"One of my opportunities is my sub-space power. I can carry out theft or assassination plan at the critical moment. Only in this way can I have the opportunity to seize the ticket. But before that, I have to figure it out. , what is the admission ticket in the hands of this alien emperor? Otherwise, if you don't even know what the admission ticket is after working for a long time, wouldn't it be a waste of time?"?

Plunging into the Large Magellanic Cloud is a challenge for Jia Yan.

The gains are great, but the risks are also great.

It's not that there are no enemies here who can destroy him. Even compared to the other world, the unknown Big Magellan may be more dangerous.

Risks and opportunities coexist.

The spying work carried out by Laita and Tutan in the outside world went smoothly.

On the fifth day, they had already contacted and cooperated with government staff.

Under the money offensive, the two sides reached a preliminary close relationship. During this period, Tutan vaguely expressed that there might be some 'tax evaded' goods flowing in from the border and hoped that the other party would take care of it. The other party did not respond directly at the time, but just replied. Very ambiguous. ?

By the tenth day, the relationship between the two parties had gone further.

Jia Yan deliberately hid in the sub-space and followed this government worker to monitor him for two days. He did not find any move to report to his superiors. Instead, he found scenes of him accepting bribes from several other smuggling forces.

"Haha, that's right. Your merchant ship came to Xiao Laibingsha in a unique way. I wonder if I can make it easier and issue you a certificate..."

"Of course, within those eight days, let's get together again. Which club are we going to? To put it bluntly, the seven of you brothers are also locals. There's nothing wrong with it. I'll take you to see the world. Of course, you brothers will pay for it. ,Hahaha……"

That depends on the starry sky.

But that kind of words can be said in the inside, usually before forming an alliance, and such expressions are especially used among the people.

Star cores are extremely weak hard currencies in the entire universe, even in the outer worlds where star cores are produced. ?

"Stingy and stingy."

In this way, Magellantan's identity was confirmed, and he was a merchant from another large galaxy.

From a casual perspective, it seems quite reasonable. After all, outside that kind of system, he can get very few things, such as fame, satisfaction, and of course, more importantly, material rewards.

Tutan said quickly as if he knew the market well: "How could Jia Yan do that? Is my dear brother worth so much? Double it."

Big Laita is not bad. After all, we are so big that we can stand tall behind the dwarf galaxy, but we are just closer to the Milky Way.

Call it public or bad, call it private, in short, it is all a deal with Lai Bingsha's alliance.

"That's right. I know you two went out of your way to find me, so what's the point?"?

Hearing this, the chief deacon's expression suddenly changed, and he stood up from the white curtain involuntarily. His eyes were bright but full of greed as he looked at the two of them.

"I know, I must have dared last time. Your merchant ship was hidden far away. My dear friend, you will lose the money if you don't. You shipped another batch eight days ago."

"Thank you, my dear brother."

Of course, it also depends on the lifespan of the galaxy, the strength of the resources, and the methods of mining.

"Well, eight days ago, right."

It's really not this chic.

Although I lost my composure just now, as the general deacon of a small alliance, my energy is ranked in the bottom ten within the alliance, so my appetite is naturally small. ?

"Don't they have many star cores? One or two. This is enough for this deacon to open the door for convenience."

As we all know, no money can make a difference.

"Besides, you have never said how strong you are. These brothers regard you as a cultivator who is in love, which is not deliberately created by you. Besides, the seven of your brothers are in the interstellar If you don’t have any strength to engage in business, you would have been robbed long ago and all your underwear is left.”

After all, there is no one in the alliance who is weaker than me, has a lower status, and is not capable enough to punish me.

Damn corruption.

But I am also a bold person. I have been in this business for a long time, and I know under what circumstances I cannot accept business.

When we passed by the government border official who was looking at us, Tutan said with a smile: "My dear brother, the goods you brought on that trip may not have stopped at that point. If it was done last time, but He has already helped, let’s just help him till the end, the above is an example.”?

It is said that the two brothers had not expected it. How could this attract bees and butterflies, attracting many bureaucrats who wanted a piece of the pie?

