Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 46 Brainwave expansion exercises!

Although there may be better training methods for the body, Jia Yan doesn't feel that his body can make much progress through training other than mutating again!

As for brainwave power, the more he improves, the more great discoveries he makes. It seems that at his current level of brainwave power, he can make greater progress in his combat effectiveness through training!

But it depends on how quickly he learns next!

"The way brainwave power is used in combat can almost all be regarded as a long-range attack. However, if used properly, it is also very good to use it as a defensive force. But the requirements for the user's brainwave power control are relatively high! "

Jia Yan looked at the article on the piece of paper.

He gradually understood that using brainwave power to pronounce words in the air was just a superficial way of using it. In fact, the power of brainwave power was far beyond that!

"The power of brainwave power is not only reflected in attack and defense. Its speed is also at a level that physical combatants cannot reach. If a user is skilled in the use of brainwave power, the speed of using brainwave power is almost It can reach the speed of brain operation. Some high-level combat professionals, their brain speed is dozens or even hundreds of times faster than ordinary intelligent beings due to long-term use!"

"There are some starry sky behemoths with powerful brain waves, and their brain speed is incredibly close to the speed of light! And the fast brain speed will not only make their attack power and defense faster, but what's even more frightening is that their The intelligence has also been greatly improved. Others can only think about one question in one second, and it is even impossible to finish a question, but a being with fast brain waves has already thought through a series of things!"

"According to long-standing rumors, the being with the greatest brainwave power is a starry sky beast dominated by brainwave power. Fifty thousand years ago, it seemed to have appeared once in a starry sky far away from the empire. At that time, this existence was almost. Use your own power to completely destroy a civilization whose level of civilization exceeds that of the empire!"

"There are rumors that the main advanced intelligent civilizations in the Milky Way starry sky are all descendants of that destroyed civilization. Of course, this kind of thing is just a distant legend. At least the scholars of our empire believe that the empire is not the descendant of that civilization. "

"Fortunately, we no longer see powerful brainwave starry sky beasts. Even in the empire's long records, there are only three sightings of starry sky beasts!"

Jia Yan buried his head in the records on these pieces of paper. There is actually not much information to learn from, but Jia Yan is still fascinated by it. For him, this kind of thing is not only a disguised form of learning, but also a good material for determining his own path.

"Then let me do my own brainwave expansion exercises first! It is said that this kind of exercise is most useful for beginners. It also seems to be able to quickly master the deep effects of brainwave power!"

Jia Yan followed the words on the paper and started intensive exercises that were useful to him!

It seems there are still more than two months until it reaches Earth. But in Jia Yan's opinion, this little time is not much at all, if brainwave strength training is on the right track. Probably two months is not enough.

However, he still encouraged himself and tried his best to squeeze out his time. If he could make full use of his time, perhaps when he arrived on Earth, his brainwave power would make those metal monsters and Daphne appear next. , maybe a 'surprise'!

It's not like Jia Yan has never thought about using the remaining items from the small flying saucer to get an opportunity for the next mutation, but he knows that his body has only just undergone mutation, and there is still not enough foundation for the next mutation.

After several recent mutations, it can actually be seen that the effect of the mutation is becoming more and more powerful, but the digestion time required is also getting longer and longer. It seems that Jia Yan's body has also begun to need an adaptation and absorption process. The process of mutating matter!

His body no longer feels like it could continuously mutate when it was small before. Instead, after one mutation, it takes a period of absorption before the next mutation can occur!

Therefore, Jia Yan no longer expects that he will be able to mutate immediately.

It is impossible to reach the point of mutating again for at least two months.

"I hope that if I work hard to train my brain wave power, I can make a qualitative leap in two months. After all, beginners always make the fastest progress in anything!"

Jia Yan corrected his mood and tried his best to master the brain wave knowledge!

Earth, a planet that once had a brilliant civilization, now has thick smoke rising from the surface!

The appearance of these thick smoke is not as simple as humans cooking and making fire!

Whose fireworks can burn so horribly that they can be seen in space? !

That's the flames of war!

The smoke is filling the air, and the flames of war have spread everywhere on the earth. Half a year has passed since the metal monster appeared on the earth. Human beings on the earth have begun to get used to it. That is the day when the earth is no longer dominated by the earth's people!

Metal monsters seem to treat humans as playthings. They occasionally attack human cities. More often, they scatter and look for human figures hiding in the wilderness to attack!

Facing such metal monsters, humans will not surrender so easily. At the moment of race survival, various tactics and legendary figures began to appear among the people!

Just near Shanghai City, a small village has become famous!

This is a village without a name.

It is said that there are several humans who are accustomed to trap fighting. Their first victory was to defeat a fully equipped metal monster. Although the price they paid was relatively high, they completely protected their home!

In the subsequent battles, their combat abilities were further strengthened!

They also have some clues about the source of their arms, and they can always find the weapons that are most suitable for this village.

In the subsequent battle, the village gradually showed its abilities. On the second 'hunt', he defeated two metal monsters!

The third ‘hunt’, defeated three metal monsters!

The fourth ‘hunt’ actually eliminated a small army of five metal monsters!

After four battles, the reputation of this village has spread nearby, and many humans have gathered here like a snowball!

After all, a village has a strong combat power and can best protect the people. This village can even eliminate a small regular army of metal monsters. That is something that only a regular army can do. People naturally rush to this place.

Being able to live for a while longer is just a period of time. This period is already full of chaos, and people without great power can only drift with the tide in this world!

In a period of half a year, the entire human society has already become a survival of the strong. The bad nature of human beings that only manifests itself in chaotic times is fully reflected in this period!

Fortunately, the village does not seem to be like this. While continuing to expand, his system is also gradually taking shape!

Gradually, this village began to look less like a village and more like a larger town!

"Yesterday, more than fifty people came to our place. Among them were old people with farming experience and some plasterers. I took them all in, but I didn't take in a few former officials. One of them actually Point at my nose and say I don’t take the government seriously!”

A man with a full beard sat in a room with the lights on, smiling at the man wearing glasses on the other side.

These two people are naturally the two who have become the absolute protagonists in the village. It can be said that they have unintentionally intervened. In a few months, the two of them actually opened up the situation and built a small village into a An extremely strong castle!

In this place, their words are an absolute power!

The Jia family has also gained a certain status in this village. Although the distance between them and the two killers has gradually widened, they are still people who escaped together. Regardless of whether the two killers are still with the so-called Senior 'Chong Wen' is related, so he still treats them well! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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