He smiled and said: "You also said that I have information in my hands and many resources in the other world. The reason is very simple. That is, I have been involved in the other world for decades before you. Although I don't know much about it, I say I know everything, but I also know a lot, and I also have a lot of personal connections and many non-material resources. After all, things like favors are useful wherever they are placed, right?"

The six masters remained silent. They probably thought of what Jia Yan wanted to say.

Sure enough, Jia Yan said to himself: "In that case, should we formulate a rule between us, that is, after entering there, you will cooperate with me as much as possible, instead of fighting each other, or doing your own thing? Such forces and the like will not only consume your energy and time, but also put huge competitive pressure on our trade area. After all... When you enter the other world, you are not the one who used to gain profits, are you? Open your fists, and every finger will They are weak and powerless, but if they are put together in one place, they become a more powerful force."

The master of sub-space talent put on an expression that understood everything and said: "So, do you want me to listen to your orders?"

No one else spoke, but they all looked at Jia Yan with playful expressions.

I just want to see how this avatar speaks.

To bluntly say that you want them to be your subordinates would be a bit arrogant.

But if you don't dare to say it, wouldn't it be overturning your previous words and making people look down on you for no reason.

Jia Yan shook his head leisurely.

He will certainly not fall for the trick and say something offensive.

"Actually, you don't have to be so resistant. That's not what I mean. Let's put it this way. If you haven't personally experienced the world there, you will never be able to understand the majesty there by just relying on hearsay. As long as you go there in person, you will be able to understand it. You will discover your own insignificance and your reverence for heaven and earth. I definitely do not mean to restrict you. If you have your own ideas, you can leave anytime, anywhere. Even after you have mastered more knowledge and insights about the inner world, You can also leave at any time. This is definitely not a superior-subordinate relationship, but cooperation! Before you are familiar with the world, it is just cooperation."

Jia Yan was sure that these people who were showing off their power here and claiming to be super masters would have an illusion of being extremely insignificant after going to the other world.

Regardless of whether their own strength is at the top in the other world, the unique environment and size of life forms in the other world will naturally give them this feeling.

Jia Yan has been working hard in the other world for decades, but he still often has such thoughts. He doesn't believe that this group of guys who are trying it for the first time will not feel this way.

"Okay, we understand what you mean, but it's really too much to ask us to obey your orders. How about this? Since we want you to help us enter the other world, before we are completely familiar with the world there, , it’s up to you to help us adapt, and when we are fully adapted, we can leave on our own and do what we want, but we will also maintain a friendly and mutually supportive relationship with the trade zone from now on, how about that?”

"Nature is wonderful."

Jia Yan nodded with satisfaction.

In fact, what he wants is not much at all. When these well-informed local people enter the other world, he is afraid that these people will disrupt certain actions belonging to the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce. If he allows them to join his subordinates for a period of time, not only will he have The more advantage of the available power is that this group of guys who have some interests know how the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce operates and the benefits to everyone. They must have experienced the necessity of the existence of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce, and they will not do it right in the future. Something bad happened to the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce.

Both sides achieve what they want.

After reaching an agreement, it is natural to help and love each other, and the first event is the 'marriage'.

After establishing a relationship, the most appropriate and effective way is to get married.

With the approval of the bosses on both sides, the preparations for the wedding were like riding on a rocket. Not only did the level of luxury increase by one level, but the level of attendees also increased by several levels.

The preparations in full swing dazzled the local residents.

Many people who didn't know the situation now knew what it meant to spend money like water, and now they knew that this was how marriages in top living families could be done.

It's just a wedding, but it actually cost about a year's GDP of the trade area. Is this still called a wedding? This is called Qian Li.

Even Jia Xi, the person involved, felt that she had heard wrong after knowing the expenses spent on her wedding.

It would be great if this money could be used as starting capital for the young couple in their future marriage.

It's a pity that his idea is unlikely to come true, because this wedding is not just for their husband and wife.

