Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 7 President’s new order!

"I hope I can lend you some good words. Let's get back to business and continue talking about our alliance."

This exchange, or transaction of interests, lasted for three days.

It is true that three days is nothing to a lower-level Domain Lord like Jia Yan.

But the brain cells consumed in three days still made him scream that he couldn't hold on.

When would the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce, which was on the right track, ask his dignified president to personally take care of it?

What's more, he was fighting against several other lower-level Domain Lords, and their brain reaction speeds were not much slower than Jia Yan's.

Even in terms of experience value and knowledge, it is far beyond.

The Spider King himself has been in the process of self-cultivation.

It was not until three days later that the spider's body suddenly regained its clarity.

"Your Excellency, President Jia Yan, leave the red tape to the people below to deal with it. How about we discuss things that are more important to us?"

"Haha, you finally stopped playing tricks with me? That's fine, let's find a place."

Jia Yan chuckled.

The three days of negotiation was just a process for the Spider King to regain a certain strength. He understood this better than anyone.

In this way, the Spider King claims to have a certain fighting ability, and he officially wants to start a real negotiation with himself.

Found a more private place.

Even the worried subordinates asked to leave.

"Aren't you afraid that this president will do something bad to you? You were scared to death when you were in the sub-space."

Jia Yan teased.

"President, you don't have to ridicule me anymore. What I did was just a choice that normal people would make, don't you think so?"

Jia Yan remained silent.

The two parties directly conducted in-depth conversations and discussions on how competitors compete, how they cooperate, to what level they cooperate, and how to realize the best interests of both parties.

Different from the previous injury suffered by Spider King,

Despite being forced to humble himself, he is now in pretty good health and his speech is much more normal.

"I see, your limits were so low before. If you weren't afraid that I would be disadvantageous to you, you wouldn't have said it..."

Jia Yan turned on the taunting mode.

"Oh, I remember that in the sub-space, you were talking about helping our president to kill Chang Lie. How come it has become a matter of who has the chance and who will kill him? Then why did I spend so much effort to save you?"

"Sure enough, you are a person who easily goes back on your word. Your Excellency Spider King, you claim to be the first rank of the first domain lord of the galaxy cluster, right? It's a pity, I really don't see how you look like a dignified person, you don't have any magnanimity at all, Could it be that all the galaxy clusters you are in behave like this?"

The Spider King was really depressed.

This Jia Yan, once he talked about real cooperation with him, became like a hedgehog covered with thorns.

I have no idea what to say.

He couldn't help but shook his head and sighed: "Your Excellency Jia Yan, I know you are dissatisfied with my behavior of crossing rivers and destroying bridges, but you should also understand that when we reach this level of cultivation, we have to fight for some things that should be fought. As for You mentioned the priority of killing Chang Lie. If the opportunity is really not with you, if I kill him, it will be regarded as eliminating future troubles forever, right? I can only promise to give you this opportunity as much as possible. After all, with my ability, It’s not too difficult to kill other competitors.”

"Look at what you said, as if it will be difficult for me, the guild leader, to kill me. Are you looking down on me?"

Jia Yan retorted again, almost making Spider King so angry that his old injury relapsed and he died.

This young man has never been so vicious before.

But come to think of it.

Jia Yan is young, so he probably hasn't had many similar experiences.

The Spider King obviously agreed to many of his conditions, but now that the crisis was over, he went back on his promise again.

But is it really possible for him to implement the conditions he agreed to under critical circumstances?

It's simply impossible.

But when he saw Jia Yan's ridicule, he finally relaxed a little.

The most basic thing is Jia Yan

What he wanted most was Chang Lie’s kill quota.

This is a necessity for Jia Yan.

He had already seen from the abilities of Spider King and Chang Lie that none of these competitors would be easy to compete with.

He was a backward person. Not only did he have a very short time to practice, he even got the admission ticket only when things were about to happen.

Various unfavorable conditions indicate that if he fails to seize any promotion opportunity, there is a high probability of being eliminated.

