Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 16 The Large Magellanic Cloud!

The latter two possibilities are not very likely. There are not many people on the Imperial Island who can threaten the president. evil

So outside spies agreed.

He is in retreat!

Why not go out?

How can it be.

The war is about to begin. Will the dignified Chairman of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce slip away in such an important situation? The spies didn’t believe it anyway.

Not to mention that others don’t believe it, not even the people from the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce believe it.

But what Jia Yan wanted was this unexpected effect. evil


Subspace breaks apart.

A dark creature emerged from the subspace.


On the edge of the Jia Family Creation World not far away, a figure suddenly opened his eyes.

"Senior Monkey, what's wrong with you?"

The ape clone looked at the starry sky in astonishment for a while. After a long time, it seemed that he had confirmed something, and then he returned to his normal expression and turned back: "Nothing, let's continue."


No wonder the ape clone was also shocked.

This real body's outing was quite an unexpected event for him.

However, just looking at each other from a distance made him understand the reason for the real body's outing, and he understood it immediately.

This is a great opportunity!

But it was impossible for his clone to follow, so I had to say it was a smooth journey.


The Large Magellanic Cloud is the largest of the many satellite systems of the Milky Way.

It is 160,000 light-years away from the Milky Way. It seems much smaller than the Milky Way, but it has about one-tenth as many stars as the Milky Way.

Numerous satellite galaxies, plus nebulae, etc., are actually places that have been forgotten by people, including the Magellanic Magellan, the two closest to the Milky Way, and are not small in size.

However, everyone in the Milky Way has forgotten that although these satellite systems belong to the dwarf galaxy category, they are still extremely large and contain many and complex life forms.

The strong will multiply.

"Hmph, another visitor from the galaxy!"

"I have inquired about those people from the Chamber of Commerce. They are affiliated to the subordinate chambers of commerce at the edge of the galaxy. The strongest person in the entire force does not even have a Domain Lord level. But when they come to our side, the Territory Lord level meets this chamber of commerce. I still need to ask for an audience with the senior management!" Evil

"It's really too much to bully people. If we didn't need the galaxy's supplies, we would have attacked them long ago!"

"What's the use of oral pleasure? If you can, just do it to them!"


In the Large Magellanic Cloud.

It’s another annual resource purchase day.

There are only a few galactic caravan forces willing to travel long distances to the Large Magellanic Cloud, and they are all forces close to the edge of the galaxy.

Therefore, people in the entire Greater Magellanic Galaxy are looking for these forces. Every time they visit the Milky Way, these forces are the first stop. evil

However, they were still taken advantage of.

The galactic people's arrogance left them helpless.

"Report, there is a suspected strong man from the Milky Way coming to the border!"

"A strong man from the galaxy? How strong is he?"

"It is estimated to be above the domain lord level!"

"What? Territory Lord level or above? Take me to the scene quickly!"

The expert who sits on the border is a domain master-level expert from the Magellan Alliance. evil

Such strength in the Large Magellanic Cloud is equivalent to the level of a senior domain lord in the Milky Way Galaxy, which is not a low level.

However, he knew very well that as a Territory Lord of the Great Magellan level, at least in this starry sky, his status was not as good as any Territory Lord from the Milky Way.

The masters of the Milky Way Galaxy are naturally superior to those in the Magellanic Galaxy at the same level.

"Is that the so-called master of the Milky Way Domain over there? He is indeed extremely outstanding, and we people in the Magellanic Galaxy can't compare!"

"Not only is our Magellan incomparable, but also the dozen or so small galaxies nearby!"

The domain master masters at the border saw the Milky Way Domain Lord flying slowly from the starry sky, with a flattering look on their faces.

"I have met this friend. I wonder why you came to my place in the Magellanic Galaxy?"

"Nothing, I just heard that this area is a prosperous place, and no one has been here in person, so I came here to take a walk."

"I see, welcome. We in the Magellanic Galaxy are absolutely hospitable. My friend, please come with me and let me show my friendship as a landlord. By the way, where in the Milky Way are you from?"

"I am a wanderer in the galaxy..."

"Hahaha, that's the ranger in the Milky Way, right? I've read about it in books. It's a pretty romantic profession. We and other small galaxy alliances don't have such romantic things."

