Jia Yan suddenly understood that he seemed to be in a state of confusion again.

In the past, I had swallowed ores, star cores, and all kinds of materials. How had I ever been so timid and wavering?

"I've swallowed all kinds of mess, and I'm still afraid!? I'm going to swallow you chicken-neck thing!"

He thrust his mouthpart into Tao's heart.

The process of swallowing was the same as before. The feeling was really good. I felt the power quickly enter my breath and then permeate my whole body.

The speed of digestion is also commendable, because Jia Yan is not really devouring the so-called essence of Taoist heart, but is devouring something similar to the 'power of perception', so this kind of devouring is related to the strength and weakness of his absorption effect, and the speed is fast. In other words, the insights are summarized relatively quickly, and the level is almost close to the real insights from the outside world.

"It feels like this again..."

While he was devouring it, Jia Yan had a keen eye and carefully observed the mixed energy in Tao's heart.

He soon found something.

It was an energy that did not belong to the power of perception, and it poured into his heart as he devoured it.

Logically speaking, this kind of energy is beneficial because it seems to contain great truth.

But Jia Yan had an experience, and after careful investigation, he suddenly came to the conclusion that the reason for his confusion was deeply related to this energy.

He didn't take it seriously last time, and had no time to pay attention to this inexplicable energy during the devouring process.

But this time he figured it out.

“Resist this energy!”

He made a decision, but at the moment when the decision was made, something wavered in his heart.

Why was he shaken internally by this energy?

Not without reason.

"This power...is...Tao?"

He stopped swallowing in surprise, and most of his Taoist heart was stagnated at the front of his mouthparts.

As Jia Yan slowed down his movements, the power of perception inside his body gradually stopped, but the remaining 'Tao power' kept producing strange reactions.


Jia Yan was stunned again soon.

It turns out that the Tao power generated by the Tao heart and the 'guru' Tao power that invaded his body were linked together, and there were other reactions.

There is no criticism, but integration.

"The power of the Tao is profound and unfathomable, and the truth contained in it will be difficult for me to understand for a while... So, should I resist or absorb it?"

The problem before Jia Yan is like a multiple-choice question.

He believed that the two masters of the same level had far better control over themselves than him, so that they eliminated the power resistance during the last devouring.

After all, their lifespan of at least several thousand years is not in vain. In terms of power control, they are a few steps ahead of Jia Yan.

But he didn't rule it out. The two of them looked funny and had some bad thoughts.

Instead of reminding him, Jia Yan was left in a state of confusion all day long due to the influence of Taoist power.

"Hey...those two are really not friends."

He believed that if they were friends with whom they had a little friendship, they would remind him twice, but these two people did not.

"Should I resist it too?"

This Taoist power was able to hide its influence on his body and consciousness for so many days, which was already serious. However, he was a lower-level Territory Lord after all. Now that he discovered its effect, it only took a matter of minutes to get rid of it.

But Jia Yan's heart was wavering.


The powerful people in this world control Tao power.

Even relatively weak beings practice Dao power. After mastering Dao power, their strength is greatly improved.

For example, Bi Dili, the great elder of the small human race at that time, had the physical strength of the mid-level star, but Jia Yan's primary star strength at that time could not beat him.

You must know that at that time, Jia Yan had already surpassed the level to kill the enemy, which was enough to kill a powerful person in the middle or lower level of the star of the Divine Realm.

Moreover, the great elder of the small human race must not be the only strong person at the same level in this world.

It is precisely because of the existence of Tao Li that his strength is astonishing.

"But this matter must be grasped well, otherwise painting a tiger will not turn into an anti-dog. In the end, not only will you lose more than you gain, but it may also affect your own strength..."

Jia Yan is relatively aggressive in terms of strength, but he still has some sway in absorbing Tao power.

Being clever is sometimes a good thing, but more often than not it is a bad thing. When it comes to the strength and consciousness of a late-level Territory Lord, one cannot be too cautious.

And this is why Jia Yan is so tolerant.

He is a person who often takes risks.

And those two people of the same rank must have eliminated the Tao power the moment they noticed it. They would never have thought that they would absorb such a strange power at their age.

People don't do this.

"To risk, or not to risk?"

