Jia Yan has never taken care of his own children.

He has grandchildren, but he is still alone, and his habits have not changed.

But in recent years, the little fish Adisha has made up for this experience to some extent.

Children are all much the same.

Editha seems to be extremely smart and smart, but now that she has become a living being, she also has the character traits that a child should have.

Because of its outstanding abilities, bears are more lethal than ordinary children.

Jia Yan finally realized how amazing this little guy was in terms of his energy, brilliant whims, and ability to cause trouble and irritate people.

After just two months, he witnessed Edita hurriedly sneaking to the border of the West Road, bordering the trading planet of another senior domain lord-level force, and then turned upside down inside, killing a star-level Qi. He vomited blood and was seriously injured, and then he was mercilessly beaten to the Star Lord's Mansion, scolding the other party in front of the Galaxy-level Star Lord, but the Star Lord couldn't come up with any words to refute, and he wanted to protect his own people, but Soon a subordinate trotted over and handed over a piece of information. After that, the Star Master's entire face seemed to have been struck by lightning. When he looked back, his expression had changed. With a smile like a flower, he praised Editha for doing a good job and eliminating a big harm for the planet. , will definitely punish that stellar family.

After such an experience, little Editha suddenly started to tremble on the border planet. She showed off her power and was arrogant. She just had to take care of things that she couldn't understand, and people who didn't like her would definitely touch her.

In just two months, from the star master's family to the local gangsters, the atmosphere on the entire planet has completely changed, just because of a little brat like her.

"This stinky girl, she hit her right and wrong."

Jia Yan watched the process in the sub-space for two months, and he felt that it was something new. Sometimes what Edisha did was quite efficient. At least with his method, every time he encountered a difficult kid, it was usually either The solution to the problem by force was either to be tolerated, but her naughty behavior was able to solve the problem better without making her feel uncomfortable.

"What is she going to do again?"

Under Jia Yan's attention, Adisha made new moves.

On this day, Edisha swaggered out of the residence that the Star Master had specially found for her, and bought a bunch of supplies in the main city of the planet. Many of them were low-end, but some were relatively high-end, which ordinary strong people could not buy at all. , but because Edisa's prestige here was established, the shopkeepers not only sold it, but even sold it without making much money.

Otherwise, if the famous little brats come to do a 'joint law enforcement', they won't have to open their store, and they will have to go to jail.

Adisha carried large and small bags, threw her things in the sub-space, and headed back happily.

Jia Yan approached the batch of materials purchased by Edisha and looked at them for a moment, looking a little surprised.

"They are all related to formation practice. Is she really studying some new formation techniques?"

It is certain that Edisha possesses special skills, but Jia Yan still can't figure out how far she has practiced the array skills.

Because this little guy cultivates the power of formations, he never shows it to the outside world. Instead, he uses repeated calculations and exercises in his mind. His brain is like a precise instrument. He seems to be shopping, but I am afraid that he has already made some progress on certain formation problems in his mind. No less than thousands of calculations.

Soon, Adisha sat down cross-legged in the hotel where she was staying, with a slightly serious look on her cute face.

With Jia Yan's permission, the little guy has let go of his growth genes. In more than half a year, his delicate little body has grown up. He is half a head taller and looks much more delicate.

On the face with pink makeup and jade, she quickly opened her small mouth and spit out a few sentences that Jia Yan could not distinguish. The power of the array automatically condensed in the air...

"Good guy!"

Jia Yan was quite moved.

"She no longer only uses her fingers to carve mental power formations. Is this just following her words?"

Jia Yan didn't even touch upon such an area.

Because strictly speaking, he does not have the gene for converting formations, and the speed and depth of his cultivation of formations cannot be too deep. Even those disciples of the Yin Yang Sect who have successfully converted 50% of the formations will be better than Jia Yan. .

Editha's mysterious and unpredictable way of speaking and speaking was very lofty in Jia Yan's eyes.

The little girl was full of temperament, which was somewhat incompatible with her serious expression.