When the two met, they immediately seemed like brothers they had never met before, and they chatted lively.

The Border Territory Lord-level master was accompanied by many subordinate officials, all of whom were smiling. Occasionally, they would send people to sneak up on the approaching Galaxy Territory Master and stand next to him and take photos with him. This would be their bragging in the future. Capital can even be used to deceive others and magnify their political achievements.

The visitor never showed any discomfort. evil

Rather, it is like a spring breeze, giving people a very talkative feeling.

Both sides were happy for a while.

Deep in the subspace behind.

With a pair of dark compound eyes, staring at the group of people swarming in front of him, Jia Yan had some thoughts for a moment.

Before coming here, he thought that everyone in the Magellan Alliance would feel like everyone was shouting and beating the people of the Milky Way, but now that he saw it, it seemed that was not what he thought.

After a second thought, I understood.

There should be a lot of people who are hostile to the Milky Way, but with such a large body nearby, the level of civilization and the culture of the powerful are far higher than those in the surrounding areas. To the outside satellite system, it is like a real central region. It is indescribably prosperous and produces a large number of people. It is natural that he has many admirers. evil

To put it bluntly, it’s like admiring foreign things.

And it's deep into the bone marrow.

"I'm not sure that among the so-called groups of people who are hostile to the Milky Way, most of them are born out of love and hatred. The vast majority of them have been kneeling for a long time..."

Jia Yan rubbed his giant mosquito chin and became very sure of the conclusion he had drawn.

In this way, he would have more room for maneuver when he came to the Magellanic Cloud.

The Territory Lord-level being surrounded in front is not his clone. Although Jia Yan can now create a clone with strength equivalent to that of a Territory Lord-level, his superficial strength is still less than that of a Territory Lord-level. That won't keep things under control.

So he found a Domain Lord-level expert who was familiar with the trade area. evil

In fact, he is a master of the gods from the great realm of gods.

With the relationship between the Goddess Emperor and him, calling a Territory Lord-level subordinate to assist Jia Yan was a trivial matter.

Of course, when someone is brought out, they must be brought back intact. This is the bottom line that Jia Yan must achieve.

"With this person assisting me in my investigation overtly, it will be much easier for me to figure out what's going on in this area secretly, and then find the location of the so-called alliance and then carry out the robbery."

Jia Yan and the other party have already negotiated and the division of labor is clear.

When he arrived at the Magellanic Cloud this time, he didn't want to stay long.

There are still many things going on in the other world, and a small-scale war broke out again in the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce. For him, he has to continue to sit in control. evil

Moreover, being here in the Magellanic Galaxy, the purpose is to go against the local alliance forces. If you stay for a long time, you will inevitably be discovered, and maybe they will be jointly attacked again. Not to mention protecting the God King master, even he himself They may be surrounded by enemies and fall.

No matter how he said it, he could not reach the lower level of the Territory Lord, and he might still fall if he was surrounded by the same level.

"It depends on how that guy performs. It is said that he is responsible for the external diplomacy of the Divine Realm. He has been on the job for thousands of years. He should be very knowledgeable about these matters and can handle them easily."

Jia Yan was right.

The master of the God King named 'Tutan' was simply able to do it with ease.

"Lord Tutan, you see, that is our border trading area over there. Trade with your galaxy has always been carried out in this area. It is also the only major place for trade with the Milky Way in the entire Magellanic Galaxy."

"The scale is huge, and it deserves recognition." Xie

"Wherever, we still need to learn more from the Milky Way."

Walking surrounded by many experts from the Magellanic Galaxy, God King Tutan looked calm, as if he was really a friendly visitor wandering here this time.

It's not that he didn't know that in the subspace behind him, Lord Jia Yan was trying to cause trouble.

But what does this have to do with him?

The business of the Divine Spirit Realm has not yet developed to this satellite system. Even many forces within the trade area still maintain a certain distance from the Divine Spirit Realm. If you want to develop, it is easier to win over those alliances first, otherwise it will not be helpful. , it is also developing in other directions of the Milky Way, and it cannot reach the satellite system hundreds of thousands of light years away from the Milky Way.

Besides, it seems like it's really a bit behind here.