Therefore, he would not let go of Chang Lie's kill quota until he died.

Fortunately, Spider King also knew this and gradually gave up on this most basic condition.

After that, the two were like generals fighting against each other, and they began to engage in verbal quarrels on certain key conditions.

It has to be said that the other party is an experienced master.

I'm afraid he heard everything about Jia Yan's previous conversation with his subordinates.

Therefore, I have a certain understanding and targeted measures of Jia Yan’s talking style.

As he talked, Jia Yan found that no matter whether he used serious principles, used nonsense, or used methods such as pretending to be deaf and dumb, it began to have no effect.

As a result, he fell into passivity.

It's all the youth's fault.

Jia Yan wanted to tell the other party that it would be too much for you, an old man who is thousands of years old, to try to trick me, a child who is hundreds of years old.

But it would be impossible for him to say this by himself, as it would be tantamount to showing weakness to the enemy.

What's more, if the other party is jealous of your talent, wouldn't it make you even more tempted to raise your price?

Fortunately, the most important thing about the other party has not changed, that is, he seems to have sincerely reached a joint deal with Jia Yan.

Under this basic requirement, the two sides seemed to be very gunpowder, but they never deviated from the core of cooperation.

Over time, the differences between the two were settled one by one.

In the end, the two gradually smiled.

"I didn't expect that this discussion would pass by another day and night. Your Excellency, President Jia Yan, I know why you are able to become the president of the Great Chamber of Commerce. Your ability to talk is really impressive."

Jia Yan didn't know whether to reply or not.

My ability to talk is really a noob.

He felt that Spider King was sarcastic about himself.

"Okay, Your Excellency Spider King, I will send people from the Chamber of Commerce here to build the embassy and set up communication devices. If you have any information about Chang Lie, please inform us as soon as possible. This matter will be done sooner rather than later. What happened last time The confrontation has made him wary of the two of us, and by the time he builds up a defense capability against our subspace, I'm afraid it will be too late to say anything."

"Of course I know this. Don't worry, I have contacted the other two friends that day. They were seriously injured, but not dead. I will let them rest and recuperate well. I will notify you when the time is about the same. you……"

"Then I, the president, will be waiting for you."

Jia Yan said, retreated into the sub-space, and suddenly disappeared.

Until the fluctuations in the subspace seemed to fly away, and several figures came from outside.

"Lord Spider King, do you really want to cooperate with Na Jia Yan?"

"What? This young man is very energetic, and there is nothing wrong with me cooperating with him. It is better than cooperating with other old women and cunning people, and being temporarily disrupted."

The Spider King responded coldly.

Everyone was speechless for a moment.

The Spider King has experienced too many betrayals and deaths in his life.

Including this time to sneak attack Chang Lie, the old friend who had been arranged by Chang Lie's side for 1,500 years actually betrayed him.

It shows that the older you are, the easier it is to only focus on benefits.

So he changed his style and found a young man to cooperate with who could understand.

What's more, the most important point is that Jia Yan's strength is by no means easy to compare with.

"This Jia Yan's sub-space talent is extraordinary. I have experienced it. His sub-space talent is still very rough, but it has already reached the current level. It shows that if he studies carefully for more time,

, Maybe there will be greater progress. It is not necessarily a bad thing to make friends with such a master now. "

"We understand."

The subordinates had no choice but to admit their cooperation with Jia Yan.

within subspace.

"The Spider King will definitely be willing to cooperate with me sincerely."

Jia Yan is also thinking about this.

He knew that the opponent was strong, and if he stayed to eavesdrop, he would be easily detected even in the subspace. By then, the alliance that had not yet begun might be stillborn.

So he chose to trust the other party.

Regardless of the practical factors or the human factor of having rescued the other party before, there was no reason for the Spider King to part ways with him.

"But fate cannot be in the hands of others. The cards in their hands are at least much stronger than mine. I need to make my own cards bigger, so that I can have certain restraints when changes occur."

Jia Yan recognized this.

His strongest method, at least for these fellow competitors, is his sub-space ability.

