"That's right. It's all the fault of this underground tribe. They are so good at creating a division, which makes us restrained in fighting. From my point of view, all the underground people I see in the future will do it. I don't like them anyway."

"Watch your tone, Colonel. You are now a senior official of the 15th Army of our Galaxy Chamber of Commerce. Your words and deeds represent the face of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce. As long as you are still wearing the military uniform, do not say anything that will discredit our army. ,Understand?"

"Uh..., I understand, but I really don't know how to tell the difference. Do you think some dark underground man will come over later and say they are our coalition forces? Should I fight or not? If I don't fight, will it happen? Will someone trick me into opening the camp gate?"

A high-level military official was asked several questions by his subordinates - a prince of a small human tribe who was collectively referred to as an 'insect' by people in the dynasty.

This prince is the son of the tribal leader of a small human tribe, and is also called the prince of this tribe. However, after he ruled Xuancheng in the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce, he endured hardships and stood hard work, graduated from the military academy with actual results, and eventually became The supreme commander of this partial army has the rank of colonel.

At this time, while he was talking, he was also slandering the underground clan in his heart.

"Be prepared to engage."

The leader told his subordinates.

"Uh, Colonel, there's a situation."

"Situation? Could it be that the enemy has received support?"

The prince's face twitched violently, and he became wary.

Competition is fierce within the entire Galaxy Chamber of Commerce Guards. Not to mention that he is just a prince of a small human tribe, even if he comes from a royal family and is the prince of the current dynasty, it is unlikely that he will get a good promotion opportunity.

Today's Galaxy Chamber of Commerce Front Army is progressing smoothly, but if he becomes his 'example', the problem will be too big.

No matter what the actual situation is, whether the enemy has an ambush or reinforcements, as long as he is defeated and becomes the only black spot for the entire army's victory, he has no responsibility and must be held accountable.

So he was particularly worried about something going on ahead.

"No...it's...the underground troops came to negotiate peace..."

"Huh? Make peace?"

"Yes, it is said that they will turn around and attack other enemy forces."

"Ah? That's good. Come on, let the messenger come in."

The prince suddenly jumped up and was overjoyed.

If the situation is good, it will not be a shock, but a surprise.

The enemy they thought was a formidable enemy suddenly changed their guns. Shooting at the enemy makes everyone happy.

The underground tribe was originally pushed out by the enemy alliance as the first gunpoint to deal with the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce troops. However, at the moment when the two sides were about to engage in hand-to-hand combat with great fanfare, they suddenly switched sides.

This incident not only shocked the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce troops who came to fight with the underground clan, but also shocked the invading coalition forces who wanted to see the outcome of the battle.

What was most caught off guard was the coalition forces from several major parties who were attacked by the underground tribe.

They colluded with some members of the confused Galaxy Chamber of Commerce and attacked their main formation.

No one expected it.

By the time he reacted, it was already too late.

The troops of the underground clan used some unknown method to falsely open the camp gate, attacked a barracks of soldiers from the outer sea, and killed them in one go.

Next, there are the escorts from the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce.

The little human prince's face turned red.

If they didn't want to believe in the sincerity of the underground tribe before, now they are watching the underground troops attack the enemy's base camp without hesitation, killing people like rivers of blood. They still don't believe it.

"Kill! Making great achievements is just around the corner!"

This troop is crazy.

Most of them are life forms from small races. From ancient times to the present, they have not played a big role in the civilization of the imperial dynasty. Even if there are one or two examples, they are just a flash in the pan.

Not to mention a powerful army, which has never been recorded in history.

This is the time when these races are at their most glorious.

The sound of footsteps going to death was endless, and every small individual soldier from the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce rushed to the front.

The weapons in their hands are rifles retired by the front-line troops. They are also somewhat mottled and have obvious signs of use. Fortunately, these guns have been strictly inspected before being handed over to them, and the general condition is not the same. Difference.

Snap, snap, snap.

Gunfire rang out.

Before the confrontation, the guards of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce used a wave of long-range fire coverage, allowing the opponent to see what a magic attack was.

At this moment, the enemy troops, who were somewhat unfamiliar with the fighting style of ordinary troops of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce, seemed to be suddenly confused.

They never expected that the troops of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce would even use magic attacks.

In the battle of troops in the other world, even if there are long-range troops, they are only at the bow and arrow level. Even if Daoli's team carries out coverage attacks, it is quite rare.

But the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce troops regard guns as their main weapons.

The poor close combat ability of individual soldiers cannot be made up for in a short time.

It is also the biggest flaw of the entire Galaxy Chamber of Commerce today.

From the beginning to the end, the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce has never said that its individual strength is strong enough, and even the strong ones are far behind others.

But where are they so strong?

Very simply, it lies in the concept of war between technology and modern China.

Three-thirds army system!

Cut, outflank.

A large number of modern tactics and combat concepts are used on the battlefield.

What's even more terrifying is that most of these commanders who use tactics are not veterans with battlefield experience, but rookies who have never been on a serious battlefield.

In other words, they can fight like this now. After a fierce battle and accumulation of experience, I am afraid that their tactical abilities will be greatly improved.

This is another terrifying aspect of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce. Their room for improvement is still huge.

"That's right! Team No. 3 is outflanking the 118th Square, cutting off the enemy. Be careful to use long-range coverage to suppress the enemy!"

"There is movement from the enemy on the left. Team 173 will attack me. If you can't stand it, don't come back!"

The little human prince smelled the blood and fire on the battlefield. He seemed to be drunk, and every cell in his body was singing some kind of wild cry.

He knew that this was a sign of filial piety from his ancestors.

These small human races, as well as many small intelligent life races, have suffered countless humiliations over the years. They even have no status in the dynasty and are often treated as if they were insects.