Under the spotlight of everyone, the wedding was elevated to a higher level and started smoothly.

On this day, the construction facilities of the entire trade zone were upgraded to a higher level. More bigwigs came to watch the ceremony. Even senior domain lords who did not have a particularly good relationship with the trade zone, as long as they were in the surrounding area, , all rushed to this trade zone within half a month.

There is no way, they can't come, because there are several boss-level beings from the 'Galaxy Central Star Region' who have issued an ultimatum to them. If they don't come, they will be responsible for the consequences in the future.

It was a threat, but there was no clear explanation of what the consequences would be.

It's all up to your imagination.

Because of these ultimatums, the surrounding experts could not sleep at night.

At least 90% of them rushed to the trade area all night long, and even prepared generous gifts.

After all, it is said that this trade area is now married to the top forces in the Galaxy Central Star Region. The trade students who are already arrogant among the others are supported by several times more domain masters and lower-level masters out of thin air. And they, this group of beings, The strongest one is no more than a senior domain lord. Do you dare not come?


"We rejoice together. From now on, our forces must have good interactions with each other."

"Those who came here today are friends. Our trade zone welcomes everyone to make money together in the future."

The senior executives of the trade zone can be said to be very proud today.

The trade area belongs to the power that does business. In the past, their strength was too high. Is it impossible to conquer all the areas surrounding the entire Spiritual Realm just because of their strength?

That is not called a businessman, but a powerful force. And once you do this, how will your business partners who are beyond your reach think of you? Will they dare to do business with you in the future?

Therefore, the trade zone not only did not take action against these unfriendly forces before, but was constrained by these forces in many aspects, and even behaved a bit cowardly.

But today, the situation is different.

With the endorsement of the large forces in the Galaxy Central Star Region, the entire trade area is like leaning on a big tree.

It really feels like becoming the master once again.

Boom boom boom.

A large number of fireworks exploded in the starry sky around the trade area, and the power of these fireworks is not only used for fireworks, each one can explode on the earth in a ball of terrifying lethality that will destroy the people of the earth. .

Things of this level were just ordinary fireworks in Jia Xi and Xin Dou's wedding.

The trade area is bustling with people.

"Son, you can't be embarrassed. Today is your big day. If you make a fool of yourself because of nervousness, it will not only be your problem, it will also be an embarrassment to our Jia family. It will also be an embarrassment to your grandfather. Do you understand me?"

Jia Rong opened a large formation and let his son and himself fly in the formation, enjoying the observation and gaze of a large number of people.

But when he looked at his son next to him, who was a little nervous and didn't know where to put his hands and feet, he couldn't help but feel angry.

"I know, but...it's better to be nervous when you should be nervous."

Jia Xi couldn't laugh or cry.

In the past, when he was high on the earth, he thought that he was accustomed to the glory he enjoyed as a member of the Jia family and was not afraid of living in the spotlight. But now he realized that what he thought was a habit was just a small scene.

The scene was big enough, but he still had to be nervous.

Don't talk about him, even Jia Rong, who is leading his son to fly in the starry sky and enjoying the admiration of countless people, is still sweating in his hands.

Under the constant attention of all kinds of eyes, the father and son gradually descended on a huge platform.

On the platform, there was an arrogant woman in a white wedding dress. She was looking up at the father and son who fell from the sky with a gorgeous outfit that she had never seen before in her life.

Next to her were her close relatives and maids, each in their own costumes.

This custom comes from the wedding culture of the Galaxy Central Star Region. When the two parties were drawing up the wedding agenda, Jia Yan agreed with a wave of his hand to abide by the other party's marriage culture.

Otherwise, should we still adopt the regional marriage customs? Play music, or come to a church to find a priest?

It's all a bit nonsense, so it's better to just follow the other person's marriage customs. After all, their culture is more ancient and they appear to be more cultivated.

"Is this my future husband?"