It is difficult for others to come and go freely in the sub-space of the other world. Even the Spider King can only survive for a long time. Asking him to move as fast as Jia Yan is no different from killing him.

And this advantage among competitors may not last too long.

"Most of the competitors have a deeper grasp of the rules of life and death than I do. The next level of rules, according to what the Spider King said, will be one level at a time, and each participant will become stronger quickly during this period. , successive space methods will gradually lose their original role in the future, thus becoming less advantageous."

Jia Yan is not afraid of being cut down on sub-space means.

Because he has other means.

For example, in terms of Formation Dao, and Yin Yang Dao, these two seem to be very weak now, and many competitors' methods far exceed Jia Yan's self-creation ability of these two.

But their potential is endless.

Because they have found a new way, at least among the competitors Jia Yan has seen, no one has created such unorthodox training and combat skills as he has, which shows that they have no defense against such skills, and may not even know how to defend themselves.

In this way, when more rules are mastered, such as the rules of life and death, and integrated into the array and Yin and Yang Dao, it may be a huge improvement. By then, it may be able to replace the advantage of sub-space and become Jia Yan’s main means of dealing with competitors in the future.

"There is nothing I can do to tell the Spider King my identity."

Jia Yan thought of another level and sighed softly.

Because this matter cannot be hidden.

If he was able to conceal it before, it was because he was not involved in the competitors' affairs at all, and it was impossible for others to know that he also had tickets.

Now he is involved in the affairs of competitors, and he attacks another competitor as soon as he takes action. The most fatal thing is that he fails to eliminate the opponent.

Plus saving the Spider King.

In this way, several of his methods were exposed.

Following the clues, the famous "Galaxy Chamber of Commerce" may have been leaked.

His president, just like other competitors think, is no different from shouting "I am here" in the dark forest.

So instead of hiding it for a while and having his identity discovered by Spider King Chang Lie and others, it was better to tell the truth honestly.

"As a result, the current business style of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce will have to change."

The Galaxy Chamber of Commerce has been vigorously developing and growing, and there is no sign of stopping until now.

But during the flight, Jia Yan directly used ultra-long-distance communication methods to deliver an order to Hua Xiang.

This ended the momentum of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce that seemed to be taking off.

It can be said to have come to an abrupt end.

Just the day after Jia Yan's order passed, the Xuancheng headquarters of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce announced that it would suspend all active transportation of supplies to the outside world.

Anyone who wants to buy

Merchants or individuals who buy products from the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce can visit the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce's territory, but they themselves, except for necessary diplomatic activities, will no longer send caravans, maintain trade routes, and no longer pay for any materials that leave the boundaries of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce. Make a guarantee.

It can be said that one stone stirs up a thousand waves.

The Galaxy Chamber of Commerce's sales method in the past was very considerate. The things you ordered were only finished when they were delivered to you, but now, they no longer deliver supplies.

Merchants complained that they personally went to the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce to buy products and then brought them to the place of sale. The travel expenses were at least twice as expensive as if they outsourced to the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce. However, with the increase in prices, buyers who were accustomed to low-priced products were again They are definitely not satisfied. If this continues, at least half of them will go bankrupt.

Ordinary buyers are even more horrified. Find books at uu read books

The products of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce have long become a common convenience throughout the dynasty. Many areas have even entered the "Electrical Age" because of the technical guidance sent by the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce.

Now, because of an order, these technical people have returned to the territory of the Chamber of Commerce, and all their progress has come to an instant standstill.

Not to mention the products. It can be seen with the naked eye that the high-tech and convenient things in the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce will increase in price crazily in the future, and even become hard to find.

All those with foresight poured into the major branches of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce that had not yet been cleared, began to raid goods, and even brewed several serious violent incidents.

In this regard, many people within the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce also expressed discomfort.

Especially those domain masters who claim to "hold shares".

There are even some of them who have never been to this world before. They usually sit in the office in the trade area and drink tea, and they can count the income increase by a few percentage points while drooling.

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