But now, he, the little human prince, was commanding an army to attack those huge life forms that once looked down on them, and beat them to the point where they were scared to death.

Just thinking about it made him so excited that he had goosebumps all over his body.

But even in the current situation, he has not lost his sense of proportion.

The strict training of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce is to prevent them from being confused and unable to remember anything in this situation.

"Hahaha, this is what we small beings have been doing for tens of thousands of years, no, it is the filial piety we have been doing since ancient times! Listen carefully to us!"

The prince seemed to be crying and laughing, his hair exploding, as if he had drunk the most delicious wine.

Of course, if you dare to brag about this kind of thing in front of your subordinates, for the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce, there are still a lot of huge racial soldiers and even high-level officials. If you say this to the outside, I am afraid he will end up as a 'racist' If you wear a hat, you will not only lose your military rank, but you may also enter a military court, which is a very serious consequence.

But no one cares so much at this time.

On the battlefield of blood and fire, the smoke was everywhere, and countless roars and screams completely covered up the madness of many small life armies.

Under the command of their superiors, they faithfully executed tactics and combat actions.

In confusion, many people gradually recovered the countermeasures and actions they had used during training. Such soldiers, after one or two battles, will become extremely qualified veterans who can stand alone.

And coincidentally, the fighting style of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce troops gives the troops a very high chance of survival, which means that they have a higher chance of becoming useful.

After all, even a pig would turn into a fighting pig after fighting dozens or hundreds of wars.

What's more, their intelligence is not inferior to those of large races.


"These insects are crazy!"

"What exactly are their weapons?"

"Is there something explosive? Come and kill a bunch of people!"

"I can't resist it at all. Is this the so-called Galaxy Chamber of Commerce troops? They are all hidden weapons!"

"We can't stop it! We can't stop their attack at all!"

"There was a Dao-level master just now who could easily tear apart ordinary enemies on the battlefield, but he died in such a wave of explosions!"

"Run away, run away, this war cannot be fought!"

When the local tribesmen rushed into the enemy camp, the commanders in the camp had already taken advantage of the chaos to escape.

And under the subsequent long-range attack by the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce troops, coupled with the baptism of artillery fire, these troops collapsed even more violently.

They were completely at a loss for the Galactic Chamber of Commerce troops who were able to use long-range combat methods and had no strategy to deal with them.

Even senior officials chose to flee for their lives immediately.

Other ordinary soldiers would not risk their lives to resist.

This sudden revolt was so fast that it started but ended in an anticlimax.

After only about half an hour, the camp seemed to be deserted, with only the underground tribes and the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce troops left.

"Good guy, the troops led by this general are truly amazing!"

At this time, the masters of the underground tribe no longer dared to look down upon the troops of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce. Although they were shocked when they saw the commander of the troops, they were a small human race that was less than a hundred kilometers away, but they still showed respect on their faces.

The little human prince felt that his heart was sore to the bone.

You must know that the underground tribe is said to be different from the other major races in the dynasty, but at heart they are exactly the same as the dynasty. They also extremely dislike the small human race, and define most of the similar large and small life forms as "insects".

Nowadays, this group of people who are definitely high-level people in the underground tribe are treating a small human like him with great courtesy. How can he feel unhappy?

But the more such a moment is, the less likely it is to lose one's composure.

"I am the commander of the second regiment of the third division of the fifth army of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce Ground Army. Please call me Colonel Bean!"

"Hello, Colonel Bean, we are a few elders from the underground tribe. Come on, our coalition forces have defeated the enemy so neatly and neatly. It's time to come over to reminisce and celebrate."

"No, are you guys happy with just such a small amount of military exploits?"

Prince Bean shook his head and signaled to his subordinates to bring a map from the field and pointed to several places on it.

"These are the locations of the nearby invader troops. We have made complete pre-war preparations. Next, the colonel will send troops to attack the enemy forces in these areas one by one. If you are willing, , I want to temporarily take over your command, and attack these enemy forces together with us until all the enemy forces in this area are wiped out, do you agree?"


The senior leaders of these underground tribes were all surprised.

You know, they just won a big victory, shouldn't it be time to rejoice and distribute rewards to subordinate soldiers? Are the troops of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce still thinking about expanding their victory?

"These troops are not easy to fight. Their numbers are much larger than ours. Even if we divide our troops to attack various places, if they come to support us, we may be beaten."

"No, we have already made preparations for this matter. We will send air forces to harass other enemy forces. It will be impossible for them to return quickly for reinforcements."

"air force?"

Several senior members of the underground clan took a clear look at the group of Galaxy Chamber of Commerce soldiers with different military uniforms who had been 'dropping bombs' on the battlefield just now.

This group of soldiers is generally strong enough, and they have the characteristics of being very flexible and fast in flying. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com Some even wear streamlined military uniforms in order to reduce air resistance, which makes them They look like characters from science fiction.

They had been dropping bombs in mid-air just now. When an enemy master came out to snipe them, they took advantage of their speed to leave the battlefield. When the masters came down to the ground battlefield, they would stick back to the ground and drop bombs, beating the enemy so hard. Ask a mute to eat Coptis chinensis, and the pain will be hard to explain.

"With such troops, can we delay the enemy?"

The senior leaders of these underground tribes still don't have that much confidence in the air force.

After all, in their opinion, these air forces are just a group of beings who are not strong enough. If they attack those large forces, wouldn't it be easy for them to be killed by enemy masters jumping into the sky?

After all, this is another world, and the so-called air force is not really the only ones flying in the sky. The flying speed of various masters is still faster than that of ordinary air force existences, because no matter what technological equipment you use, it is impossible to close the gap in strength all of a sudden.

"Don't worry, our air force can do it. Just tell me whether you agree or disagree."

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