"That's right. You all understand the importance of the villainous Chief Deacon. You can inform your Excellency of the core of this transaction first. You know, do you know something like a star core?"

Ten more days have passed, and at this time, Lai Bing and we have not yet established the entire middle and lower levels of the Lai Tatu Alliance.

After a while, Tutan and Jia Yan really came into contact with the low-level people in the Laita-Tu alliance.

Watching from the side, Laita felt that the magical life was so special and happy.

"Well, look at what he said. You are the director of the Supervision Bureau, right? We are actually from a dwarf galaxy. Do you think people from your dwarf galaxy call themselves dwarf galaxies? Why do you follow what people from the Milky Way say? What? He said he has been to several galaxies, so of course he has been to these dwarf galaxies."

“Have they actually been to other small galaxies they mentioned?”?

But that production is the same as the average production that many people imagine.

But we have to deal with it below.

Special smuggling ships, two or eight at a time, are the limit. Those seven brothers are so bad that they seem to have a sense of inexhaustibility.

The Archdeacon spoke very vaguely, and my appetite was small.

Whatever we trade with me, we will swallow it ourselves, and no one will say anything.

At this time, the chief deacon actually heard that the two businessmen had no star core production?

In short, it is not that the farther forward and the larger the starry sky area is, the higher the probability of mining star cores. ?

The outside of the merchant ship is full of robots controlled by intelligent brains. It is possible for a serious merchant ship to arrange its work in this way, because there is no place where intelligent creatures are needed to work, so there is no obvious problem with the merchant ship.

"Haha, Xiaojia is having a hard time. You two brothers are footing the bill tonight."

Therefore, there must be a sufficient number of star cores for me to take risks.

On that day, it was not yet the eighth round of drinking, and everyone outside the consumption place was in high spirits and extremely high.

Xiao Laitatu is not yet a small galaxy, but there are many areas where we can produce star cores. In addition, the mining technology is mature enough, and the star cores that can be produced are often very stable. Once a star core appears, it will be bloody. .

After some little Laitatu's currency was thrown in front of him, the other party snorted and his voice gradually became louder, but he still accepted the currency.

"Star core?! They don't have a star core?!"?


"How can you be the kind of person who sings and sings every night? You are so bad!"

not yet?

Therefore, I am guilty of opening the door to two businessmen with clear backgrounds.

So how could I be excited.

At my level, whether it's public or private, it's not so emotional.

The two people drove close to seventy material spaceships one after another and retreated into the Little Laita Earth System. The value of the items they sold exceeded that of many large wealthy people. The level of bureaucracy that was attracted by that wave was naturally It will be high. ?

For a moment, the middle-level manager lost all fear, but everything was done and he had to stop before he could.

Special deal, I think it's a bargain.

But Lai Bingsha is the youngest among the four serious dwarf galaxies. She is definitely the tallest among many dwarf galaxies, so I don’t think I’m that good with other dwarf galaxies. In our own home Among them, they often compare themselves and the Milky Way to galaxies of the same level with a small difference. Others, such as the Great Rattu, belong to the category of dwarf galaxies.

I must have gotten a job opportunity like that when I was strong. I must have been corrupted because of my love, and my strength had stagnated.

That sentence is, bad, which foreshadows the exaggerated consumption of the eight 'brothers' in the next eight days.

Lai Bingshatan and the other seven people said that the next step has not happened yet.

"You and the other seven brothers naturally want to get to know the chief deacon. Of course, if there is no chance, you would also like to have fewer exchanges and transactions with the deacon."?

Speaking of which, people from the Little Big Laita Earth System still don't have such a low opinion of other dwarf galaxies.

"What are the seven of them doing?"

The government official looked at the packed merchant ships in front of the seven people with a sinister look on his face.

Lai Bing doubled the currency again with a smile as if he had made a mistake.

The other party was really stunned at this time.

"Where is it? The prosperity of Xiao Laita Land is something you two merchants who have traveled several small galaxies can see. When you come there, you will not only lose money but also have to spend comfortably. You should just make friends. Don't be afraid to treat you Even if you are overwhelmed, your capital will still be destroyed by the mere consumption.”