But the technical operations she performed still made people understand that she was performing something extremely important.

Jia Yan couldn't bear it, fearing that some accident would interrupt her progress, so she quietly arranged spiritual power around the hotel so that no one could detect it, but generally speaking, those who entered this place would enter unconsciously. Hold your breath and be cautious.

After the formations were condensed in the air, they each performed their duties and continued to float in the air. Later, a large amount of materials flew out from the sub-space, most of which came from the things that the little one had purchased just now.

Jia Yan also observed her operations momentarily.

I have to mention that watching this little guy perform formation operations is like watching a flawless drama, every little detail is so excellent.

Looking at it, Jia Yan vaguely saw something. The compound eyes of the giant mosquito burst out with a ball of brilliance, almost failing to hide his figure, and his heart was extremely shaken.

It shows that even he was quite shocked after seeing what the little girl did.

"Is she...could it be..."

Jia Yan's eyes became more and more solemn. Finally, when he saw Edisha making the material gradually take shape while putting down the array of brilliance, and the formed thing gradually turned into a very clear shadow, Jia Yan finally determined .

"She has actually touched upon the realm of life!"

It can be said that Jia Yan's shock was not pretentious at all.

As we all know, the life field is the most magical field. Generally speaking, even the galaxy-level powerhouses have difficulty getting involved in this field. When Jia Yan first saw the so-called life field, he had his first contact with the Zerg Queen's clone. when. The Queen of the Zerg had already reached the Domain Lord level at that time, and she was also a very unique talent among the mid-level powerhouses in the Galaxy. Generally speaking, not everyone at the Galaxy level could master the life domain ability. Of course, it was also because it was not necessary. For strong people who study this stuff, their efforts are not proportional to their rewards, so there are not that many strong people developing towards the field of life.

But Edisha's true strength now, even if she tries hard, she has only reached the peak of the intermediate level of the Venerable. At this level of strength, he actually tried to understand the realm of life?

"I'm afraid it's because of her own unique life that she gained insights. In addition, when she participated in the construction of the world, she also obtained a lot of first-hand information..."

Jia Yan came to his senses.

However, he knew why she had a life realm, but the problem was that Jia Yan still didn't know what Adisha was doing.

The life created by the array and the pile of supplies?


Suddenly, Jia Yan thought of something and his whole body was shaken.

He quickly turned his gaze to the constructed figure, and as he focused his gaze, he concentrated all his attention. After careful observation, he immediately discovered that this prototype of life actually contained a lot of energy in every cell. The power of 'Array Gene'.


Jia Yan's shock this time was even worse than when he learned that Edisha actually had the power of the formation.

You must know that the characters who originally converted the formation genes of Edisha and others were Jia Yan and Laita. Only those with the strength of Intermediate Galaxy or above can master the fine power of formation operation, and more importantly, have the mental power. , and the level of mastery of power.

What kind of strength does lovely Disha have?

Unexpectedly, without even realizing it, he used unique techniques to create a life with the formation gene.

The two of them are the genes that transform real life. While the lovely Disha is transforming, she is still creating life. In a sense, it is more than ten times more difficult than what Jia Yan and the others did originally!

You really just have talent and can do whatever you want!

This time, Jia Yan no longer had an attitude of overlooking. He held his breath and carefully studied Edisha's operation. Although she may not be successful, this process is definitely worthy of his study and reference. I am afraid that the progress of the formation in the future will be very different. It depends on this line of observation.

No shame.

In the matter of cultivation, the master is the teacher, and he doesn’t have the mentality of a disciple, so he doesn’t allow the master to learn from his disciples? Besides, it’s not like everyone doesn’t know.

"No, this still doesn't work..."

After watching for a moment, Jia Yan, as a stronger person, already knew the result of this attempt by Edisha.

Sure enough, just when Edisha was about to complete the operation when she was halfway through the operation, she saw the figure burst into pieces and turned into powder.

"Yeah! I'm so angry."

Adisha clapped her little hands and wiped away the powder and dust all over her body. Her delicate little eyebrows were all tangled into a mess.

