Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 29 My dynasty will never be destroyed


The insignificant master chuckled and shook his head, and said bluntly: "In terms of combat power, I'm afraid I can't be said to be strong among several people at the same level, maybe even average, and I won't have the most methods. So when it comes to overall strength, I was probably in the middle of the six, at best.”

"Oh...that's not bad." The old prime minister was a little disappointed.

He also believed that the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce was fully aware of the current situation in the dynasty, and the person sent to him must be the most elite being.

Unfortunately, it doesn't look like that.

But just when he was disappointed, the other party spoke again.

"However, in this unique closed area of ​​sub-space in the other world, my unique talent method is enough to make my actual combat power jump straight up, especially for those of you who are not familiar with sub-space at the same level. My combat power may be doubled or even tripled than usual, so to you, I should be the strongest among the six."

"Ah this!"

The old prime minister and the guard first looked at each other, and then a look of ecstasy appeared on their faces.

They don't know what level the six guru-level experts in the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce have reached.

But they knew very well that back then, the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce was feared by the imperial court. Jia Yan single-handedly fought nearly half of the capital's top combat forces. In the end, even the founder was brought out, and he could still survive with his whole body. retreat.

This shows that the actual combat effectiveness of the so-called ‘outsiders’ is definitely no worse than the masters of the dynasty, and may even be stronger.

These six are the subordinates of 'Jia Yan'. Even if there is a gap, it can't be too much.

They did not ask whether the other party could be compared with the president. This was not giving the other party face.

After all, that level of strength is definitely rare even at the master level. If you ask, you will make the other party look bad and ask them to answer.

However in fact.

This master of subspace talent would hesitate for a moment when asked this question.

Although he was defeated by Jia Yan's 'clone', deep down he still didn't think he was much weaker than Jia Yan.

But the facts are the facts. If you force him to answer, he will admit that he was defeated by Jia Yan, but next time, he will win back.

This is the current situation of the strong men in the galaxy. As long as the level is not overwhelming, they will unswervingly defeat the once invincible enemies.


"Oh no,

The enemy has a team of masters charging over! "

Just as he was introducing himself, a group of personal guards arrived panting.

"What? What kind of masters are there? Can the troops in front be able to withstand it?"

The old prime minister didn't bother to talk to the unknown expert sent by the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce, and instead went to deal with military affairs.

"The other side has two master-level masters, and several other masters. They come with the purpose of killing you, old minister, to defeat our army. Old minister... why don't you withdraw first? The new army I cannot do without your command."

The guard leader stepped forward anxiously, almost wanting to take the old prime minister away by force.

Everyone knows that although the old prime minister is also a guru, he is already old and his body has already gone downhill. He may not be able to compete with a normal guru, let alone two.

And in this new army, except for the master-level Lao Xiang, there really is no one at the guru level, so if the opponent's beheading team rushes in front of them, it is really possible that the old prime minister will be killed. He died by direct assassination.

In this way, the new army will be leaderless, and no one will have the reputation of the old prime minister to lead this army. This new army, which has just been built, will fail to recover, its combat power will be reduced, and it will become useless at all.

"Haha, old prime minister, there is no need to panic. I have just happened to meet you. I really came at the right time. Please sit down for a moment and let me go and eradicate these arrogant people."

I saw the tiny 'visitor from outside the world' taking a bold step forward and disappearing into the tent in the blink of an eye.

"Old Prime Minister... look at this... why don't we retreat to the rear first? Even if these people from the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce are powerful, they cannot be trusted."

The guard leader continued to advise.

However, the old prime minister waved his hands with bright eyes and looked in a certain direction outside the camp.

"I am willing to believe this friend of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce."

"..." The guard hesitated to speak, and finally shut up.

At this moment, the entire camp, inside and outside, was paying attention to the direction of the loud shouts of killing.

There, a group of masters from the outer sea were charging and fighting.

There is no single enemy at all.

They formed a powerful 'vanguard squad' and plunged into the camp of the new imperial army.

Under the crushing force of the strong, this new army exposed their biggest shortcoming, that is, they did not have enough strong people, and they did not have enough training to deal with the strong ones, nor did they have that kind of experience.

With beings of similar strength, they can rely on their momentum to fight one against two, or even one against three.

But in the face of masters who far exceeded their strength, the shortcomings of lack of sufficient targeted training were exposed.

There were a lot of dead people, but no one could seriously injure any of the masters of the surprise attack team.

"Hahaha, this so-called Imperial Army is totally vulnerable!"

"Hehe, the momentum is enough. It seems that the reputation of the old prime minister has indeed improved in their minds. As long as we kill him, this seemingly powerful force will collapse in an instant. After that, the entire dynasty will There is no army strong enough to fight us."

"Then what are you waiting for? Rush into the command camp quickly, lest the old guy escapes and we can't catch him later."

Just as this group of masters were wreaking havoc, an extremely small shadow approached from the distant command camp with lightning flashes.


A master-level master of the beheading team suddenly changed his expression. He discovered the electric figure, raised his knife-like weapon, and slashed at the opponent fiercely.


Just when the blade was close to hitting the opponent's figure, he saw that figure suddenly disappeared.

This disappearing figure only lasted for less than a moment. Even the time was indescribable, but it was enough to make him deviate from the direction of the blade.

There was no hindrance in his figure, and he stabbed the guru-level expert in the cheek without any hesitation.

A sharp piece of metal pierced the guru-level expert's cheek, and blood spurted out.

"Go to hell!"

The master on the other side reacted quickly, and before he could receive any more shock, the guru-level being next to him was brutally killed with one blow, having already counterattacked.

"Witherworm tricks."

The flying figure sneered and dodged again.