Xin Dou looked even more graceful today. She looked up at him and looked at her future husband falling from the sky. I don’t know if I feel uncomfortable or happy inside. All in all a mixed bag of flavors.

She was originally quite resistant to this kind of arranged marriage, but for her, growing up in a strong family, the only marriage waiting for her was this model. Today, if it wasn't Jia Xi, it would be Long Xi, Or east and west, north and west, anyway, there will definitely be a marriage designated by the elders in the family. At this point, she feels better about Jia Xi.

It's a done deal, and even if she doesn't like it, she can't change anything.

Besides, Jia Xi is not a vulgar young master.

On the contrary, it feels a little fresh.

"That's all, let him be my husband. I hope this marriage of mine can last for a long time and be happy..."

As a child of a family with many superpowers, she didn't dare to expect a once-in-a-lifetime wedding, because it was impossible to love only one person forever in a life that lasted thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

The elders in the family each have a lot of weddings.

She only hopes that this first marriage can be happy.


Father and son landed.

At the same time, the fireworks ushered in the craziest moment. Countless fireworks exploded in colorful colors with the power that could blow up the earth, and the whole world was colorful.

The explosion of the largest firework formed a circle of heart shapes, and it lasted for a long time in the vacuum of the universe, at least for decades.

"I'm here to greet you, my favorite princess. I wonder if you can marry me?"

Jia Xi suppressed her heart pounding and spoke the lines she had rehearsed several times.

"I...I do!"

Xin Dou looked at Jia Xi, who was also carefully dressed, and felt that this young man from the countryside had a pure and unpretentious handsomeness. After her heart beat uncontrollably, she smiled happily.

This smile can be said to be the colorless beauty of the Sixth Palace, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that it would captivate a country.

Jia Rongdu lamented that his wife, Jia Xi's mother, was not as beautiful as his son's wife.

How could Xiao Xi be so lucky to be able to hold such a beautiful woman in her arms?


Jia Xi held back her excitement and hugged Xin Dou Qingqiu into her arms. Then she hugged the princess, and the formation under her feet automatically unfolded again, and this time without Jia Rong's operation, it relied on Jia Xi's own strength to push it. Taking off with the formation.

The speed is getting faster and faster. The pair of wall figures are hovering in the entire trade area, enjoying the blessings of countless ordinary people and experts below.

This scene is like the wedding that all women dream of, so sacred, yet lively and romantic.

"Next time, do you agree to teach me how to play that game again?"

Xin Dou was in Jia Xi's arms, with a pretty face that was shy and timid, and her face was flushed.

Even a powerful and well-informed princess is not immune to being affected by such a scene, and her blush shows her true feelings.

"Okay. I will take you to play more and more fun games in the future."

"Then...can we still go to settle in the central star field of the Milky Way?"

Xin Dou asked again.

Jia Xi hesitated this time, and then nodded heavily: "It will definitely be possible, even if it is not possible recently, in a few years, I will definitely ask my grandfather to let us out. Isn't it the Central Star Territory, even the more distant Eastern Star We can find time to go there. Even if you want to travel throughout the galaxy, I will accompany you, even to the ends of the earth..."

Xin Dou Fang's heart trembled, she looked for Shu Yuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com and quietly buried her head in Jia Xi's arms.

"This kid is not embarrassed at all."

Jia Rong's voice came to Jia Yan's ears.

Jia Yan didn't look back, grinned and said, "Son, stop hiding and wipe away your tears. The trembling in your voice betrays you."

"I...I didn't cry..."

Jia Rong rolled his eyes at his father angrily, and then wiped the corners of his eyes calmly.

The woman next to him smiled and looked at him. Jia Rong also stretched out his hand and held the woman's fingers tightly.

This is Jia Xi's biological mother, the big reporter who took the time to come here.

Jia Yan, on the other hand, looked at each other with the beautiful woman next to him who was no less beautiful than his grandson's daughter-in-law, and both of them smiled while looking at each other.

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