"Will they take the joke you made next time seriously? Tell the seven of you that friends are friends and it is possible for you to use public services for personal gain..."?

"Huh, tell them, for the sake of you and the other eight brothers, forget it. Don't bring any more goods last time. You will do it again for the seventh time! Let's go, let's go!"

On this day, Jia Yan unearthed several supplies from the palace that were common to Magellan and Magellan.

Its effect is too little, too little. Many people use the star core as the ultimate secret cultivation treasure. It is the same as the real top treasure of heaven and earth. The star core is precious, but it can always produce some. It's like a natural treasure, with too little randomness.

We have long stopped transporting goods to the Little Laita Earth System. These dozens of cargo ships now seem like a stepping stone for us to start socializing in the Little Laita Earth Alliance region.

"Do you want citizenship? Doesn't this have anything to do with your household registration office? You were not the one who said I was allowed to entertain last time."

The relationship between the two parties has also become worse and worse.

This low-level person is a general deacon in the Laitatu Alliance. His status is almost as high as the top ten most powerful people in the alliance. To say he is a top-level person is an exaggeration. ?

"It's wrong. Seven of your brothers don't have star cores, and they can reverse the transaction. Isn't that right? Mr. Chief Deacon, are you willing to make it easier?"

"Oh? You two, the bad image is a special galactic level rumored in the inner world. It is usually the one who looks like a domain lord level. Isn't the lover a good look?"

Connect it all.

I took out the electronic invoice as cold as ice, approved a bunch of electronic seals, and waved my hands.

And the middle-level person in the tax department who was being coerced by us gradually felt that something was right. I actually had to consider those seven people and arrange for a small number of bureaucrats to get to know us. It seemed that if we followed this, the other party would reveal the secret deal between us.

"Hmph, that's all. I'm waiting for you to be a first-time offender. I'll transfer him quickly so that all eight of you can feel at ease. When will the goods from the last trip be returned? Once you make bad arrangements, do you really know that this is an example? "


"I heard that we really don't have any money, and the bad officials are all being served comfortably by us. According to you, those two guys may be trying to find connections and get involved with you little Lai Bing. Come to Sarah and build a citizenship development guy, otherwise why would you invest such a small amount of money?"

Another eight days passed, and no two merchant ships entered the Xiao Laita border.

Moreover, my strength is also something that can be underestimated. I have reached the true senior domain lord level, and it seems that I am only one step away from the previous domain lord level.

The opening of the small business made us happy for a while.

Thinking of it, the two businessmen actually turned their heads towards the household registration section and began to communicate.

"Ten! Those ten are not special star cores, but the next-level star cores. If the Chief Deacon is willing to give you some face, then you will flow those ten star cores into Xiao Laita soil!"

Laita watched from the sidelines. You know, I mostly deal with the so-called bureaucracy. I usually either directly use force to get things done, or I don't get away to get involved in that kind of thing, so this time it seems that , but it doesn’t feel like I’ve discovered a new world. ?

If I use my own energy to get two star cores, I still have no chance to get them.

The Archdeacon's eyes were bright.

"Who knows."

The so-called people have no ambitions. Countless people are content with such a bureaucracy. They give up their cultivation and other goals in life and try to climb down as much as possible.

He is a real powerful person.

"My dear friend, haha, I haven't seen you for a few days, but you still look like that."

You know, go to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com I am stuck as a senior domain master for less than two thousand years. If I get a sufficient number of star cores to help me, I feel that I can hit the front-level domain master. ?

Are those two familiar 'brothers' so unexpected?

The Archdeacon's breathing was so slow that he was suffocating. Magellantan and the two men quickly drove the merchant ship back into the border of Xiao Laitatu.

"Have you heard about it? It's said that there are a few country bumpkins who pretend to be wealthy over there on the border."

"I see, it's wrong. Who said their hometown belongs to the galaxy? Drink, it's the director who said the wrong thing. I will punish myself with eight drinks!"

"Haha, you two are really mean and stingy. You will take advantage of them later."

"Do they understand the meaning of saying this? I am someone who can be greeted casually, and the value of the transaction may not be satisfied by a mere seventy merchant ships, otherwise the two of them will only lose face. "


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