Jia Yanfu's eyes were complicated.

Recalling the reason for his confusion these days, he was a little entangled, because for these days, his mind was full of thoughts about great principles, and some questions he had never thought about in the past, and he was constantly searching for answers in his mind. .

In the process, he seemed to have a better understanding of the nature of things.

Presumably, as long as those Dao powers are digested, it will have an indirect impact on his strength, and maybe some of his combat effectiveness will be increased.

"If a whole Dao heart is swallowed up this time, Dao power will have a greater impact. My state of confusion will last longer, but it will definitely have more benefits for me. I just don't know, the mind Will it become permanent damage..."

The point where Jia Yan swings is right here.

If there is an increase in strength, that is a benefit, but the increase in strength is obtained at the expense of brain damage, and he has to cry.


Suddenly, Jia Yan felt the clone return quickly.

During this trip to the other world, Jia Yan was not able to lead more clones. Only the Black God clone was brought into the other world because of his talent and size.


The Black God clone came to the tree cave and immediately understood what happened to the real body.

After the two come into contact, their respective memories and thoughts are connected.

"You go back and let two of the seven people try this Tao Heart."

Jia Yan didn't hesitate for long, he directly plucked a small dot a few meters in size from the heart of the Tao, divided it into two halves, took a roll of spiritual power, and threw it to the clone.

The clone caught it and jumped out of the tree hole without saying a word.

It is impossible for him to affect the true body's concentration on absorbing the benefits.

When I came back this time, I originally wanted to talk about the little human race, but I didn't expect that the true body's cultivation process was so dangerous.

"That Taoist mind is indeed extraordinary."

Black God Jia Yan looked solemn, and without stopping, he quickly arrived at the meeting point 100,000 kilometers away.

"Sir, I just made a new discovery, that little human race..."

A strong man of the first level of the star had been waiting at the place for a long time. When he saw Jia Yan returning, he immediately came closer as if he wanted to take credit.

But the Black God Jia Yan stopped his words and threw down a super tiny particle of matter.

It's only two or three meters in size.

"Swallow this thing, don't worry, it's a benefit. It's a reward for your hard work in the past two days."


The other party looked stunned.

He wanted to say that he didn't want to swallow this thing that looked extremely weird.

But he couldn't resist Jia Yan's intense gaze. After hesitating for a moment, he sighed softly, opened his mouth and swallowed the tiny substance into his mouth.

Anyway, it's only a few meters in size. For his huge body that can reach several kilometers, it's just a foreign object. He believes that no matter how terrible the substance is, as long as he has strong resistance, he will not die.

Maybe the adult in front of me wants to test poison or something.


The moment it swallowed up this tiny Taoist heart, the first-level star expert knew that he had guessed wrong.

"What is this?! Uh..."

He shook violently.

The heart of the Tao instantly melted at the entrance, and the strange foreign energy was like a maggot attached to the bone, directly causing massive destruction in his body.


This majestic first-level master was rolling on the ground, looking in agony.

"Sir...what are you doing?"

Just as Jia Yan was observing this person's movements, several more figures emerged from the mountain forest. Among them, the stellar middle-level leader of the Divine Realm looked at Jia Yan with an extremely ugly expression.

"Don't worry, he won't die. For him, this thing is still of great benefit."

How could Jia Yan know if he would die?

I just used these remarks to reassure people.

Hearing this, everyone who returned felt a little relieved, but their eyes were still full of worry and vigilance.

It doesn't matter if his companions were killed or injured.

They were afraid that Jia Yan would put them in the same position and use them for research later.

Facts have proved that this concern is not unnecessary.

When the tumbling star began to move and gradually stopped moving, Jia Yan knew that it would be difficult to achieve results for the time being, and glanced at the remaining people.

The outsiders from the Divine Realm, headed by Xingxing Intermediate, had their eyes twitching and stepped back involuntarily.

"Perhaps the stellar mid-level will be more effective. Come and give it a try. Don't worry, this is a God-given opportunity for you and others. Don't miss it."

Black God Jia Yan said lightly.

The mid-level star had a bitter look on his face, but he didn't hesitate for too long, nodded and stepped forward.

