Jia Lin smiled mysteriously and said: "With the help of my aunt, the biochemical empire has been almost rebuilt a long time ago. She has been in our family's creative world in recent years, and she seems to have become the founder of a big force in it, secretly The juniors of the Jia family who teach us how to create the world are very important."

Jia Yan was stunned.

Not long after he finished speaking, he saw a woman who seemed to have hundreds of flowers blooming around her, flying quickly from the distant horizon on a cloud magic weapon that was only used by immortal cultivators.

This woman is as graceful as a giant, with an oval face that is completely stunning.

Even though he has seen countless women of the humanoid race, Jia Yan has never seen anyone who can beat her in terms of appearance.

It's absolutely perfect.

My own wife, Satsuma-dori!

"I've met my parents, I've met my husband."

The woman who looked like an iceberg beauty entered the lobby of the main house, bowed to her parents-in-law very politely, and then applied some ancient womanly etiquette to Jia Yan.

"Uncle, aunt has been creating the world for a long time, don't worry about it."

"Don't forget I was there too."

Jia Yan shook his head with a smile, stood up and returned the greeting using the ancient method of creating the world.

Everyone sat down again, and this time Jia Yan felt fresh about his wife who had stayed with him for more than a thousand years under the rules of "time acceleration" in the created world.

It's really hard not to notice the iceberg beauty paired with the current costume beauty.

"Yes, I can only stay for a few days before I leave for the Central Star Territory. Satsuma Shrine, here is the genetic medicine I specially found for you. From now on, your lifespan is no longer limited by you..."

Jia Yan looked tenderly at the wife he had always wanted to get rid of.

Over the hundreds of years of ups and downs, the two of them have been in the same boat through thick and thin. They have gone through a lot and endured a lot.

"Husband, I...I will go with you!"

Uncharacteristically, Satsuma Kono, who had never refuted Jia Yanti's request, this time hesitated for a moment before gritting his teeth and saying negative words.

Jia Yan was stunned again.

He saw that his wife's slender eyebrows were full of perseverance, and he also knew the determination in her heart.

That's right. During this half of their lives, the two couples have been together less and apart more. As a wife, how could she not be unhappy at all?

But she endured it for hundreds of years, because the initial acceptance by Jia Yan was still somewhat coercive, so she didn't dare to say anything.

Perhaps, my wife entered the creative world, contacted ordinary people, taught younger generations, and polished her temperament for thousands of years, just to have the courage to say this sentence today...

Thinking of this, a ray of tenderness shone slightly in Jia Yan's black eyes.

He nodded and said affectionately: "Okay, from now on, you will go wherever I go."


Those who are careful may find that the title of each chapter returns to "Please subscribe", because Bu Yue looked back on the past and found that there was a period of time when he used the word "Seeking", and it was not always "Come". I feel that using the word "Seeking" is more sincere. , I used the word "Qiu" more often in the last few days. Although it has no meaning, think of it as a kind of respect for the past!


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