As a diplomat, he knew very well that many of the technologies and details used in the seemingly prosperous Greater Magellan Border Trade Zone were far behind those in the galaxy. evil

Including the sense of energy he himself exudes, the gap between the two sides is visible to the naked eye.

"It's already getting so late. Why don't you, Mr. Tutan, follow me to the administrative hall so that I can be a guest."

"Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

Tutan thanked him like a spring breeze.

One party wants to put money on his face, and the other party wants information. This is called hitting it off and each getting what they need.

But for the people of the Large Magellanic Cloud, they had no doubts about this Tutan.

In their minds, domain masters from the advanced and prosperous Milky Way Galaxy would never value something from the Large Magellanic Cloud. evil

Moreover, the way the other party came must have used some secret method, otherwise the distance of 160,000 light years would not have come simply by saying it.

This kind of traveling method generally cannot bring too much stuff, and the Tutan Territory Lord may have to lose countless resources for a round trip.

They just want to do this well and serve the dignified domain lords of the galaxy well, not only to leave a good impression on the other party, but also to lay the foundation for their own political achievements.

How many years does it take for a domain lord-level master in the galaxy to appear? It would be a pity not to be able to seize such an opportunity.

"Is that so? Lord Tutan wandered around because he was too sad because his good wife passed away?"

"Yes, when my wife was alive, she wanted to see the scenery of various places. Unfortunately, when I woke up, the beauty was no longer there. In grief, I had no choice but to use my eyes to see all the scenery on her behalf, hoping Can soothe her spirit in heaven..."

"It's so tragic. As expected, he comes from a place with rich cultural heritage. He even has more emotions than I and Magellan..." Evil

At the large welcome banquet held for Tutan, everyone was moved and respected by Tutan's purpose.

Admiration for the Milky Way also developed unknowingly.

Why do these guys keep dwarfing themselves? Diplomats like Tutan have already seen through their feelings of inferiority and envy.

It's not that these guys aren't smart enough, but in this situation, no matter how smart they are, as long as the truth is seen through, they will become passive and easily led by the other party.

"But I heard that Magellan and Magellan also have their own specialties, especially what seems to be some kind of 'antimatter', right? Taking advantage of this trip, I also want to collect some. I wonder if you sirs have any ideas?"

"Matter and antimatter?"

Tutan's words made everyone startled again. evil

Several of them looked at each other, and then asked strangely: "Senior Tutan, who told me this rumor? My great Magellan once produced antimatter, but it was not a special product, but came from the distant starry sky. A little bit of it floated over, but now that one or two hundred years have passed, those substances have long been divided up, and no one knows how much is left."

"Is that so? That's a pity. I have some research needs on matter and antimatter. I wonder if you can help me inquire about it. If there is any, I am willing to buy it at a high price."


Everyone was in trouble for a while.

They realized in their hearts that this so-called man who commemorated his deceased wife came to their Great Magellan to search for matter and antimatter.

The so-called matter and antimatter are actually ‘antimatter’.

Tutan is not buying for himself. evil

But for Jia Yan.

As early as when he arrived, he had received instructions from Jia Yan, saying that he was asked to check more in this Magellanic area to see if there were any antimatter objects.

Because Jia Yan once obtained a part of antimatter.

As early as when he was extremely weak, he swallowed the piece of antimatter from the tree into his abdomen. From then on, he had an antimatter body. It can be said that the subsequent positive and negative Yin and Yang Dao, as well as the Yin and Yang Dao that was born based on 'Array' was all indirectly created by that adventure. Looking for Book Garden It can be said that it was an encounter that changed his destiny.

So when he came this time, he not only wanted to solve the problem of admission tickets, but also wanted to get some antimatter.

The original branch antimatter is said to have flown to the Milky Way from the Big Magellan universe.

There are also rumors that some people bought the Milky Way from Magellan, and after many twists and turns, it fell into the hands of Jia Yan. evil

Therefore, Jia Yan is quite looking forward to whether there is antimatter here.

If you try to fuse more antimatter with yourself, maybe the harvest will be greater than imagined.

Of course this is just the ticket price.

What can really break through the bottleneck of later stages will always be the main theme.

"Sir Jia Yan, I wonder if your subordinate's performance these days is still satisfactory to you?"


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