When it appeared, it had moved about ten kilometers, which seemed to be only a tiny amount. Especially in the unique environment of the other world, the distance of ten kilometers was no different from the one millimeter seen by people on earth.

But just these ten kilometers are the difference between life and death, victory and defeat.

This sub-master-level being only felt that there was no touch of the hit object on his arm, and his heart skipped a beat. It was too late to make any other moves.

No matter how much he wanted to do something, it was already too late.

The figure was already faster than him. In a flash, he dodged the angle of his attack, then ran past his body along his arms to his heart, and pierced his feet into the vitals of the strong man in the second division.


Several other masters wanted to double-team, but this being had already retreated quickly and left the encirclement of this powerful sharp knife team.

"What a strange way to move!"

"It is rumored that on this dynasty island, there is a top master from outside the world who is good at transfer. Even the founder of the dynasty is helpless against him. Could it be that he is the one in front of him?"

"No, although the body shape is similar, the appearance is very different! This is someone else!"

Several experts snatched away the two colleagues who had been seriously injured. When they looked down, they saw that the guru-level existence was not bad. They instinctively deflected the vital points and saved their lives.

But the master of the secondary division at the back was not so lucky. His entire popularity was like a gossamer, his heart was shot through, and even the gods could not save him.

Their huge body size means that once their vital points are severely damaged, they are far inferior to the masters of the galaxy and have the tenacious vitality of Xiao Qiang.

This is the essential difference caused by two different forms of cultivation systems.

Of course, at the same time, the unique methods of many worlds are also extremely harmful to the masters of the Galaxy.

It's just that so far, the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce has been hiding these facts, and many techniques against them have not been developed.

The result is that in the initial collision situation, the galaxy's strongest player is in a dominant position.

"Withdraw! The dead don't want it anymore!"

Another master-level expert stared at the tiny creature with fearful eyes and shouted with the determination of a strong man cutting off his wrists.

Without saying a word, the masters retreated toward the rear.

At this point, their beheading operation could be described as a complete failure.

"Sir, can you tell me your origin?"

"Galactic Chamber of Commerce."

The leader of the master-level team showed an expression that was indeed the case, looked at the sub-space master with hatred, and flew into the sky before the new army surrounded him.

Although there are many methods for fighting aerial masters that work in the same way, it is a pity that these methods cannot deal with master-level masters.

Everyone below could only watch helplessly as this guru-level being took action in person and protected all the members of the assassination team from leaving.

Only the body of the master of the secondary division who gradually lost his breath was left on the ground.

The master of subspace looked at the corpse of this master indifferently, and shook his head: "Sure enough, as in the previous research, the strong men here are a bit weak in physical body, and their vitality can easily be lost after losing the so-called protection of Tao power. die."

If you were a master in the galaxy, let alone being stabbed in the heart like this, even if your heart is completely blown away, you can live for a long time, and you can even fight until you find a new replacement heart, at least you can survive for a few days. month time.

But here, if the heart is gone, it is really gone.

"You...the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce will definitely be crushed by our army's cavalry."


Before the dying man could finish his words, the subspace master chopped off his head with one blow.

A creature that seemed to be the size of someone's finger actually drove away a large number of strong squads and killed one of them. The surrounding new troops were stunned.

Until the master looked at the soldiers around him and said calmly: "This beast's corpse is my trophy. Some people can help me collect it."


Among those soldiers, some of them gulped in response as if they were just waking up from a dream.

"High! He is indeed a top expert!"

At this moment, in the old prime minister's camp tens of thousands of kilometers away, for masters like them, the battle was almost too close, and they had a panoramic view.

The old prime minister couldn't help but look happy.

The guard leader was also a little surprised.

I thought that the masters sent by the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce would definitely not be simple, but I didn't expect that it would be so simple.

This is simply a slap in the face to these masters in this world!

What level of strength are the strong men of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce at?

If all of them have this kind of strength, doesn't it mean that relying on the six of them is enough to sweep away most of the forces in the dynasty.

"Old Prime Minister, we have a chance!"

After the guard leader reacted, he finally became excited.

Although I don’t know what the motives of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce are, since they even killed the opponent’s secondary division and injured their master, it shows that they are sincerely willing to join forces with them. With such help, doesn’t it mean that this new army There are more operating possibilities!

The lack of top combat power has been greatly alleviated by having a strong general!

"Yes, with such a strong man, our army no longer has to sit in Sleepy City. If the other party is willing, it can even lead a counterattack!"

The old prime minister was full of loyalty and felt that the war was no longer passive.

"Also, we are waiting for the help of this strong man here. Even if the other five masters he mentioned are slightly different, they are definitely people who cannot be underestimated. I am afraid that the battlefields in other places will also be greatly improved! This is a great thing!”

"God will not destroy our dynasty!"

When the old prime minister said this, he even burst into tears.

He was afraid that a single tree would not be able to support the end of the crumbling dynasty.

Nowadays, a new pillar of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce has been erected. Find Shuyuan Although the purpose is unknown, it is solid and powerful and has really helped ease the process of the dynasty's destruction.

Indeed, it was just as the old prime minister was pleased to see.

After the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce unexpectedly dispatched six masters, these six people were assigned to six directions, and the process of their participation in the war was similar. Some received preferential treatment, some received cold looks, and some even wanted to persecute. But in the end, no matter what the process was, they all faithfully completed the rescue mission assigned by the Black God Jia Yan.

A double score shocked the whole audience.


A figure was killed on the spot.

One of the top masters in the galaxy, who was enveloped in the aura of hallucinations, looked at the guru-level master who was killed by him with a cold expression, and let out a sigh.

"They really don't understand our galaxy's methods, and they don't even have the means to resist our hallucinogenic system. This is a good thing. I can kill more enemies before they find a way."

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