"Sir, if the villain is lucky enough to survive, that's fine. But if something unexpected happens, please let the villain's remaining brothers go."

"I'll do it."

Jia Yan's reply seemed to confirm his intention to use these guys as a test, which immediately made the other party feel chilled.

"Open your mouth."


The opponent opened his mouth wide and took the other half of the heart fragment Jia Yan shot into his mouth.

In an instant, the mid-level star's expression changed drastically, and he began to cry out in pain.

The five masters who were not treated as test subjects shrank to the side and looked at Jia Yan. Their eyes were no longer filled with reverence, but with a little resentment, but this resentment was deeply hidden.

In front of a strong man who doesn't know the depth of his strength, they will definitely not show their hatred.

Otherwise it would be impossible to die.

"Sure enough, the stronger the strength, the stronger the resistance and absorption of the Dao Heart."

Black God Jia Yan silently observed the performance of this mid-level star from the air, nodding from time to time.

At a certain moment, he said with a gloomy face: "Don't expel that Tao power and swallow it. This thing is your great creation."

The mid-level leader of the stars sighed and nodded. Then Jia Yan saw that his consciousness fell into chaos.

It is very similar to the original chaos of Jia Yan's real body.

Now the Black God Jia Yan became serious.

Look carefully at the other person's expression.

You must know that this person's strength is at the middle level of a star. Although there is a huge gap in strength from Jia Yan's own body, they are both outsiders and they also practice cosmic energy, so they still have some reference significance.

Moreover, what he swallowed was only a dao heart of one or two meters in size, and the physical damage was not expected to be serious.

"I will examine myself three times that day!"

"Quack, if you get the right way, you will get a lot of help, but if you don't get the right way, you will get little help!"

"Subduing the enemy's troops without fighting is the best policy!"


Jia Yan listened to this person saying some mysterious words from time to time, and nodded again.

This is the state of enlightenment. The ability of Tao Xin is indeed extraordinary. Even a mid-level star can comprehend something.

Although on the surface it looked like he was mentally ill, Jia Yan believed that the other party would not collapse so easily.

While speaking, the eyes of the primary star powerhouse on the other side suddenly widened, and the aura in his body increased explosively.

Reached the mid-stellar level.

And the carp stood up straight, opened its eyes and jumped up from the ground.

"Sir! Thank you for your kindness!"

The other party was so confused that he knelt down and knelt down to Jia Yan.


This one is not dead?

Jia Yan was startled, he thought this was dead.

You didn't lie dead on the ground and did nothing for a long time.

Wouldn't it be a waste of another piece of Dao Heart?

But he thought so deep down, and he still did enough on the surface. "Very good. It's as good as I expected. You've also benefited greatly. Come over here and tell me about your experience and insights."


The other party's eyebrows were filled with joy and he stood in front. However, under the strange expressions of everyone, this person stood upright and walked, his steps staggering.

You know, this guy was a reptile just a moment ago...

"Sir, after I swallowed that magical substance, I felt a very strong impact in my heart. It seemed that a large number of magical and powerful masters were instilling knowledge into me. In an instant, I knew that I had never thought of it before. A great truth that has never been explored.”

He talked eloquently, looked at his colleagues behind him, and said earnestly: "At the same time, I understand better that our divine realm is not a real avenue, and the divine system followed in the entire realm is definitely not The long-lasting way, all friends, listen to me, find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com and give up this way in the future."


The eyes of the masters of the Great Spiritual Realm behind him became even more strange.

But Jia Yan didn't think as much as they thought. He glanced at the standing reptile and nodded from time to time.

In the process of realization, this master has a vague temperament.

In addition to the sudden increase in strength from the initial level of a star to the middle level of a star, the whole person gives people a kind of nervous feeling.

Well, he doesn't admit to being mentally ill.

Otherwise, the true body that has swallowed up so many Taoist hearts would be the king of mental illness.

"The so-called retribution is clearly manifested by nature. The path we and the Divine Spirit Realm are taking is to control the people and the entire Divine Spirit Realm. It is regarded as evil by countless forces from the outside world. We are destined to know this in our hearts. It is dangerous and abnormal. However, But we turned a blind eye for the sake of our own selfishness. This is the idea of ​​evil heretics..."

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