As the saying goes, only by practicing hard can you make further progress. Generally speaking, when studying this kind of thing, it is not worth being discouraged if you fail for the first time, not to mention that she has already done more than half of it, and she might just miss the mark.

But if you say this to Edisha, she will sneer at you.

Because she has already gone through this kind of experiment many times in her mind. To her, failure means that this path is unworkable. There is no saying that if you practice a few more times, you can succeed.

This is not cultivation, but production. Don’t be distracted during the process. If you are not distracted, there will be no gap in experience.

"What's the difference? Edisha doesn't understand!"

Little Edisha rarely had any problems that she couldn't solve, but facing this failure, she also felt a lot of frustration.

"I'm so angry. I originally wanted to tell my master about these research results. As long as I study them well, what my master is doing can be easily solved."

Unhappiness appeared on Adisha's dusty little face.

Jia Yan in the subspace felt warm after hearing this.

He finally understood that the formation and the realm of life that Edisha created were for her own benefit.

"I'm afraid she wants to come up with a better way to operate the power of the array gene. After all, the previous experiments in the Yin Yang Sect were not sufficient, and the failure rate was too high..."

Adisha continued her research, and finally stopped keeping the experiment in her mind. From time to time, she took out pen and paper to write and draw in a small notebook. She also took out her brain and carried out dazzling experiments on her brain. operation.

Jia Yan also realized from her performance that the recent slowdown in this little guy's strength improvement was definitely not due to the fact that her genetic talent for perfect formations had run out, but that she deliberately did not practice hard and instead went all out. Research on Zhendao genes.

This is about giving yourself a gift.

What a well-behaved child!

Jia Yan was moved.

In this way, with the trembling of everyone from the star master to the common people on the border planet, Editha continued her "little child atrocities" on the planet, showing off her power, not to mention, after that failure, there were even more She has a reputation as a 'resource robbing girl'. Every time she sets her sights on something for research, no matter whose hands it is, she will come to ask for it, and will cause trouble if it is not given to her.

One time, a powerful man at the beginning of the galaxy couldn't stand the fact that Edita went to his home several times to ask for an expensive material from the stars, so he wanted to take action against this little girl who everyone shunned.

The result is tragic.

What was a good and passionate plot turned directly into a tragedy at the end. His family was destroyed, and even he himself was subdued by the star master with one move.

When faced with the Star Lord's suggestion that "all the supplies from her family will be given to you as compensation," Edisa turned a deaf ear. She only wanted those supplies and rushed back to the hotel to study them.

Finally, the days passed day by day, and it came to the time she and Jia Yan had agreed to 'see each other again for a while'.

During this process, not only the people of the border planet were uneasy, but Editha was also in a bad mood day by day. Even Jia Yan, who witnessed her whole experience in the subspace, also cast an indelible shadow.

It's not about anything else, it's just that the number of times Edisha failed is increasing. It seems that she is close to success the first time, but every time after that, she is closer to success than the last time, but she never reaches the point of success. time.

It seems that things that are clearly within reach are actually extremely far away.

"Why on earth! Adisha is so annoying!"

Adisha almost collapsed, looking for Shuyuan www. zhaaoshuyuan.com She has long, silky hair, disheveled and disheveled, which almost made her bald.

Jia Yan was also thinking hard in the sub-space.

Don't think that he is really inferior to Adisha.

Just in terms of calculation and memory, Jia Yan may be a little convinced, but in other aspects, Jia Yan prides himself on being no worse than anyone else.

Through these few months of observation, he also had a general understanding of the other party's research direction.


Jia Yan suddenly thought of something.

"Life is not so easy to change its essence. It is not easy to create life. But if you want to directly make the created life jump directly from the lowest level of life form out of thin air to a talented array talent, I'm afraid that this will naturally be blocked by the laws of the universe. It's not that the universe has any great emotions, but that life is the most complex thing in the universe. She wants to achieve it overnight and achieve two miracles in one breath, which is naturally superimposed. Difficulties."

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